I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 795 The Taoist who catches fish

Bang, bang, bang, the violent thunder sounds were very short-lived in the darkness, but the flashes of golden light blooming like fireworks were very dazzling...

There are a large number of remains of dark eyeballs floating in the darkness. They are being digested by the darkness little by little. In a few years, they will reappear in the darkness and gather into eyeballs.

In the center of the densely packed wreckage, Zen Master Wuchao punched out the last eyeball in sight, and his movements slowly stopped.

The golden light gradually extinguished.

Zen Master Wuchao's monk's clothes wrapped around his waist were stained. His eyelids were drooped, and there was a look of exhaustion in his eyes. His arms were naturally vertical, and there were hundreds of wounds on his wrists. He found that there were many useful medicines in the four continents. All magical powers and spells are suppressed in this darkness, and can only be broken through by focusing the magic power on the body and using brute force.

An eyeball the size of a Mount Tai is difficult to break open with magical power. You need to use Buddha's blood as a guide to tear open a hole, and then attack along the hole to disintegrate the inner part and open the outer part.

It's better to find the way back quickly.

Zen Master Wuchao considered himself to be very high in cultivation and realm in the Four Continents, and could even compete with Zhen Yuanzi. He would never have thought that in this darkness, he could only use the most primitive means to solve the problem. When he left here, he would have to tell others about the matter...

Thinking of this, he tapped his index finger on the center of his eyebrows, and a Buddha pattern immediately appeared, with ripples of Buddha's light in it. Everything Zen Master Wuchao saw could be recorded. This was also a memory record, and it was much more reliable than relaying it with his mouth.


Zen Master Wuchao became nervous and looked around cautiously: "?"

He is really a little tired, and a lot of blood has been lost in his body. This darkness has no boundaries. If the dark eyeballs come endlessly, he will only end up drinking in hatred...

Open one eye in the darkness.


Zen Master Wuchao crossed the distance and punched the eyeball completely without saying a word.

He didn't care whether the eyeballs appeared or not. He bent his legs and shot out like an arrow, as fast as lightning. He just wanted to leave here, in any direction...but he couldn't die.



I opened my eyes again in the darkness, this time one after another, as if they were originally embedded in this space.

Zen Master Wuchao subconsciously gritted his teeth. It was really endless. I was afraid that even a few more times would not bleed enough! He simply moved his heart, inserted his index finger into his chest and pulled it out, golden color with a hint of red! The wrists of his two palms are close together, the index finger of his left hand is pointing upward, and the index finger of his right hand is pointing downward: "There is me and no self, the world is empty, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, in the sky and on the earth, sweeping away evil and destroying evil, I am the only one who is supreme!"

The blood-red sun was born from the darkness!

The dark eyeballs let out a shrill scream and dispersed into black smoke!

Zen Master Wuchao maintained this state and fought his way through his eyeballs, hoping to use his own origin to communicate with the origins of the four continents and show a way for himself. Even if he could not return to the four continents, he could still return to the chaos. Can.

In this way, three days passed in the dark.

The blood-red sun shrank sharply and was no longer as big as it was at the beginning.

Zen Master Wuchao was so exhausted that he no longer had the strength to raise his hands. He could only move based on instinct, using light to open the dark eyeballs, and he no longer had the strength to kill them...

This darkness is indeed extraordinary.

Zen Master Wuchao smiled faintly with dark circles under his eyes. It was good to be able to see this place before he died, but it was a pity not to be able to make some contribution to the four major continents...

He was about to stop.

Suddenly there was the sound of something flapping in front of me.

This is not the grunting sound of a dark eye opening its eyes.

Zen Master Wuchao is very sure!

A trace of energy came out of his body again and he rushed towards the direction of the sound.

The darkness is very magical. No matter how powerful your eyesight is, you can only see a small area, as if you are carrying a circle. Only things within this circle can be seen, and beyond that you cannot see. Zen Master Wuchao let out blood to release the Buddha's light, which only expanded the circle a few times...

The sound is getting closer.

A strange fish suddenly appeared in the darkness, covering the whole body with exposed bones. The fins on its back were all sharp spikes, and its abdomen was also spiked. Its head looked like a strange-looking tiger, and its mouth was densely packed with fish. The teeth were filled with the remains of dark eyeballs. At this moment, the fish is swinging its body wildly, struggling with something...

Zen Master Wuchao saw clearly.

There is a circle of golden silk thread wrapped around the strange fish. No, it should be a rope, but it is too thin for the strange fish, just like a thread.

He moved up the golden rope. After half an hour, he finally saw the source of the rope. On the back of the strange fish stood a familiar face... Taishang Laojun!

In the past, Taishang Laojun held a fly whisk, wore a Bagua Taoist robe, and had an immortal style. He always smiled and laughed at everyone he saw, and he never really got angry.

But on the back of the strange fish, Taishang Laojun, his white hair and beard were stained with a large amount of black blood and formed into patches, and his Taoist robe was in pieces and barely hanging on his body. He grasped the end of the golden rope with his left hand, and the silk whisk in his right hand gathered into the shape of a long knife, half of which was already pierced into the skin and flesh of the strange fish.

Taishang Laojun himself was also seriously injured. His skin was covered with wounds that were deep enough to see the bones, and bright red blood flowed out and scabs formed.

He closed his eyes tightly and recited Taoist scriptures in his mouth. Countless small words appeared on the surface of his body and poured into the body of the strange fish little by little along the golden rope and whisk...

Zen Master Wuchao never thought that Taishang Laojun would also find this place.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land brings tears to both eyes.

He didn't cry, but he was in the same mood.

Zen Master Wuchao put his hands together: "Laojun..."

Taishang Laojun slowly opened his eyelids and saw Zen Master Wuchao standing in the darkness. His clothes were ragged, his face was bloodless, and he looked as embarrassed as himself. He was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect you to come too, but after seeing Chen Chu The memory in the jade tablet?"

Zen Master Wuchao hummed, "You can't trust everything like memory, so it's better to come and see for yourself."

Taishang Laojun nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, I walked in the chaos for more than nine thousand years to get to this place. I was trapped here for more than ninety years without being able to go in or out. I fought with eyeballs and strange fish and the like all day long. It’s almost time for the oil to run out. I don’t know how long Zen Master Wuchao has been walking in chaos and how long he has been here..."

Zen Master Wuchao was shocked when he heard Taishang Laojun said that he had been walking in the chaos for more than nine thousand years. Such perseverance was worthy of the Taishang Taoist. When he heard that he had been trapped in darkness for more than ninety years, he felt that all his skin was covered with blood. Tremble! How did you get here after all these years? His eyes fell on Taishang Laojun's broken Taoist robe, and he could not calm down for a long time. He sighed: "I was in the ninety-ninth year of Chaos, and I was... sleepy here... for less than seven days..."

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