I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 823 Chen Chu and his heart (7k words)

Chen Chu was like a qualified listener. He listened quietly to what the young man said slowly, without expressing agreement or objection. He knew that the young man was the deepest consciousness in his heart, and everything the young man said was true.

From the original world of Kui Jiang to the latest world of Journey to the West, he has experienced a total of thirty worlds. He has seen the evil in people's hearts, but also seen the harmony and warmth.

Chen Chu felt like a modern person who suddenly broke into a primitive forest. He was panicked when he first encountered poisonous insects and pythons. He wandered back and forth between life and death every day. Later, he gradually adapted to all this, and even walked into a swamp full of poisonous snakes. He didn't change his attitude, but every step was accompanied by huge resistance, and he became more and more tired. He even imagined in his mind that there was someone in front of him who could help him relay the ball...

He suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

As a modern youth who likes extreme sports, he travels through the heavens and experiences events that are unimaginable in the real world. Even for fans who were once members of extreme sports clubs, if you experience the heavens today, you will die tomorrow. I would be satisfied if I heard about it in the morning and died in the evening...

Seeing Chen Chu smile, the young man broke one of the black chains on his wrist and said, "Can you answer a few questions for me?"

Chen Chu nodded and said, "Okay."

The young man asked: "Do you regret entering the heavens?"

Chen Chu replied: "I have no regrets. Entering Zhutian is the same as playing extreme sports. Both are life-threatening. I have had a good communication with my parents about extreme sports. Although they are worried, they are more afraid of my life." Unhappy, imprisoned by the thoughts of their older generation, they are unable to truly pursue their own lives.

To put it bluntly, this is to enjoy life as the goal. Whether it is experiencing the excitement of life and death, or tender love, no one is wrong...

Because of extreme sports, my parents never pushed for marriage. When enjoying life, you can't ruin other people's lives, otherwise it will be a sin. The last time I returned to the real world, my mother told me about the blind date. It was because I hadn’t participated in activities such as extreme sports for a long time. I usually uploaded videos and photos to Moments. She thought I had left that circle. …”

The young man smiled and said: "As everyone knows, you have entered more exciting extreme sports, but fortunately, you are now in the serious realm of Daluo Celestial Immortal, and it is not that easy to die."

Chen Chu smiled knowingly: "Next question."

The young man asked: "Although I am your heart, this issue has always been in a very vague state. That is, you killed so many demons and monsters who did evil. Although it was a good deed, I... no, it should be said that it was you and me. Perseverance in goodness, what exactly is it, and what standards does it have.

I think the best explanation of the standards of good and evil is that the genie in the tomb of Empress Dowager Cixi, Chang Mao Xiaofang of Zombie Road, is right. The so-called good and evil in this world are actually very simple. What is good for you is good. What is not good for oneself is evil. Good and evil are just different positions. In the final analysis, those who are good to me are good, and those who hate me are evil. "

Good and evil are sometimes very clear, but when we really want to see their faces clearly, they become blurry again.

Chen Chu looked at the blood that suddenly flowed in his hands, and the fishy smell filled the air. He said with some nostalgia: "Sometimes I also wonder if I am too extreme. I carved the word "kind" on my forehead, and performed the good deed to the extreme. , is it still good or not? If you continue to delve into this topic, you will only become confused, doubt yourself, and doubt the world.

I am a human being first and I make good use of human thinking to judge everything.

Bandits are robbing property and killing innocent passers-by on the road.

Then the bandits are evil. No matter how many difficulties the bandits have, they do not support the killing of innocent passers-by. At least in terms of wielding a butcher knife, they are evil to passers-by and from a third-party perspective...

As I said at the beginning, good and evil cannot be clearly embodied in a standard, and the most appropriate way to judge is to focus on the deeds and ignore the heart.

For example, suddenly there is a person who must sacrifice a small number of people in order to save a large number of people. Then his image will be good in the eyes of most people who survive, but evil in the eyes of a small number of people who die..."

The young man narrowed his eyes, covered his abdomen and fell to the ground laughing: "It's true. In this way, it's really difficult to define, Chen Chu! Your initial appearance is that you really follow your heart, a little crazy, But it is the most real. And now, in your behavior pattern, because you have done too many good things, you are unknowingly imprisoned by the word kindness and become more and more extreme. In the eyes of thousands of people, you are colorful and have thousands of labels. People, [double standards] [hypocrisy] [extreme] [selfless people] [good and evil dictators] and so on...

