Because the Fuhu Arhat secretly descended to earth to help the Dragon-Subduing Arhat, the Plague God should be sent to follow him down to earth to release the plague, and put all the sins on Fuhu's head?

Why do immortals behave like the underworld?

Chen Chu stood to the left, clasped his fists and said, "To the Jade Emperor, is it inappropriate to implicate innocent people in the world because of Fuhu's incident? Why not let a poor man descend to earth and bring Fuhu back?" His figure was just blocking the fortress. In front of Taibai Jinxing, who went to invite the God of Plague, his words were calm, but his meaning was very clear. This kind of sinful thing cannot be done!

"Presumptuous! You are too presumptuous!"

The God of Wealth, who was standing with the gold in his hand, saw this scene and shouted: "Jade Emperor, Chen Sanmu has no heaven and does not respect the law. Please allow me to challenge him to a duel!"

As soon as these words came out, all the immortals laughed crazily!

The Jade Emperor's originally gloomy face couldn't help bursting into laughter: "God of Wealth, can you do it? You can't even beat Erlang Shen, do you want to kill him with money?"

Erlang Shen: "Jade Emperor, stop talking..."

The Jade Emperor's face straightened: "Okay, you bring Fuhu up!"

Chen Chu responded well.

He jumped down and disappeared instantly.

Seeing that the person had left, the God of Wealth came forward and said, "Jade Emperor, this Chen Sansan clearly doesn't take our Heavenly Court seriously. I think he might become the second Arhat who subdued the Dragon!"

The Jade Emperor was silent for a moment: "So what? The Dragon Subduing Arhat is lawless. At least Chen San still has a little respect for me..."

On the way from the heaven to the human world, Chen Chu's clothes made a rustling sound, like a meteor coming to the world. He only stayed in the heaven for one day and he already saw the problem! These gods have lost their moral character as gods and will only live their lives guarding their own land. The only thing that can make them angry is probably losing face.

He was wrapped in the firelight, frowning, trying his best to persuade, if it really didn't work...

It is dark night in the world right now.

Black clouds covered the moon, and Li Xiuyuan and Fu Hu hurriedly walked on the street.

Li Xiuyuan grabbed his hair hard: "Yuan Batian is considered a reckless man with considerable fighting ability among mortals. How could he be killed for no reason?"

Fu Hu followed him closely and said: "That's possible. Yuan Batian mainly wants to be the ninth evil person. He has done many evil things and offended many people. It's normal for him to be killed suddenly! You should think about how to solve the bet with the Heavenly Court. Well, Yuan Batian is dead. Even if he is reincarnated as an adult immediately, it will take eighteen years.

The time given by heaven is three days. You said it is two and a half days. One day in heaven and one year on earth. You awaken Su Hui and start counting. There are only two and a half years left for the gamble. Yuan Batian's fate cannot be changed. We are destined to lose. Yes, you have to become a pig or a dog and never be reincarnated. "

Li Xiuyuan naturally knew this. He stopped and Fu Hu suddenly bumped into his back.

Fuhu: "Huh?"

Li Xiuyuan calculated with his left hand, showing a hopeless expression: "Yuan Batian's soul has dispersed, and he has no chance of reincarnation."

Fu Hu: "Ah? Who dares to be so bold!"

Li Xiuyuan shook his head and said, "I can't figure out who it is, but the person who scattered his soul is also dead."

At this moment, firelight fell from the sky, like a meteor falling!

Fuhu was shocked: "What is this!"

Li Xiuyuan didn't know what it was, so he picked up his fan and slapped the meteor-like thing hard: "Put out the fire!"

When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva gave this fan in his hand, he called it a wish-fulfilling fan. However, it can only be used three times a day. If it is used for transformation, it will be a blinding method. After that day, it will return to its original state! Although there are many limitations, the power is indeed considerable. In the movie, if the spell had not been cast on the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the fan would not have been broken...

The bolide did not go out as Li Xiuyuan imagined. Instead, it rose violently, and the scorching temperature rolled in. Both he and Fu Hu felt that their hairs were burnt!


The meteor landed on the ground, exploded with a bang, and a figure walked out.

Li Xiuyuan saw it clearly and blurted out: "Chen San?"

Fuhu had never seen Chen Chu. He was stunned for a moment and then said happily: "It turns out he is a helper. It's so good! It scared me!"

Chen Chu looked at Fuhu and said calmly: "Fuhu Arhat, you have violated the laws of heaven in private. The poor man was appointed by the Jade Emperor as the first god of war in heaven, and the Jade Emperor ordered you to be captured and brought to heaven!"

The smile on Fuhu's joyful face suddenly stiffened: "What, you actually came to catch me!"

Chen Chu pulled out Xuannv's Fire Sword and dragged it to the ground. A hole was cut into the bluestone ground, accompanied by a scalding heat wave! Seeing this, Fu Hu took a few steps back and lowered his voice in Li Xiuyuan's ear and said, "Jiang Long, this guy looks very difficult to deal with. What should we do?"

what to do?


As the representative of the Eighteen Arhats with high combat power, Li Xiuyuan naturally knows how strong Chen Chu is, and he is probably no match for him even if his power is still there.

Chen Chu said: "Arhat Crouching Tiger, don't ask me to do it myself. Go to heaven yourself and go to the Jade Emperor to admit your mistake sincerely."

Fu Hu hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Jiang Long, the Jade Emperor loves face. I will go up and give him a little face and it will be fine. You should think about how to change the situation in the world."

After he finished speaking, he jumped into the sky and disappeared.

Li Xiuyuan scratched the back of his head with the handle of the fan, yawned and said, "Daozhang Chen is really powerful. He has become the number one god of war in heaven in a blink of an eye. It's really gratifying! But I think that Daozhang Chen came down to earth... not just for the sake of Fuhu. Things, if you have anything to say, just say it and I will listen."

Chen Chu got straight to the point and said: "Not long ago, when I killed Yuan Batian, I accidentally encountered a demon named Black Rakshasa in the City of Wan Si. It wanted to avenge Yuan Batian. I fought hard with it and won by luck. But I learned one thing, and that is the grudge between the Black Rakshasa and the Tathagata a long time ago, I wonder if the Dragon-Subduing Arhat knows about it?"

Li Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment: "There is indeed such a thing. A Rakshasa ghost came to rob Lingshan, but was suppressed by Tathagata Buddha."

Chen Chu said: "I got a piece of gossip from the Black Rakshasa, that is, the heavenly gods were dignified and upright a long time ago, with good-looking men and pretty women, and they were not as weird as they are now."

Li Xiuyuan really didn't know about this: "Ah, I don't remember such a thing!"

There is really a hidden secret here.

Chen Chu raised his head and said loudly: "Subduing Dragon Arhat, what is your purpose in coming to earth!"

This question was asked at the gate of Guoqing Temple last time, but Li Xiuyuan knew that Chen Chu must have other intentions, so he answered loudly: "That is to hope that people in the world can decide their own destiny! I hope that the gods in heaven can see the suffering of mortals. , I understand, don’t do things every day, pull red strings randomly, write in the book of life and death..."

Chen Chu nodded and said: "Okay, okay, Arhat who has subdued the Dragon has such a bold wish. It just so happens that Pindao also has a slightly bolder idea and would like to ask Arhat who subdues the Dragon to cooperate."

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