I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 835 The center of the new god’s storm

Master Tongtian read the entire book "The Romance of the Gods", the 100th chapter, at the end of which King Wu conferred the title of princes on all countries.

He was completely silent, and no matter how slow he was, he discovered that although this "The Romance of the Gods" was a bit nonsense, the overall plot direction and major events were basically consistent.

He has only two guesses at the moment. First, everything recorded in this book was written by a supreme power who can predict the future. As long as no one interferes in this battle of conferring gods, there is a high possibility that it will be based on The book goes on.

Now, a stranger from outside the world has appeared and beheaded Nezha Taiyi and Su Daji, killed King Zhou, and extended Chengtang's luck. All of this has changed.

The second guess is that everything known in this world is derived from this book. In other words, the so-called Haotian God, Hongjun, Tongtian, Yuanshi, Nuwa, Zhunti, and Jieyin are all It's just a casually written character in this storybook "The Romance of the Gods".

Tongtian slowly closed the book and looked at Chen Chu, wanting to speak but hesitating.

He rarely hesitates...

At this time, only the leader Tongtian and Chen Chu were left in the Biyou Palace. The other disciples noticed that something was not right when Tongtian was reading a book and left first, because the following conversation seemed to touch on some secrets. Information.

Chen Chu knew what Master Tongtian wanted to say, and smiled slightly: "Yes, as you thought, in this chaos of the three realms of heaven and earth, everything that is known is a complete world derived from this book. You don't have to be too Worrying, based on my experience, this world is derived from books but independent of books.”

Tongtian suddenly laughed, as if someone had tapped his laughter point.

Chen Chu was already in the realm of Daluo Celestial Immortal, but he still couldn't help but think of the jokes in the real world, and really wanted to ask, "Why are you laughing?"

Think about it and forget it.

The leader of Tongtian Cult threw "The Romance of the Gods" to Chen Chu and said: "We think we know the past and present, hold the world in our hands, and stand above the mortal world, but it turns out that in the final analysis, we are just a character in a story... Fellow Taoist, you have been called He is an outsider, presumably from a place outside the world of "Feng Shen Yan Yi"?"

Chen Chu nodded and said: "Yes, I come from outside the heavens. The worlds of the heavens have different origins. Some are derived from operas, some are derived from story books, some are even derived from a short legend, or it is just the folk custom of an ordinary village. A story, or even just one person's thoughts...

Even I dare not say that I come from the most primitive and real world, or in the next second, I may see my name between the lines of a certain book. "

Leader Tongtian smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, I am open-minded. When I read this book, I only felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. The combination of the two senior brothers, the two old and ungrateful captives of the Western Sect, and the tragic defeat of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation in the end. All the casualties can fill up dozens of the 365 righteous god positions on the Conferred Gods List. It’s really hard to describe..."

The atmosphere in Biyou Palace gradually calmed down.

Leader Tongtian pointed his hand, and a gorgeous solid gold chair appeared in the hall and said: "Fellow Taoist, please sit down."

Chen Chu was not polite, he sat down calmly, flipped his hand, and a rectangular sign with bright golden light appeared in his palm, saying: "I walked in the world of the heavens and saw a lot of gods. When attacked by darkness, the gods joined forces to practice in a relay manner. After making this magic tablet, if there is a connected mind, you can read the information of the gods, and you can also selectively store your own memory in it for future generations to read..."

Leader Tongtian could feel the nameless divine power rippling from the divine tablet, so he believed most of it and asked: "How can we make our hearts and minds connected? What are the minds of other gods?"

Chen Chu did not play riddles and said with a smile: "Have a heart for all sentient beings and save all sentient beings. This is usually the case."

Leader Tongtian felt a little guilty. If it were his original self, he would have sworn that he definitely had this intention. But at this moment, after reading "The Romance of the Gods", the one-on-four scene in the book subconsciously appeared in his mind. If the crazy leader Tongtian, a leader who activated the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and sacrificed countless disciples, could he be a good person?

He pondered for a moment, then simply stretched out his hand to grab the sacred card and said: "I established the Jie Sect in the hope that there will be no difference in teaching, so that ordinary beings with weak heels can also have the opportunity to follow the Tao. I used to care about all sentient beings, but now I If you have a clear understanding in your heart, what is in the book will not be what is outside the book, as long as you stick to the beliefs in your heart..."

The moment the divine card was touched, a burst of light filled half of the hall.

quite a while.

Leader Tongtian came to his senses.

Sanqing in Journey to the West knew that Chen Chu had a magic card, and he understood the magic card as early as the first moment they met in the Thirty-sixth Heaven.

