I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 96 I, the Disciplinary Committee Member (62k words)

Chapter 96 I, the Disciplinary Committee Member (6.2k words)

In the movie "School Graveyard", there are several characters that Chen Chu admires, but the degree of appreciation for each of them is different. The one he admires the most is the current dean of teachers, Fang Xiaoyi...

Teacher Fang studied at Nalan Mude Middle School when she was a teenager. She witnessed loudspeaker announcements, the Academic Affairs Office appearing, and boys being dragged away...

She understood that Ruan Shiyin, the former dean who had disappeared in the fire, had returned as a ghost and punished students who violated school rules at the cost of their lives!

Knowing that this school had such a terrifying existence, Teacher Fang did not flinch. She returned here more than ten years later. In order to protect the students, she became the new dean. She may have a cold face but a kind heart...

The remaining ones are Liu Zhuobin and Luo Shaofang, Gao Hanqiang and He Yimin.

After a series of deaths, the school was forced to close down. In order to prevent Ruan Shiyin from harming others in the future, they looked up ways to eliminate ghosts on the Internet, and then they dared to go back to school in the middle of the night to confront Ruan Shiyin...

At this time, Teacher Fang held Chen Chu's shoulders tightly with urgency in his eyes.

Chen Chu gently pushed Teacher Fang's hand away, went to the water dispenser, poured a glass of cold water and handed it to her: "Teacher Fang, calm down. According to my simple observations in the past few days, the former dean Ruan Shiyin has very strong abilities. Not only can she make the Academic Affairs Office appear anywhere she wants, but she can also harm people in a way similar to teleportation. More importantly, all the ghosts of dead students are suppressed by her..."

While he was talking, he saw that all the drawers of Teacher Fang's desk were not closed. There were large and small amulets and crosses of various materials inside.

It seems... that he is a Christian, Teacher Fang.

Teacher Fang had only been here for a few days after meeting Chen Chu, and he could casually tell Jiazhen about the abilities of the former dean Ruan Shiyin.

She felt a fire in her heart. She... was no longer fighting alone. The old guys on the school board didn't care so much about the death of the students. They only cared about the reputation of the school and how to increase the school's income...

Drink the water in the cup.

She pulled Chen Chu to sit down next to the desk, her hands trembling slightly with excitement: "Chen Chu, teacher, I would like to ask you if there are any elders in your family who are good at exorcising evil spirits. Either I don't believe you, or I want to ask if there is such an experienced person." …”

Chen Chu's identity was that of an orphan.

He smiled and said: "They are not in this world."

Teacher Fang fell silent. She had looked at Chen Chu's student information, and the parents' columns were all empty.

She fell into a very contradictory state for a while. Chen Chu was a rare talent, good at studying, and now he even knew how to exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts.

She hoped that Chen Chu could help her eliminate Ruan Shiyin, but she was afraid that her own selfish idea would destroy Chen Chu as a person.

Chen Chu couldn't guess what she was thinking, and he had a little more respect for the other teacher in his heart!

She has obviously paid so much for her students and taken such high risks. Now there is a capable person in front of her, but she can't bear to let him take the risk because he is young...

Chen Chu looked at Teacher Fang seriously and said: "Some things have to be faced all the time. If Ruan Shiyin doesn't deal with it, is it really useful for you to protect the students alone? There are thousands of students, and the class teacher can't control dozens of people in a class." , let alone control the behavior of thousands of students in a school?

Suppose you have a strong appeal and can do everything down to the smallest detail.

However, as an ordinary person, life, old age, illness and death are all beyond your ability to bear... isn't it? "

Teacher Fang didn't think so much at all. Her idea was very simple. As long as she, Fang Xiaoyi, was in school for a day, she would never allow any student to violate school rules and be arrested by Ruan Shiyin.

As she listened to Chen Chu uncovering the bloody scars of reality, she suddenly felt a little decadent...