When you were in the world of "School Graveyard", do you still remember what the Japanese devil said to you? He was the first person to label you, saying that you were just a "hypocrite" who used righteousness to add kindness to his face. That's all, all the good deeds you do are just to satisfy your own behavioral desires and enjoy the worship of the world.

Do you still remember how you responded to this Japanese devil? "

Chen Chu recalled it and said:

"I remember, I seemed to answer him like this [Hypocrisy? I don't understand. Because I only care about what a person has done. As for what he was thinking when he did it, it doesn't matter at all. The so-called deeds but not the heart is mine. Attitude. Another thing you misunderstood is that I do good deeds not to satisfy the desire to be a 'good person', but to satisfy the desire of 'not forgetting the original intention and having a clear mind'. In other words, in words you can understand, that is I can do whatever I want]"

He repeated what he said before.

The chains on the young man's limbs suddenly shattered, and the big iron balls connected at the ends melted in the chaos.

The young man was still laughing, his body was shaking, tears were coming out, and he said: "Yes, yes, what a funny speech. Just like the people of the motherland, you can do whatever you want, but fortunately, you are a He is more able to stick to his original intention and become a 'good person' who can do whatever he wants. If he suddenly becomes a demon with a thought, he can transform into an ancestor in the next second, [protect our earth] on the first day and [protect mine] on the second day. Earth] The third day [I don’t eat beef, hehe]..."

Chen Chu also laughed: "I didn't expect that I am quite humorous."

The young man wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, looked at the only white chain on his chest and said, "You were originally a very humorous person, but I don't know which world you left behind this humorous person and escaped into the dust."

He became serious...

Chen Chu was shocked by these words. Yes, he was wandering around in the world of the heavens, and he didn't know when he ended up in a world where his humorous self fell. He felt his cheeks were slightly moist, and reached out to touch them. These... were actually tears. He who had once pierced his ears, had his arms and legs broken, his body broken into pieces, and who had been repeatedly tortured by fire inside and outside the Taishang Laojun, actually... shed tears...


The milky white chains are broken and the links of chaos.

The young man got up from the ground and walked over, with a hint of smile on his lazy expression: "Smiles will never disappear. You see, if you drive away the smile, it will come to my face... "

He stretched out his hand to gently wipe away Chen Chu's tears, opened his arms to embrace him, and said with a smile: "You finally shed tears, which proves that my existence is meaningful. If a person loses his heart, he will no longer be a human being. If the heart is abandoned, it will be nothing...

Chen Chu, our purpose is very simple. No matter what, we should not be that ruthless person, a ruthless fairy, or even a ruthless demon. The so-called question of good and evil is not meant to question you, it is just to remind you of me.

Because I know you are already very tired.

Need comfort more than anyone else.

You will not be alone, and you will never be alone in the future. Even if the heavens freeze, your heart will always be warm.

Your beloved parents, master, uncle, and those whom I miss deeply, I also love them deeply. After all, I am you, and you are me..."

Chen Chu raised his hands in response to the young man's hug and said, "What you said is very good. Don't say it next time. I used to be so disgusting in my words. If I continue like this, I will only have to fall in love with myself in the future."

The young man smiled happily: "It has to be me."

His body transformed into countless white streams of light and slowly merged into Chen Chu's body. Except for darkness, it was as if such a person had never appeared before...

Chaos dissipates...

In the messy heaven, Chen Chu kept his original posture and sat on the high mountain of corpses. His eyes wandered, looking at the mountain where countless heavenly soldiers, generals and gods were piled up. He sighed softly. The immortals in him His aura began to become introverted, and he became like a mortal. He stood up and walked down the mountain of corpses. His actions were in perfect harmony with an inexplicable rhythm...

Black air surged in the darkness ahead, and a figure appeared.

This man wears a golden crown on his head, looks like a middle-aged man, wears gorgeous brocade clothes, and has an extraordinary manner. His facial features are as handsome as a knife, and his eyes are as deep as the stars in the sky. Behind him, a large amount of heaven and earth energy is swirling around, and the five elements of thunder and lightning are faintly visible.

He is the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor looked at the corpses on the ground and said indifferently: "All the arrangements arranged by the Great Darkness are intended to control the heaven of this world and turn it into a real breeding world from the inside out. You can control all of this with just one move. It’s ruined…”

Chen Chu said: "The great darkness is dead. What it calls great is actually just the stronger ants in the darkness. After all, there are still fish that feed on you. You should know about it."

Of course the Jade Emperor knows that the Great Darkness is dead, otherwise the little darkness that has not merged into the gods, immortals, mortals, and yin gods will not die either.

