Abo is very short, and Chen Chu is two heads taller than him, so he needs to raise his head slightly to look into his eyes.

Chen Chu smiled slightly and said, "Uncle, the purpose of telling you this is very simple. Plant good causes, form good relationships, and get good results."

Abo straightened his suit vest, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and stared at Chen Chu faintly: "Young man, it seems that you know me very well... Do you know what I am? Aren't you afraid?"

"Abo, I know very little about you."

Chen Chu thought for a while and decided to get straight to the point. He was afraid that being too vague would be self-defeating. He said, "But I happened to have a little skill and I happen to know what you are going to do and what will happen next! If I guessed correctly, You must have been practicing for more than a hundred years, specializing in merits and virtues, and tonight is the time when your merits will be perfected..."

Abel's eyes twitched.

Chen Chu continued: "But your last calamity, if it proceeds according to the original trajectory, is destined to be destroyed before your merits are completed! Because in addition to encountering petty theft, you will also encounter a prostitute..."

Abo was listening carefully to what Chen Chu was saying. When the word "prostitute" came out of Chen Chu's mouth, his whole body was shaken. The cold breath that came from nowhere sprang out from his back and spread to his limbs and bones. As if he was in an ice cellar, he hurriedly raised his hand to stop Chen Chu's next words: "Stop, stop talking!"

Just a moment of time.

The suit vest and the shirt underneath were soaked with sweat, and the hand holding the black umbrella was shaking: "It turns out that we are both practitioners. This method of my brother really makes me ashamed. Thank you for your kindness, but it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes in my practice. When disaster strikes, it is a test for practitioners. Knowing it in advance is not good, and it is more likely that all previous efforts will be wasted..." His title to Chen Chu changed from the young man at the beginning to his brother.

Does your world still have this kind of setting?

Chen Chu looked at the time on his phone, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Uncle... No, brother, can I go for a walk with you tonight? Don't worry, unless you have to, I will just watch and never interfere. !”

Uncle's fingers were stroking the dense scratches back and forth on the umbrella handle. To be honest, he had just heard the man in front of him say that his practice might fall short. At this moment, he felt a little hard to accept it, because he was practicing good deeds, even though it was only for a short period of time. One hundred and twenty-nine years, but this journey has been much more difficult than others.

He nodded: "Don't say or do anything."

Chen Chu said there was no problem.

Why did he have to help this uncle? It was just because Chen Chu accidentally saw this series of short movies, and it was a pity to see the uncle's successful practice later.

Now that he has the opportunity to come to this world, he will naturally do something to make up for his regrets.

Chen Chu stretched out his hand: "Hello, my name is Chen Chu..."

Uncle also stretched out his hand, shook it with him and said: "Usually people call me Uncle Lin. My real name is Lin Xian. How many years older are you? If you are older, you can just call me Brother Lin."

At this moment, a bus drove up in the distance. Lin Umbrella stretched out her hand to say hello, got on the bus, and paid Chen Chu the fare for getting off...

Lin Xian, who had just gotten into the car, seemed very tired. He leaned on the pillow of the chair and yawned: "Brother, how long have you been practicing?"

Chen Chu looked at the slowly moving scenery outside and said, "I can't remember clearly, it must have been four or five years ago..."

Lin Umbrella's eyes fell on Chen Chu's hands: "Four or five years...well, it's not bad for you. If we want to shorten our practice time, we have no other choice but to take the wrong path and the path of suffering. In this world, people's hearts are Being impetuous is hard, being a good person is even harder, alas... I'll take a break."

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head and immediately fell asleep.

Chen Chu was a little dumbfounded. It's such an enviable sleep. The words "fall asleep" were probably meant for you.

He also leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest. The bus passed one stop after another. When it arrived at the terminal, there was no one else in the carriage except the driver and the two of them.

The driver glanced at the rearview mirror and reminded: "You two, the terminal is here."

Lin Xian woke up wobbly and looked at the station outside the window: "Oops, I've already sat and stood. Brother, why didn't you call me? Hey, I was confused. I didn't seem to tell you where to get off."

He stood up from the chair and was about to get off the car. Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, a man in his thirties rushed in, holding a switchblade and pointing at the driver: "Quick, give me the money!"

When there was a robbery, the people were the same as in the original show.

The driver looked at the knife dangling, took out a bill and handed it over.

Unexpectedly, the man threw the banknotes on the ground and yelled: "Push to the street, what's the use of ten yuan? What can it buy? I tell you to take out all the money!"

The driver suddenly laughed and took out two wrenches, one large and one small, from the side of the seat: "Do you want that? Which one do you want to choose?" The end of the wrench is very heavy, and it is not a joke to hit it on the head. And every wrench in his hand is bigger and longer than the switch knife used in the robbery...

Just when the man was frightened by the two wrenches, Lin Xian stretched out the black umbrella in his hand and hit his hand hard, knocking the switchblade off. After shouting a few words, the man was scared away. The driver glanced at Lin Umbrella unexpectedly and praised: "You are very brave. You have to sit and stand. I will take you back for free!"

Lin Umbrella touched the scratches on the handle of the umbrella and said with a smile, "Thank you, good things come to you!"

Before starting, the driver looked at Chen Chu, who was sitting there motionless, and said, "Hey, pretty boy, we've arrived at the terminal, it's time to get off..."

Chen Chu pointed at Lin Umbrella: "He and I are together."

The driver was dumbfounded: "Okay, it doesn't matter if two people sit together at the same stop. It doesn't matter whether one person is carrying two people or not."

The car went back and drove a few stops until it reached where Lin Xian wanted to go. The two got off the car. Hei Xuan waved goodbye to the driver, adjusted the sunglasses on his face with his hand and said, "There was a robbery on the bus just now. You You didn't move a muscle from beginning to end. Do you know that I can handle this matter and the driver will take me back?"

Chen Chu bought two bottles of purified water from the vending machine next to him, gave one to Lin Umbrella, and opened one for himself: "Yes."

Lin Xian shook her head and walked forward, saying, "Well, predicting the unknown is not a good thing. If you know something but can't change it, it will be very painful..."

The two of them passed through the corridor of an underground shopping mall, which was filled with gloomy atmosphere. There were a few ghosts standing in the dark corners. It seemed that they were not worshiping them during the Ghost Festival, so they could only stand there alone. Lin Xian also noticed it, but ignored it. Chen Chu waited until Lin Umbrella was further ahead, then took out a handful of candies from his pocket and threw them at the ghosts. He casually lit another handful of incense, threw it out with force, and stuck it firmly in the gap.

Lin Umbrella slowed down, seeming to know what Chen Chu was doing, and sighed: "There are too many, I can't help at all..."

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