I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 825 The chaotic new world (7k words)

As a modern person with the explosion of information in the Internet age, we actually don’t know what it means to spray feces from our pores! San Shanzi suddenly became energetic and was about to give his senior brother a good talk.

Sanyunzi: "I know, it turns out to be an Internet term that describes the stench when the pores discharge the dirt from the body after cleansing and removing the marrow, just like shit, so it is called pores spraying feces."

When Sanshanzi watched his senior brother expertly swipe the latest flagship phone to search for keywords on the Internet, he was completely stunned.


What are you doing~~~

Junior brother just wants to show off.

Sanshanzi was about to condemn his senior brother as a traditional Taoist priest for playing in such a fashionable style. His expression suddenly changed. He stepped forward and pressed down the shoulders of the senior brother who had just stood up: "I know what you want to do, and I also know what I want to do." , you are in a hurry, but listen to me, don’t be anxious yet..."

He turned around and ran away...

The pores spraying feces is just a joke in an online novel. Unexpectedly, it actually sprays feces.

Sanshanzi's whole body felt hot and greasy, and a touch of brown oil was all over his palms. Then he pushed his senior brother back to the chair and took the bathroom of Sanshan Palace to take a bath! Semi-public places like Sanshan Palace, where outsiders often come and go, have public toilets, but which public toilet has a bathroom installed in it?

Sanshan Palace is not the [Sanshan Palace in Heaven and Earth].

Sanyunzi looked at his junior brother who was running away, and was stunned for a while. He smelled a smell, and then he realized and said: "It's actually true!"

He stood up and rushed to the toilet with a bathroom: "Junior brother, come out quickly!"

The sound of flushing water came from inside, and Sanshanzi's voice came: "Senior brother, you often wander outside and often go without a bath for ten and a half months. Just overcome this minor difficulty."

Sanyunzi's mind was racing and he quickly thought of a way. He returned to the wing and called Chen Chu: "Quick, there is a water pipe for watering the flowers at the door. You can use that to wash it for me!"

After he finished speaking, he had already rushed out...

Chen Chu also followed out. Sure enough, there was a water pipe. He picked it up and turned on the faucet. The tap water poured on the head of the old man Sanyunzi...

Half an hour later, Sanshanzi came out, and Sanyunzi rushed in. As night fell, it was really cold to have the tap water on your body...

Finally, the two old people have finished bathing and are brand new from head to toe. The "old man smell" that usually appears even if they wash very carefully has disappeared without a trace at this moment. Their faces are red and full of energy...

Sanyunzi looked at the spiritual branch in the kettle and said: "Such a small branch has such a big effect. Now I feel that I can go down the mountain two or three times without getting tired without riding an electric donkey. There seems to be a source of energy in my body. Constantly filled with power, those stimulants are probably a head smaller than it."

Sanshanzi said: "That's what I mean too."

When Chen Chu saw that the two elders were both radiant, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "This spiritual branch can have such curative effects just by simply heating it and boiling it in water. Master and uncle keep this branch and boil it and drink it regularly, and your body will definitely heal." It’s getting better.”

As he spoke, he picked up the remaining half of the unboiled spiritual branch and broke it into two sections again. His face became serious and he said: "Master, uncle, you can send the remaining two sections of the branch to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain." It will be used by Mr. Zhang Tianshi, but it must be kept secret. This matter requires the cooperation of Mr. Zhang Tianshi...

I want to take this last section of branches back to the countryside for my parents to use. It’s a long journey and I won’t be staying at Sanshan Palace tonight. I only have three days to come back this time, so please forgive me, Master. "

Sanshanzi and Sanyunzi looked at each other and smiled. They valued Chen Chu. They felt warm in their hearts and said with a smile: "You know how to honor your parents and respect your teachers. It is already rare in today's society. You will do this in the future." You don’t need to tell us about this kind of thing, just do it. If you can’t even understand this, then we are definitely not your master and uncle, and you don’t need to recognize us!”

Chen Chu didn't do any ink. He left Sanshan Palace and drove down the mountain. He filled up a tank of gas at a gas station, set up the navigation, and drove to his hometown, which is hundreds of kilometers away.

He sat in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with both hands, listening to the music, and felt a little emotional. Since the introduction of the ash stone, the real world has become like an away game, and the world of the heavens is the home field.

But if you think about it carefully, it's actually not the case.

The employees who work in his company come from all over the world. They have been in kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, university, and have worked since graduation. Although they have families, after living for 20 or 30 years, they are probably only as young as a child in kindergarten. Six or seven years.

