I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 678 Mastering the Seventy-Two Changes

"There are only two people?" Pangolin couldn't help but widen his eyes and asked, "Can't senior brother's master, uncle, and uncle row in?"

"Of course not."

Chen Chu smiled and said: "I can say that I come from the lineage of the Three Mountains of Tianshi Dao, but my masters cannot come from the lineage of Chen Tianshi. If I do this, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse and making me older? You just need to remember one thing, As long as our roots are in the way of the Heavenly Master."

The pangolin felt that he was also stunned, and nodded slightly confused: "Anyway, whatever the senior brother says is what it is."

After yesterday's incident between Lan Caihe and He Xiangu, Qingniu Temple became even more popular. The reason why the pilgrims came was very simple. It was that the Taoist temple was honest and would not hide anything from them. It would do what it should do. Inadvertently, this kind of operation would, on the contrary, Make people feel relevant and comfortable.

During this period, Chen Chu finally wrote down all the catalogs of the seventy-two transformations of the earthly evil. They were actually seventy-two spells, and the names were very straightforward. For example, Tongyou, which can talk to ghosts in the underworld, exorcise gods, and can drive some gods to do things. Things, borrowing wind, can bring in wind, spreading mist, can bring in fog. Yes, this technique accounts for a change.

Lan Caihe and He Xiangu didn't come for some reason after they were defeated at Qingniu Temple. Chen Chu didn't care and concentrated on studying the seventy-two transformations. Perhaps it was the reason why he was awarded the first grade. He felt that his comprehension speed was getting faster and faster. Quickly, in just three months, I have successfully memorized the contents of the seventy-two transformations in "The Book of Wishful Desires" in my mind...

He also gradually understood why a few words were so difficult to remember.

Write down the contents of the Ruyi Book. For every word that is successfully written down, a golden light will fly out of the book and into the center of his eyebrows, as if each word recognizes him...

Another five months passed like this.

On this day, Chen Chu sat cross-legged on the bed in the wing room, opened his eyes, and the golden light was flowing in his eyes. He reached out and gently touched the wishful book beside him and said: "Thanks to the help of the book of heaven, Chu has mastered the seventy-two transformations of the earth evil." He left Qingchu. Niu Guan's figure flickered and appeared in the bamboo forest. With a wave of his hand, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the bamboo forest. Perhaps because of his "breathing wind" skill, the wind was much stronger than expected...

Chen Chu took a step forward. He seemed to be in no hurry, but he moved forward quickly. In just a few breaths, he was already a mile away. This was a magical move.

When he saw the pond, he did not dodge, but walked directly on the water as if walking on flat ground. This was walking on water. He took a few steps on the pond, soared into the air, and walked against the wind, freely...

After flying in the air for a while and landing on the ground, Chen Chu pulled out a few hairs on his arms and threw them on the ground. After hearing two bangs, four identical Chen Chu stood in front of him.

"I've seen this person."

Chen Chu, who was all sweaty, raised their hands and saluted Chen Chu.

Chen Chu smiled and said, "Do you know what order I just gave you in my mind?"

The hairy Chen Chu looked at me and you, and replied, "We don't know."

The clone is to use something that is closely related to itself as a medium to transform into the original image, but the strength is not said.

Chen Chu looked at them and said, "Come, let me test your strength!"

The sweaty Chen Chu nodded and said: "Then please be careful." With a swish sound, a green and gold long sword appeared in their hands, like the Final Sword, but it was too rough if you looked closely.

Four reduced-match final swords attacked from four angles.

Chen Chu took a step back and raised his left arm to catch four swords. Just when the blade was about to touch his skin, he raised the index finger of his right hand to the rock next to him and said, "Send the stick!" His arm was hit four times. A strike with the sword left him unscathed, but there were four neat cuts on the stone next to him.

The four hairy Chen Chu's faces tightened, he jumped away to keep his distance, and threw the long sword in his hand with all his strength!

Chen Chu probably figured out that their strength was probably less than one-tenth of his own. He made a sword formula with his left hand and shouted softly: "Return!"

The sword was finally in front of him, but he couldn't get closer no matter what. He only heard a buzz and flew back, piercing Chen Chu's calf! Their faces showed pain, but no one shouted out. Instead, they cupped their fists and said, "Thank you for your mercy..."

After they finished speaking, they turned into their original hairs.

Chen Chu also clasped his fists at his four hairs and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"Hahaha, it's so interesting, so interesting!"

Suddenly a voice came, domineering and arrogant: "The pangolin's luck has changed, it turns out it was you who did something good!"

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a black gauze hat, a leopard-dot cape, and a black robe coming against the wind. When he landed on the ground, a series of small explosions occurred around him.

Chen Chu: "..."

The person who came was the leader of Tongtian Cult, and to my surprise, he was also a destroyer of the earth.

Leader Tongtian looked Chen Chu up and down, and said with a half-smile, "Little Taoist priest, at your age you can actually master the seventy-two transformations of Earthly Evil. What is your relationship with the Supreme Lord of Heaven?"

Chen Chu said: "Before asking me questions, should you introduce yourself?"

Leader Tongtian was stunned for a moment. This little Taoist priest, who was not even an immortal, dared to speak in such a tone. Usually, when these monks see him, who wouldn't be scared to death?

He said: "You are not timid... It's okay to tell you that I am the leader of Tongtian Sect! What method did you use to trick Pangolin into joining the Taoist sect? Hurry up and expel him from the sect. This monster is of great use to me!"

Chen Chu said: "It turns out it's Master Tongtian, I'm so rude! But please forgive me for not being able to fulfill your request. Pangolin voluntarily joined the Taoist sect. He will ascend to immortality in the future. Please don't take advantage of him, Master Tongtian." "


The leader of Tongtian Cult frowned, threw off his cloak, jumped into the air, shouted loudly, invisible sound waves surged in, and suddenly the ground cracked and trees shattered!

Chen Chu knew that Master Tongtian could beat any member of the Eight Immortals at will in a one-on-one situation. With full firepower, he could beat seven of them one at a time!

He did not underestimate the enemy and immediately opened the refining gourd and shouted: "Please look at this treasure!"

Leader Tongtian looked over subconsciously and saw the four swords of earth, water, wind, and fire turning into four rays of light and flying towards them, directly destroying the sound skill! He sneered and stretched out his hands to grab the four swords: "Let me see if it is worthy of the word treasure!" The sword fell into his hand, and suddenly it sizzled, smoke came out, and with a pop, the blade cut the palm of his hand. Came out.


Leader Tongtian was shocked!

He hadn't seen such pure four elements of earth, fire, and feng shui in how many years...

Chen Chu rose up against the wind, with four swords surrounding him, looking directly at the Tongtian Cult Master. This was a magic weapon given by the Nine Heavens Xuannv from the high plane, so it was not surprising that it could cause damage.

Master Tongtian used his magic power, and the wounds on his palms slowly disappeared. He said with a gloomy face: "Little Taoist priest, where did you get these four swords? They are indeed worthy of the word treasure! Leave them to me, they can play more roles. A tremendous strength……"

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