Soon, Teacher Fang raised his head, his eyes were firm, and he clenched his fists: "Some things may not be successful if you do them, but you will not succeed if you don't do them. Chen Chu, please tell me which rooftop it is. Even if you fail, Teacher Fang I won’t blame you either.”

about there……

Chen Chu was distracted in class just to attract Teacher Fang's attention. With how much she cared about herself, she would definitely pay attention to the gifted students if they had problems.

As he expected, after class, he was called to the office for a heart-to-heart talk.

But at this moment, Teacher Fang's mind was in a state of confusion. She only knew that burning the ruins of the school affairs office could get rid of Ruan Shiyin, but she never thought that things would really go as smoothly as she thought? Even if it is successfully burned, what should we do if Ruan Shiyin is still there? If she dies, what will happen to her family and students?

Chen Chu once again impacted her heart with these "cold questions".

He even asked the seventeen-year-old male student in a trance like he was asking for help: "Then, what should I do? The pastor said that this is the only way to eliminate ghosts..."

Chen Chu said in a calm tone: "Then I need your help, Teacher Fang. With your help, I think one plus one is definitely greater than two..."

Teacher Fang listened to several of Chen Chu's rough plans. Although he claimed to be full of loopholes, she felt that every plan was good, and finally agreed to Chen Chu's request for assistance.

The next day, He Yimin, the discipline committee member, was removed from his post and replaced by the labor committee member. And Chen Chu, a boy from an all-girls school who had only been here a few days, became the new discipline committee member.

He Yimin's head was buzzing, and she didn't know where she had made a mistake. This led to Teacher Fang, who had always favored her, to remove her from her position...

She looked for Teacher Fang several times, trying to find a reason.

But Teacher Fang always has only one sentence: Chen Chu is more suitable for this position. He is in this position because he has more important things to do.

He Yimin admits that he is not someone who cannot admit his mistakes and admit defeat.

She just couldn't accept an unclear failure. Since it was Chen Chu who took her place, this boy must have other abilities to change Teacher Fang's mind besides being good at studying...

I need to find him and have a chat.

There were all kinds of yelling and screaming in the boys' dormitory. Di Zhiheng shook the pillow in his hand and screamed: "Great, Chen Chu's authority as the disciplinary committee member is not low. It will be much more convenient for us to do everything in the future!"

Liu Zhuobin was also very happy. He coughed a few times and said: "It must be convenient, but Chen Chu is our roommate. We should know how to do things properly and not embarrass him. You don't want to be kicked off after just a few days, right? ?”

Li Guozhong nodded in agreement.

Di Zhiheng was a little unhappy and threw the pillow on the bed: "Okay, okay, everything you said is right!"

Chen Chu glanced at Di Zhiheng, who immediately huddled in the bed and stopped talking.

Chen Chu smiled lightly, glanced at the boys in the dormitory and said, "Don't worry, everyone, although I have become the disciplinary committee member, it is just a position in the end, and I will never bully others.

And as a roommate, I advise you from the bottom of my heart not to violate school rules. This school is not as simple and happy as you think...

Everyone is young and energetic and wants to fall in love when they meet someone of the opposite sex. I am also a young person and I understand very well. I am not qualified to preach. However, I hope that during my tenure as the disciplinary committee member, I will ask you to cooperate, be patient and focus on learning. ,Very important! "The last few words are accented!"

Gao Hanqiang, who was lying on the bed reading a book, raised his head. He heard a hint of warning from this passage. It was very unusual. It seemed to be a warning to prevent them from being harmed in some way!

This school is also very weird. Their previous school also had school rules. You can't dye or perm your hair, or fall in love, but as long as you don't go too far, it doesn't matter.

But Nalan Mude Middle School is different. The dean has a cold attitude, and...huh? Gao Hanqiang looked at Chen Chu's current expression and tone, which was exactly the same as that of the dean that day...

Gao Hanqiang also had good grades in his original school.

He is also smart.

After attending the class of Teacher Fang for a few days, I can feel that Teacher Fang is a calm woman with independent ideas. In other words, she is not someone who is easily persuaded.