How can everything in life be satisfactory?


He didn't know whose life he was lamenting.

The red Mercedes Benz got on the highway and drove at lightning speed for several hours. Finally, it got off the highway and reached the countryside. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening and his parents were already asleep. He didn't want a sudden visit to disturb his parents' sleep, so he spent the whole night in the car.

At dawn the next day, my mother got up early and went to the town market to buy groceries. She saw a familiar car and took a look inside, only to find that her son Chen Chu had returned.

She was almost frightened to death at first glance. She thought that Chen Chu was poisoned while sleeping in the car like the news on the Internet...

What a mishap, if it hadn't been unlocked, I would have almost smashed the car window.

The majestic Luo Celestial Immortal, Yongzhen Celestial Master Chen Chu, was scolded by his father until he remained silent...

The mother saw that she felt almost done, so she stopped: "Okay, okay, the child comes back in the middle of the night for fear of disturbing our rest. He has been working hard in the car all night, and you are still talking here, he is You are an adult and will pay attention!"

How could his father really want to discipline Chen Chu? Since he was a child, Chen Chu has always been called "other people's children" by his relatives and friends. He has good grades and good moral character, but his love for playing extreme sports is puzzling. There's nothing bad about the rest. Now that the kid has given up extreme sports, that's really gratifying.

He respects Chen Chu's ideas, but deep down he is also afraid that something will happen to Chen Chu. After all, extreme sports are too dangerous. He heard that a year ago a young man jumped out of a helicopter while flying in a wingsuit. There was something wrong with the parachute and he drove slowly. , the whole person was slapped directly on the mountain wall, and finally fell to the ground.

The rescuers all thought that the young man was hopeless, and they were sure of this and that. When they went to search at the bottom of the mountain, they brought a body bag with them. However, they did not expect that the young man who should have died unexpectedly survived and was sent to the hospital in time. It is said that he has escaped. Danger……

My father didn't watch the news. He heard it from an old man during his morning jog in the park. It had been a month or two since the news. He quickly called Chen Chu and was relieved to find that he was still there.

Now Chen Chu doesn't seem as busy as before, and he also knows that he runs home every now and then. Chen's father feels relieved, but as a father who should be gentle with his wife, he knows that he shouldn't, but he still insists. After a few words of training, I just wanted Chen Chu not to take it seriously.

Chen Chu came back with a very clear purpose, which was to care about his parents' health.

He thought about it and came up with a plan that wasn't too bad...

After entering the temporary house in her hometown, the new house was almost ready, but the inside still needed to be renovated. Her mother looked at Chen Chu's face and wanted to say a few words about how people outside the home had lost weight. However, looking at her son's appearance, My body seems to be getting better and better, there is meat where there should be meat, and my energy and energy are not as abundant as usual.

Could it be that they are in love?

The mother coughed and said, "Son, I told you about the blind date that day."

Chen Chu waved his hand and said: "Hey, Mom, when your son is really concentrating on his career, he is at a critical moment and is on the rise. Don't worry about love. When he is completely stable, it will not be too late to fall in love again. Don't talk about it in the future. La." He already cares enough about his parents and master and uncle in reality. If he rashly agrees to his mother's words and finds a girlfriend, he will take over this causal responsibility. If he accidentally dies in the heavens, wouldn't he be giving other girls Create a lifelong shadow...

He waved his hand towards the door.

Father: "What are you doing?"

Chen Chu was slightly embarrassed, forgetting that the spell was useless, this was almost a subconscious action. He walked over and closed the door: "Mom and Dad, I got a really good thing through secret channels. This time I came back in the middle of the night just to share it with my two elders. It's too valuable, so I have to be careful."

In a family that can educate a talented person like Chen Chu, the mother and father are not economical. They just don't want to use their thoughts and wisdom in evil ways. Therefore, their life is not particularly rich, but it is definitely not bad.

At this moment, I heard Chen Chu's words.

The second elder's expression became solemn.

Chen Chu took out the small piece of spiritual branch and carefully placed it on the table, with a "valued" expression on his face, making the two elders always stare at the red plastic bag.

He opened the plastic bag, unscrewed the bottle, held a dark green branch and said: "This is a plant that grows in very remote places abroad. It looks like a branch and has very strong vitality. Dig it out of the ground and break it." , it will look like new after a few years...