He said: "I was born as a product of darkness. When I open my eyes, it means life and death. Being enslaved means killing. If I have a choice, why don't I want to try what the so-called happy life is like..."

Chen Chu: "Well, I can understand a little bit."

There was no expression of annoyance or joy on the Jade Emperor's face, he was still so indifferent: "Chen Chu, we know that you have conquered a weak dark thing. Although we don't know how to conquer it, it can contribute the source of darkness willingly to sacrifice itself. , giving up the chance of future resurrection means that it has recognized you... I don’t know what it feels like, but... this is definitely the first time something has happened in the darkness, and I hope you... can be worthy of its recognition."

Chen Chu: "..."

Dealing with dark derivatives so much, almost all of these things are crazy.

This was the first time he met the darkness in front of him. He couldn't tell whether it was true or false, and he didn't answer...

The Jade Emperor grinned, and the energy of heaven and earth behind him instantly became violent. He opened his arms and said loudly: "That's all, future matters won't have much to do with me. Chen Chu, show off your most powerful skills and do it to me." One game! Let me see how strong you are now and whether you can withstand the erosion of darkness!"

The ground exploded, and a large number of corpses turned into body parts and flew out in all directions.

The golden crown on his head fell off, his long hair danced wildly, pushing the magic power in his body to its peak, and faced Chen Chu with the strongest posture!

Chen Chu looked at the violent Jade Emperor, nodded, untied the refining gourd from his waist, and took a stance: "Come on, I'm afraid my full blow will cause damage to this world, I'll just deal with you, avoid resources excess……"

The Jade Emperor smiled: "How crazy!"

He took a step forward with his left foot, stretched his right hand forward, put his index and middle fingers together, and the energy of heaven and earth gathered at the sword finger to form a huge black and white long sword. The person behind the sword was like a cart, striding forward. Head forward!

This represents the power of heaven and the power of the Jade Emperor. He is the darkness and the Jade Emperor at this time!

The giant sword cut through space, and even broke through a faint trace of time. The sword blades from the previous second and the next second appeared back and forth, like countless identical swords superimposed on top of each other...

This momentum has become substantial, as sharp as a blade, cutting through everything around it crazily...

Chen Chu pulled out the plug, and four special sword intentions that had been warmed for a long time emerged from it. The four sword intentions, earth, water, wind, and fire, converged on the Final Sword floating around him. The surrounding space suddenly distorted, and a void was squeezed out. ! He hung up the refining gourd, grabbed the handle of the Final Sword with his left hand, held the wrist of his left hand with his right hand, and said loudly: "This is the second move of the Beginning Sword. I name it Kaitian!"

The sword light illuminated the entire heaven, breaking through the ninth level.

Chen Chu held the Final Yan Sword and pressed down with a force that created the world. Wherever the sword blade touched, the space gave way and the five elements melted, as if he was about to open up a new world!


The Jade Emperor's giant sword went straight, Chen Chu's sword slashed down, the swords collided with each other, nothingness reappeared, and the space was shattered.


The giant sword lasted for half a second before breaking.

The Jade Emperor was slightly stunned, looking at the sword coming from the ninth level, and murmured: "Open the sky... I hope that one day, I can really split the deepest black sky..."

Finally, Yan's sword split the Jade Emperor from the top of his head. Before he could see it split into two, it disappeared into nothingness.

The whole heaven shook, and the four heavenly gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest were clanging. Those gods guarding outside looked at me and I saw that you had no idea what was going on inside...

The Eight Immortals were worried that something might happen to Chen Chu, so they divided half of them from both sides to go to the East Tianmen and West Tianmen, intending to enter through these two gates to see if they could bring some help to Chen Chu.

As soon as they entered through the two doors, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Within the four heavenly gates is the Heavenly Court. The Heavenly Court is like a palace on earth, but it is wider. In addition to the Lingxiao Palace, there are also countless palaces of noble gods...

But what caught my eye was that the Heavenly Court started from a position close to the Nantian Gate, with a circular black void with a diameter of thousands of miles in the middle. The pavilions and pavilions around this gap collapsed, the ground exploded, and huge cracks radiated outward. In the past, there was a straight cut from the south gate to the north gate.

In this situation, it seems that the entire heaven is like a toy. First, a hole was punched in the center, and then a large gash was suddenly made with a sharp knife...

When Chunyangzi and Tieguai Li arrived, apart from the shocking destruction, upon closer inspection, there were countless small and scattered objects floating around, which turned out to be fragments of various armors and limbs.

