I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 869 Meeting the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl

A passage appeared in the sky, and dark aura surged. When Heidou saw Chen Chu on the other side of the passage, he immediately turned to look at the people who were worshiping the statue and said: "I am leaving, Xin Ming, you must remember the Yongzhen Shenjun Dao Palace. The original intention of the establishment is to lead all the disciples to diligently practice the scriptures and regard truth and goodness as beauty. Of course, we should not be stupid and good, be knowledgeable about worldly affairs, and never mislead others or ourselves!"

Black beans have been with the statue of Yongzhen Shenjun for ten years. In these ten years, tens of thousands of Yongzhen Shenjun disciples (self-proclaimed) have practiced the "Original Heart Sutra". They have long been accustomed to the existence of black beans. Now black beans It was time to leave, and Xin Ming was most anxious.

The man who was the first to follow Chen Chu had his lips trembling and he was a little excited: "Envoy, are you going to see Chen Shenjun? Can you take me with you?"

Heidou raised the cat's paw to show his calmness, and said: "Xin Ming, the statue of the Divine Lord is here. He can see and hear everything you do. The things that the Divine Lord has to deal with are far beyond what you can touch now. Practice well, and when you are strong enough, we will meet each other by chance! Manage the Divine Sovereign Palace well, and don’t bring shame to the Divine Sovereign!"

It jumped towards the passage, and with a whoosh, the passage closed, as if it had never existed.

Upon seeing this, the disciples on the mountain bowed respectfully and loudly said: "Best farewell to the envoy of the Lord of God!"

In the darkness, Black Bean came through the tunnel. Just when it was about to tell Chen Chu everything it had seen in the ten years in the Lingxu Realm, it suddenly saw a grotesque meat ball more than two hundred meters tall spinning in the air, and it was suddenly confused. : "This... doesn't look like the same kind I used to have."

Chen Chu said: "These are gods that have been transformed by darkness. Their creator, God, may have fallen."

Heidou stretched out his two front paws with nails shining with a faint black light, and said with murderous intent in his eyes: "No matter what he is, as long as it is an enemy that hinders your progress, I will tear it into pieces and devour it! "

Michael had been paying attention to Chen Chu's movements just now.

I thought I was going to summon some powerful guy, but it turned out to be just a cat with a dark aura, which was an insult to God.

He planned to kill Chen Chu with one blow!

A full blow!

The darkness in the entire palace boiled crazily, the huge divine body rose high, and the voices of six angels came out: "In the name of God, erase your existence!"

Heidou was covered in fried hair and hissed: "You deserve it too!"

Chen Chu smoothly smoothed its hair, looked at the shining spherical Michael and said, "Then I will also let you see the divine heritage from our Eastern culture..."

The spherical Michael's light exploded, and flesh and blood squeezed each other, turning into a flesh and blood cross sword.

Top down!

It seemed that Chen Chu would be cut open in the next second!

I have to say that darkness is really a good place to fight. No matter how hard you try, you can't destroy anything...

Chen Chu took a deep breath, put away the Final Yan Sword, grasped it in the air with his left and right hands, and used the first of the thirty-six magical powers to mediate creation!

This magical power focuses on evolving the universe and creating living beings, and should not be attempted by those without great magic power. You can create something out of nothing, you can come back to life, you can change all things, you can seize the creation of the underworld, the mystery of chaos, it is really overbearing...

Two small points of light appeared in the darkness.


Bang bang...

The light spot seemed to be breathing, absorbing everything around it, and slowly formed small black balls, big balls, and small stars, getting bigger and bigger, and even flowers, plants and trees grew on them.

"The Grind of the World!"

As Chen Chu's voice fell, two mini planets slammed into the flesh-and-blood cross, one on the left and one on the right. The left one rotated counterclockwise, and the right one rotated clockwise. The former was fast, the latter was slow, the former was masculine, and the latter was feminine. The two worlds are like two extremes, with the rotation of the flesh and blood cross being consumed crazily!

The cross of flesh and blood is stuck in the middle, unable to move up or down. There is infinite suction between the two worlds, firmly adsorbing it there!

Chen Chu realized his moves, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. He had gained something. He performed different techniques with his left and right hands, looked at the two mini planets and said in a deep voice: "Yin Yang Grinding!"

The planet becomes one black and one white, and the difference in rotational speed is even greater.

