I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 668 Taoist Rituals

In the mortal world, the Demonic Cult.

The leader of Tongtian Cult is sitting cross-legged on the futon in the hall to practice. He is wearing a black gauze hat, a black robe, and a spotted leopard skin cape on his shoulders. The aura around him is constantly turbulent, and the black aura gathers and disperses repeatedly in the three inches above his head!

He slowly opened his eyelids and slapped his hand upwards. A circular plate instantly appeared on the top of the palace and flipped over, and the dark night sky suddenly came into view.

The movement of the vast stars has its own rules. Sometimes the brightness of the same star represents the rise and fall of a dynasty's fortune, and sometimes it also represents a person's misfortune.

The same is true for the Eight Immortals. Each of them has its own star representative in the universe. At the beginning, the aura of the stars was wrapped in layers of meteorite rock layers, which represented the unborn and silent Eight Immortals. If one of them returns to its proper position, the stars will be sensed and will peel off the rock layers to reveal their original colors and light...

As the former junior disciple of Taishang Laojun, Master Tongtian has already mastered the art of stargazing and divination.

Three stars of the Eight Immortals have been lit up at this time.

He said calmly: "Ten thousand years ago, Zhang Youren claimed that he had experienced hundreds of millions of tribulations and achieved perfect merits. He sat on the dragon chair in the Lingxiao Palace and became the one who commanded the immortals from above! I disagree and object! The Supreme Lord said The bastard actually united with Western Tathagata and Guanyin to deal with me and sealed me with a curse!

Now that I have come out, I want you three to see who is more suitable to sit on that dragon chair!

snort! I come out here to shock those mortals who worship the gods in heaven. How can I be involved in the catastrophe of heaven and earth? And how can I bring out the Eight Immortals who were born in response to the catastrophe? I really think that I am made of clay, and that the Supreme Master is not as powerful as me. Okay, could these mere Eight Immortals be able to turn this world upside down? "

At this moment, a person walked in from the side door wearing green clothes, with long red hair, and a bat-shaped gilding pattern on her face. Her dress dragged the ground and walked in. A trace of charm appeared on her face, and she said delicately: "The leader of the devil, The success is so great that it is far better than what it was ten thousand years ago. Even if all the Eight Immortals return to their positions, they will not be a match for the leader!"

Leader Tongtian chuckled twice, then frowned and said: "Not long ago, I captured a little immortal from the Heavenly Court and learned that the Eight Immortals were born to cope with the calamity. This was revealed in the Wordless Heavenly Book. The Eight Immortals were my calamity. , but one immortal and one demon is the disaster of the eight immortals!

Through my deduction, I learned that a pangolin spirit is one of the monsters, and a peony fairy is one of the fairies!

Chun Shujing, go find this pangolin immediately. Its location is in Huayang County. Don’t use force, remember to act with emotion and reason, and don’t make any mistakes..."

The red-haired woman clasped her fists and accepted the order, then disappeared without a trace while her body was covered in smoke.

Leader Tongtian looked at the stars and fell into deep thought. Immortals and monsters each had their own stars. The fairy star had no changes, while the demon star seemed to have slowed down its rotation. There was also a star that was changing colors vaguely on the side. He thinks he knows the secrets of the universe, but this is the first time he has seen such gorgeous stars...

Weird weird weird.

A trap set up by Taishang Laojun?

The leader of the Tongtian cult couldn't figure it out. Taishang Laojun's skill was not as good as it was ten thousand years ago. Not long ago, he had a palm strike in the heavenly court, and he obviously fell short.

Even if Taishang Laojun didn't fight with him head-on, why didn't Guanshiyin and Tathagata make any move back then? Could it be that his cultivation has also stagnated?

No, even if this is the case, they, one immortal, one Buddha and one Bodhisattva, have joined forces and their Taoism is far better than his. Now they just stand still and let eight minions come out to deal with the disaster?

Ten thousand years is enough time for heaven to arrange too many designs.