Chen Chu was covered in blood, holding the Four Elements Final Sword in his hands that exuded the power of remaking heaven and earth, as if a real demon from outside the world finally came to this world...

Chunyangzi has practiced Taoism for many years, even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his expression, but now his Taoist heart is rippling, and he is mentally prepared. When Chen Chu comes in, he will definitely go through a fight, but...just...

General Tai Sui also came with the Eight Immortals. He was the more angry general in the Lei Department, but now he couldn't feel any anger in his heart. He moved his lips, and after brewing for a long time, he looked at Chunyangzi: "Lu Dongbin, you and me We have known Daoyou Chen for a longer time than we have, so he is probably not a demon cultivator..."

Although there will be a killing with these gods who have been melted into darkness, there are some acquaintances in these fragments. General Tai Sui was a little worried that Chen Chu had lost his mind in killing them, so he killed them as if they were gods melted into darkness...

Chunyangzi was not sure either: "It shouldn't be... I know that he is a very just person."

General Tai Sui: "Should?"

Chunyangzi said: "Look, he invited us, thanked us for his help, and gave us golden elixirs to eat. He didn't kill us along the way. It shows that he is a good man..."

General Tai Sui: "..."

Okay, okay, Chunyangzi, I didn’t expect you to be so good at talking, then I...

General Tai Sui: "I think so too. Chen Daoyou has feelings in his heart. How can we secretly speculate here and chill his heart..."

Chunyangzi nodded, and they came forward: "Fellow Daoist Chen... are you okay? Sit down and meditate to recover." As soon as he finished speaking, he felt embarrassed. There was nothingness here, and there was no place to sit...

Chen Chu was still thinking about the private move "Open the Sky" he had just learned. At this moment, when he heard Chunyangzi's words, he was slightly shocked. The blood stains on his body fell off and returned to its original clean appearance. He put away the Zhongyan Sword and said with a smile: "So it's Dear fellow Taoists, it’s okay to be poor, I just destroyed the Heavenly Court like this during the fight..."

General Tai Sui looked at the unobstructed view of the Heavenly Court, and also saw only half of Leibu City. He nodded subconsciously and said: "The Heavenly Court is indeed..."

"Heaven has indeed escaped a disaster. If it is really occupied and takes control of its sovereignty, the three realms will really be gone. Building repairs and repairs are just trivial matters, but the people of the three realms are the big things. Fellow Daoist Chen, thanks to you, we... alas, Shame, I didn’t help at all..."

Tieguai Li knew what General Tai Sui was going to say, so he intercepted it first and finished the sentence like a tongue twister. He praised Chen Chu's dedication and righteousness, and also criticized himself from his own perspective.

General Tai Sui opened his mouth but said nothing.

Chen Chu was also a little surprised by Tieguai Li's eloquence. He knew that he had shocked them by showing too much power, and even though he was grateful, he was a little cautious.

He could understand, and said with cupped hands: "Everyone, the matter of heaven is over, I leave it to you. I will clean up the dark remnants of the human world and the underworld, and then leave this world. We...see you later!"

It turns out that Chen Chu will leave this world.

Except for Chunyangzi, the other gods breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably... They were ashamed and knew why they were relieved about Chen Chu's departure. It was purely because they knew about Chen Chu's successful integration of the origin of darkness, and they were afraid that they would become the next one. An untimely power bomb...

The tragic situation of heaven is here. If Chen Chu's consciousness is invaded by darkness even a little bit, then all the gods present will be tied together, and it will be too fragile for Chen Chu to practice boxing...

Chen Chu did not stay in heaven for long. He said goodbye to the Eight Immortals and Three Gods, and turned into a stream of light and fell into the mortal world.

He opened the third eye between his brows, made a gesture, took off his diamond ring, pointed his finger forward, and said, "San, go!"

The King Kong Zhuo spread out in the air and turned into tens of millions, heading in all directions. The clanging sound was endless. Chen Chu expanded his consciousness to cover the entire human world. As long as he discovered the existence of darkness, the King Kong Zhuo would fly away. Go over for a precise strike! But fortunately, because there are many mortals in the human world, there is little strength, and all the darkness is rarely integrated. It has been cleared up in half a stick of incense...

Chen Chu went to the Netherworld again.

The Underworld is just an official office space in the netherworld. In addition to the coverage area of ​​the Underworld, there is also a very vast space outside this range. There are also a large number of unruly evil ghosts and ghosts who occupy the mountain as kings and do all kinds of destruction. Regarding the three concepts, this is why there are also Yin soldiers and Yin generals in the underworld.