Although the Tongtian Cult Master at this moment has obtained a lot of public information from the God Card, he has not been able to share the private information left by the Three Purities of Journey to the West. It is very simple. It is not that the Tongtian Cult Master has been eroded by darkness, nor that the Tongtian Cult Master has no sentient beings in his mind. Simply because...this leader of Tongtian Cult has nothing to do with the Supreme Purity Lingbao Tianzun in Sanqingli in Journey to the West.

Chen Chu looked at the complicated look on the face of Master Tongtian and could understand it, because he had seen the expressions of too many gods after touching the divine tablets...

Leader Tongtian said: "It turns out that the world of the heavens is facing such a crisis, but we in the world of "The Romance of the Gods" have to fight over who can take the position of the righteous god among the 365. It is really shameful." The position of Teacher Hongjun in his heart dropped sharply. Although he himself was impulsive in the book and was fooled into the game by his disciples, Teacher Hongjun was indeed a bit unfair. In the end, The solution was for the three brothers to take a pill, completely avoid this world, and go to Zixiao Palace to practice.

And because of reading, he always felt that Teacher Hongjun seemed to be very eager to kill the gods and kill them on the list.

King Wu is gone to defeat Zhou, and now he has set up a Conferred God Bureau to crusade "foreigners", and the three leaders of the two sects are attacking the same person...

Teacher Hongjun, there must be something wrong.

Tongtian suddenly had such an idea...

Chen Chu felt that he and Master Tongtian seemed to have reached a subtle tacit understanding, and looked at each other with a smile.

Master Tongtian coughed and said: "Fellow Taoist, conferring gods to kill and calamity will harm the harmony of heaven, and God has the virtue of good life. If I, Tongtian, can do less killing, I will naturally do less killing. Since senior brother Yuanshi Tianzun has agreed with fellow Taoist Of course, the suggestion cannot be left here in Biyou Palace!"

Chen Chu nodded and said, "Thank you, Master Tongtian."

The old leader of Tongtian Cult blushed and said loudly to the outside: "Where is Duobao?"

I saw a middle-aged Taoist wandering into the hall. He was originally far away, but he was summoned by the Tongtian leader and returned instantly. He didn't know what happened.

Taoist Duobao...


Leader Tongtian took a moment to look at him. Although this disciple's performance in "The Romance of the Gods" was somewhat regrettable, he couldn't punish the current Taoist Duobao with future events.

Since he already knows the future direction, the secrets of the universe, and his character has changed, he will definitely not let the tragedy happen again...

At this moment, Taoist Duobao said respectfully: "Disciple is here, may I ask what the master has ordered?"

The leader of Tongtian gave him the piece of paper about Yuanshi Tianzun and said: "Your uncle Yuanshi Tianzun has agreed to this matter. I don't want to be the person who refutes my brother's face. Duobao, follow my instructions and say, ' The Heavenly Court of Haotian God needs immortals with profound cultivation and virtues. A total of 365 righteous gods from the eight divisions of the Heavenly Court can be entered into the divine register, registered in the immortal book, and can enjoy the temple view in the mortal world!

Anyone who already has the body of an immortal can decide whether to report it according to their own wishes. Please note that it is not advisable to kill more, fight more, have evil thoughts, and harm all living beings! ’, did you hear clearly? "

God Haotian is very powerful, he is the incarnation of the way of heaven!

Tongtian Cult Leader accepted Chen Chu's suggestion, but he would not randomly stuff some crooked melons and cracked jujubes in order to avoid causing problems in the future. The gods in the sky and mortals on earth said that these evil gods all came from the mountain gate of Jie Cuo Tongtian Cult Leader. That was really embarrassing. Throw it all over the sky.

Taoist Duobao took the order and left.

Chen Chu said: "Master Tongtian is determined to create a chance for all living beings in the world to seek Taoism, and to teach everyone without distinction, but has he forgotten the most important point, which is moral character?"

The leader of Tongtian Cult was stunned for a moment, understood, and said with some shame: "At the beginning of the founding of the religion, I saw the suffering of all living beings in the world, suffering from birth, old age, illness and death, and I wanted to seize a chance for them. Unexpectedly, I forgot to teach them the virtues of the Light Sect. It's my fault..."

He has too many disciples, a lot of them are named, and a lot of them are anonymous. When I go out, I meet a Taoist on the road who may be his disciple, but they don't know each other.

Leader Tongtian called out again, and three beautiful immortals came... no, they were fairies.

They are the three famous sisters in Jie Jiao, collectively known as Sanxiao. In "The Romance of the Gods", the famous Nine Curves of the Yellow River Formation was created by them. Its formation is so powerful that it has become one of the twelve gods of the Jie Jiao. Jin Xian was helpless. If it hadn't been broken by a trick, this formation would never have been broken head-on.

When Sanxiao entered Biyou Palace, he saw Chen Chu. He was a little confused and a little shocked, and Yunxiao found it even more incredible.