It has a very powerful effect. Just boil water and drink it. It can greatly replenish the body's cell vitality and even eliminate some hidden diseases. I know it is a bit outrageous, but it is a rare and precious medicinal material. It is said to prolong life. , that’s just its basic function.

I got one and divided half of it between my master and uncle and Zhang Tianshi from Tianshi Mansion.

They are all people who have communicated with my son and can be trusted. Now that there is still a branch left, I will bring it back for the second elder to use. Now you should know why I came back quietly at night. "

The father fell silent.

His mother understood how he felt, because at this moment Chen Chu was like a counterfeit medicine dealer selling fake medicines, so he just said: "One bottle will refresh your mind, two bottles will never make you tired, three bottles will make you immortal..."

But this is the son they have seen since childhood, and he is worthy of trust.

Mother: "Son, this..."

Father: "Although it is indeed a bit outrageous, it should be true that he came back in the middle of the night... This is the effect of the medicine, it is really..."

Chen Chu didn't waste any time. He found the electric kettle at home, threw the spiritual branch in and started boiling water. He said, "This thing is very, very rare. It can be said to be a rare treasure. I have occasionally seen old books mentioning this kind of thing. , but no one has really seen it! It is precisely because no one has seen it that I took advantage of it. My master and uncle both drank it and immediately expelled the filth from the body and became refreshed..."

Mother nodded: "Just listen to you."

The son has strong earning power and is thorough in his work. It must be confirmed that this branch will be brought back.

Soon the electric kettle was turned on. Chen Chu poured two cups and let them cool down. He pushed one cup to his mother. His father reached out to get another cup, but Chen Chu stopped him: "Dad, this temporary house only has one bathroom. Drink this." , it will immediately make your whole body feel hot and expel dirt from your pores, making it greasy and smelly. You can let mom drink it first, so you don’t have to rush to the bathroom later.”

My father was stunned for a moment, that such a thing could happen, and smiled: "Isn't this just like the pores in novels where feces sprays out?"

The mother reached out and hit her husband, and said angrily: "Don't say such things in front of your son..."

Chen Chu secretly thought that he is really a good guy. Even a man like his father, who looks like he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, knows the word "spitting feces from his pores". Information dissemination in the real world is really great...

He travels through the heavens and worlds, which are basically ancient times and modern times with relatively ordinary network development, forgetting the efficiency of reality.

The mother drank the spiritual water and reacted quickly. Thinking of what Chen Chu said, she hurried into the bathroom. My father was shocked. The effect was so obvious. It took more than ten minutes to brew the laxative prescribed by the hospital.

Half an hour later, my mother changed her clothes and walked out of the bathroom, and my father's eyes suddenly brightened a lot.

Chen Chu was born to a mother who was only in her twenties. Now that Chen Chu has grown up, she is also fifty years old. Naturally, she cannot be compared with young women. However, the maintenance is pretty good and she looks a little younger than her peers.

At this moment, the mother looked like a woman in her forties, mature and with a hint of charm. Seeing her husband staring at her, her old face suddenly turned red: "Why, don't you even recognize your wife?" She was already there She looked in the mirror in the bathroom and was shocked for a long time. She adjusted her mentality before walking out, but her husband's appearance made her still a little nervous.

Without saying a word, my father picked up the water glass and drank it all in one gulp. He closed his eyes to rest for two minutes and said excitedly: "The feeling is coming!"

He also rushed into the bathroom...

When I came out again, I looked two or three years younger, and there were fewer spots on my face.

After he came out, he walked on the chair, touched his chin and fell into thinking. He looked at his wife and said seriously: "It would be terrible if all the effects of this thing brought by my son can be realized... Once it is known by those rich people, , do you know what a terrible wave it will set off!"

The mother also calmed down from the joy and began to think: "Yes, those powerful people have hands and eyes that reach the sky, but after all, they are only mortal bodies, and it is difficult to survive the exhaustion of life even if they try all kinds of methods!

If this thing is leaked, it doesn't matter if we are in danger, but our son's situation will definitely be very difficult! We start putting on makeup as soon as we go out, arranging the whole process of foundation, concealer, etc. Don’t be afraid that others will say we are young, just because they won’t be able to see the powder on our faces!

When someone asked, he said that he wanted to find a wife for his son. If the parents were too old-fashioned, they would scare the daughter-in-law. And it’s not just makeup, we also have to bring back several bags from the beauty hospital from time to time, including skin test reports, hyaluronic acid, and plastic surgery consultation sheets, all of which we have to show to our relatives and friends intentionally or unintentionally..."

