I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 806 The little god is shocked

As tiny streams of light streaked across the sky.

In several countries radiating from Southeast Asia as the center, all the names recorded on the pieces of paper by the ghost masters all died one after another. The cause of death...was penetrated between the eyebrows by gravel from unknown sources, damaging the brain and losing life. People who know magic will probably add another sentence when they see it: The souls of these people have also been scattered...

In the corridor of Meihuang Hotel, Master Ghost was shaking like chaff.

As an evil god worshiped by illegals, it has naturally established connections with many evil people. But at this moment, as the man in front of him took out his short bow and shot it out like a joke, all the evil people associated with it disappeared one after another. The only way to break away from it is to die.

Chen Chu used Erlang Shen's slingshot to shoot ordinary pebbles, instantly killing more than two thousand criminals. The ripples of light in his eyes were carefully felt and he nodded slightly: "Yes, they are indeed evildoers."

He turned and cast a casual glance.

Master Gui immediately stood up from his chair and stood beside him, trembling and saying: "Here, you... you sit down, I'll just stand..."

Chen Chu recalled the plot in the original drama and asked curiously: "I heard that you want to kill seven people and swear to kill Zhong Kui? Before doing this, do you know what kind of existence Zhong Kui is?"

The ghost master secretly complained in his heart. It seemed that this person was standing up for Zhong Kui. He said hurriedly: "The only thing I have to do is shout slogans to increase my prestige. I dare not do anything else."

Chen Chu took out five hundred brand-new A4 papers and put them on the table, and said with a smile: "You are so loyal, you should know a lot of colleagues, such as evil ghosts and gods, just like you just wrote about lawless people, put them Write down your name, type, approximate location, what you worship, and what you have done. The more you write...the better I will treat you."

Ah this!

Master Ghost was holding a pen, with a ferocious face on the verge of tears: "If I do this, if they know..."

Chen Chu frowned.

The ghost master's pen fell on the paper, and the dragons and snakes almost appeared as ghosts: "It is their great blessing that their names can be known to you..." As of now, it can only do it, it knows this There is an old saying that he who knows the current affairs is a hero! It doesn’t know who Junjie is, it just wants to survive from this terrifying guy...

I'm sorry, you guys, I'll let you know when I can get out smoothly (I'm sorry).

Not long after, Master Gui put down his pen and let out a long breath.

Chen Chu walked over like a teacher patrolling the examination room.

Master Gui straightened his waist, held the paper in his hands and respectfully passed it over his head: "These are all the evil gods and evil ghosts I know, and they are not mixed with any good gods or good ghosts. Please take a look."

Chen Chu took the paper and looked at it carefully.

The paper blocked the line of sight between Chen Chu and Master Gui.

The five people at the end of the corridor were still unable to move. They found that the short, dark ghost master's eyes suddenly glowed red, and his face was extremely ferocious. They were about to fight back madly!

Achang wanted to speak but couldn't.

Zhong Yanhuo desperately tried to move, with veins popping up on his forehead and his face red, but he could only watch helplessly as the ghost master did something evil.

The dark wind in the corridor suddenly became strong!

The ghost master opened his mouth, showed his sharp teeth, and screamed: "I want you to be unable to ascend to heaven and earth!"

A hemp rope suddenly hung down from the ceiling of the corridor, and the rope was put around Chen Chu's neck and tightened...


Achang, Zhong Yanhuo, Jiamin, Guanyu and their little friend Guizi all had pale faces. Chen Chu, who looked so powerful, had been attacked like this. God had to force them to die here today!

Master Ghost was so excited that he was trembling all over. He was hit, he was hit, I was hit!

It kicked the tables and chairs away, filled with black energy, and kept shouting curses. Not to mention that the young man in front of it was a human being, even if the ghost named Zhong Kui put on this sling, he would be doomed! It also discovered that this young man's physique was completely different from that of ordinary people. He was full of spiritual energy. If he could eat it, it would be more replenishing than swallowing 11,000 people...

"All the grievances and insults I suffered just now must be taken back from your flesh and blood bit by bit!"



"It seems that I need to take a closer look at what kind of misunderstanding caused you to have such confidence."

