I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 722 Watching the Juggling Monkey

Chen Chu spent three days in Sanshan Palace, transcribing all the secrets of cultivation that he knew, and wrote special notes that required special decryption and translation, and then printed them on a printer to prevent discrepancies and missing content caused by hand-copying.

Sanshanzi and Sanyunzi felt like they had found a treasure. Even when they went to bed at night, they felt like thieves would come and steal the stack of treasures. The two discussed it, and in the early morning of the next day, they immediately bought a small password box to put it in, and rang the phone to call a few nearby and reliable brothers to help "escort" them to Longhu Mountain...

Naturally, Chen Chu also went to Longhu Mountain and chatted for a long time with the respected elders of Longhu Mountain in a hidden wing.

With two or three days left, he returned to his hometown in the countryside again.

For his parents, Chen Chu had only been gone for a few days. But for Chen Chu, he has not seen his parents for more than ten or twenty years.

The sentient immortal he cultivated is not the emotionless immortal, so there is no need to cut off his emotions.

In the final time, he left the real world. Although there was nothing earth-shattering to do every time he came back, it always brought a sense of peace to his heart...

The real world is a safe haven for him, a "wage earner" struggling in the world.

Return to the ash stone space.

Chicken Leg Boy and Li Hongyi have made breakthroughs, and their temperaments have also changed a lot. Their cultivation is comparable to that of Pangolin in the early stage, which makes him very happy.

Chen Chu practiced in the ash stone space for twenty years as usual, consolidating his own realm, comprehending the thirty-six transformations, and was the first to understand the method of soaring into the clouds and riding the mist. This method sounds very ordinary, but it is better because it does not consume mana. As long as there are clouds and mist, You can call anywhere, and the most important thing is that it is very fast!

After comprehending the soaring clouds and driving the mist, Chen Chu felt like he had escaped into the time of the sages after an intense technical work. When he tried to comprehend other methods, he was still confused and hit a wall.

Forget it, haste makes waste.

He was ready to continue traveling.

You can also practice while doing tasks. Each world has different levels, rich spiritual energy, and different cultivation progress.

Set off!

When Chen Chu said goodbye to Chicken Leg Boy and Li Hongyi, he picked up the kitten that was placed in the lounge. A circle of milky white words appeared under his feet and disappeared into a breeze...

The sun and moon are confused.

The world is upside down.

Scenes from countless worlds flew past in front of my eyes.

Chen Chu woke up from a dream, opened his eyelids, and saw the alley that was as familiar as ever. Listening to the noise outside, he changed himself into a set of heavy linen clothes, and then walked out...

What a lively world!

Outside the alley, there are vendors, stalls and shops, and it is very lively with people coming and going!

There were people juggling in front, and a lot of people gathered around them. From time to time, there were bursts of cheers, and people were extremely excited.

Doing as the Romans do, Chen Chu also wanted to see what kind of juggling was going on, so he slowly squeezed into the crowd. He suddenly discovered that something was wrong. After becoming a fairy in Journey to the East, whether he was in the local "Journey to the East" or the world of "Ji Gong" later, The whole body is light, but nowhere is it as heavy as it is now...

This feeling is like a person who originally weighed 120 pounds and became 200 pounds after passing through a door. His steps are heavy and he will be out of breath if he does even the slightest physical work.

He snapped his fingers lightly.

Predict information about this world.

A row of words appears on the ash stone on the ground [The World, the original work of "Journey to the West\

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