Michael's painful voice came out from the cross of flesh and blood: "Ah... don't grind anymore, why is this happening? This form of mine is the most powerful method. It can easily erase all humans and destroy demons! Why do I just use Two temporarily created worlds can consume my power..."

Chen Chu didn't talk nonsense to him anymore.

This guy is no longer willing to share useful information.

He pressed his hands together hard, and the two worlds of yin and yang consumed Michael faster, grinding him into powder!

Black Bean looked at the tiny powder and signs of activity, and rushed over, like a whale sucking water, putting all the powder into its belly, and let out a loud belch!

The yin and yang world turned into a black and white ball of light that slowly rotated on the back of Chen Chu's head.

With a vigorous wave of his right hand, the darkness in the palace slowly dissipated, and a very simple stone gate appeared in the depths, engraved with countless mysterious words.

Behind this door, there is a different atmosphere.

Chen Chu put his hands on the door and slowly pushed open the two doors, which were hundreds of meters high. Inside was a film of water mist. He held Heidou in his arms and passed through the film, and his eyes suddenly became brighter!

Heidou also opened his eyes wide.

The world beyond the gate.

It's like the end of the world...

There is yellow sand everywhere here, and the endless mountains are pitted with no plants. There are various incomplete buildings on the ground, Eastern style, Western style, ancient, modern, and even future science fiction style.

The sky is full of cracks, and in the plates separated by the cracks, scenes from various worlds appear. If you squint your eyes, these plates come together but cleverly form the scene of another world. The corners of Chen Chu's eyes twitched slightly. He discovered that the world where all the plates in the sky converge... is the real world!

There is a dark giant beast with no visible eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Its body covers the sky and the sun, and is covered in spikes. But its shape is not fixed. Sometimes it is a turtle covered with spikes, sometimes it is a ferocious tiger. , and sometimes it’s a dragon scurrying in the sky! Every move it makes brings endless destruction...

It soared up and down in the distance, seeming to be fighting with several people.

This thing looks so dark, let’s call it “dark”!

An's body was also covered in scars. It changed forms very quickly. It switched to several forms in just a moment, smashing and tearing back and forth those people who were like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death.

There were five people in total, four men and one woman...

Among them were three old men, a middle-aged man and a girl.

The old man is wearing a Taoist robe, and countless spells are automatically generated with every movement of his hands and feet. Rules surround him. Their attacks are much more powerful than those of middle-aged men and girls! Chen Chu observed for a while and found that only the attacks of these three old men could knock the person "An" hit off his back, while the middle-aged man and girl could only leave small wounds on their bodies.

The girl's weapon is a huge military flag with the word nine written on it.

She was wearing a silk skirt, a red ribbon around her waist, and a wreath on her head. She suddenly looked like a gentle fairy, but in fact.

The girl is holding a huge flagpole, opening and closing it. The flag is covered with gold, wood, water, fire, earth and spiritual fire. Every time she attacks, the shadow of tens of thousands of soldiers charging will appear! Rao was so powerful that when he was flicked by the "darkness" that was countless times larger, he was shot underground. When he came out again, his clothes were stained with blood and his skin had cracks...

Chen Chu's pupils shrank slightly, the smell was so familiar, could this girl be the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl?

He put the black beans on the ground and said: "Every time this giant monster is attacked, it will release a little breath. You should absorb as much as possible while ensuring your own safety!"

Heidou could feel the terrifying power of this monster and nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, just do it!"

Chen Chu touched its head, and turned into a bright divine light that hit the giant beast's tail hard and bounced it away. He looked at the girl in the fairy skirt and asked, "But is it in front of the Nine Heavens Xuannv Empress?"

The girl is none other than Empress Jiutian Xuannv. She originally did not look like a girl of seventeen or eighteen, but a woman in her thirties. However, in the long battle with An, her strength has been continuously weakened and her appearance has gradually become younger!

Naturally, she recognized Chen Chu and said in surprise, "You are here now?"

This is the junction of light and darkness, and the real world. Chen Chuzhong will come here eventually, but he comes too early. She is worried that Chen Chuzhong's strength has not yet fully grown...

Chen Chu asked: "Where is this place?"

Jiutian Xuannv threw the military flag with all her strength, twisted her body, and made numerous changes in her hand movements. Criss-cross formation runes appeared on the ground, and the military flag was stuck in the center of the runes as the formation eye! A large amount of light flew out like a spiritual snake, entangled one of An's feet and tripped him to the ground. The three old men and middle-aged people attacked his vital parts wildly.

