Tan Jinxuan's wife was named Xu Sanniang. She was probably used to seeing her husband faint. She struggled to pull Tan Jinxuan up and showed a wry smile: "My husband also fainted every day, but he never woke up for a moment like today. He is not ordinary at first sight." If you can save my husband, Xu Sanniang is willing to donate all the gold and silver in the family with both hands."

No matter princes, generals or ordinary people, there must be a man as the backbone!

No matter whether this man is capable of literature or martial arts, as long as he is a man, his wife and children at home will not be easy for others to bully. If there are no men in the family, he will be considered a destitute person. Those who bully a destitute person have no heart. Burden, not afraid that future generations will come to take revenge!

Therefore, in addition to men, it is also necessary to have children to continue the incense and strengthen the family. The more people there are, the more prosperous the family will be. Brothers and sisters can help each other and resist bullying by outsiders...

Chen Chu understood that Xu Sanniang was not just talking empty words. If Tan Jinxuan could not recover, the family would slowly deteriorate.

He made a false push: "Mrs. Xu, please give way. I'll help Mr. Tan in." In this era similar to the Ming Dynasty, he couldn't get into physical contact with the other person, otherwise it would easily ruin the reputation of others.

Xu Sanniang understood that it was very inconvenient for her to carry a child on her back. She handed Tan Jinxuan to Chen Chu with some embarrassment. She was just about to tell him to slow down, but she was suddenly surprised! Chen Chu, who is not very strong, could lift Tan Jinxuan, who weighed more than 140 pounds, as easily as he could lift cotton. He could walk faster than Xu Sanniang!

Under Xu Sanniang's guidance, Chen Chu laid Tan Jinxuan flat on the bed.

An old woman with gray hair and a slightly wrinkled face walked in on crutches. She hurriedly stepped forward to check on Tan Jinxuan. Her eyes fell on Xu Sanniang and finally on Chen Chu's face: "Sanniang, who is this young master?"

Xu Sanniang briefly explained what happened at the door, then turned around and looked at Chen Chu: "I haven't asked the young master for my name yet!"

Chen Chu saluted the old woman and Xu Sanniang: "My name is Chen Chu. I come from Fujian. I am a scholar. I am determined to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles to see the world. I am so rich in experience. I happen to be passing through here..."

The old woman said, "I am Jin Xuan's mother, and the neighbors call me Tan Lin. I wonder if the young master has any fame?"

Tan Lin's name, Tan is her dead husband's surname, and Lin is her surname. Some people call other people's wives the two surnames added together...

Chen Chu scratched his cheek, and the white wax stone gave him the status of a scholar, not even a scholar. He coughed and said: "In the beginning, I was idle in the clouds and wild cranes. I didn't care about official career. I only cared about the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers. I was free and easy. In addition to studying, I also practiced Taoism. A little. Know a few Xuanmen magic..."

There is no fame.

Tan Lin's expression changed slightly.

Xu Sanniang noticed it and secretly thought that this old lady was going to make the same old mistake again, and said quickly: "Mr. Chen has the world in his hands. He just tapped the door lightly to wake up my husband for a moment, but now he fainted again. My husband seemed to have lost something. Looking for little people who have been cultivated..."

Tan Lin's dead husband was a civil servant, and his family also had a lot of land, so he had no worries about food and drink.

She knew the importance of fame, so she hoped that her son would be successful more than anyone else. She hoped that Tan Jinxuan could study hard and at least take the exam to honor the family.

Tan Lin was reminded by Xu Sanniang and immediately came to her senses. She valued fame too much, so she didn't want Tan Jinxuan to associate with ordinary people to avoid losing his temper! I had just passed the scholar examination six months ago, and I said I would go on an outing with my friends, but when I came back I didn’t read any books, and I hid in my room all day doing some breathing exercises.

She quickly said: "If Mr. Chen can find a way to restore Jin Xuan's consciousness, I will be grateful!"

Chen Chu smiled and said: "Old madam, there is no need to be like this. Those who do good must do good. From my observation, your son may have lost his soul! A simple check at the door showed that only three souls and six souls were left out of the three souls and seven souls."


How come it's so good that it's so bad?

Mrs. Tan Lin suddenly remembered that the day her son became insane, the butcher Zhang from next door came to borrow something. He made a loud noise that day! Her expression suddenly turned ugly. Children can easily lose their souls when frightened, but her son was so old, how could he lose his soul like others?

Chen Chu said: "Humans have three souls and seven souls, and the three souls are the destiny of heaven and earth! There are seven souls, corpse dog, fuyao, bird yin, swallowing thief, non-poison, filth removal, and smelly lung. What did you throw away? I’m not sure, but I can try to find out.”

As he spoke, he took out a long incense stick from his pocket, sharpened the end of the stick, raised Tan Jinxuan's index finger to prick it, wrote a spell on a blank yellow paper, activated it, lit it, and then handed the incense stick to the station. Xu Sanniang, who was standing next to her, said: "Ms. Xu, I have preached the Dharma on this incense. Now go to the place where your husband lost his soul and call his name repeatedly. If the incense head flickers on and off, come back immediately and press the incense head. Above his eyebrows."

Xu Sanniang took the incense, kept Chen Chu's words in mind, kept calling Tan Jinxuan's name, and headed towards the study.

During the process of lighting incense to call out the soul, it was easy to call out the soul in the body. Chen Chu sat on the bedside and watched Tan Jinxuan's body to prevent the three souls and six souls from escaping...

After all, Tan Jinxuan's father was a civil servant and his house was not small. Xu Sanniang's voice slowly faded away.

Only Tan Lin, Chen Chu and an unconscious Tan Jinxuan were left in the wing. Mrs. Tan Lin stared at each other in embarrassment and was the first to break the silence and said: "Mr. Chen is young and promising. I don't know how long he will stay in our Zichuan County. When my son wakes up, he will entertain him well..."

The old woman never stopped talking about her son, and her words were clever.

Chen Chu could understand that it was normal for a mother to miss her child. He smiled and said: "To be honest with you, madam, I plan to live in Zichuan County for a while before leaving. I just came from the market and heard that there are cheap houses nearby. For rent, come here and take a look in person, you can save some money without the intervention of Yaxing..."

At this moment, Xu Sanniang's scream came faintly!

Chen Chu suddenly stood up, took out the Sanqing Big Hole Seal from his pocket and put it in Tan Lin's hand: "Old madam, don't panic, with this seal here, no evil spirit can harm you! Please don't leave Mr. Tan's side, I went to see what was going on.”

Mrs. Tan Lin held the Sanqing Big Hole Seal tightly and sat next to Tan Jinxuan. She was also shocked. After her husband died, her son became like this. Any strangeness in the family was extremely challenging to her nerves!

Chen Chu rushed out of the room in the direction of the sound. When he came to the door of the study, he could vaguely see a shaking shadow on the ground. He took a big step over and took a look. He was shocked when he saw a bare-chested white-faced red man. The man with hair and a ferocious face was holding an ugly little man in his right hand, and holding Xu Sanniang's neck with his left hand, grinning with his teeth!

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