After hearing this, my father slapped his thigh. In terms of scheming, it has to be his wife!

My mother took out a large cardboard box from the room and said, "This is a cosmetic given to me by a friend before. I thought it was a waste of time to dress up my face, but now it seems it's time to use it..." Unpacking the box, there were some things inside. Carrying boxes of brand new cosmetics, he placed these things on the table and emptied other things, including the water cup for drinking the elixir. Who knows if there is an evil spirit who can analyze the existence of branches through the water stains on the water cup. Be careful and you will always fail. wrong.

She took out her mobile phone, took a few family photos to cosmetics, then opened her circle of friends, edited a text, and attached the photos.

Content: [Hey, time is like a butcher's knife, and the knife makes people grow old. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, everyone is old! Both men and women should be kind to themselves and invest in beautiful memories in their limited life! For cosmetics, find time to have a face lift and get hyaluronic acid. We can also look like celebrities... By the way, I may be engaged in selling cosmetics next. Friends who need it can contact me! 】

The father took the mobile phone and looked at the WeChat Moments posted by the mother, and took a deep breath: "Honey, you are really 666!"

His mother was in a good mood and asked him where 6 was.

My father was like a person who wrote an article and said: "After reading this article on WeChat Moments, if I didn't know better, I would subconsciously think that you are going to start a cosmetics business. What years are ahead for a knife and what investments? I, all for the last sentence, please contact me if you need cosmetics, to pave the way... It is very reasonable for people in the cosmetics business to make themselves look better and increase their persuasiveness to customers."

My mother smiled and said, "You are right, but I am indeed planning to engage in the cosmetics industry. Moreover, it is a small business with low cost, deep impression, and quick entry into the industry. The most important thing is that no matter what I say is slightly exaggerated, I will basically not let it go. People find it strange.”

Chen Chu always felt that he was quite smart. His mother and father had been busy when they were young. As he got older, he began to study flowers and plants and even how to make furniture. Unexpectedly, he was shocked when he showed his skills. It seems that my IQ is the result of two elders merging into one...

He put aside the thoughts in his mind and said with a smile: "This branch is not a disposable item. You can boil water for drinking repeatedly. If parents feel that getting younger and younger will make people suspicious, they should space out the drinking time and only drink water each time. Drink a small amount, then dry the branches and store them for future use.”

The mother nodded. She remembered something, looked at Chen Chu and said, "Although I trust your masters and uncles, it is easy to detect changes in a person's appearance as long as they are close to him. You think of a way, To reduce this influence, if I guessed correctly, you should have just returned from Sanshan Palace after giving branches to me in the middle of the night.

At this time, Master Sanshan was probably on his way to Longhu Mountain with the branches. He and Master Sanyunzi were brothers. One often traveled around, and the other rarely went out in Sanshan Palace. At seventy years old, the younger one The difference between two and three years old is not big, and apart from you, the apprentice, there is no one else who is that close to me, so it is not a big problem.

But the old Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain Heavenly Master's Mansion is different. Where his status is, there are always a few pairs of eyes staring at him. You must call your master and uncle immediately. When giving things, pay attention to the environment. Pay attention to your behavior to avoid abnormality, and be sure to pay attention to the amount of water when drinking. I suggest using milliliters as the standard and slowly increasing it, so that the appearance is at a balance point that is both effective for the body and does not make people feel abnormal..."

Chen Chu: "..."

He felt that he was a lonely Da Luo Tianxian...

But this pot cannot be given to yourself. Starting from the gods you know, they basically have seven emotions and six desires. Even the Tathagata Buddha in Journey to the East and Journey to the West will be annoyed...

There is also the list of gods, where all kinds of saints and gods are fighting. The reason for the fight is very simple. The apprentice is beaten, leave, and come back with revenge! What, my senior brother is being bullied, go away, bully him back! What, you can’t beat them and you’ll lose face, go away... let’s lose face together...

Chen Chu silently took out his mobile phone and walked outside and called Sanshanzi. Sure enough, as his mother said, they set off to the train station early in the morning to catch the train. There were many branches and wood in their luggage, as well as half of the carvings. It’s normal for a Taoist priest to carry some of these statues, but it’s not normal to leave one alone.

While on the phone, Chen Chu even heard through the receiver what Sanyunzi was talking to the staff, and seemed to ask what a pile of wood was for.