Leader Tongtian looked at his hands turning into bear paws, sighed quietly, and said: "Why is my Tongtian body like this... I seem to be like this, but secretly I feel that I shouldn't be like this... Li Er, what are you doing? ghost!"

Although he was extremely arrogant and rushed to Lingxiao Palace to find trouble, he also had his own concerns.

For example, the way of heaven, the way of heaven is moving, the secret of heaven is as vast as smoke, and there are many laws of heaven. Even the Supreme Lord does not dare to talk about the way of heaven. He talks about doing nothing and obeying the way of heaven.

In the circular opening on the top of the temple, the star representing the demon changed from cyan to white. The speed was very slow, but it could not escape the eyes of the leader of Tongtian...

When his skill increases and the claws on his hands are gone, he will go and see for himself what the gaudy stars are all about! For some reason, he always felt that this star represented a slight change, which could change his luck!

Huayang County.

As soon as Qingniu Temple opened its doors, a group of ordinary people rushed in holding incense sticks!

They rushed to put the incense in the big incense burner and worshiped the Green Ox God. Pangolin came out wearing a Taoist robe of the same style as the Green Ox Spirit, spread his hands and said loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet. As the saying goes, Buddha has Buddhist rituals. Then Taoism naturally also has rituals. I will teach you a ritual specifically used to worship Taoist gods. This will better show your piety. I will do it first, and you can just follow me..."

The pangolin was wearing a Taoist robe, and its originally slightly fierce appearance had a hint of majesty. The pilgrims who had been noisy just now suddenly became quiet and even lined up in front and back.

Pangolin was overjoyed. This was the first time that so many people listened to his words, and he suddenly felt elated. However, today was his first time meeting the pilgrims at the interactive Niu Temple. Don't make any mistakes!

"It's very simple. Don't be nervous, everyone. This is called one ceremony and three knocks."

He stood upright in front of a futon and said loudly: "Follow me, stand in a figure eight shape with your feet, make a fist with your right hand, hold your right hand with your left hand, and insert your thumb into the tiger's mouth of your right hand, forming a posture of holding the yin and embracing the yang! Raise it to At the height of the eyebrows, bow down to the statue and bow (yi), then naturally lower it to the abdomen, and then raise it to the eyebrows."

"Then let go of your hands, cover your heart with your left hand, slowly press your right hand on the mat, bend down, kneel down, open your legs and press them on the back of your right hand, kowtow three times, touch your head to the back of your hand, and recite silently. It’s about praying. Then you raise your head, cover your heart with your left hand, stand up with your right hand supporting the mat, then support the mat with your right hand, and bow down. If you do this three times, the ceremony is completed. Don’t forget to give a fist-cup salute to Taoist Guanzhong, haha.”

Seeing the pilgrims in the audience learning well, the pangolin felt a great sense of accomplishment. He stood aside and waited for each pilgrim who had finished worshiping the statue of the green bull before bowing to him.

At the table in the corner of the temple, Qingniu and Chen Chu were sitting there drinking tea. Qingniu looked at the pangolin and couldn't help but smiled happily: "Brother Chen, in this world, mortals only worship gods with their hands together. It has been established that almost no pilgrims understand Taoist rituals. You ask pangolins to teach pilgrims to perform Taoist rituals.

It not only eliminates the distance between pangolins and mortals, but also allows pilgrims to learn new things. However, worshiping gods requires sincerity. As long as the heart is pious, even the joining of hands can be achieved. "

Chen Chu joked: "So, Brother Cao Qing doesn't need the pilgrims to do this. I asked the pangolins to stop..."

"Hey, that's the bad thing about Brother Chen. He is too serious."

Qingniu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly stopped him! It was not easy to see the correct etiquette of Taoist pilgrims worshiping gods. Everyone voluntarily followed it. How could it be cancelled? He said: "No, God will not blame me. If there is..., it will naturally be the icing on the cake. Haha, this is also for the pangolins." It’s an opportunity to exercise.”

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