Chen Chu's mind was racing. Unexpectedly, with two clanging sounds, General Zeng who was standing aside also walked down, holding flaming red shackles, with a fierce face and saying the same words as General Xi.

The gods of this world have been weakened to this point...

Chen Chu shouted in a deep voice: "Two generals, look what this is!" He said and pressed a mask on his face. It turned out to be a Yin official mask. This thing can quickly summon the day and night wandering gods and generals who increase damage. Facial makeup patterns in three colors of red, green and blue quickly appeared on the mask...

He raised his fists in the air with both hands: "Please increase the general's legal authority!"

Last time in the world of "Zombie Supreme", when faced with the power of darkness, not to mention the generals who increased their losses, even the Day and Night Gods, who were among the top ten shady men in the underworld, were somewhat unable to withstand it, so they were rarely invited to help in the future. But things are different now. The two generals who are increasing and losing in this world have all been blinded. We have to try to see if we can wake up the two generals who are from the same source...

At Chen Chu's call, the mask shimmered, and two fangs were exposed at the corners of his mouth. His whole person exuded a dark... solemn ghostly aura, and he made a voice that was different from his original voice: "Chen Chu, please call me to come up. What are you doing...huh? This...the temple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, this is us in this world..."

The aura of consciousness that increased the damage to the General came to the mask. When he saw the situation in front of him, he was instantly confused. They came over thinking it was some kind of difficulty, but they didn't expect it to be his own big melon! Searching the surroundings with consciousness, he couldn't feel the breath of the righteous god in the temple: "What's going on? Since there is an incarnation of our world, the Bodhisattva should be there too. Why is this temple so empty without any incense or incense? It looks like an empty space." temple!"

Chen Chu said: "What you two don't know is that the gods of this world fought against the darkness and basically died together. Before they died, they used their remaining power to seal off the world, but at the same time they also sealed in the darkness that had invaded! Now the The situation is that places closely related to the human world, such as the Eighteenth Level of Hell and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, have all been controlled by darkness.

However, the awareness of the generals who are increasing damage in this world before me has been changed, and they regard me as an evil heretic. Now they want to get rid of me and then quickly... So do the two generals have any good way to awaken the two consciousnesses in this world? "

General Zengshen fell into silence. This was the first time they encountered this situation. General Sheng was the first to break the silence: "Actually, before we became the protectors of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, we were evil ghosts who did all kinds of evil. If we have stronger magic power, we can be considered as evil spirits. The realm of the Ghost King. It is not difficult for you to deal with it. Whether it is a thunder method or a righteous magic weapon, it can cause great harm to us...

We are doing rough work. After converting from evil to righteousness, even after converting to Buddhism, we use rough methods to kill demons. Changing consciousness and restoring consciousness are such delicate work... I am afraid that only Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can do it! "

"That's right!" General Zeng thought of something: "Chen Chu, have you forgotten the magic card that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gave you? It can share the memories of the same gods in all the worlds. Using it may have miraculous effects."

Chen Chu took out the shining golden magic card from his pocket. He hadn't used it much yet. The statue of General Damage in front of him came towards him with his trident raised high! With a flicker of his eye, he stuffed the divine card into the robe of the statue of General Damage, and wow, the divine card emitted light like a golden flame...

General Xiang in the mask hummed, as if he had received some unacceptable memory: "Very good, it's just the memory that was transmitted, ah, such a thing has actually happened in this world, even the Bodhisattva has... The dark world is much scarier than we imagine!"

At this time, the statue of General Xiang in the Tuodi Exorcist world was constantly trembling. In its consciousness, a lot of memories about Chen Chu appeared out of thin air, including how they met and their relationship, everything was clear! The extra memories created out of thin air conflict with the altered cognition...

With a bang, General Xi fell to the ground.

The statue of General Zeng came quickly, bang bang bang, and the fire sign in his hand was about to hit Chen Chu's face! Bang, the sound of metal hitting each other sounded! It is the statue of General Hui. It used its trident to block General Zeng’s fire sign, and snatched off his unused shackles with its other hand...

The statue of General Zeng was obviously surrounded, and I don’t know what happened.

The statue of General Xi pulled out the magic card and pressed it on General Zeng's cheek. The golden fire light flickered, and the redness in his eyes returned to clarity. He made a low voice: "I...what's wrong with me, Chen turns out that your name is Chen Chu... I wonder why I thought you were a heretic..."

The function of the divine card is to store the memories of the same gods. At this moment, the statue of General Zeng quickly understood that his and General Xi's consciousness had been tampered with, and also understood who it was. He immediately said angrily: "Next work... Chen Chu , we know where the Six Paths of Samsara has been moved!

Get ready, let us open a gap to hell, and fight in with you..."

As the guardian of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the world of "Torchi Exorcist", the second general is very aware of the danger level of this world. The gods of heaven and earth are trying their best to wipe it out and set up barriers, but they can't keep the remaining ones in it. The darkness was exhausted, showing how helpless it was at that time.

Chen Chu travels the world of heaven, is protected by the gods of the heavens, and can freely travel through the darkness. His identity is even more mysterious than the gods...

Now that Chen Chu is finally here, there is no need to wait!

When their consciousness was tampered with, they inadvertently knew that the remaining darkness moved the six realms of reincarnation to the depths of hell. If they don't quickly join forces with Chen Chu to open up a glimmer of hope for this world, things will change later! As soon as General Zeng finished speaking, he took back the shackles from General Damage and punched the air hard. The ripples vibrated and a dark gap appeared!

General Xi inserted his trident into the gap and pulled hard, tearing it open even wider. A cave-like place was revealed inside. There was no sunlight, but there was countless wind and snow, and a large number of ghosts were frozen into ice!

The old man sweeping the floor standing outside Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's palace couldn't hold back any longer. What the hell, the consciousness of tampering was restored just now?

It was originally a small part of the eye in the darkness. Through the sharing of memories with other dark eyes, it learned of Chen Chu's existence and that many gods were helping him. In particular, the general who increased the number of losses was the one who helped Chen Chu the most... …

At first, the big eyeballs invaded and attacked this world, but the gods resisted like crazy. Both sides defeated them. Because they were weak and good at hiding, they accidentally hit them. When the gods set up a barrier, they also locked them in this world. ! Now it's better, all the righteous gods are dead, and the rest are scattered ghosts and gods. It has nothing to fear.

This cage-like world is also its personal canteen. It doesn’t matter if you eat it all. Justice and kindness can be cultivated. If you leave a little space, there will be a group of ants who think they have an opportunity. They can stand up with light in their hearts and become delicacies on its plate. !

The purpose of it bringing Chen Chu over was to use the twisted official general's head to stimulate him, humiliate him, make his Taoist heart collapse, and then devour him to increase his strength to see if it could deprive him of his abilities. Who knew that the official general's head would be so casual? Consciousness was restored casually!

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