I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 53 I’ll lead the way

Chen Chu sat cross-legged for half an hour, practicing one of the books given by Master Sanshanzi called Breathing Health Gong.

The benefits of breathing health-preserving skills are much higher than those given by Master Zhang. He plans to practice slowly based on this book if no better training method appears in the coming days...

Distended abdomen.

Feeling a little like peeing.

A thin layer of fog suddenly filled the corridor.

The air seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant. Chen Chu felt that all the hair on his body stood on end, and he felt an extreme sense of crisis. This was something he had never experienced before after living in several worlds.

He gritted his teeth hard and changed his hand seals. The feeling of blood boiling all over his body was exciting and great!

It’s like the experience of participating in a Green Bull event for the first time!

Depression, danger is accompanied by a feeling of extreme depression.

At the end of the corridor in front of him, the lights slowly dimmed, falling into darkness, and there appeared... an unusually tall figure, covered from head to toe in brown, red, dark red, light red, and various red strips of cloth. Look. Faceless, as if there is no handle at all, a tall mop head walking...

As expected of a ghost, the sense of oppression is too strong.

The corridor of the residential building is very high, almost four meters, but this mop head... Gui Cha is more than three meters tall. He is holding a tattered oil paper umbrella in his hand and moving slowly.

Behind him, three tall and thin ghosts, covered in cloth strips, walked out of the darkness one after another. They also held three oil-paper umbrellas. The corridor was obviously so big, but the four of them had to squeeze together to walk.

Block the aisle to the gap where only one person can pass sideways on both sides.

They walked slowly, but the next moment they were in front of them!

Chen Chu raised his head and said with a smile: "Pindao has been waiting here for a long time. Please stop and have a quick meal before leaving. How about listening to Pindao chat for a few words?"

He is more than three meters tall, and he is like a high wall when squeezed in front of him!

Chen Chu sat on the ground and opened the boxes of glutinous rice, boiled eggs, and the lid of white wine. The aroma of the food and wine slowly spread out.

Gui Cha didn't say a word or move...

Chen Chu: "..."

Sudden! ! ! The ghost man who was walking at the forefront, the oil-paper umbrella in his hand, without any warning, directly covered Chen Chu's Tianling Cover. In an instant, Chen Chu felt that the things around him were twisting and changing wildly. He even saw mountains of swords, seas of fire, oil pans of graphite, and even his face. Feel the heat of the frying pan!

Chen Chu sighed, did he really have to waste an opportunity?

Just when his whole body was about to sink into a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, there was a loud sound in his mind, like the beating of a gong. Everything in front of him returned to its original state, the heat dissipated, and he was still sitting on the floor in the corridor.

However, he found that his administrator's clothes were a bit burnt yellow.

The oil-paper umbrella that Gui Cha covered on his Tianling cover cracked and cracked with a texture. He didn't move for a long time, just like a statue...

Chen Chu broke the silence between them and picked up the trident on his knees: "By chance, I have to gain the general's appreciation and obtain this object and body protection..."

The bodies of the four ghosts made a creaking sound similar to the bending of wood.

In fact, their lower bodies stood firmly on the spot, and their upper bodies slowly bent down at 90 degrees. Their heads covered with cloth hung in front of Chen Chu, as if they were sizing them up. After a long time, their bodies slowly straightened back.

They closed the oil-paper umbrellas at the same time and said in unison: "Yes, half a quarter of an hour." Finally they knew why they didn't speak. Although the voice was rich, it was very aggressive. It was like a magic sound filling his ears, shaking Chen Shi's brain and eardrums. Stinging pain, head buzzing.

Well said, but I can't listen.

Chen Chu rubbed his eardrums and made a greeting gesture on the food: "It's not surprising that there are many people in the world who pay attention to etiquette, but it's not respectful to eat a small meal."

The ghost guards remained motionless, but the food on the ground changed. Four large boxes of glutinous rice rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye, followed by the eggs, which he peeled and quickly shriveled, and finally the wine. The strong smell of alcohol swirled in the air, and the content inside slowly decreased, finally evaporating until not a drop remained...

The meal was eaten and the wine was drunk.

Chen Chu got straight to the point: "You have come all the way. I guess it must be for the evil sorcerer Zhong Jiu who steals the sky and changes the sun, borrowing yin to return yang. I wonder what obstacles have been encountered, and the success has not been achieved?"

This sentence seemed to anger Gui Cha, a crack appeared on the wine bottle, and the trident on Chen Chu's knee glowed slightly.

The ghost's voice sounded again: "The evil tricks, blinding eyes with a leaf!"

This voice is a little more angry than the emotionless one just now, isn't it? Two years ago, since this bastard Zhong Jiu used evil magic to take away the yin life and replenish the yang life, and forcibly stayed in the world, they were responsible for coming to seduce the souls and take their lives. Two years ago , I come here every night, and I can’t find anyone anywhere every night, so I can only return without success! ! !

Coming to this residential building is like clocking in to work, and from time to time I bump into a woman with yin and yang eyes taking a peek.

I just came here tonight and saw a young man blocking the road. I was immediately angry. If I pretended not to see them, nothing would happen. But if you block the road so boldly, then take him away...

Chen Chu didn't know what these Gui Cha, who cherished words like gold, were thinking, but he knew what he was going to do next. After all, on his first day in this world, Gui Cha's power was also in his plan.

He stood up slowly and said: "I think the evil sorcerer used some kind of formation to hide himself and isolate you from detection, but it doesn't matter. He can isolate you but not the living people. I am here to lead the way. I just want to use my hands. Can you all lend a helping hand!!”


In Ah Jiu's room.

He held a handful of white powder in his hand and spread it in the shape of a mosquito coil on the incense table. He chanted a mantra in his mouth: "Three lights, the sun and the moon will drive away ghosts and clouds, going against the will of heaven..." He threw an empty urn into the corner. Broken in half, there were at least twenty urns and jars densely packed there...

How could there be so many children's ashes in the world? For these things, graves were dug, and even pillars were stolen and replaced in the columbarium several times.

There were several pale-skinned children squatting next to the door. They were all souls who had followed the urn. They had not yet become ghosts and could not do anything. They followed the ashes wherever they were. When the ashes were refined and absorbed, they I would also be out of my mind. This place was crowded with children...

Now there are only two or three. With Ah Jiu's current smoking speed, I'm afraid they will have to... in a few days...

Ah Jiu was sucking in the ashes and enjoying the feeling of his body gradually returning to life. He suddenly said "Huh?", looked at the ceiling, and laughed. It has been more than two years.

Those ghosts are really persistent and arrive at the exact time every day. Even the clock on the wall is not as accurate as theirs...

But no matter what, he spent a full year in advance to arrange the formation in this entire building. It is integrated and indestructible. The closer they are to his room, the more it will interfere with their perception. No matter how hard they look, it will be useless, including tonight. !

He took another breath and suddenly choked. Something was wrong. Why didn't the ghost take a detour and came straight over? There could be no problem with his formation unless there was someone alive to lead the way!

The street boy is Chen Chu! ! ! ! !

Why are you so quiet? Everyone, I'm so scared. Don't let the book review be quiet. .

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