Chen Chu held the list in his hand, and the hanging rope around his neck dispersed like smoke. He looked at the ghost master from the corner of his eye like a leader reading a document: "I should give you a little fairy shock." When I came to this world, I felt the fragility of this world, but I don't know why there was no invasion of darkness. Only when I extended my spiritual consciousness did I realize that the periphery of the world was actually wrapped in a thin layer of chaos. It is for this reason that the world is in a state of chaos. Invisible state.

The reason why he chose to come back was also to adjust his light ball item, the statue of merit, and set the attack power to just a little higher than the target.

When Bai Shishi introduced this thing, he said that when he was in danger, as long as it was not used for evil, he could unleash Chen Chu's full blow.

It was easy to say before, but now he has become a Daluo Immortal. What will be the consequences of this Daluo attack? He doesn't dare to try it. Because the magical powers and techniques I have learned so far are all biased towards killing, healing and saving people is not a big problem, but when it comes to restoring a broken world, I think I have not yet reached that level...

With a flick of his index finger, a weak flame fell on the ghost master, and it suddenly ignited like a raging fire!

The ghost master made a heart-rending cry. It rolled on the ground and wailed: "Please kill me. I have sinned so much that I deserve to die. Please."

It was dissatisfied, why did the man in front of him kill the two ghosts so easily, but why didn't he do it as easily when it came to him?

Chen Chu waited for a while and felt that it was almost done. He waved the stack of paper in his hand, and Master Gui suddenly went out of his mind...

He folded the papers together to form a paper man, and poked the paper man between his eyebrows with his index finger: "The evil ones go, the good ones stay, the evil ones go, the good ones stay..." The paper man shuddered and turned into ashes. At the same time, all the evil ghosts and evil gods written down on the paper were turned into ashes, and they were truly dead and could not be resurrected.

After doing this, Chen Chu looked at Achang and the others and said with a smile: "Master Achang, Zhong Yanhuo, Jiamin, long time no see."

The words came out.

The Phoenix Hotel returned to normal, and all five people were free.

As the new protagonist of Zongxie 3, Guanyu is an energetic young man who likes parkour and does not want to be a mage. However, after being educated by the evil god at Meihuang Hotel, he became a saint before meeting Chen Chu.

Guanyu's mind was buzzing. In his impression, mages were basically people who wore robes, set up formations, summoned ghosts, and negotiated in a low voice.

There are also some tough ones among the mages, such as those who play various ghosts and gods, such as dancing Zhong Kui, and those who increase or lose two generals. This kind of people do not negotiate, and the only word for ghosts is, do it! But it's not that simple. When you play the role of a ghost or god, you need someone to protect you. In addition to having a very good foundation, you must also not be called out by others.

For example, children cannot call daddy, and friends cannot call each other by name. All must be addressed as Master Zhongkui.

At this moment, Guanyu was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He squeezed his fist hard and said excitedly: "Fuck, this is so handsome. It's so fucking awesome. Brother mage, can you teach me this super cool way to exorcise evil?" I heard from my family that I seemed to be born to reverse yin and yang, Dai Kuigang, so I have a very promising future as a mage..."

As Guanyu's little friend, Turtle Boy, he quickly took out his damaged mobile phone that fell on the ground and said, "Brothers, can you show your face in the live broadcast?"

When the camera on his mobile phone shined on Chen Chu, his body suddenly turned white, like a human-shaped white flame. He was startled: "Brother...brother, are you a human or a ghost?"

Chen Chu replied: "It's a god."

Turtle Boy: "..."

Guan Yu wanted to say something else, but Chen Chu held his shoulders and said, "You have a good destiny and can use the power of magic very well, but you still have a long way to go before you can be like me. I'll give you a little thing. Don’t use spells to do bad things in the future, otherwise the gods will be angry and the spells will not work, and you will be doomed..."

Chen Chu took out a five-element spiritual stone that was as big as a 5-carat diamond and put it in Guanyu's hand: "This is the five-element spiritual stone. It is very precious. When your mana is empty, you only need to carry it with you to recover."

