The black-faced "god" in the sedan paled even darker, and said solemnly: "This little mortal wants to kill a god!"

The darkness instantly turned into sludge and poured out of the sedan. It was like a sewage plant explosion. It swept half the street in an instant. The group of people who could not dodge were swallowed up by the darkness. In an instant, their flesh and blood melted, and bones were scattered all over the ground...

The ground cracked, and darkness came towards Chen Chu like a tide, with an astonishing momentum!

Chen Chu made a gesture with his left hand and held a sword in his right hand, thrust forward with the sword: "Dawn!"

This trick of dawn was originally created to break through the darkness, and finally it was a professional counterpart. In an instant, the darkness of "gods" and the darkness brought by Chen Chu's "dawn" shrouded each other.

The black-faced "god" smiled coldly and said: "With these two attacks, you can't do anything..."


There was a sudden light in the darkness, and white light suddenly appeared like a sharp blade!

This white light instantly penetrated the chest of the black-faced god and penetrated out from the back, splattering a large amount of black blood.

Chen Chu didn't know when he had entered the sedan. He stepped on the edge of the sedan, grabbed the black god's hair with his left hand, pulled out the Final Sword from his chest with his right hand, put it on his neck and said with a smile: "Fairy Gods and Ghosts" Demon Buddha, I have killed almost everything, who are you who dares to pretend to be Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and lie here?"

The black-faced god was shocked. He could feel a disturbing aura surging in the young man in front of him. It seemed that that was the power that a god should have...

He wanted to struggle, but found that his head was being pressed tightly and he could not move, and even the power of the divine body belt was suppressed!


Who can suppress the power of God?

Unless the other party is also a god, a powerful god...

Chen Chu said with an indifferent expression. Seeing that he had not spoken for a long time, he finally swung his sword and chopped off his head. If you don't want to talk, then stop talking!

He walked out of the sedan chair carrying the black-faced god, and the darkness in the street dissipated as the god died...

The streets are littered with bones. Who would have thought that these bones were alive and fanatical believers a few minutes ago. These poor people were killed by the gods they believed in.

Chen Chu stood on the street holding the god's head, crushing a bone or two with every step he took, and a faint light emitted from his body.

The people who were still alive were all shocked when they saw that their god in Xiangzhou City was dead. They never thought that the omnipotent and great god would ask someone to kill him...

They looked at Chen Chu in horror. They wanted to go up to avenge the gods, but they didn't dare. They could only look at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Heidou glanced at the crowd and laughed: "What a bunch of fools. If people like Chu didn't exist, they would never have the chance to be redeemed..."

It was born from darkness. Although it is a small darkness, it also knows a lot of things, not to mention integrating the rules of heaven after being reborn.

What happens to mortals, it doesn't matter...

It doesn't matter what happens to the heavens.

It only cares about what Chen Chu wants to do. As long as Chen Chu wants to do something, that is what it wants to do. Other than that, no one or anything is important and cannot be trusted.

"I must have absorbed the darkness from my body."


With Chen Chu's consent, Heidou inhaled hard. The body of the black-faced god in the sedan chair, including the head held by Chen Chu, instantly turned into a large amount of black gas and rolled out, all entering Heidou's mouth and nose.

The black energy dissipated, and the head in Chen Chu's hand replaced it with a beating heart.

Bright red heart.

Chen Chu felt it carefully and then absorbed it. His heart gradually shrank, and the remaining power slowly merged into Chen Chu's heart...

He closed his eyes and saw a vague memory in his mind. It was a monk wearing a golden cassock, with a huge chain of beads around his neck. The left half of his body was broken, and his chest was directly exposed and his heart was beating in the air. With. The place where the monk was was pitch black, and he didn't know what he was fighting.

The monk clasped his hands together, and bright golden light emerged from behind, but it was only a drop in the bucket against the boundless darkness.

His body was torn apart bit by bit by the things in the darkness. When he exhausted his last bit of strength, he looked back and saw countless gods and Buddhas behind him standing in the darkness, fighting hard with a bright light, countless flesh and blood like It rains like rain.

The memory is interrupted here...

Chen Chu absorbed the monk's only remaining heart and only got such a small memory. Although he didn't know who it was, it did not hinder his high respect for him.

Putting hands together: "Amitabha!"

The monk's heart seemed to hear Chen Chu's voice, emitting a warm current that completely dissipated in his body and turned into pure divine power...


