I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 606 Zigong redeems people

During the day, in the courtyard, Chen Chu asked to change rooms. Old Fantou was a little unhappy, but he still changed the room for him.

Chen Chu was tidying up his new room. Old Fan was sitting in the yard looking at the white butterflies in a daze. Amei's ghost appeared in the room. When he saw him, he knelt down and said, "My benefactor doesn't have to be like this. How dare I let my benefactor live in a mere room?" Are you moving your position?"

Chen Chu made the bed and said with a smile: "This is your home. If you dare, don't call me my benefactor from now on. My real name is Chen San. Just call me Chen San..."

Amei never thought that the master could be so easy-going: "I'd better call you Mr. Chen."

Chen Chu was no longer reluctant. He remembered what happened last night and said, "To be honest, I have killed two Wutong Gods. Last night, I happened to meet the Wutong God named Qingwan Jushi. After a fight, I killed one of his right legs. Cut it off, it turns out he is... ahem, he is a demon, and the things I promised you should be extended a little longer..."

Amei held the dead child in her arms: "Master Chen is so kind and kind, and I have nothing to repay, so I am satisfied."

Chen Chu saw that her ghost body was a little blurry and asked: "I heard from the ghost in the back mountain that there is nowhere to be reincarnated. If you ask for help from the city god, you need to knock on the door to get in. Is this a problem?"

Amei's expression became gloomy and she said: "Back to Mr. Chen, there is indeed such a thing. When I died, I had two strong wishes! The first one was to seek help from the Yins City God and capture the demon Qingwan layman. The second one was , I would go through the gate of hell and go into the underworld to see if my husband, Anan, was there, and tell him I was sorry, but the child could not be saved.

Unexpectedly, there is a ghost guarding the gate of the City God's Temple, and he can't get in without money. When he asked how to enter the ghost gate, he was told that if he wanted to enter the ghost gate, he had to pass through the City God's Temple first. So far, I know that those who enter the City God's Temple and go to the underworld smoothly are those who are relatively wealthy and prosperous in their families, and those who died unintentionally and died in a foreign land cannot enter..."

Chen Chu felt something was wrong when he heard this and said, "I don't know about others, but if you die, there will be a coffin buried in the grave. It seems that some money was spent on the grave. Old Fantou has a weird temper, but it's impossible not to burn paper money, right?"

Amei suddenly started to cry, her tears kept flowing down, and the dead child in her arms suddenly started to move, as if she felt the sadness coming from her mother. It took her a while to control her emotions: "My benefactor did not know that there are evil spirits in the mountains and forests, who are looking for people who have just been buried to rob the dead money.

All the paper money my father-in-law burned for me was snatched away by evil spirits. Not only me, but also other ghosts. Without ghost money to clear the way, several old ghosts have disappeared...

Those whose families have money to hire Taoist monks to perform rituals, and the sound of scriptures protect their bodies, and the evil spirits cannot do anything to them, can naturally enter the City God's Temple to register for reincarnation. "

What the fuck?

Chen Chu felt that his cultivation had been affected and asked, "Why didn't you tell me last night?"

Amei replied: "There is more than one evil ghost, and they come in groups. They only appear on the night when someone is buried. Normally, the mountains are full of ghosts, and there is no money or water for them to fish for when they appear."

Birth, old age, illness, death, and reincarnation are the ultimate principles of heaven and earth.

Blocking people's normal reincarnation is much more serious than killing someone!

Chen Chu took out the booklet from his pocket and wrote down: [Zichuan City God] [Mountain Evil Ghost Robbery Group] [Principal Qingwan and his two brothers] and then put it back.

The evil ghost robbery gang must investigate, and if possible, carefully test the city god of this world.

At this moment, there were voices outside, and it seemed like someone was coming to visit. Amei wondered: "I haven't said a word to my neighbors in the past few days, so why would anyone come here? Could it be a new tenant?"