Their Yin soldiers and Yin generals rarely go to the Yang world, because that is the management scope of the righteous god of heaven. The Yin soldiers and Yin generals are used to maintain the stability of the underworld and to fight against evil spirits from all directions...

When Chen Chu arrived, he threw out the Vajra and at the same time clasped his hands together to initiate Ksitigarbha Buddhism.

The golden light shone everywhere, and those ordinary ghosts and ghosts howled in pain one after another when the golden light illuminated them. That was because the golden light ignited the sins they committed before and after their lives. The pain was indescribable, and although those who committed less serious sins were in pain, they were still painful. In this way, sins are washed away and one has the opportunity to enter reincarnation. Only by entering the animal realm first and experiencing the suffering of reincarnation can one have the opportunity to become an adult.

Almost all the wandering souls and ghosts in hell will be cleared away...

There is a monk in hell. He is wearing an ordinary monk's robe and sitting on a blue lotus platform. He has a black eyeball moving between his eyebrows, which is different from other gods and Bodhisattvas.

The monk's black eyeballs looked extremely painful. They turned left and right as if trying to get away from the monk's eyebrows. It said hoarsely: "Ksitigarbha, heaven has been destroyed. If you force me to stay in the body, you will only invite murder. That person's method The weapon is already looking for fused ghosts and gods everywhere to kill. I never really successfully integrated into your body from the beginning, so I had the opportunity to be suppressed by you, causing me to be unable to move and you unable to move... Quick, let me go , everyone goes his own way! Hurry up!"

The monk is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of this world. He suppressed the dark eyeball with his origin, stopped the invasion and did not let it harm others. This stalemate lasted for thirty years.

Chen Chu went to the Netherworld to kill the darkness with diamonds, and also used some familiar Buddhist teachings to ignite sins and convert the souls of the dead. He knew it at the first moment. When he heard the warning from the darkness, he felt relieved. Said: "Death is not terrible, endless sins are the source of torture, you darkness... The poor monk failed to save you for thirty years. Now it is better for the poor monk to accompany you, and there will be no more Adding evil karma to the world..."

The black eyeballs suddenly became bloodshot, and he said crazily: "What are you crazy about? You are just an ordinary Bodhisattva from the world of ghosts and gods. You really regard yourself as a thing. You can't get anything by doing this!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not speak, but kept his hands clasped together while chanting sutras.

Something flew out of the sea of ​​fire in hell. It was none other than Vajra. It flew straight towards us with a clear purpose: it was the head of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva...

In this moment.

Golden light covered the entire hell, and a young man wearing Taoist robes but covered with Buddha's light appeared in front of him.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was a little surprised. How could this be possible? From ancient times to the present, no one has tried dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism. Although the essence of Buddhism and Taoism is to induce people to do good, there are great differences in guidance and cultivation. differences! For example, Tao talks about this life, and Buddha talks about the next life. The former cultivates the body of the soul in this life, and the latter cultivates the cause and effect of the next life.

This creates a conflict, just like filling a pool with water and letting the water out at the same time. The pool can never be filled with water...

But in this young Taoist priest, the perfection of Buddhism was demonstrated.

Chen Chu reached out and grabbed Jingangzhuo, who was about to hit Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the head, and said with some surprise: "Even the Jade Emperor was unable to resist the erosion and fusion of darkness. Unexpectedly, Bodhisattva, you were able to resist. Although it entered your soul, But they are always in a state of separation..." As he spoke, he stretched out his two fingers and suddenly pulled out the black eyeball. Because the eyeball had not been successfully fused for too long, the root tentacles were in an extremely dry and dead state...

After it was taken out, it completely lost its nutrients and its surface became dry: "No, I don't want to die, Ksitigarbha, didn't you say you want to go with me? Let me fuse you, let's go together, okay? I don't want to Alone... Reborn alone in that darkness... Come on, come with me."

Chen Chu crushed the eyeball directly: "That place is so repulsive even to you, don't worry, the dark eyeball I killed will not come back to the darkness to resurrect..."

When he was killing people in heaven, he discovered that the black eyeballs he killed before would all dissipate and return to darkness. However, the eyeballs he killed in heaven had a feeling that they had not left, as if...the origin was dissolved in his body along with his hands. It was as if it had completely become his strength, as if he had slowly cultivated it completely on his own...

Good Samaritan~~~(tremolo), can you give me a little monthly ticket? Take pity on me, a lonely author~~~(tremolo)

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