There was a crack on Chen Chu's cheek, and a strong fairy spirit filled it.

This broken world began to be unable to suppress his power. The nine-turn Tao Dan in his Dantian was spinning and instantly entered the seventh turn, filling his body with power! Chen Chu had a few more cracks on his face, and small cracks appeared on his arms, as if his whole body was made of white porcelain...

Heidou also felt that Chen Chu's power was resurrecting in this world.

It said happily: "It seems that the benefits of swallowing the divine body are great. Initially, we try to absorb as many divine bodies as possible before arriving in Kyoto. I can vaguely feel that as long as the absorbed divine body recognizes you, then you can fully understand Integrate their power for your own use! The gods are dead, you, the living Da Luo Celestial Immortal, have to work harder..."

Chen initially agreed with Heidou's statement.

He released the Kaizhi Shen Card and sent it into the air. Suddenly, a bright light enveloped every citizen of Xiangzhou City who walked out of their homes, and "installed" the "Original Heart Sutra" and "Theory of Thought and Morality" for them. As long as he covers enough of this world, he believes that it will be of great help to Xin Ming and the others in their subsequent guidance work...

in the coming time.

Chen Chu gradually broke free from the constraints as he cultivated. He drove a loess carriage and wandered around various counties in Xiangzhou with black beans. Whether it was the body of a natural god or the body of an incense god, he had to absorb them all, and slowly gained more and more knowledge. The more memories there are of these gods before their death...

Within Xiangzhou, all the divine bodies enshrined by the Taoist priests were scanned by Chen Chu.

He has absorbed at least sixteen divine bodies, but unfortunately they are all incomplete, with arms, legs and parts...

But each of these divine bodies integrated into his body made Chen Chu stronger.

They went to four continents.


The Great Black Dynasty, the Royal Palace, and the Palace of All Evils.

In the palace, a burly middle-aged man sat on a black dragon chair. He was wearing a dark dragon robe with a dragon head jade belt around his waist. His eyes were cold and he exuded a superior aura. There are hundreds of civil and military officials standing on the left and right sides of the hall, but they are all in black robes. The only difference is the embroidery.

An official stood up and saluted: "I have this memorial."

Although the emperor on the dragon throne already knew what the official was going to say, he still said: "Play!"

The official took out a memorial from his arms, and a palace servant immediately came to pick it up and deliver it to the emperor. When he saw the emperor opening the memorial, he lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, a young man has recently appeared in our Dahei Dynasty. The Taoist is killing people everywhere in search of divine bodies. He seems to have a secret method of devouring divine bodies. He can accommodate a number far exceeding the limit of three divine bodies for ordinary people. Every time he swallows one, there is growth visible to the naked eye..."

The emperor looked at the memorial, which clearly recorded what this Taoist had done, who he had killed, which divine bodies he had devoured, and what incredible abilities he had.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Just tell me."

A trace of anger flashed in the official's eyes and he said: "This Taoist named Chen San ignores the laws of our Dahei Dynasty, kills Taoists, and seizes the divine body. His heart is to be punished! But his strength is too strong, so ...I dare to ask your Majesty to send out the generals who govern the country to kill this person!"

The emperor's eyes fell on the first general on the left, and he said solemnly: "Hou Quji, you have merged into a nearly complete body. I will leave this matter to you."

This general named Hou Quji was wearing a pair of heavy armor, and the dark iron plates exuded a strong fishy smell. He had a lot of flesh on his face, a beard, and a big waist. When he heard the emperor's order, he immediately stood alone. He knelt on his knees, clasped his fists with his hands and said in a thunderous voice: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely kill that Chen San!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away, the armor all over his body making a sound with every step.


In Sizhou City.

It had been a month since Chen Chu last killed the black-faced god in Xiangzhou City.

His linen clothes had long been replaced by Taoist robes, but there were more cracks on his skin, densely packed with traces of white light shining through the gaps.

The wind howled.

The Final Sword was drawn out from the chest of another so-called "god", Heidou absorbed the ominous body, and Chen Chuchu absorbed the divine body. They cooperated seamlessly...

"Leaving here, further ahead is the Kyoto of the Great Black Dynasty."

Black Bean said.

Before Chen Chu could speak, a voice from the distance said: "Your name is Chen San?"