Guan Yu looked at the small, gravel-like spiritual stone in his hand and wondered if it was a little too small. However, the next second, he felt an indescribable feeling in his palm. There was power that penetrated from the palm of his hand into his arm and then to the internal organs in his body. , and finally gather in the Dantian of the abdomen. He felt so full of energy that he could easily kill a cow at this moment...

What a good thing!

No matter how stupid he is, he will know that when he meets a noble person, he will put his hands together and bow to him on the spot.

Achang squeezed over and stretched out his hand to pull Guanyu aside: "Let's go, let's talk first..."

He looked Chen Chu up and down carefully, and the scene when he and Chen Chu fought against the old ghost master at the beach a few years ago came to mind. He had mixed feelings in his heart, and he never thought that we would see each other again one day.

Zhong Yanhuo and Jia Min also came over. Jia Min looked very excited. After all, she thought Chen Shi had been burping for several years...

Achang and Zhong Yanhuo have seen Chen Chu change into a living person and disappear. They know that he may not be dead, but there is no evidence. They have always been in a Schrödinger state regarding Chen Chu's existence...

Chen Chu had nothing to hide and said: "My mission is constantly traveling through various parallel worlds, which can be understood as the world of the heavens. Whenever I complete the things in that world, I will go to the next world. I miss you now, so I will come back to see you. Look, let’s clean up the evil ghosts in these original worlds and ensure everyone’s safety.”

Achang didn't feel the evil energy in Chen Chu. Although it was a bit hard to digest what Chen Chu said, as long as the person is fine, why bother with so much else...

Zhong Yanhuo also had the same attitude: "It's okay if you're not dead, it's okay if you're not dead."

Jiamin recalled what Chen Chu had just said, noticed Hua Dian, and asked, "Brother Chen, do you think you are a god now?"

Chen Chu nodded: "Yes, the flow of time in each world is different. Although you see me now, I still look like a few years ago, but in fact you and I have not seen each other for more than a thousand years. During this period, During that time, I was busy slaying demons and slaying demons, meeting the enlightenment of gods, and achieving the immortal body, that is, becoming an immortal..."

Become an immortal.

The expressions of the five people are very wonderful.

Achang and Zhong Yanhuo, as the mage guardians of An Palace, have never dared to dream of becoming immortals. They only hope to do as many good deeds as possible and accumulate more virtues as mage...

Guanyu next to him said excitedly: "Brother... ah no, immortal brother, do you know spells directly? Do you want to show your skills?"

Chen Chu could understand young people's fantasies about immortals and gods, and said with a smile: "This world is too fragile. When I came over, I froze the time and space in this area. Is that considered a spell? I can make this world disappear with one full blow. It depends. For a moment?"

Guanyu's smile froze and the world disappeared. Wouldn't that be the end of the world? He still knew the importance of watching magic and seeing it go to heaven. He hurriedly said: "I'm curious and just listen to it. You don't have to see it with your own eyes. Haha."

However, Chen Chu still satisfied his curiosity. With a thought, he and the five people disappeared from the Phoenix Hotel and appeared on the Pacific Ocean. With a wave of his hand, countless fishes jumped out of the sea, majestic and spectacular! The next second we arrived at the Sahara Desert, filled with yellow sand, and fell into quicksand as soon as we set foot.

When everyone was panicking, the scene flashed and appeared directly in the Hu'an Palace.

Achang felt relieved when he saw the familiar environment: "Okay, okay, we are back, and we even saved the fare."

Guanyu's whole body was numb, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses: "Damn, that's so cool."

Chen Chu saw the clay statue under the statue of Zhong Kui, sucked it over from the air, and held it in his hand. He had to say that although it was a clay statue, the things made of ash stone were exquisite, and the appearance and charm were lifelike. He could feel a connection between his mana and the clay statue. The clay statue seemed to be able to store his mana and release it when necessary...

He carved a charm on its back with his index finger, so that in the future, the power of the clay statue's blow would be automatically generated based on the threat level of the opponent.

