I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 759 Black Chicken Country

In Lingshan Mountain, Lord Tathagata Buddha is sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus throne with a majestic appearance. He is explaining Buddhist scriptures at this moment. The Bodhisattvas and Arhats on both sides of the seat are listening in rapt attention.

At this moment, the beads in Manjushri Bodhisattva's hand suddenly broke and scattered on the ground.

The Buddhas were surprised.

This kind of thing usually only happens to mortals in the lower realm. How could it happen to Manjusri, who has already achieved the status of Bodhisattva?

Manjushri Bodhisattva didn't know what happened. He calculated with his left fingers, frowned, his throat suddenly became sweet, and he spurted out a mouthful of golden blood. It seemed that he had received a lot of backlash. He looked at Tathagata: "Buddha, little monk, follow the cause and effect. The source of karma was calculated, but the overwhelming karma came upon us and was hard to resist..."

These words are simply outrageous. What does a Bodhisattva do? His specialty is to save all sentient beings and resolve karma. Now that he says he has been hurt by karma, isn’t this just like a snake catcher being bitten by a snake?

Tathagata raised his hand and said, "Be patient and don't be impatient."

The scene fell silent instantly.

The Tathagata had a compassionate look on his face. He calculated gently with his left hand and frowned slightly: "It's so strange that there is such karma, Manjushri... Do you have anything going on in the lower world?"

Manjushri Bodhisattva thought for a while and said: "Yes, some time ago, the King of Wuji Kingdom loved the good monk, and I, the Buddha, ordered the young monk to save him and go to the Western Heaven to achieve the golden body of Arhat. However, when the young monk got there, it was inconvenient to meet him because of his true body. So he turned into an ordinary monk and went to test the King of Black Chicken. Because his words were a bit rude, King Wu Chicken ordered him to be tied up and thrown into the water for three days and three nights. Fortunately, the God General Liu Ding Liujia picked him up and returned to Lingshan. At this time, I, the Buddha..."

He didn't say anything else.

The Tathagata also remembered that King Wuji threw Manjushri Bodhisattva into the water and soaked it for three days and three nights. Both ordinary monks and Bodhisattvas had blasphemed the Buddha to a great extent. When Manjushri Bodhisattva said this, he went down He issued a decree and ordered Manjushri Bodhisattva's mount, the Green Lion, to go to the Wuji Kingdom to let the king accept the karma of blasphemy and soak it for three years!

It has only been less than two and a half years now, and in another half a year Chen Xuanzang's strength will be almost there, and by then he will be able to save them from the disaster on their journey to learn the scriptures.

It's just that something has changed now, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties of learning the scriptures have become distorted, making it difficult to proceed normally. It seems that someone is interfering.

Tathagata calculated for a long time, only to feel that in the dark karma, he could only vaguely see the figure of a person, and his facial features could not be seen clearly. Thinking of this, he said: "Manjusri, where is your mount?"

Manjusri replied: "Still in the Black Chicken Country."

Tathagata said: "Just go to Wuji Country and see what happens. Don't come forward yet. No matter what happens when you see it, just come back and let us know."

Manjusri clasped his hands together and said, "I will obey my Buddha's decree."

He turned into a ray of Buddha light and went away.

Tathagata felt that something was still wrong, so he looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva next to him and said, "Master Guanyin."

Avalokitesvara turned around and responded: "The poor monk is here..."

Tathagata pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Then did Sun Wukong restrain himself after putting on the tight band?"

Avalokitesvara replied: "My mind has become much more restrained. After visiting the ginseng and fruit trees in Wuzhuang, I am no longer as out of control as before."

Tathagata hummed.

The sound of chanting sutras rang out again in Lingshan, the Buddha's light shone everywhere, and there was peace.

Chen Chu left Wuzhuang Temple and passed by Pingding Mountain as he continued to move forward. Sun Wukong was leading Zhu Ganghui and Sha Wujing in a fierce battle with the Golden and Silver Horned King. The Golden and Silver Horned King was not deceived into taking away the Purple Gold Gourd and the Mutton Fat Jade Bottle. His strength increased greatly, and he would greet Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie from time to time, making them tremble with fear...