During the day, Amei could only stay in shaded places such as houses. When Chen Chu came out, he was a little surprised to see that it was the scholar Tan Jinxuan who had been rescued a month ago and his wife Xu Sanniang.

When Tan Jinxuan saw Chen Chu, he crossed over from the old man with an unkind look on his face, came closer and clasped his fists, "Fellow Daoist Chen, I am Tan Jinxuan. I was rescued by Meng Qian a month ago. Do you remember?"

Xu Sanniang, who was standing next to her, was holding a basket of eggs in her hand, and there was a packet of something unknown on the edge of the basket. She handed the basket to Chen Chu, took out the contents and opened it. It was an ingot of silver, ten in total, and said: "Sanniang promised Mr. Chen that if he could save his husband, he would give her the gold and silver from his family. My mother discussed it with my husband and sold the gold and silver jewelry, which totaled exactly one hundred taels of silver..."

One hundred taels of silver is a huge sum of money!

You need to know the consumption level in Zichuan County. A pie costs only two copper coins, and one tael of silver costs a thousand copper coins. If the geographical location is not so fertile, you can even buy half an acre of land!

Xu Sanniang and Tan Jinxuan also had some courage and took it out as soon as they were told.

Chen Chu was not polite, he reached for five ingots of silver and put them into his pocket: "These are enough, you need the rest to live your life!"

If you want to thank others for doing good deeds, you must accept something. The allusion of Zigong redeeming the son of man and receiving an ox on his way is very reasonable...

Confucius had two disciples named Zigong and Zilu.

There is a law in the state of Lu that if a Lu person is captured outside, whoever redeems him will be rewarded by the state of Lu. Zigong met the captured Lu person and tried his best to redeem him. The state of Lu planned to reward him. He, but was rejected by him...

Zilu met a man who had fallen into the water and was about to drown, and he rescued him. He was given a cow as a gift, but Zilu accepted it without any courtesy.

When Confucius learned of these two things, he criticized Zigong and praised Zilu. He said that Zigong redeemed people without rewards and set such a "noble" precedent, which would make subsequent people embarrassed to ask for rewards. If this continues, no one will save the people of Lu.

Zilu rescued people and took in a cow, which seemed a bit bad. In fact, such behavior would encourage those who came after him to actively rescue those in need...

Chen Chu wants to be a good person, but he also hopes that he is not the only good person in the world.

Tan Jinxuan looked at the house and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen is an expert. I also have a wing in the Tan family's house. Why don't we move there? I happen to know how to practice breathing and breathing. Wouldn't it be nice to talk to each other and sleep by candlelight at night?"

Sleep with enough energy?

I can not sleep.

After Chen Chu accepted the eggs and silver, he sent the two of them out.

Tan Jinxuan started to get anxious, and he didn't care about his grace. He stretched out his hand to grab Chen Chu's sleeve and said, "Fellow Taoist, my heart of cultivating Taoism is as solid as a rock. I just went in the wrong direction. As long as you are willing to give me some pointers, I will succeed." Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, I dare to try..."

Chen Chu saw Xu Sanniang standing next to him.

He said: "No matter what you cultivate, friendship must not be forgotten in your heart. Cultivating the heart does not mean killing the heart. You must know how to cherish those who are good to you!"

Tan Jinxuan was admitted as a scholar, so he was certainly not an idiot. He immediately understood what Chen Chu was talking about. He immediately turned around and grabbed Xu Sanniang's hand and said, "Madam, I have a crazy disease that makes you and your mother so worried. Damn it, I still care about you when I wake up." Has my body been defiled by a demon? My heart is dirty and I deserve a slap!" As he said this, he grabbed Xu Sanniang's hand and slapped herself hard, loud and clear!

Xu Sanniang's hand hurt. How could she not know Tan Jinxuan's determination as the person beside her? Her eyes turned red: "Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. I will support you in whatever you do... If you want to practice Taoism, just do it for the Tan family." Just a bloodline will do."

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