I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 642 Ten years of practice

Chen Chu turned around slowly, his eyes carefully distinguishing each person's soul, and finally swept out with his sword. The heads of the bandits on the scene flew up like rapeseed flowers, and blood rained down!

There is only one way to go up and down the mountain in Bainiao Mountain. The rest of the place is steep and steep. There is a narrow escape from death. The bandits panicked and overturned the brazier. They panicked and many of them fell down the mountain and died...

The final sword dragged slowly on the ground.

Every time it drew a line of cold light in the sky, a human head fell to the ground.

The bandits had long lost the courage to fight, and they were crowded and trying to escape. Chen Chu was walking behind. His speed was not very fast, but he could still hit people...

This night.

The fire at Bainiao Mountain soars into the sky, black smoke reaches into the sky, and the red night sky can be seen dozens of miles away.

The next day, at the foot of the mountain, the three women who had been tied up the mountain knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "The immortal has been so kind and virtuous, and the common women have nothing to repay. I hope to follow the immortal and be a maid serving tea and water..."

Chen Chu looked at the three frightened women. Their husbands and fathers were both businessmen and had been killed by Bainiao Village. Now that they were the only ones left, they would inevitably panic about the future. He pondered for a moment, then took out three talisman papers and handed them to the three women: "This is the Yang Fire Talisman. Hold the head of the talisman and feel the heat on your fingertips. Say "Go" and blazing fire will spurt out from the talisman!"

Poor Taoist Xian Yun Yehe is used to being alone. You should carry these three talismans for self-defense. Each of them can be used three times and will turn into ashes after use. Remember, you must not use it unless absolutely necessary..."

Knowing that they really couldn't stay, the women kowtowed three times. When they raised their heads again, Chen Chu was gone.

On the mountain road, Chen Chu changed into a new set of clothes, threw the bloody clothes casually on the roadside, and walked towards the sky. He took out a fruit full of energy from the bag given by Bai Wuchang and ate it, his muscles and veins were all ice-cold. It's cool, like ice water flowing through your veins.

Black Bean smelled the scent and poked his head out of his pocket, meowing twice.

Chen Chu smiled, cut off a small piece with a knife and handed it over. The kitten also knew his stuff, and after licking it a few times, he started to gobble it up...

He reached out and gently stroked Heidou's head: "A cat's lifespan is very short. We don't know how long we can be together, but with you by my side, cultivating immortality is not too lonely..."

Heidou seemed to understand Chen Chu's words. He was not convinced and bit his palm lightly, leaving a slight mark, and hissed twice to express that he didn't like hearing it.

Chen Chu laughed and said, "You're so young, you're quite vindictive. I guess I said something wrong. There are powerful enemies inside and outside the world now. Maybe I'll die before I die."

Heidou curled up his body in his pocket, rubbed it hard, and made a squealing sound, as if he was apologizing to Chen Chu again...

In the following time, Chen Chu searched for treasure places to practice according to Yan Yangzi's scroll, absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and slowly pushed forward the realm of cultivation...

There is no way to cultivate immortality.

Bai Yun Cang Gou, ten years had passed when he came to his senses.

Chen Chu came out of a hidden cave in a mountain and came to a river. Looking at the people reflected in the water, he couldn't help but smile and took the river water with his hands to clean it.

The Taoist robe he wore when practicing was also covered in dust.

Black Bean jumped out of his pocket. He was a cat who was not afraid of water. He paddled happily and even caught a crab to show off. However, his nose was soon pinched by the crab and he screamed in pain...

This cat seems to be growing very slowly. Ten years have passed and it has only grown a little older. I don’t know whether it’s because of eating the treasures of heaven and earth, or whether it’s caused by being around for a long time and absorbing spiritual energy. In short, it can live a long time, which is what Chen Chu hopes. . After ten years of getting along with him, the cat became smarter and smarter, able to understand what he said and even do some small things.

This is the world of Liaozhai.

There are so many things that can become sperms, so it seems that it is not too much for cats to be smarter...

After ten years of practice, it’s time to enter the world and see the mortal world.

Chen Chu changed into a clean Taoist robe, stuffed the black beans into his pocket as usual, and walked in a random direction, arriving at a village unknowingly.

The village is not small.

Judging from the number of houses, there are at least more than 400 people.

Chen Chu didn't know where he should go or how far he should go in the so-called mind training. He only knew that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was gradually becoming thinner as Bai Wuchang said.

He walked into the village. It was morning, and many people were walking out with hoes. When one of them saw Chen Chu's outfit, a look of panic flashed across his face. He quickly clasped his fists and said respectfully: "Taoist Master, come to us." Zhangjiacun, but the Taoist temple needs incense?"

After ten years on the mountain, Chen Chu's face has not changed much, but his beard has grown a lot. At first, he just felt it was interesting and nothing but stroking it with his hands. Over time, it became a habit...

He didn't know why the villager was panicking, and was a little confused: "I am a poor Taoist wandering here, and there is no Taoist temple. If it is convenient for the predestined master, I can just give him some gruel and dry food."

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was incorporated into the body. It took ten days, then two months, then half a year, then one year, and five years later. He had reached the point of fasting. It had been five years since he last ate, and he didn't feel any hunger in his belly. . But there was a faint smell lingering in the chimneys of every house in the village, and I still wanted to try it.

The person talking to Chen Chu was an old man in his fifties. When he heard that he was a Taoist priest from out of town, the panic in his eyes dissipated a lot.

He handed the hoe to the man next to him: "Azhuang, take the hoe to the mountain. I'll use it later when I go up the mountain to hoe the ground. Don't lose it. I'll take the Taoist priest to my house first..."

There were five or six men who came out with the old man. It may be due to working in the mountains for a long time. Their skin was as dark as bronze due to the wind and sun, and their bodies were dry and thin. They seemed to be a little afraid of Chen Chu. Only the old man was there. Talking, they just stood there and said nothing.

Chen Chu followed the old man to a bungalow. There was a small fenced yard at the door where some vegetables were planted. A woman in her mid-twenties was watering the vegetables. When she saw the old man walking in with a Taoist priest, her hands shook. , the ladle used to water vegetables fell to the ground, she picked it up in a panic and stood aside quickly.

The old man smiled awkwardly at Chen Chu, looked at the woman and said, "Alan, give Taoist Master a pot of porridge and two plates of fresh vegetables."

The woman lowered her head and hummed, then quickly ran into the house...

Chen Chu's mind was full of questions. After a brief communication, he found out that the old man's name was Zhang Fengshou, and everyone in the village called him Lao Fengshou. He lived with his son and daughter-in-law.

Lao Fengsheng's daughter-in-law quickly cooked the porridge, as well as two plates of stewed vegetables, but there was no oil at all, and it looked more like they were stewed directly in plain water.

Chen Chu sat down at the table, picked up the wooden spoon and took a sip of the porridge, then picked up the chopsticks to pick up some green vegetables and put it into his mouth. It was really cabbage stewed in white water... He could hear Lao Fengsheng's daughter-in-law scraping the rice bowl with a spoon. Even though the life is so miserable, I still cooked this bowl of "gruel" that is not too thin. The hospitality is touching...

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