I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 720 Returning to Sanshan Palace with Honor

Chen Chu opened his eyes and was already in the ash stone space.

The thing that looked like a tiger fish shocked his soul quite a bit. After so many worlds, the size of the world in the darkness was proportional to the strength of the world's will. But the tiger fish can tear it into pieces as easily as it chews a candy ball. The size of the dark eyeballs, the grinding, and the erosion of the darkness are as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the tiger fish.

In the eyes of the tiger fish, all the big and small worlds in the dark are probably just fish food that can be seen everywhere.

A faint meow sounded in the silent white stone space.

Chen Chu was pleasantly surprised to find that he had successfully brought the kitten over. It was not rejected by the ash stone, which meant that the kitten was not dangerous to him...

A strong wind swept through, and the huge stone tablet fell down, making a loud bang when it landed on the ground. The word "Jigong" appeared on the surface of the tablet. Different from the previous twenty-eight worlds, the stone tablet in the world of "Jigong" was full of cracks and full of cracks. Weathered look. However, there is a faint light of divine fire shining in the cracks of the stone tablet, and I believe it will be repaired in a short time.

Two white balls of light flew towards the stone tablet.

Chen Chu caught it and crushed it, and the white ball of light turned into two items and floating text.

What comes out of the first light ball: [Congratulations on getting a "Seven-day Vacation Voucher", a special product from the ash stone space. This voucher can be used to return to the real world for seven days. It is a one-time consumable item. It is prohibited to carry anything outside the real world. , including but not limited to skills, items, creatures, summons...]

What came out of the second ball of light: [Congratulations on getting a special product from the ash stone space, "Comprehension". This item can slightly improve your comprehension ability! Note: Comprehension improvement only improves the current comprehension, and the maximum improvement level will not exceed the user's comprehension limit. 】

Vacation coupons are a good thing. Although they have only experienced three worlds, they have been used in the worlds of Liaozhai and Journey to the East for at least twenty years. Fortunately, they did not synchronize the time in the real world through the phone. Otherwise, Master and Master estimate that when they come back this time, Already fledged.

Chicken Leg Boy and Li Hongyi were not wearing white coats and studying as usual.

They put back on their previous clothes and sat cross-legged to practice not far from the World Monument. It seemed that their practice had reached a bottleneck. Li Hongyi was surrounded by countless words. These words were the previous settings for her. She seemed to want to use her own The power to change your own settings. The drumstick guy closed his eyes tightly, the emerald green breath surged out of his body, and his hair swayed as if immersed in water.

The auras of both of them were very violent and seemed to be somewhat uncontrollable.

Chen Chu appeared in front of them, raised both hands, and pointed his two fingers on their eyebrows, carefully instilling a hint of immortality! After receiving the immortal energy, Li Hongyi and Chicken Leg Boy's complexions returned to normal, and their violent auras became calmer...

It's time for me to get back to the real world.

He used the enlightenment coupon directly. This thing is not Viagra that lasts for a while and then disappears, but it permanently taps out his potential...

The Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang and the Seventy-two Transformations of Earthly Demon learned in the world of Journey to the East became more clear in his mind. The Seventy-two Transformations were only roughly used at first, but at this moment, Chen Chu felt that he could use them more skillfully.

Even the mysterious and obscure Thirty-Six Changes, Chen Chu had the illusion that he understood it a little bit, but he had to take his time with this stuff and study the Thirty-Six slowly.

Chen Chu put the kitten into the cat's nest in the lounge, took out the travel coupon, held it up high, and used it!

The milky white light of ash converged into a standard circle on the ground, and the breeze wrapped around his body, and boom, disappeared without a trace...

In the real world, there are three mountain palaces on the three peaks.

San Shanzi and senior brother San Yunzi watched Chen Chu leave. Before they could blink, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and with a bang, Chen Chu suddenly stood in front of them, wearing a golden crown, gorgeous purple robes, and a small beard.

Sanshanzi felt like his head was buzzing.

He knew that the time flow in the different world that Chen Chu was going to was different from that in the real world, but at that moment he changed to the suit version. He was so infuriated that he almost blinded his eyes!

The calm Miyunzi picked up a cup of tea and took a shaky sip, still unable to suppress the shock in his heart. He slowly exhaled his turbid breath, tried his best to look calm and asked: "Is this... already an immortal?"

The word "become an immortal" has a huge temptation for those who practice Taoism, whether it is a world where spiritual energy, ghosts and gods appear, or the reality of absolute and impossible power!

Sanyunzi felt that her legs were not working properly, and she felt excited and ashamed at the same time. She was so embarrassed!

He stretched out his hand to touch Chen Chu's purple robe: "If I guess correctly, purple robes can only be worn by heavenly masters..."

Someone was faster than him, it was San Shanzi. He grabbed Chen Chu's hand and his voice trembled: "Oh my God... So soft and boneless, the skin is as smooth as jade fat, and this robe, this feel... "

Chen Chu could not bring over the Taoist robes given by Taishang Laojun and the golden crowns given by Tathagata. The one he was wearing at the moment was just a copy of the same style using the ability of the ash stone space. It looked good, but had no special effects. He admits that he has a little bit of vanity. He has become an immortal and comes back in casual clothes...how can that be done!

He said with some embarrassment: "Master, Master, I have become an immortal. The golden crown was given by Tathagata, and the purple robe was given by Taishang Laojun. However, I cannot bring the original one, so I can only make an exact copy for you to see. .”

Sanshanzi was shaking like chaff. He thought he was very open-minded about cultivating immortals and was not as persistent as his senior brother. But at this moment, the immortal was standing in front of him, and he was his only disciple. It was an amazing feeling! He touched the Taoist robe without letting go and asked, "Tell us what happened after going to Liaozhai World for so long."

"Yes, tell me, Master Qi also wants to hear it." San Yunzi watched his junior brother move his hands up and down Chen Chu, but said nothing because he was also frantically researching what was different about the immortal Chen Chu.

It was a strange feeling to be studied crazily by two elders, but they helped him a lot. Chen Chu even stretched out his arms so that they could watch. Not to mention watching, it was not a problem to draw blood for drinking. The more he experiences in the world, the more he understands the importance of emotions. If he has no emotions and only acts based on his natural desires, he will only become a monster in the end.

He smiled and said: "I was originally going to Liaozhai World. I was walking around and encountered three foxes and the Wutong God..."

"Wutongshen? Three foxes?"

Sanshanzi, who was lamenting that Immortal Chen Shi's physique was different, suddenly widened his eyes and said, "If I guessed correctly, these three foxes are named Susu, Huahua and Feifei. Alas, I didn't expect them to be like this." This is not a serious world, but I thought it was a serious fairy tale world!"

"Master, you..."

The smile on Chen Chu's face paused.

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