Chen Chu stopped Lin Xian's movement and said: "Brother, we are destined to meet each other. You have done thousands of good deeds. Regardless of whether you had other purposes, you have already done it after all...

Your character is actually very good. If the gods are revived, you will definitely become an immortal! But before that, how about taking a part-time job in the underworld?

A large number of gods have died, and now the underworld is in urgent need of manpower. I have good intentions and a sense of right and wrong. It will be good for the future to accumulate some virtue. "

Lin Xian was somewhat moved and began to think about it.

He said with some concern: "Positions in the underworld are fixed, and authority is obtained through official conferrals. To be honest, I have only cultivated for more than a hundred years. I'm afraid I won't be able to enter even the hell gate..."

Halfway through, he suddenly realized what he was doing and grabbed Chen Chu's wrist: "Where are you going? I haven't talked about the treatment of your injuries yet. These three big holes are left on your body. Can you survive it?" It’s hard to tell today…”

Chen Chu slapped his hand away and stood up: "To be honest, brother, I practice orthodox Taoism and am not from your world. The main purpose of coming across the world this time is to deal with matters in the dark world.

Now that it's over, it's time to go back. This injury will heal naturally when you return to the original world!

Regarding the affairs of the underworld, brother, don’t worry. I have some friendship with the second general of the underworld. If I am willing to go, I will have a position. I just have to be a little bit humble and start from the grassroots level..."

Lin Umbrella wanted to say something else, but Chen Chu closed the door with a bang and left, leaving him sitting alone on the bed in a messy state.

When Chen Chu came to Huang Yongfa's house, Jiang Xue was nervous. She stood behind Huang Yongfa and didn't know what she was thinking.

Chen Chu didn't pay attention. His injuries began to worsen. Although he wouldn't die immediately, the pain was really painful, coming in waves...

He had to complete his mission and get out of here as soon as possible.

Chen Chu got straight to the point and said, "Fa Zai, I went to the underworld and accidentally discovered something about you. Do you want to hear it?"

Before Huang Yongfa could answer, he continued: "Your pair of yin and yang eyes came from a hell judge named Zhang Feiyu. The purpose is to make you do more good deeds and contribute to the underworld!"

The dark eye in the underworld has been dealt with, and there is no need to talk about the devastating conspiracy of "growing food".

In the mission statement, Huang Yongfa just wanted to know who the man in black with an umbrella appeared in the finale...

With Huang Yongfa getting the truth of the matter, it means the mission is completed.

The words "Pewter Stone's mission completed" appeared, Chen Chu walked out of the door, and disappeared from this world as a gust of wind blew...

He was enveloped in the soft white light of ash stone. Looking at the world of "The Exorcist" getting further and further away, I was about to close my eyes and go through this process in a dizzy state...

At this moment, a feeling of extreme danger arose in my heart!

Chen Chu opened his eyes and searched in the darkness, his scalp tightened. He didn't see anything, but he could feel dense "things" surrounding him. He didn't attack, just "observed" him quietly, three hundred and six Ten degrees comparable to the kind of scanning. The protection of ash stone is very powerful, but it will not actively attack things in the dark unless "they" take action first...

The dark creatures have fought against Pewter several times and suffered heavy losses. They know how powerful Pewter is. The way they watch is more like a group of pirates studying how to open an airtight safe.

The speed of the ash stone is getting faster and faster, shuttling in the darkness. At first, these creatures can keep up a little to see where its destination is. Who knows that after holding on for a second, they are slowly thrown off. When they want to follow again, , the speed of the ash stone has reached an incredible level, so fast that it disappears!

In the darkness, a very large eyeball filled with bloodshot eyes opened.

The size was larger than all the eyeballs Chen Chu had seen so far combined. It was like an asteroid, surrounded by densely packed ordinary eyeballs of different sizes.

The dark creature shared information. It already knew that one of the Xuannv Four Swords in Chen Chu's hand was contaminated, so it specially stayed outside the world to observe.

The power of ash stone has already been taught to others of its kind. It is not tough, it just wants to chase and see the situation. Unexpectedly, it has learned what speed is...

Ash stone space.

Surrounded by the breeze, Chen Chu appeared with a bang.

He opened his eyes and took a step back out of habit. He saw the stone tablet with the words "Torchi Exorcist" written on it fell from the sky wrapped in strong wind, and hit the ground heavily with a loud bang!

Seeing the familiar stone tablet, Chen Chu stretched out his hand and said, "Get something that can increase your strength. Few props, too many will not be used."

I don’t know if the stone tablet heard Chen Chu’s words. The ball of light seeping out this time was very slow, and it took a while to fly into Chen Chu’s hand.

He squeezed it hard, and the light ball turned into several objects and text descriptions:

The first item: [Congratulations on getting 1 drop of "Black Essence Blood" from the world of "Torchi Exorcist". This item comes from the dark creatures in the outer area of ​​​​the world. It has been "filtered and optimized" and fused with the blood. If you do not use your own name, appearance, orthodox Taoism, artifacts, formations, etc., your source will not be identified by dark creatures...]

The second item: [Congratulations on getting a special item "Item Traceability Coupon" from "Pewter Space". After using this coupon, the user can recall any lost or consumed item! If it is an item that has been given away, a copy of the same specification will be made for traceability...]

The third item: [Congratulations on getting a special item from the "Pewter Space" "Invincible Furnace Ticket". This fusion ticket can fuse up to ten light ball products and needs to be used in conjunction with the furnace! 】

The fourth item: [Congratulations on getting a special item "Pewter Stone Fighting Ticket" from "Pewter Space". After this item is consumed, you can specify a single target within sight to carry out an active attack of Pewter Stone! After using this coupon, all the light ball rewards in the world (in the current mission) will be consumed, so please use it with caution!

Chen Chu was just talking casually, but he didn't expect that Guangqiu actually agreed to his request and offered so many special rewards.

But isn’t the last “Pewter Stone Beater Coupon” a little too much? Because you already occupy the position of a light ball reward, using it will consume all the rewards in the current world?

This means that as soon as the white wax stone is taken out, the color of the world will change, his work will be in vain, and his wallet will be broken...

And with this blow, what level of enemy can you defeat? Otherwise, if you give money, the enemy will be killed before he is killed, and you will suffer heavy losses!

Chen Chu decided that unless he was at the end of his rope, at the critical moment of life and death, and decided his fate, he would never use this "pewter ticket"...

He pinched the drop of black blood the size of a basketball. The standard of ash stone was really elusive. This drop was very different from the drop he imagined...

piece of cake!

Chen Chu raised his head and stuffed a basketball-sized amount of blood into his mouth, swallowing as he did so!

Asking for monthly ticket

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