It is not easy for Chen Chu to become the disciplinary committee member!

If you want us not to be harmed for violating school rules, why don't we make things clearer? No matter how serious the violation of school rules is, we will only be punished and expelled from the school. Is it possible to die?

Thinking of this, Gao Hanqiang felt a chill all over his body.

Could it be true...

He is not a pure atheist. Although he does not believe in ghosts and gods, he still knows how to stay away from them. This is all taught by Confucius.

If there is a ghost in the school who specializes in killing students who violate school rules, then He Yimin is dismissed, Chen Chu is appointed, and Teacher Fang knows everything, then this hypothesis is tenable.

Teacher Fang alone cannot stop a large number of students from violating school rules. She also needs helpers, students with outstanding abilities!

He Yimin is very good, but she can only focus on herself. When other students make mistakes, she has no way to stop them, so she can only pass the message to Teacher Fang.

Chen Chu has super learning ability and is very smart. In addition, he may have some unknown ability that is far superior to the student He Yimin, which is why Teacher Fang made such a choice.

Leave the dormitory building.

As Chen Chu walked on the playground, girls passing by would glance at him secretly from time to time.

The news that he, a boy, serves as the Disciplinary Committee of the girls' school has long been spread. Some people are unhappy, some are gloating about his misfortune, and more and more eyes are falling on him, whether he is alive...or dead.

At this moment, a female student ran over to block the way with her head lowered, and whispered: "Hello, discipline committee member, my name is Xu Chunhua, and I am also a new student this time.

I saw you at the opening ceremony and thought you were very handsome and elegant, just the type I imagined... So, I would like to ask you to accept this letter, which is filled with what I want to say to you. "

Xu Chunhua? ?

Chen Chu took the pink envelope: "Love letter?"

The girl named Xu Chunhua was about 1.6 meters tall and quite cute. When she saw Chen Chu speaking so directly, she nodded quickly and said yes, then blushed with embarrassment.

Chen Chu opened the love letter and looked at it directly. Well, it was mostly words of admiration, how he missed him, what he wanted to do together, and even his longing for the future...

After he read it, he folded the letter and put it in the envelope. He folded it and put it in his pocket.

Looking at this Xu Chunhua girl, she smiled and said: "I'm very happy that someone likes me. You are also a beautiful girl! But I am a person with a plan. During my time in high school, I only studied two words. If I don't pass the exam, An excellent university proves that I am nothing more than that, not worthy of being liked, and will only waste my life...

Things are unpredictable in the days to come. I may change schools suddenly or die suddenly. These are all unpredictable!

So please forgive me for not being able to agree to something you are not sure about. I don’t want to be impulsive and leave a bad ending, destroying the future of two people..."

The girl named Xu Chunhua was a little disappointed. She asked for a reply to the love letter and walked away slowly. She looked over her shoulder and seemed to be sobbing.

Chen Chu fell into silence.

study hard.

He took out his cell phone.

She made a motion to check the time, and the screen showed a figure of a woman standing on the rooftop of the teaching building not far away, Ruan Shiyin. As expected, this woman was not afraid of the sun during the day, she just stood there observing the school majestically...

Ruan Shiyin naturally also knew that Chen Chu had become the disciplinary committee member.

When she saw Chen Chu rejecting the confession of the female student, a cold smile appeared on her face. Such a discipline committee member seemed to be better than that He Yimin...

A blood-red tongue licked his lips.

The figure slowly dissipated.

Chen Chu put away his phone, and the red light in his right eye also dissipated.

He stretched his muscles vigorously and paid attention. Everything you can see is what I want you to see...

I am an outstanding and self-disciplined genius student. The Discipline Committee of Nalan Mude Middle School will let you know what sanctions are...

He was treated very well and did not need to sit in the classroom or dormitory like other roommates and eat the lunch boxes sent by He Yimin, but he did not choose to eat in the school cafeteria.

An inappropriate environment can easily arouse rebellious psychology among roommates.

