I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 701 What you see in the future is what you get

Taishang Laojun used his magical power to bring Chen Si back to the Tang Dynasty era.

[Congratulations on completing the commission and helping the pangolin step onto the right path and successfully become an immortal. 】

[Congratulations on completing the commission and successfully reborn as an immortal through unremitting efforts. 】

The pure white light like milk outlines the unique handwriting of ash stone on the ground.

The time of departure has come...

Chen Chu bowed respectfully to the Supreme Lord, bowed to the heaven, bowed to the gods and gods, and solemnly said: "Chen Chu thanked the Taoist ancestors, thanked the Jade Emperor, and thanked all the gods and immortals for their help!"

The immortals laughed and said that they accepted this gift.

Chen Chu bowed to Tathagata Buddha again, and Arhat Bodhisattva also bowed to him. He was about to say thank you, but Tathagata and Buddha avoided the ceremony.

Tathagata's broken body is recovering, his broken arm has recovered, and his appearance is normal, but the lost cultivation can only be regained slowly over time. He clasped his hands together and said: "Amitabha, the cause of the Eight Immortals' eastward journey is to my west... This battle between Buddhism and Taoism has resulted in countless deaths and injuries, and many sins have been committed.

I have woken up..."

A weak wind surrounded Chen Chu.

The pewter totem on the back of his hand glowed.

Chen Chu had a sudden thought and raised the back of his hand to look at Tathagata Buddha and Taishang Laojun, and asked, "Buddha and Taoist, maybe you can see the totem on the back of Chu's hand?"

The words fell.

There were ripples of golden light in Tathagata's eyes. After looking at it for a while, he shook his head and said, "I can't see it."

Taishang Laojun had many auras in his eyes and shook his head: "I can't see it either... If it exists, it should come from a place that is much higher than our world." "

Tathagata and Laojun in this world cannot see the existence of white wax stone.

Which world is the product of ash stone? It is full of mystery and power.

The pangolin felt something was wrong and asked hurriedly: "Brother, are you going somewhere?"

Chen Chu looked at the expression of reluctance on the pangolin's face like a child, and smiled softly: "I come from other worlds, and I need to keep traveling..."

The pangolin hurriedly patted his chest: "I don't care where my senior brother is from, just take me with you. No matter how terrible the enemy is, even if you can't defeat it, I can resist it with thick skin and buy time."

The appearance of the pangolin made Chen Chu couldn't help but think of his junior sister Fang Xiaoyi in the world of "School Graveyard".

He stretched out his hands and hugged the pangolin tightly, and said: "Junior brother, senior brother, I don't have the ability to lead people through time yet. You should protect yourself and practice well. When you are strong enough to leave this world and time travel, you will eventually be able to do so again." Meet……"

The pangolin felt Chen Chu's warm embrace. He, who had become an immortal, could no longer bear it. His eyes were red, the tip of his nose was sore, and tears flowed down like a bursting dam: "After senior brother is gone, there will be no one like him." You still care about me, senior brother...I will definitely listen to your words and practice well. You should pay attention to safety in other worlds. I will be able to travel across the world to find you soon!"

Neither Tathagata Buddha nor Taishang Laojun can leave the three realms, and they are even powerless against the inexplicable "extraterrestrial demons" in the sky. He De, the pangolin, can cultivate to the point of transcending the three realms, transcending all these to find his beloved and respected senior brother, but , this will be his goal for the rest of his life...

His tears soaked Chen Chu's Taoist robe.

Ever since his brothers and sisters were cooked by hunters, he has never shed tears again. Sadness, reluctance, and sadness well up in his heart.

At this moment, a green light was emitted from a distance, it was the Green Bull Spirit.

Chen Chu let go of the pangolin and raised his hands towards the green bull spirit and said, "Brother Cao Qing!"

Qingniu Jing is Laojun's mount and has a lot of experience. As he got closer, he immediately noticed that Chen Chu was different and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, I didn't expect that he became an immortal after not seeing each other for just a few days! Ah, Master, Tathagata, you guys They are all here..." When he flew over, his sight was blocked by the mountains, and he did not see this large group of gods and Buddhas, and his voice suddenly became softer.

The pangolin looked at Qingniu Jing: "Brother Qingniu, senior brother, he is leaving..."

The Qingniu Jing was a little shocked and said: "Why, it doesn't matter if you become an immortal, we can still be together."

Taishang Laojun raised his hand and tapped Qingniu's eyebrows. What happened in the Southern Song Dynasty suddenly appeared in his mind. Qingniu was in a daze for a while before saying: "It turns out that Brother Chen is a person from another world. It really makes me Unexpectedly, all banquets in the world come to an end, brother, take care!”

Qingniu has lived for too many years and has seen many joys and sorrows, and can control his emotions better than pangolin.

The wind surrounding Chen Chu's body became stronger and stronger, and his body slowly began to become translucent.

Taishang Laojun shook the fly whisk on his arm and formed a seal with one hand.

Tathagata Buddha clasped his palms together and lowered his eyebrows.

In an instant, the whole world was occupied by two kinds of light, golden and white. The golden light on the left was strong, and the white light on the right was dazzling. The Tathagata chanted sutras, and there were Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Aluo, Jieyi, Bhikshunis, Bhikshus, Upasakas, and others. Upasikas clasped their hands and chanted along. The sound of chanting was like a wave, one after another, rising and falling with great momentum.

On the side of the immortals, Taishang Laojun also recited the Taoist scriptures, and the immortals from all walks of life also looked at Chen Chu with solemn faces. In an instant, the sky was filled with flowers, white cranes danced, and immortal swords filled the sky. This place seemed to be the immortal dojo in heaven.



Chen Chu disappeared without a trace with a bang, as if he had never been there...

Taishang Laojun and Tathagata could only vaguely see him leaving this world and going to the outside world, and couldn't see anything further away...

The familiar black and white chaos, the dizzy feeling of the world turning upside down, Chen Chu never imagined that he had become an immortal, and that time travel would still be accompanied by dizziness...

His eyes were open.

The surroundings were empty and dark, with no light or sound.

This time I didn’t feel any dark eyes peering at me, which was a bit strange...

Chen Chu slowly closed his eyes, which would make the time-travel process go faster. I don’t know how long it had passed, but he felt like his toes were touching the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw the stone monument of the world hanging high in the darkness. A starry lounge.

There was a sound of breaking wind coming from high in the sky.

Realization dawned on him and he took a step back.


A huge stone tablet hit the ground, and the four characters "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" appeared on it.

Before he could step forward, there was another sound of breaking wind from above, and another stone tablet fell. With a boom, the ground shook, and it hit the side of the "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio" world stone tablet, and the three words "Journey to the East" appeared.

Several golden and white light balls exuded from the two stone tablets, circled in the air a few times, and then slammed to the ground and scattered, showing [Congratulations on receiving the special gift of ash stone "What you see is what you get", in the future world, The items or skills obtained are immediately obtained as rewards and will no longer appear as light balls in the ash stone space (special ash stone products are not included in this list and will still appear in the form of light balls.)]

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