I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 83 There is no such thing as unreasonable hatred

Chen Chu was very pleased that the demon boy who came back with him found his way back. He burst into tears and said that he wanted to be an elf that everyone liked, and even put forward lofty ideals...

For example, building a temple or something like that.

But Chen Chu felt that he still needed to teach it one last lesson to consolidate his inner ideological positioning...

He opened his hands and looked at the devil boy: "Come on, use your most powerful ability to attack me, whether it is illusion or spell!"

The devil had a deep shadow on Chen Chu. If he suddenly said something to attack him, there might be some conspiracy behind it.

It shook its head vigorously.

Chen Chu: "You have two choices. The first is to attack me, and the second is to attack me after being stabbed with a sword!"

When the devil boy heard this, he stretched out his head and retracted his head with one slash. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, screamed strangely, and pounced on his hands filled with black energy...

boom! ! !

As soon as his hands touched the clothes, he felt a familiar force burst out of Chen Chu's body and bounced it away...

This is the power of God!

The devil's heart is in turmoil. It is true that gods will protect humans, but they cannot protect humans all the time. Even the spokesperson of the gods can only draw spells on his body to protect himself...

How could this person be so blessed by God?

He neither recited a mantra nor had any talismans on his body. His power came at the drop of a hat. He might be even more powerful than Mr. Tiger who killed his mother!

Chen Chu chuckled twice: "How does it feel? Even if I do nothing and stand among you demons, how long can you attack me?"

He gently wiped the clean Qingshui Sword with a piece of paper towel and said...

The devil wanted to try again, but seeing the sword in his hand, he decided to forget it. With such power protecting him, it would be the same no matter how many times he tried.

In my heart, I silently listed Chen Chu as someone who should not be offended at will...

Chen's original goal was achieved.

He asked the demon boys some irrelevant questions.

Then he asked "casually", don't all the devils wear nothing? How come there are still people wearing red walking around in the mountains in the past year?

The devil said, the one in red is not the devil.

It was a little human girl who turned into an evil spirit. Because she died wearing red clothes, and her body was treated with some kind of forbidden technique, this little girl in red clothes has a lot of power...

She has the ability of a ghost and also has a physical body, similar to those of demons...

Chen Chu recalled that in the play, after the little girl in red died, her mother Lin Meihua tried to resurrect her and dug a hole in the mountain.

Put the corpse curled up in it, using the mat as a pit and straw as a quilt. Then water the corpse with chicken blood for seven consecutive days before it can be resurrected!

This method, called body-covering burial, is Lin Meihua’s family secret technique...

It should be regarded as a different kind of resurrection, with intelligence and body, but she didn't expect how rotten her body would be after being in the pit for seven days.

The demon boy said that they were also surprised when they found the little girl in red. The little person actually had such strong resentment...

At first they wanted to kill her, but she killed several demons instead. They discussed it and finally decided to bring in the little girl in red.

On the condition of helping her find her mother, let the little girl in red cooperate with them to pull the person whose name is called into the mountains.

The Demon Boy himself can use illusions to pull people over, but it is easy for him to wake up halfway and be run away...

Chen Chu asked, where is the little girl in red now?

Demon God Zai said that the little girl in red has a very willful personality and a very bad temper. She seems to care about her identity very much and will lose her temper if something is slightly wrong...

I usually stay in a dilapidated amusement park, walking around and doing nothing.

The mission content is to stop the little girl in red from killing and return to her good nature.

Human nature is very complex.

If the mission is to kill the little girl in red, then Chen Chu looks at everything in this drama from a God's perspective. No matter how high-minded the other party is, there are a hundred ways to be tricked to death...

No matter how awesome she is, she is still a child. The time she spent as a ghost was only about a year. When she died, she was covered and buried and came back to life.

Lin Meihua was frightened.

I was worried that I would harm others, so I went home and made a suit full of five thunder talismans to seal it. It was not until last year that someone discovered the body and exhumed it...

Chen Chu thought about the plan for a long time.

In the next few days, I consulted many industries and even went to the police station for consultation, and finally got some insights...

Tai Hang Shan has been developed before, with hospitals, schools and playgrounds.

It’s just that things happened frequently with the Devil Boy later on. People couldn’t bear it and had to slowly move away from this place. It became empty. Hospitals, schools, playgrounds, etc. were directly abandoned...

But it was really lively more than ten years ago.

Without its popularity, it seems to be a dark environment all year round. The scene in Dakeng Mountain is shrouded in fog and eerie...

On the mountain road, there is a red figure walking stiffly. His movements look like he has the same hands and feet. His hair is black and his clothes are as red as blood. He is still a child, which is very strange...

She is none other than Lin Meihua’s ex-daughter Yongqing!

She is also the little girl in red as mentioned by the TV column. She looks very quiet at the moment...

The skin is gray and the veins on the hands and feet are extremely clear.

She was barefoot, and every step she took was laborious, as if being close to this tunnel would have any bad effects...

Looking at the spinning cups, bumper cars, and pirate ship in the amusement park, she sat on the pirate ship with an expressionless expression.

This thing is very heavy and definitely not something a child can drive.

Yong Qing waved his hand gently, and the huge pirate ship creaked and slowly began to move. The sound at the axis was harsh and tooth-sharp...

The ship rocked back and forth...

Yongqing suddenly remembered the scene when he died.

Her face became a little distorted, and the words of her mother Lin Meihua kept coming to her mind: "Yongqing, Yongqing, mother will not leave you. Even if you die, I won't allow it! Mother must find a way to let you go." Survive this!!!”

The scene in my mind changed.

It was the scene of her lying in a pothole. She curled up and nestled in a small pothole. Her mother would only come over during the day and pour a bowl of chicken blood on her body. She was cold and uncomfortable.

She could clearly feel that her skin was festering, but her mother said that she would survive as long as seven days of sunshine...

Wait and wait.

Finally the seven days are up, I’m so happy, she’s coming out!

Climbing out of the cold pothole, the joints that had not been moved for a long time made a clicking sound. The mother with a face full of joy came over, and the mother and daughter were about to have a long-awaited hug.


The mother stopped, she was afraid, afraid of her daughter!

Yongqing stood in the deep mountains and old forests, looking at her mother... This woman named Lin Meihua didn't even look back, she seemed to disappear outside the mountains and forests!

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't shed tears.

She was wandering in the mountains and forests. When she saw tourists entering the mountains, she wanted to follow them secretly and leave the mountain. Who knew someone was taking pictures...

It's really cold in the mountains and forests.

Many people came during the day, saying they were looking for the little girl in red...

Yongqing didn't know if he was looking for her, but she was a little scared and didn't want to have contact with strangers.

Finally, she saw her mother again. Her mother called her loudly and said that she had brought her new clothes...

Recalling this, the pirate ship made a loud creaking sound, as if Yongqing had several tons pressing on it, overwhelmed and screaming.

Yong Qing's eyes were dark, with no whites or pupils. She was trembling all over and said gloomily: "Lin Meihua! Lin Meihua! I will find you and you will be in as much pain as me..."

Because her mother used the excuse of giving her new clothes to seal her in the ground while she wasn't paying attention, for sixteen years! ! !

Monthly pass, this is the third update

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