Chen Chu left school and ate fast food at a nearby small restaurant. He chatted with the boss while chatting about old stories that interested him, preferably with a weird twist.

The boss was very talkative and talked about many things that Chen Chu didn't know.

That's when.

The boss's face changed, and his voice was not as cheerful as before.

He pointed at the outside of the shop door with a spoon: "Push on the street! In the society, gang members are beaten and chopped every day. Even if they fall in the alley, they can't be put together. I always thought that school is a clean place, but I didn’t expect these students to be much better than those young and Dangerous boys..."

Follow the boss's gaze and look over.

I saw five or six girls walking away from each other around one girl...

He frowned, it was ridiculous, the girl in the middle was actually Xu Chunhua, who had just failed to confess his love to her. At this time, she was pushed forward.

The boss sighed and said: "The students of Nalan Mude Middle School all have very rich families, but those from ordinary families can't get along here. They will only be bullied. At the beginning, I couldn't get rid of the sand in my eyes. I stopped more than 20 times of bullying, but one day someone threw paint on my store and set it on fire and burned most of it...

The one who threw paint and lit fires was the girl who was bullied. She was forced to do these things. After she finished doing them, she cried and complained that I had bad intentions for her and that I did such things to protect myself...

I haven't opened a store for a long time, and I thought about it for a long time. When I saw these things again, I didn't want to care about it. The girl who was bullied was right, and I was right when I stepped forward to help her. Everyone was right. "

The boss spoke very calmly, but there was always resentment in his words.

Chen Chu stirred the noodles in the bowl with chopsticks, put it into a lump and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it. Then he drank the noodle soup and put the money on the table: "Boss, your story and your noodles are all worth it." very good……"

He stood up and headed towards the direction where the girls left.

The boss hurriedly grabbed his arm and shook his head and said, "It's useless. If you help her this time, it will only cause her to encounter more serious bullying in the future. It is more practical to pray that she suffers less this time."

In a damp alley.

The road is dirty, full of garbage and not often used.

Xu Chunhua was pulled by the hair by a tall girl and dragged to the corner: "Why, are you so unwilling to be the dog of the few of us? You are so anxious to get rid of it, and you even wrote a love letter to the discipline committee member. I have to say, you are so This kind of behavior is an eye-opener for us sisters..."

Xu Chunhua was so painful that her tears kept falling. She didn't explain, she just kept apologizing.

She knew that any explanation would be met with a storm of bullying.

Every day in this world, beings named human beings are born. Some are born as humans, but some are born with malicious intentions. Human nature is inherently good, and human nature is inherently evil, right...

She gritted her teeth and endured the pain.

Fight, fight, just endure it and it will be fine. Just endure it until you graduate.

Seeing that she didn't scream, the tall girl laughed angrily: "It seems that her skin is indeed a lot thicker, and she didn't say anything." At this time, the girl next to her echoed: "It's okay, just help her thin out her thick skin." , if fists can’t do it, then use scissors to help her!”

They stepped forward to punch and kick them to vent their dissatisfaction.

A heavy sigh came from the alley.

The tall girl turned around and found a boy standing at the entrance of the alley, looking at them faintly, with some backlighting. When he looked closely, he turned out to be the disciplinary committee member named Chen Chu.

She tilted her neck and said with a smile: "Does the discipline committee want to take care of people outside the school?"

Chen Chu raised his hands: "No, no, no, you misunderstood. As long as you are students of this school, even if you go abroad, you will be under my control. Now I am not asking for your opinions. Please stop the violent behavior immediately, otherwise the current Every moment of violence will appear on yourselves... it's very, very scary!"

He raised a finger, three two one.

Didn't listen.


He looked around, picked up a worn book from the ground, and walked slowly towards the girls.

When the tall girl saw that Chen Chu was not joking, she asked several girls to stop and teach Chen Chu a lesson. Even boys had to lie down when they arrived at a girls' school!

Chen Chu is not good at communicating with girls...