She came in with this Taoist. At first, the master's attitude was not very good. After a while, the master actually became so friendly and even gave her a golden chair to treat her as an equal.

Yunxiao spoke on behalf of Sanxiao: "Master, please give me your instructions."

Leader Tongtian looked at the three sisters. Although they were not his direct disciples, they valued love and justice, but their brains were a little lacking.

He said: "Since the founding of Jiejiao, there have been tens of thousands of immortals, and there are even more countless immortals who have not yet become immortals. Tens of thousands of immortals have come to Penglai Island, and it is prosperous! The immortals understand the heaven and earth, and take the energy of heaven and earth to refine it into their own bodies. You need to have a good heart and a good intention, and you should feed back the creatures of heaven and earth, and you must not kill or commit evil to destroy your own perfection..."

Sanxiao, you look at me and I look at you. I don’t know why the master is so emotional today.

Leader Tongtian felt that he could get to the point, and said directly: "From today on, I will establish the canon on Penglai Island. There are thirty-six major canons, and each article has seventy-two small dogmas! All my disciples will strictly abide by it. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the canon will have his or her magical powers revoked and his body and soul destroyed, or expelled from the sect...

I established religious rules and regulations just to teach my disciples to do good and be self-disciplined, so as to avoid evil karma and disaster!

From now on, those who cannot accept it can hand over the magic weapon within the sect on their own and leave the sect and go down the mountain... From now on, no matter whether it is good or evil, it will have nothing to do with the Jie sect. "

Yunxiao didn't expect that Master Tongtian would make such a big decision today. She was a little shocked, but also a little surprised. She had always felt that Jiejiao was all about teaching and discriminating, no matter what kind of species, good or evil were accepted, causing a mixture of good and bad, and this has been going on for a long time. Sooner or later there will be problems! But it is really gratifying that Master has solved this problem today...

After Master Tongtian said this, he felt that his whole body was refreshed and his mind was clear, which was better than ever before.

He suddenly remembered and said, "Fellow Taoist, have you shared this divine card with my senior brother, me, and Yuanshi Tianzun?"

Chen Chu said: "Not yet, Pindao killed Taiyi and Nezha. Yuanshi Tianzun is very wary of Pindao for the time being. After talking about the matter of becoming a god, it is the limit. We still need to find a suitable time to try the magic card. And Pindao hasn't gone to my side yet..."

The leader of Tongtian Cult said with a hum: "Now everything is no longer carried out according to the book, and my senior brothers and I have not reached that point yet. It would be great if the senior brothers can work together as one. If my fellow Taoists need it, I will also cooperate a lot." …”

There was only one mystery in his mind.

There is a better and more peaceful way to consecrate the gods. Why does Teacher Hongjun have to do this? Is it because of the invasion of darkness?

Think about it.

Leader Tongtian decided to make a choice based on his own calculations. He pressed his hands on the armrests and said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist, the original route to the gods has been broken. Now the new route to the gods has been revealed. That is our interpretation of the second religion and the three masters." , under the orders of Teacher Hongjun, we will jointly attack you, the 'foreigner from the outside'!"

Chen Chu's smile was frozen. He had thought about all the consequences of destroying King Wu and conquering Zhou. He really didn't expect that he would become the center of the storm for the new god...

Also, as the strongest man in the world besides God Haotian, it is normal for Hongjun to be aware of Chen Chu's existence.

There is something wrong with this Hongjun.

Chen Chu asked: "Fellow Taoist Tongtian, do you want to attack Pindao?"

When the leader of Tongtian Cult heard that the leader had become a Taoist friend, he chuckled: "I am also the leader of a religion, so I should have my own opinions. Although Taoist friends are outsiders, they are not alien monsters. For this new route of becoming a god, I will I won’t participate. The position of 365 Righteous Gods will be confirmed within a few days, which will save my two senior brothers from all the busy work.”

Chen Chu said: "What if Hongjun forces you to commit murder?"

The leader of Tongtian Cult held the Qingping Sword at his waist with his hand, and said with a sharp look on his eyebrows: "That means that the teacher has violated his original intention and is no longer the Taoist. He has parted ways with the living beings in this world... I... stand on the side of all living beings... ..." He didn't say anything about being an enemy of Hongjun, but the expression on his face said too much.

In the Eight Views Palace, I and Yuanshi Tianzun were sitting face to face.

They were talking about Chen Chu, when suddenly a boy brought some pieces of paper from outside. The contents recorded on them made the futon under Yuanshi Tianzun's seat explode with a bang!

He turned the piece of paper into ashes and said angrily: "You're a 'foreigner', I gave you the jade talisman, just as a delaying measure. I didn't expect you to use it like this, so good! Very good..."

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