Wanjie chat group, chat interface:

Xiao Dahuo: "Meng Immortal Emperor, Group Lord Great Immortal, I Xiao Dahuo, I don't mean to distrust you, it's just..."

Group leader Ye Daxian: "I just think that His Majesty the Barren Heaven Emperor Shi Hao is more trustworthy, right?" "

Xiao Dahuo: "Panic in the bottom." "

Xiao Dahuo was a little afraid, because as soon as he entered the group, he would offend the future Meng Immortal Emperor and the group master Great Immortal in the group?

But when it comes to his son, Xiao Dahuo doesn't want to take risks, and still wants Shi Hao, the most reliable Barren Heaven Emperor in the group, to see his son's situation.

Xiao Dahuo, as a father, he is qualified.

Barren Heaven Emperor Shi Hao: "Okay, that's it, Xiao Dahuo, tomorrow I will cross to your world." "

Barren Heaven Emperor Shi Hao: "Don't worry about Xiao Dahuo, then in the future, Emperor Meng Immortal and the group lord will not treat you because you trust me more." "

Nami: "Yes, yes, Emperor Meng Immortal and the group master Daxian are not stingy." "

Nami: "Akuya often refers to Meng Xian Emperor with Meng Guang's head, and Meng Xian Emperor is also angry. "

Huang Rong: "It seems that Emperor Meng Xian is angry, right?" "

Huang Rong: "Akuya called Meng Xian Emperor Meng Bald Head, and Meng Xian Emperor called Akuya mentally retarded." "

Barren Heaven Emperor Shi Hao Huang Rong: "Children don't talk much." "

Huang Rong: "Okay. "

Ten-year-old Huang Rong is really a child.

Zhang Sanfeng: "The father of the future Supreme Yan Emperor... This is another big guy in the group! "

For Zhang Sanfeng, the father of the Supreme Yan Emperor, that is also a big guy!

Xiao Dahuo: "Don't say that, where am I a big guy, my son Xiao Huohuo, only a third-level fighting spirit, want to become a supreme Yan emperor?" It's too far behind. "

Zhang Sanfeng Xiao was furious: "The group master and Emperor Meng Xian have said so, and this matter is inseparable." "

Huang Rong Zhang Sanfeng: "Chief Zhang Sanfeng, why have you rarely spoken in the group recently?" "

Zhang Sanfeng: "This is because... When the old way is capable, he must do some meaningful things, such as expelling the Tatars and restoring our Shenzhou Huaxia. "

Nami: "Huang Rong, don't say that Zhang Sanfeng is long, your speech is much less." "

Huang Rong: "I'm also doing something meaningful, I want to be the emperor!" Because the Shenzhou Emperor of our world is too intimidating, I think this emperor should not be called Emperor Song, but should be called Emperor Song. "

Huang Rong: "Seeing that he is not good, I am going to slaughter the emperor and become the empress recently." "

Nami: "To be an empress? Huang Rong, you are only ten years old, right? "

Huang Rong: "Yes! But it doesn't affect me as a queen! I am the strongest in my world! "

Huang Rong: "I also want to thank His Majesty Shi Hao, the Barren Heaven Emperor, for sending me the Devil Fruit!" I can become a dragon, everyone thinks that I am the true dragon of destiny, I am also very strong, hahaha, anyway, I am about to become the emperor. "

Huang Rong: "Just wait a while, I will go to the palace and kill the emperor." "

Huang Rong's dynasty in that world is close to the end of the Song Dynasty.

After the Song, it was Yuan.

Huang Rong being the emperor, it's not a bad thing, it's better than Yuan, that group... Tatar ruled Shenzhou well.

The Tatars ruled Shenzhou, but they carried out massacres and regarded Shenzhou as two-legged sheep and inferiors.

Huang Rong: "By the way, Nami, what have you been doing lately?" "

Nami: "I'm practicing martial arts with my sister to become stronger, and I'm trying to protect my village from pirates." "


The world of "Suqing".

Akuya came to the Demon King City, and she killed the cadres of the Demon King Army with her absolute strength of bursting a mountain range with one punch, and killed the Demon King with three punches!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"I've killed the Demon King!"

"Let me return to the Celestial Realm!"

Akuya shouted.

The next moment.

Akuya returned to the celestial realm.

As for the Fuso warrior who pit Akuya into the Celestial Realm? Akuya didn't bother at all, not familiar!


The world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Huang Rong was lucky, from the devil fruit given by Shi Hao, he was lucky to select and eat the top devil fruit and could turn into a dragon!

Huang Rong didn't like the current Great Song Emperor, because he was only ten years old, he was a child's mentality, and he rebelled when he wanted to do it.

But with the ability to incarnate a dragon, everywhere Huang Rong went, there were many people gathered and rebelled, and it was not smooth.

In addition, Huang Rong's strength is strong, and he can directly transform into a dragon to destroy the imperial court army.