He took a few steps quickly, put the book on the tall girl's body with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand, and quickly punched the book.

The tall girl felt like she couldn't breathe smoothly, as if her trachea had been cut off. She couldn't take a breath, and her face was the color of pig liver from the suffocation.

The boxing and kicking skills I practiced with Mr. Jiang cannot be called superb, and I can't beat the masters in a few moves, but it's enough for beating up bad girls...

The dust on the books was knocked off.

The five girls staggered around and calmed down before Chen Chu communicated with them one by one.

They were very unruly at the beginning. Although they were all good-looking, in front of Chen Chu, there was only right or wrong, not beauty or not. First, separate their arm joints.

Connect again.

Separate again.

Connect again.

Bone setting is usually painless. The more skillful a doctor is, the less painful it will be and the bone setting will be done instantly.

But Chen Chu, he was a student, so he picked up slowly.

There are still hundreds of millions of pains.

Several girls had tears all over their clothes and had fierce eyes. In just ten minutes, they almost cried all the tears in their lives. Chen Chu's expressionless bone-setting technique was deeply engraved in their memories... …

He believes that these girls basically don't have the courage to seek revenge from him anymore, and they basically won't take it out on other girls, because education with fists and fists is the best textbook!

Teacher Fang's family background is not simple, and she is quite wealthy. Otherwise, it would not be that easy to get into the position of dean quickly with her qualifications.

He will entrust Teacher Fang to pay special attention to such incidents of student bullying that occur outside school, so as not to let the most youthful years become a lifelong psychological trauma for the bullied...

After Xu Chunhua was rescued by him, he expressed his feelings openly and secretly. But all Chen Chu could give her was a sentence, study hard, and a fading figure.

He is a member of the disciplinary committee, he will help anyone he sees, he is not here to sell favors.


Ten o'clock.

Stairs in front of the teaching building.

Chen Chu sat there, chewing on an apple and scrolling through his phone.

Not long after, there was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

It’s my senior sister who’s here…

She still appeared in that unique broken posture. Seeing that Chen Chu was as indifferent as an ordinary person, she couldn't help but said: "Do you... know that I am a ghost..."

Chen Chu smiled and said: "I know, after all, people can't bend to such a high level."

The name of the senior who jumped off the building was confirmed yesterday. She is Zhao Amei. If there is no possibility that she has the same name, the commissioned task should be the result of her strong obsession...

Zhao Amei wanted to stand upright, but there was no way. When she fell down the stairs, her waist was broken. She struggled on the ground for a long time before she died. As a result, she ended up looking like this after her death. It was scary and inconvenient.

She glanced at the huge clock on the wall of the teaching building. It was early ten o'clock, and eleven o'clock would be more than half an hour later.


Thinking of Chen Chu's extremely fast running speed yesterday.

Zhao Amei did not urge him to leave, but said quietly: "Your name is Chen Chu. I know that you stopped a bullying incident between classmates outside the school in the afternoon. I heard... You have a great sense of justice. It's a pity that …”

Chen Chu has been paying attention to time and the surrounding environment.

He got straight to the point and said: "You should know that I am not an ordinary person. Now I intend to save my classmates from suffering. I need a lot of information about... Ruan Shiyin, everything she did after her death, and when she did what she did. All behavioral rules are required, the more detailed the better..."

Zhao Amei thought that Chen Chu was a boy with yin and yang eyes, courage and nerves.

I didn't expect it to be so simple, even the dean knows his name.

She opened her mouth, her heart full of longing but fear: "She... is very powerful. We die in her hands. Even if we become ghosts, we can't do anything to her. We have to be tortured regularly and constantly every day. There have been Several of them failed to hold on and disappeared completely.”

While talking.

Zhao Amei suddenly said: "What you want, I will give it to you... hurry up... she... is here."

After saying that, she disappeared as if she teleported. She went somewhere unknown. From the corner of his eye, Chen Chu saw Ruan Shiyin standing there on the rooftop!

Monthly tickets, recommended tickets, recommended tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets

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