I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 541 God’s Last Words

The purest divine fire, Chen Chu subconsciously thought of the divine fire obtained in the world of "Silk". He flipped his right hand, lit up a golden flame and asked, "Is this what you are referring to?"

The City God felt bursts of warmth coming from the divine fire, and a relaxed look appeared on the clay statue's face: "Yes, and no. If you guessed correctly, this fire should be the origin of other worlds, capable of igniting the divinity of each world. Awakening the sleeping gods is indeed a means of resisting the darkness.

This fire...how many times have you used it? "

Chen Chu thought about it and replied: "About twenty times."

The corner of Cheng Huang's eye twitched: "More than twenty times?" He looked at Chen Chu carefully again: "If the divine fire maintains this state, it will have no effect. If you want to ignite others, you need to separate the source! It is to separate a small part of the divine fire and the igniter Give a 'fireless' world.

Although a person has three souls and seven souls, no matter how many there are, he must be a whole. You have lit it more than 20 times and nothing has happened. Didn't you lose anything during the ignition process? "

This... is not in the description of the white wax stone.

Chen Chu looked at the swaying divine fire in his hand. This was the first time he heard from the City God that something was needed to light the divine fire.

Mud debris kept falling from the City God's clay body in front of him. Chen Chu knew that its time was running out, so he took the time to learn more about the problem: "There should be a main body for the dark invasion, something like the mastermind behind the scenes. It Where is it? Will the gods being eroded by darkness have any impact on their strength?"

There is a saying that goes well, being black is ten times stronger and being white is seven times weaker. This law should not be applied in this world, it is really unbearable...

The clay body of the City God was a little weak, and it walked on the steps of the City God's Temple: "Yes, when darkness first fell, a huge black eyeball appeared, and there were many small eyeballs! The Yin Commander of the underworld, the King of Hell, and the Ghost Emperor, Ksitigarbha went to fight!

The big eyeball was so powerful that it was finally eliminated by the powerful people in the same way. The world was wrapped in a new layer of protection. The darkness outside could not continue to invade in a short time, but the darkness inside the world could not get out either..."

It looked back at the plaque in the City God's Temple with some reluctance: "I was a city guard during the Hongwu Emperor's period. Due to my merits in resisting foreign enemies, I became the local City God after my death. Alas... I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

But don’t worry, those eyeballs feed on the Dharma and the Right Mind, so the strength of the gods who have been corrupted by the invasion has been greatly reduced.

But there are also some gods whose minds are uncertain and have taken refuge in the darkness. They are no longer trapped in the clay gods and wooden statues, and can freely walk in the underworld of the human world, carry out 'breeding' plans, regularly hand over part of the results, and keep part for themselves..."

Here comes the point.

Chen Chu quickly asked: "What is the 'breeding' plan?"

The City God seemed to have sensed something and spoke faster: "The 'food' will be consumed, and the remaining ordinary goods, unless forced... the darkness will rarely swallow them up, so they need to be 'bred' to produce qualified ones. Food! The 'farmers' responsible for breeding are the gods who take the initiative to seek refuge... The standard of qualified food is very high, and every piece of food requires more than ten years of planning. Ups and downs, redemption, and goodwill are all indispensable..."


There was a heavy scraping sound of chains on the ground.

Bang, the green bricks shattered, and four dark iron chains stretched out to lock the City God's hands, feet, and limbs respectively.

A black breath gushed out from the City God's mouth and nose, followed by a large amount of black liquid. Its empty eyes stared at Chen Si: "The culprit who currently controls the dark power inside is in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and its power is not strong. , I’m just good at hiding, and when I find the Six Paths of Reincarnation, I’ll find it.”

The four chains tightened suddenly and made a rattling sound.

The City God was trembling violently, with a large number of cracks appearing in the joints of his limbs. When it saw Chen Chu drawing his sword and coming over, it hurriedly shouted: "It's useless, my godhead and authority have been corroded too much. Even if I save him, I won't survive for a few days." , why not just give me a happy one and save me from suffering before death..."

City God...

Chen Chu slowly raised the golden sword, and with the blessing of lightning, he stabbed fiercely.

The sharp sword blade passed through the center of the City God's eyebrows. He held the hilt of the sword with both hands and pressed down hard, splitting it from the center of the eyebrows downwards, splitting it into two parts. In addition to the mud, there was a large amount of black blood and squirming insects in the mud body. The thunder method is so powerful that it turns these black bugs into cokes with just one breath...

The chain that sprang out from nowhere was pulled violently, and the two halves of the City God's body were torn apart and shattered on the ground.

Half of its head fell on Chen Chu's ankle, and it made a weak voice: "Every eroded god has been banned and cannot reveal information about the darkness, otherwise it will be strangled as soon as possible! About this world That’s pretty much the message of darkness…

If you meet other gods, don't ask any unnecessary questions.

Because if there is consciousness left and they know that you are here to save the world, they will definitely answer you, and the answer also means that they have completely given up waiting for the divine fire to be ignited to regain their identity as gods, and they will only end up being torn apart by the ban..."

Chen Chu picked it up and gently wiped the black blood.

But only this half of the head is left, and it cannot be kept for long, because it is constantly powdering! The City God's voice became no longer hoarse, and he made a sound of relief: "Your Majesty, I have fulfilled my mission. Finally... it also played a role in the end! By the way, I will use my last bit of strength to help you improve your cultivation... Thunder Technique ...Yes, just right..."

A trace of brown came out of his head and was on Chen Chu's arm. It was a trace of pure divine aura. It surged up. All the power in Chen Chu's body seemed to be able to recognize that it came with good intentions, and there was no obstruction. The aura dispersed! There was a click in Chen Chu's mind. The divine aura sank into the spleen palace. The earth thunder in the spleen palace of the five thunders was already breaking through the limit. At this moment, the impact directly broke the limit, lit up, and mastered it. He opened his hand, and the earth thunder The brown arc flashed back and forth...

Chen Chu looked at the City God's head getting smaller and smaller: "Thank you, City God."

The City God chuckled. His head was no bigger than a ping-pong ball. He didn't know where the wind came from, and it dissipated with the wind, leaving behind a meaningful sentence: "Chen Chu, we are all fine, but we have suffered a lot for you...sigh."

As the City God completely dispersed, the four iron chains shrank back to the ground and disappeared, leaving only four large holes in the blue bricks on the ground.

Chen Chu was silent for a long time.

He collected the burning flames in the City God's Temple and stood at the door of the temple for a long time...

The black smoke after burning was like a giant dragon rising into the sky in the gray night. There was a faint sound of fire trucks in the distance. Chen Chu knelt down and kowtowed heavily to the City God and several other gods. Get up and leave quickly.

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