The air was suddenly filled with strong murderous intent. Chen Chu looked over and saw a rough man wearing armor standing on the gate of Sizhou City. He also held a three-pointed weapon in his hand. Blade. He frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

The man's voice was like thunder, and he said: "I am the great general of the Great Black Dynasty, Hou Quji, and I am also the Three-Eyed Revealing Holy Lord personally proclaimed by the emperor!"

Chen Chu: "..."

He asked: "Do you know what the Three-Eyed Revealing Saint True Monarch is?"

Hou Quji chuckled and said: "Of course I know, it is Erlang Shen! But now that his body has been successfully swallowed by me, I am the true king, and the so-called Erlang Shen has long ceased to exist..."

Chen Chu's face turned cold: "Erlang Xiansheng, the True Monarch, has a face as beautiful as a crown jewel, how can you be so ugly like you!"

What Hou Quji cared about the most was his appearance. He instantly felt his vitals being stung. He let out a roar and flew out from the city gate with a three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand. The space around him was distorted, and the blade struck from top to bottom. Chen Chu faced the door and shouted: "Split Peach Mountain with all your strength!"

Chen Chu raised his sword to block.


Under the huge bombardment, the ground around his feet exploded and sank into the ground.

Hou Quji seemed carefree, but in fact the city was very deep, and this move was a killing move, aiming to kill Chen Chu completely as soon as possible...

The ground exploded again.

Chen Chu flew out and finally struck Hou Quji with his sword!


The three-pointed two-edged sword held the Zhongyan Sword, but Hou Quji was in a panic because the three-pointed two-edged sword that he had built using a large amount of fine iron from all over the world and was comparable to a magical weapon of the gods was actually cut down by Chen San's long sword. There was a gap.

Chen Chu looked closer and said with a smile: "Zhenjun, your weapon is not very good."

Hou Quji was furious: "Fart, get out of here!"

He is not a fool. Of course he knows the difference between weapons. If he continues to fight at this level, he will definitely lose!

He made a quick decision and swung the three-pointed two-edged knife to distance himself. He grabbed the blade with both hands and slashed down between his eyebrows, cutting a wound of about three inches.

Black air surges.

A black eyeball came out of the wound between his eyebrows.

Chen Chu was a little surprised, but he hadn't seen the black eyeball for a while, but he knew that it was not the dark eyeball, because this eyeball exuded more twisted and evil power than the dark eyeball...

Did this man's body swallow up Erlang Shen?

No way……

This feeling is like the end of the world where zombies are rampant, and you suddenly find a zombie on the road who is your friend.

Hou Quji inserted the three-pointed double-sided knife into the ground, made a seal with his hands, chanted a mantra in his mouth, and the black eyes between his eyebrows gathered black light.

Looks like we're going to fight...

Chen Chu noticed Hou Quji's posture. He put away the Zhenyan Sword and put his two fingers together between his eyebrows: "Open!"

A black fairy pattern appeared between the eyebrows. The fairy pattern began to change colors, like neon lights, and then a colorful eyeball split in the middle.


Five-colored light shoots out from the eyeballs!

Hou Quji's third eye also shot out black light. The two lights collided fiercely. After a stalemate for less than a second, the five-colored light pushed the black light back and hit Hou Quji's eyeball, causing him to scream instantly. The sound sounded! Hou Quji's eyeballs were scorched and sunken, and the flesh and blood inside could even be seen squirming...

He fell to the ground, reacted, and subconsciously reached out to pull out the three-pointed double-sided knife on the ground.

Chen Chu had already come over, his brows and eyes were shining, but the cracks all over his face were a bit inconsistent. He stepped on the wrist where Hou Quji was about to take the three-pointed two-edged knife, and heard the bones cracking, and the cold He said: "I want you to take back your title as the Three-Eyed Holy Lord and admit that you are just a thief who stole the body..."

The body that Hou Quji devoured was indeed close to complete, but only the center of his eyebrows was vacant.

When devouring the divine body, he immediately knew that he was missing the most important part of the divine body, which was the third eye. Unfortunately, he couldn't find it. Finally, he found an eye from an unknown god and put it in...

At this moment, he was like a bereaved dog being trampled under his feet. Feeling that his dignity had been insulted, he roared: "I am the True Monarch of Manifestation!"

Chen Chu stepped on his wrist and broke it.

Stomping again, his chest collapsed, thick blood spurted out of Hou Quji's mouth, and his eyes bulged: "You..."

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