There is also Huang Rong, her father, the Eastern Evil Yellow Medicine Master, and some connections.

Huang Rong rebelled, and in less than ten days, he killed the imperial capital of the Great Song Dynasty.

Huang Rong directly turned into a dragon, blasted through the city gate, and then entered the palace, and a breath of dragon breath sprayed down, killing the current Great Song Emperor.

"Such an instigating emperor!"

"Listening to the Daoist Zhang Sanfeng in the group, the Great Song will be attacked by a group of barbarians in the future because of various brain-dead operations."

"Hmph. Then it's better for me to be the emperor, and when I get tired of being the emperor... Just let my dad do it. "


One Piece world.

Nami and her sister Nuo Qigao have both eaten the devil fruit given by Shi Hao, and are practicing the martial arts taught by Zhang Sanfeng to defend the village with their strength.

Spare time.

Nami will enter the chat group or read the newspaper.

For example, Nami saw a newspaper that said: Draco was killed by an unknown powerhouse! The world is in chaos! All parties compete for the position of world ruler left behind after the death of Draco.

"The world is in chaos."

"It will be more chaotic in the future, and you have to have enough strength to protect everything!"

Nami got up and practiced her boxing, her eyes full of determination.


The world of "Dragon Slayer".

Zhang Sanfeng also ate the devil fruit, and he also let his three disciples eat the devil fruit.

Once, Shi Hao sent a group of red envelopes, and everyone in the group received four devil fruits at that time.

And Zhang Sanfeng is a generous person, never afraid of others surpassing him, after eating a devil fruit himself, he decisively took the remaining three devil fruits and let his disciples take it!


With disciples!


Expell the Tatars!

Now, with the combined efforts of the four Devil Fruit powers, most of the Tatar has been destroyed! It is already sooner or later it will all be destroyed.

Zhang Sanfeng wanted to take his disciples to Wudang Mountain, and he had no intention of becoming emperor.

However, Zhang Sanfeng respected the opinions of his disciples.

At last.

Zhang Sanfeng's eldest disciple, Song Yuanqiao, who had eaten the devil fruit, did not return to the mountain, but chose to compete for the position of emperor.


The martial arts world where the madman Tang Bohu is located.

Tang Bohu developed the Water Goddess Sect into the largest sect in the world where he lived.

The Water Goddess Cult has even become the official state religion.

Tang Bohu has also eaten the Devil Fruit, and he is also invincible in his world, plus Akuya has shown miracles in Tang Bohu's world.

In the world of Tang Bohu, the Akuya Sect, the goddess of water in Akuya, developed like this.

According to Tang Bohu's statistics, with his efforts, at least tens of millions of people now believe in the goddess of water, Akuya.

Chapter 75: The Barren Heavenly Emperor Ancestor is in trouble! (ii)

The world of Earth where Reiki is revived.

Shi Hao was also a little troubled.

Because his ancestors broke into trouble.

It was really his ancestors who broke into trouble...

There are many ancestors who have broken into trouble, and there are two ancestors who have broken into serious trouble!

"Dad, my three hundred generations of ancestors and three hundred and one generation ancestors, is my temper so bad? When others taunt them, they beat people to death. Didn't you tell them the modern rules? "

Shi Hao helplessly raised his forehead and said.

The ancestor killed people, Shi Hao didn't know, it's not that Shi Hao can't know, but Shi Hao won't pay attention to these things at all.

Shi Hao pays attention to this, pays attention to that, isn't that pure and annoying himself?

Although he had the ability to detect the entire earth's every move with his consciousness, Shi Hao rarely did this because he was annoyed.

At most, Shi Hao paid attention to the narrow cracks in the sky over the Pacific Ocean, because the narrow cracks in the sky over the Pacific Ocean connected the mountain and sea world, and the mountain and sea world, the water was too deep...

Anyway, Shi Hao's Xuanxian Emperor-level strength, in the mountain and sea world, can only be regarded as a strong person who occupies one side.

This Shi Hao's three hundred generations and three hundred and one generation ancestors killed people, it was Shi Hao's father Shi Fugui, who rushed to Shi Hao's sky palace and took the initiative to tell Shi Hao.

Shi Fugui said helplessly: "Son, you resurrected so many ancestors... It's really hard to teach, I have found someone to teach them modern language and some modern rules these days, but after all, they are characters from a long time ago, and it is normal to make trouble! "

Shi Hao said: "Forget about ordinary chaos, but why do you kill people?" My three hundred generations of ancestors and three hundred and one generation ancestors, is it so cruel? "

Shi Fugui said: "It's your son your three hundred generations of ancestors and three hundred and one generation ancestors, went out to eat, and then was ridiculed, saying that they can't count, they counted money wrong, and then just..."