She said: "This is the junction of light and dark reality. The monster you see now is actually a god! It is the ultimate form of the evil god. Darkness is evil. It takes the real world as its source and continues to flow, causing this monster to become more and more... Powerful, every god it defeats will become its new helper.

It only absorbs the earliest and most primitive initial gods from the real world!

From the moment darkness appeared, it continued to grow. The gods in the limited light cooperated with each other and tried their best to drag it out of the darkness, trapped it in this junction, and planned to destroy it! It's a pity that as long as darkness exists, it will have a steady supply of power and will be immortal!

And we... there are very few believers left in the real world, very few. Although there are temples for worship, not many remember what our original intention was...

Therefore, it is us who are engaged in a battle between trapped beasts at this junction.

The gods of other cultures have all died, and the number of gods in our system is almost the same. There were originally more than a thousand, but now there are only five left, including me. The last time you contacted me, there were still nine..."

Chen Chu looked at the old man and the middle-aged man, roughly judged based on the clothes they were wearing, and said, "They...are they the Sanqing and the Jade Emperor?"


Jiutian Xuannv looked very tired. She said: "Basically all the initial gods at the top are here. Although it is dangerous in the darkness, they will not attack you. You can grow slowly... Time here The flow rate is relatively stopped compared to the outside, it is too early for you to come here..."

At this moment, An let out a roar and slapped Sanqing and Jade Emperor hard with four claws!

Four figures flew out and plowed the ground.

An used a little force and crushed Jiutian Xuannv's magic circle. Her tail swept over. Jiutian Xuannv dodged over and picked up the military flag and said: "Be careful, get out of the way quickly!"


There was a sound of the flagpole cracking...

Chen Chu did not act "disobeying advice", but he did not escape the disaster either. A man appeared in the sky, and An's back specially grew a tail for him and whipped it out! Bang, all the bones in his body seemed to fall apart, like a bird hit by the nose of a plane...

He gathered a large number of immortal bodies and gods.

He was hit so hard that he actually vomited blood!

Jiutian Xuannv grabbed his collar and quickly moved away. She landed next to Sanqing and the Jade Emperor and said, "He is Chen Chu."

Lingbao Tianzun glanced at Chen Chu: "So it's you... Yes, you have also cultivated the scriptures of our incarnation. It doesn't matter if you are here now, we can't delay much time in our state."

When Sanqing and the Jade Emperor came face to face, Chen Chu had to salute.

Lingbao Tianzun stopped Chen Chu with a soft force and said: "Over there in the sky is the real world. When we die, the evil gods gathered and devoured by these evil thoughts will enter the real world. They will completely devour human beings. There are no rules. Only massacre will not give them any chance to react..."

Chen Chu asked the question in his heart: "This darkness is transformed by the desires and evil thoughts in human hearts. Can the evil god really exist alone after killing humans?"

Lingbao Tianzun glanced at the darkness in the distance and said: "Yes, no matter good or evil, after becoming light and darkness, they are already equivalent to independent individuals. Just like a knife that has been hammered out by a blacksmith, it is killed by an evil person. The blacksmith has the same truth..."

Chen Chu asked about his doubts: "In the real world, there are many carriers of gods, such as novels, storybooks, and film and television dramas. But the ones that people believe in the most and recognize are the gods recorded in the Taoist canon. Some people call them commonly known as For the mythical Da Luo.

This mythical Daluo does not refer to the immortal gods who are slowly cultivating, but to the ability of the gods to ignore any realm and follow the rules. In a single thought, the world is destroyed and all things are reborn. It can also be said to be the god of concepts and the god of rules! The Sanqing Tianzun and the Jade Emperor are all supreme gods recorded in Taoist records..."

Lingbao Tianzun understood what Chen Chu meant.

He spread his left hand, and clouds, mist, earth, sun and moon suddenly appeared in his palm, forming a super small world of heaven and earth. He said: "No matter how powerful we are, we are gods based on people's original beliefs. The so-called abilities are also changed by believers over time." Added slowly.

We are omnipotent, but it only exists in the faith of believers. A long time ago, cross-domain faith could provide some protection to real believers, but later it gradually became no longer possible. There is an invisible barrier that separates our existence from reality. Come on. The gods that people believe in have no miracles or actual protection. They gradually become disappointed with us, and their faith is naturally not as good as before..."

Updated, 4,000 words.

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