I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 597 Weird old man

Chen Chu walked on the street, following the guidance of the kind-hearted vendors in the market, and walked to the south of Zichuan. As expected, he saw many big houses. In the past few years, there have been wars everywhere, with foreign enemies from the north invading, Japanese pirates running rampant in the East China Sea, and frequent internal disturbances. The rebels shouted slogans of uprising and went around burning, killing and looting...

Many men in Zichuan County have joined the army. Gradually, many houses have become empty and only a few lonely old people are guarding them. Some are too old and weak to work and cannot make money, so they starve to death in the houses. Neighbors discovered the corpse only after it stank and wafted out. Some of them lived in relatively remote areas, and no one noticed that their bones were rotting and slowly being eaten by snakes, insects, rats and ants until they were reduced to white bones.

The people who told Chen Chu that these vendors were all locals. The reason why they introduced this place was that the houses were empty. If Chen Chu needed it, he could live here. It wouldn’t cost much to rent, but if it was given to the lonely elderly, it would be enough for them to live well. for a long time…

Chen Chu's original goal was just a place to stay.

If you can stay and help, why not do it...

He walked up and down the Zichuan South Alley. The ground was good and paved with gravel. At least it wouldn't rain and mud would splash all over his legs. As the vendors said, many of these big houses were empty. There were two or three old men sitting at the door with small chairs, chatting about nothing.

Usually no one comes.

Because there are too many old people here, there is an air of twilight.

When the old people saw young people like Chen Chu coming over, they were immediately curious. An old woman opened her wrinkled eyelids and looked at Chen Chu with her cloudy eyes and asked, "Young man, are you here to look for a house?"

Chen Chu smiled and nodded: "Yes."

After hearing this, the old woman slowly got up and went to the house and took out a board and handed it to Chen Chu. The board actually showed the layout of the houses in the south of Zichuan. The lines and directions were slightly non-standard, but they were understandable. The price of each house is written on the space, such as two hundred, three hundred and five hundred wen.

Chen Chu nodded: "Old man, this thing is well made. The location and price are clear at a glance."

The old woman smiled and said, "Yes, it was made by a scholar who lived in my house. He couldn't pay the rent, so he got this thing and offered it to me as a loan for a month or two. My house is empty, so it's empty. If I am more popular personally, I will give it to him.”

Chen Chu felt that the scholar was quite smart, but drawing this floor plan also required some effort.

He saw a house with a good model on the board, with yards at the front and back, and several side rooms, but the price was only 100 Wen, which was much cheaper than other inferior houses. He didn't know why and asked, "Why does this house only cost 100 Wen?"

The old woman couldn't read, but she could read pictures. When she saw the house, she sighed slightly and said, "Hey, that old man has a very weird and stubborn temper. Although the price is cheap, several tenants have already left because they couldn't stand his temper. If this continues, he will die in the house without food or water in the winter..."

Chen Chu took out ten copper coins and put them on the board and handed them to the old woman: "Thank you for your guidance, old man. That house is nice. I'll go take a look."

The old woman's eyes were not very good. She took the board and realized what it was when the copper coin slipped in her hand. She hurriedly returned it to Chen Chu and shouted: "I didn't rent your house, so I don't need money!"

Chen Chu had already walked away, and just waved his hand: "I will not receive the favor in vain!"

What kind of favor is this? Alas, alas!

The old woman was not strong enough and could only sit down with the board. She knew that Chen Chu was a kind-hearted person, but in this world, kind-hearted people are miserable and die quickly...

The 100-wen apartment was not too far away, more than 200 meters away. When Chen Chu arrived, the house was better than expected, with good lighting and ventilation. He stretched out his hand and knocked lightly on the door three times. After waiting for a while, there was no response, so he knocked three more times. The old man's voice could be heard faintly from inside: "What are you knocking on? You can't push the door open and come in?"

"Then excuse me."

Chen Chu pushed open the door and walked into the yard. There were no trees in the yard, and the ground was divided into two fields for growing vegetables.

He saw an old man in his seventies sitting on a stone beside the vegetable field, staring blankly at the small white butterflies flying on the rapeseed flowers. He was very thin, with a face full of wrinkles, and only a few white hairs left on his head...

Chen Chu walked over, avoiding the rapeseed in the field, and saluted: "Old man, my name is Chen Chu. I am a scholar. I come from Fujian and want to live in Zichuan for a while. Your house is nice. Is it convenient for renting?"

The old man raised his head and glanced at him, and said feebly: "Since you know that I am renting, you will rent it, of course! It's 100 yuan per month. Pay it now. You can choose the wing yourself. I won't clean it for you."

This old man really has a weird temper.

Chen Chu smiled, but to this extent, it was nothing. You must know that when he founded the company, when he personally visited customers' homes in the early days, he encountered many strange things. He still remembered that there was a subordinate who came with him. Go, because the other party's almost unreasonable demands made people so angry that they sent them to the hospital.

He took out a bag of copper coins from his pocket and put it in the old man's hand: "It's exactly 100 copper coins. Please keep it."

The old man touched the cloth bag. It was made of good silk. This bag alone was worth a lot of money. His eyes never left Chen Chu's cheek for a moment. Seeing that there was no trace of displeasure on his face, he was silent for a moment: " Find a wing by yourself, don't scare away my butterflies..."

The house was symmetrical, with the old man's room on the right. Chen Chu chose the room on the left, which happened to be opposite the door. In this way, on the first day he traveled to this world, he had a place to stay...

In the evening, the sunset was infinitely beautiful. Chen Chu moved a chair and sat under the eaves of the courtyard. He took out the "Liao Zhai Ghost and Monster Encyclopedia" edited by his master and several friends from the publishing house and read it, carefully flipping through the illustrations and descriptions inside. , trying to find information about the white-haired man...

The white-haired man who attacked Xu Sanniang at Tan Jinxuan's house was very strange. He had no obvious sneaky aura and survived being shot in the back several times. He was either an evil cultivator or a rare breed of ghost.

The old man went out during this period and brought back some rice. He burned firewood in the kitchen and cooked some porridge with wild vegetables. There was a square table in the living room. He sat next to it and suddenly began to slap the table with his hand: "I'm hungry." , I’m hungry, sister, hurry up and make some porridge!”

Chen Chu concentrated on reading and was not affected.

Unexpectedly, the old man was still tapping the table with his hand and shouting the same words repeatedly. Chen Chu put down the book and asked: "Old man, A-mei shouldn't be at home. Is she out?" Who is A-mei? Chen Chu I don’t know, maybe she’s not the old man’s wife, but also his daughter-in-law or something like that…

The old man ignored Chen Chu and just shouted "Amei Amei."

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, feeling that he was a bit demented. The sun would set outside soon. There was no oil lamp lit here, and he would not be able to see anything when it got dark. He walked to the kitchen and opened the lid of the stove, used a spoon to make it as thick as possible, covered the porridge with wild vegetables, and brought it to the old man: "My sister is not here. I will serve you a bowl of the same thing. It is very hot. Drink it slowly." .”

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