Shi Hao said: "Then they killed dozens of people on the street. "

Shi Hao raised his forehead and said, "Let them go to jail!" Sit in a two-hundred-year prison, reflect and reflect. By the way, alert my other ancestors! Don't do things that are immoral, limitless, and cruel! "

Shi Fugui said, "This..."

Shi Fugui reminded: "Son, according to the rules, three hundred generations of ancestors and three hundred and one generation ancestors, killing so many people will be sentenced to death. Are you trying to shield them? Just go to jail? "

Shi Hao snapped his fingers and used the Great Resurrection Technique superpower to resurrect the people who had been killed by his three hundred generations of ancestors and three hundred and one generation ancestors.

Shi Hao said: "I just resurrected the people they killed, so it's not a killing, but it's still very bad, let them go to a two-hundred-year prison, there must be a lesson, and I can't have no lower limit because of my existence." "

Shi Fugui nodded, abruptly.

He hurriedly came to the sky palace where Shi Hao lived just now to talk to Shi Hao about this, because Shi Hao's three hundred generations of ancestors and three hundred and one generation ancestors had killed dozens of people...

However, he overlooked in a hurry that his son was no different from God, and could resurrect people!

Those hundreds of ancestors were all resurrected by his son. Those who have been dead for thousands of years are resurrected.

And Shi Hao's third hundred generations of ancestors and the third hundred and first generation ancestors are the characters of the Stone Age, and in that Stone Age, people were still making stone tool hunting, fighting with wild beasts, full of wildness...

Shi Hao thought for a while and said, "Dad, you let my ancestors read more books, otherwise who are they one by one?" "

Because of the brutal murder of three hundred generations of ancestors and three hundred and one generation ancestors, Shi Hao deliberately developed a superpower that could watch the past, and used this superpower to quickly observe all the things that his ancestors had done recently.

The result is... Appalling.

Shi Fugui said: "Those ancestors, go to study? They all think they are ancestors and don't listen to me! It took a lot of effort for them to learn modern rules, let alone read. "

Shi Hao said: "Who doesn't listen? Let them disappear for a while, I can bring them back to life... Naturally, too. Waiting for the future to be resurrected is. If you don't listen to people all the time, then forget it, keep disappearing. "

Shi Hao suggested.

Because of the blood connection, Shi Hao resurrected those ancestors, and also made those ancestors become Aura warriors, but if there were particularly special brain-dead and inappropriate people in the ancestors, Shi Hao would not let such ancestors harm people in the Earth World where Aura was revived.

On the planet where Shi Hao lives, there is no need for bad people.

Shi Hao developed the superpower Villain Vanishing Technique, and every year, he decided to use it once a year on the earth where Reiki was revived...

Shi Fugui thought for a while, nodded slowly, and said, "Okay!" Son, I support your idea. "

Mainly with ancestors who are too far away, there is no emotional connection except blood connection.

If something happened to Shi Fugui's father and grandfather, he wouldn't be like this, and he would definitely intercede with his son Shi Hao!


So many ancestors are all Aura martial artists, so they must be restrained.

Shi Hao took care of so many of his ancestors' affairs, so he cared about Li Hao and Li Quanegg...

Shi Hao didn't forget Li Hao, Li Quanegg, this guy.


Li Hao Li Quan Egg disappointed Shi Hao too much, because this guy, after becoming a Spiritual Qi martial artist, floated.

"Li Quan Egg, Li Quan Egg!"

"You have become a Reiki martial artist, find three girlfriends at the same time, and fool around in nightclubs in the evening."

"You Temeow has been pretending to be forced among your classmates, and you have been pretending."

"I, Shi Hao, have become a super-galaxy-level emperor, and I'm not as floating as you!"

Shi Hao doesn't even have a girlfriend...

Li Quandan that guy actually has three! Also go to nightclubs! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shi Hao decisively felt that Li Quan's egg was too good, and he didn't need his help for the time being.

It was right not to give Li Quandan Super and other lifeforms an evolution potion before!

After all, this guy is a spiritual energy warrior so floating, if he becomes a super-class life form and can resist nuclear bombs, then he must not immediately become a native of the motherland?

"But Li Quandan that guy has three girlfriends, and he goes to nightclubs to fool around..."

"I don't have any?"


"I, Shi Hao, am looking for a girlfriend who can pick up my punch."

"This condition ... It won't change. "

"How about finding an ordinary person as a girlfriend? My special meow is now at the supergalaxy level, and ordinary people are a speck of dust to me. "

Shi Hao considered.

Although Shi Hao is very strong, it is difficult to find a girlfriend who can pick him up and is not a burden. But not without hope.

In the Ten Thousand Realms chat group, even Ye Heiye Heavenly Emperor and Meng Bald Head Meng Immortal Emperor were added.

There will definitely be powerful female group members in the future, right?



The day passed.

Shi Hao is ready to go to the Douqi World where Xiao Dahuo is located and sign in!

(Ask for automatic subscriptions...) ten).

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