Aguai walked out and saw a room full of people: "You guys are back so early. I am planning to close the door. Come on, you two young men and Jiamin will come over to help tidy up. I am almost exhausted... …”

Chen Chu casually took out the gourd and poured out three golden elixirs. Unexpectedly, when the golden elixir appeared, it immediately burst into intense golden light. The special effects were fully activated, and the entire Huan Palace shone like a sun.


That's outrageous.

In Journey to the West, these golden elixirs looked like jelly beans. When Taishang Laojun took them out, he had no expression on his face. He was even worried that Chen Chu would contaminate his foundation if he ate them, which would lead to future consequences. Growth is limited. Chen Chu swept away a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in Shituoling and Shituo Kingdom, and also took some items from Tushita Palace and Tianting Treasure House. He saw more things, and as the tide rose, his vision naturally became different...

Laojun said that the golden elixir is average, so it must be average.

Sun Wukong also commented on the taste of the golden elixir, saying it tasted like fried jelly beans.

I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated in this world.

Chen Chu quickly took back the golden elixir, poured out only one, and held it with his hand. Only then did the Hu'an Palace return to normal...

Everyone was shocked. Achang discovered that the injury he suffered when the hanging ghost possessed Shuyi several years ago actually healed. That hurt a person's fundamental vitality! When he learned that there was a new evil spirit, he wanted to dance with Zhong Kui to ward off the evil spirits. Master Zhong Kui was afraid that he would die because he was too weak and refused to let him continue to live in his life. But now he is fine.

Zhong Yanhuo and Achang are both in their forties or fifties, Achang is older, and Zhong Yanhuo also has a few more silver hairs.

At this moment, Zhong Yanhuo discovered that Achang was actually much younger: "Where did the white hair on your head go? The wrinkles have become less and dry. Is this a rejuvenation? It's incredible..."

Achang was also looking at Zhong Yanhuo: "You are the same, you are several years younger."

Except for the immortal Chen Chu and the two young men Guanyu Guizai, everyone else at the scene was much younger. Jiamin was overworked and haggard due to her previous affairs with her aunt, but she was now back to her best condition.

Zhong Yanhuo's face was full of disbelief, and his voice was trembling: "Initially, what kind of medicine is in your gourd? Why is it so magical?"

Chen Chu looked at Guan Yu and Gui Zai next to him. They understood the meaning and waved their hands: "Brother Immortal, we are too brave to covet your things..."

Just kidding, who doesn’t know that things from gods are good, but if you take something from gods, gods will have a thousand ways to make you cry and give it back...

Chen Chu said: "This is the golden elixir refined by Taishang Laojun. I originally wanted to give each of the three of you one pill, but I didn't expect that its medicinal properties are so strong that it even causes the air to tremble. It is estimated that when you swallow it, it will explode everywhere." It’s all…”

They all guessed that it was the elixir of an immortal, but they didn't expect it to be the golden elixir of the famous Taishang Laojun, an expert in refining medicine. Even the immortals wanted to make something.

Chen Chu said: "The golden elixir contains supreme spirituality. Even if you divide it into three parts, you can't stand it. I have set a ban on it to prevent the spread of the medicine. You put it in a bucket and drink it every three to five times. It can strengthen your body and enhance your magic power. The benefits are Duoduo. Remember, you can only drink this water for yourself. If someone with unscrupulous backgrounds drinks it secretly, your internal organs will burst and die..."

After he finished explaining these things, he said: "I feel relieved to see that you are well, so I say goodbye!"

Everyone was reluctant to let go, but they also knew that they could not keep Chen Si for a long time, but it was enough to see the immortal once in their life...

When Chen Chu left Hu'an Palace, he did not immediately go to the next world. Instead, he first went to the Ksitigarbha Temple where he had given him the fire lotus, burned incense, and left some immortal energy on the incense candle to express his feelings.

Before leaving, he stood on the highest peak in the world, raising the divine fire in his left hand and the divine card in his right hand. The flames and the divine card were intertwined, and the faint golden light spread like ripples on the river to the entire world!

Ordinary people feel nothing strange and cannot see the existence of golden light, but those strange people, such as those who are psychics with destiny, can see these changes, and can even feel that the world is starting to look slightly different, and it seems to be thinner. The aura is generated.

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