Sanyunzi is very proud to say that these small branches are taken from trees from all over the country. They gather the spiritual energy of trees from all over the country and are used to carve small wooden signs and small amulets, which are very spiritual! He even took out a piece and said that as long as it cost 599, he could let the staff take the spirituality of the branch home...

The staff just wondered why there were so many twigs. There were fifty or sixty of these things. They didn’t occupy much space, and they weren’t flammable or explosive dangerous goods. People brought a lot of wooden Jenga.

When he saw that both of them were old Taoist priests and spoke the truth from Taoist scriptures, and that a small branch cost 599 yuan, he immediately understood the true meaning of the existence of the branch, and quickly handed them over to pass the inspection and get on the bus...

Chen Chu could only exclaim in his heart again, what a good guy.

He thought he was the only dog ​​like him, but it turns out that everyone is a dog...

The real world has always been what Chen Chu was most concerned about. Now seeing that his master, uncle, mother and father are all so... able to take care of him, the stone in his heart has been relieved a lot.

During the remaining time, Chen Chu stayed in the countryside to keep company with his parents. He also went to the new house to help mix cement and scrape the walls. At the same time, he also followed the progress of his mother's cosmetics micro-business. Since doing business, Once you do it, do it as well as you can.

At last, time was almost running out. Chen Chu entered the room of the temporary house and lay down on the bed. As long as the real time did not change, it would only take an instant to go back and forth.

He turned into a breeze and disappeared from the bed. When he woke up again, he was already standing in the ash stone space. His mind moved, and the words on the ash stone on the ground slowly emerged. The content was: [Next World, List of Gods. 】


Chen Chu wondered whether he had been given big data by Pewter Stone. In the real world, he just complained about the gods on the list of gods. This was so thoughtful that he was immediately placed on the list of gods...

He took a step forward, and the unique text symbols on the ash stone under his feet began to rotate and turned into a circle of light. Surrounded by the breeze, the circle of light stretched upward to cover the entire body, like a white cylinder.

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment.

The special effects of Pewter are wrong this time. Usually they send him away with an aperture and breeze. This time, they are actually a cylinder and aperture. Is this an upgrade or something?

Before he could think about it, white light flashed.

The person disappeared from the white wax stone space.

Chen Chu's eyes were filled with colorful lights and he didn't see the darkness. He reached his destination with a shout.

He is now in a very dense primeval forest. The feeling when he first came here is that the aura here is much richer than the world of Journey to the West...

Several names came to Chen Chu's mind: Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao, King Zhou, King Wu, and the nine-tailed demon fox Su Daji.

The Legend of the Gods is a novel that was written much later than Journey to the West. Although the plot is very exciting, with gods fighting each other and various gorgeous magic weapons and terrifying formations suppressing each other, a small part of the logic conflicts with each other and cannot withstand in-depth scrutiny, so it cannot be included in the list. Among the four great masterpieces, it can only be called "Feng Shen Bang", an excellent novel about gods and demons from ancient times.

He touched his chin. He didn't know how his own strength compared with the combat power of gods in this world. He was new here, so be careful and don't cause big trouble. Let's observe and observe.

At this moment, he was still wearing a suit style from the real world. He transformed into a slightly simple navy blue Taoist robe, with a simple bun, holding a fly whisk in his hand, and smiled slightly. I don't know why, but Taoist robes are more comfortable to wear. a little.

Suddenly he heard someone singing in front of him.

I saw a boy in his early eight or nine years old walking from the front with a basket in his hand. He seemed to be collecting something in the mountains. He was in a very good mood and was singing and forgetting everything...

This Taoist boy is not simple, he has magic power in his body, and he is obviously a practitioner with a master.

Chen Chu sensed it and could roughly judge that the Taoist boy's cultivation level should not be high. However, this is the world of the Conferred Gods List. The number of years of Taoism cultivation is not the only criterion for judging combat effectiveness. There are also magic weapons. Only by far exceeding the strength of the user can he Suppress the magic weapon...

He adjusted his Taoist robes and planned to get familiar with him and see what timeline the world had reached. The Taoist boy also saw him, but he was just confused and did not panic. He came towards him and even asked: "Who are you?" Who and why are you here at my mother-in-law’s hilltop?”

Chen Chu was about to reply when suddenly a sense of crisis came from far away. When he looked back, he saw a gorgeous arrow flying towards him from high in the sky with the power to destroy everything! The space around this arrow is distorted, and it seems that it has a target already. As if it is destined, its target is the boy in front of you...

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