Sha Wujing and Zhu Ganghe had to be afraid.

They endured all kinds of torture in Chen Chu's lotus gourd and finally regained their true form.

Chen Chu hid in the dark and observed that although the Golden and Silver Horned King was good in combat, he was still not good enough against Sun Wukong. Moreover, Sun Wukong, a monkey, was very experienced and flexible in combat. As long as he suffered a loss once, he would never do it again. The second time, when the opponent brought out a purple-gold-red gourd and a mutton-fat jade purification bottle, he disappeared. When the opponent put away the magic weapon, he jumped out again...

They fight back and forth.

Jin Yinjiao accidentally had the gourd and the jade purification bottle stolen, and was instantly at a disadvantage. They were both thrown into the gourd by a sudden "Silver Horn King, Golden Horn King"...

The defeat was decided, Taishang Laojun did not appear, but Zhang Tianshi appeared.

He explained: "Great Sage, the reason why the gold and silver boy is a demon in the lower realm is actually because I was entrusted by Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and he was entrusted three times. There is really no way... I want to test you."

Sun Wukong fights life and death, finally captures the Golden and Silver Horn King, and prepares to avenge his shame, but you tell him that all this is just a test, it's just an act?

He muttered: "This Bodhisattva is also a shameless person."

They say it is a Bodhisattva test. No matter what he can do, he will never be able to reach the Lingshan Mountain.

Chen Chu saw that Jinyinjiao was fine, so he disappeared and continued to move forward. On the way, he passed a large temple called Baolin Temple. There was a pagoda inside, and thousands of Bodhisattvas and Arhats were enshrined in the pagoda...

This is the boundary of Wuji Country.

The Wuji Kingdom is a small country in Journey to the West. It is not large in area, but its king is unlucky.

The king of Wuji Kingdom was kind to a monk, and Buddhism wanted to transform him into an Arhat. However, he did not recognize Manjushri Bodhisattva who had transformed into an ordinary monk. Seeing that he made rude remarks, he hung him up and threw him into the Yu River for three days and three nights. As a result, he was retaliated and let Manjushri After the Bodhisattva's mount was transformed into a Taoist priest, he deceived his trust, pushed him into the octagonal glazed well in the imperial garden, and drowned him. He covered it with a mound of earth and planted a banana tree.

There is something too much.

Revenge is revenge, hiding one's head and showing one's tail, not daring to use the reputation of Buddhism, but turned into a Taoist priest to deceive the king. As a result, when Chen Xuanzang and his party came, the king's soul asked for help in a dream at night, and he also said that a Taoist priest had harmed him...

Chen Shi entered the Wuji Kingdom disguised as an ordinary merchant. After a little inquiry, he came to the palace of the Wuji Kingdom. Knowing the plot, he knew that the king of the Wuji Kingdom at this time was the Green Lion Spirit, the mount of Manjushri Bodhisattva.

Throughout the country, no one knew that the king had been secretly changed. The prince had been studying and educating outside for many years and did not know the situation. As for the queen, who was once the king's pillow, everyone knew that the current king was very different, but what could a person do in the harem? She would never have thought that the king's body had been soaked in the well water for three years.

It was late at night, deep in the palace where the king rested.

Chen Chu restrained his aura and slowly approached. Sun Wukong could be found in Shituo Ridge. This green lion was the boss of Shituo Ridge. Although he didn't know why there was a huge difference in strength between the Wuji Kingdom and Shituo Ridge. , but there is no room for Chen Chu’s carelessness! The Green Lion has a magical power similar to the Qiankun in the Sleeve.

It is said that he can swallow a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals by opening his mouth, but this has not been confirmed.

The green lion showed magical powers at the Nantian Gate, and the heavenly soldiers and generals immediately closed the door upon seeing this, so they didn't suck it...

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