In the central control room.

Kaplan, the most computer-savvy of the mercenaries, is cracking the defenses.

With a soft sound, the closed door slowly opened.

Behind the gate, there is a passage more than ten meters long.

The passage is also lined with glass walls.

Matthew Addison told them to stay here and walk in carefully.

When he walked to the middle of the passage, the glass walls on both sides suddenly turned on!

Even the battle-hardened mercenary captain was taken aback.

Sister Zhou watched from behind, and this passage looked quite safe.

But she noticed that Zhan Lan, Zheng Zhe and the others next to her were a little scared.

Especially Zheng Zha, the expression on his face was extremely nervous.

“If they all know the plot, let’s ask.”

Sister Zhou thought so, the NPCs next to her are all live strategies.

If you want to clear this quest safely, you must know what is at stake here.

Her gaze stayed on Zhan Lan.

Instead of asking boys, ask girls about insurance.

Especially that Zhang Jie, he has a gun in his hand, and Sister Zhou does not dare to disturb him.

Sister Zhou slowly approached Zhan Lan and quietly asked, “Hello, what is the plot here?” ”

She thought it was just an ordinary question.

Unexpectedly, after asking, Zhan Lan looked at her in surprise.

“You actually don’t know the plot of Resident Evil 1!”

Sister Zhou was also stunned, she didn’t expect Zhan Lan’s reaction to be so big.

Even Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie next to them looked back at Sister Zhou, and their eyes were a little unbelievable.

It’s just that Zhang Jie’s eyes are different from the others’ unexpected eyes.

His eyes were as if he was looking at an outcast.

“How, what?”

Sister Zhou felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Shouldn’t you ask?

“NPC’s reaction is really too real, it seems that they are starting to distrust Sister Zhou.”

“In the eyes of NPCs, knowing the plot of this copy is a very normal thing, but Sister Zhou doesn’t know it’s normal.”

“If this game has a trust setting as a hidden rule, it is estimated that Sister Zhou is no longer trusted by NPCs.”

“I suddenly looked forward to what would happen next, and what the identity of these NPCs was, so mysterious.”

Not trusted by NPCs?

I don’t know if the plot is normal?

Sister Zhou looked at the barrage floating beside her and noticed a hint of bad breath.

From their faces, it seems that this is really the case.

Zhang Jie, in particular, seems to be calculating something.


Sister Zhou recalled the rules introduced in the game at the beginning, and her actions would have a greater or lesser impact on the plot.

It seems that now the plot is affected.

It’s just that the impact of this plot is large or small, and whether the result is good or bad, I don’t know.

Sister Zhou was a little annoyed, this is not as good as deducting points for the topic to be heard.

She looked at Zhan Lan and thought that she would ask anyway.

Always ask for clarity.

But just when she was about to continue asking.

Matthew Addison has asked the team to keep up and bring a device that can turn off the Flame Queen.

Zheng Zhao couldn’t help but say loudly: “Wait! Don’t you think it’s a little weird? ”

“So let you restart it, this smart computer is probably too useless.”

“I think there may be some trap in this passage.”

The mercenaries all stopped at once.

Everyone looked at him strangely.

Matthew Addison walked out of the passage and silently looked at Zheng Zha.

“Well, you, and you come in with us.”

Zheng Zha and Mou Gang, who were pointed at by him, were shocked.

At this time, Zhang Jie suddenly spoke: “Let Zhou Yi go together, one more person and one more helper.” ”

Sister Zhou looked at Zhang Jie in surprise, is this the end of not being trusted!

“It’s over, Sister Zhou was sold.”

“That Zheng Zha knows the plot, he said so, there must be something wrong with this channel!”

“It’s me and I sell it, it’s like playing a copy, the novices team up with the newbies, and enter the veteran team to kick out the team in minutes.”

Right at this moment.

“No, I don’t want to go in!”

Mu Gang shouted and actually turned his head and ran.

Sister Zhou was a little surprised, and now she was sure that there must be something wrong with this passage.

Otherwise, Mu Gang would not have had such a big reaction.

But before people could react.

The mercenaries actually took out their guns and shot Mou Gang on the spot!

Zheng Zha and Li Xiaoyi spit out violently.

And Sister Zhou was frightened by this sudden gunshot, until a drop of warm blood spilled on her hand.

She suddenly felt like throwing up.

Although she kept reminding in her head that it was all fake.

But everything feels very real!

If it weren’t for the detection of the VR somatosensory pod, it forcibly prevented the player’s reaction to vomit.

She vomited on the spot like Zheng Zha and Li Xiaoyi.

Matthew Addison looked at them coldly.

“I suspected you from the beginning, although your identity is registered on the company’s information, you are not like the company’s security guard at all.”

“Are you still going to stop us from shutting down the Flame Empress now?”

“Okay, Zheng Zha, Zhou Yi go in with us.”

Zheng Zha and Sister Zhou were cold, but Matthew Addison was not polite at all, and pulled them in with the rest of the mercenaries.

Everyone just walked into the passage.

The doors on both sides of the passage close at the same time!

Between the two walls directly opposite, shoot three lasers!

Matthew Addison reacted the fastest, and he slammed the two people next to him to the ground.

While Zheng Zhao had been paying attention to the appearance of the laser, he also noticed that Sister Zhou had been stunned by this sudden danger.

While he pounced, he also pulled Sister Zhou to pounce together.

The laser grazed the shoulders of both of them.

And the female mercenary, who is a medic, is cut in half by a blazing laser.

When Matthew Addison, Zheng Zha, and Sister Zhou stood up before they had time to rejoice.

The second laser is coming!

A mercenary was quickly killed.

Sister Zhou looked at the nearby laser, and at this moment she already felt the crisis of death.

The situation did not allow much thought, Sister Zhou was just about to jump up and dodge the laser, but was pulled by Zheng Zha to pounce together.

“Don’t be silly! The laser will rise with you! ”

This time they were lucky to dodge.

But a third laser followed!

Sister Zhou has the experience of the first two times.

This time she pounced faster than anyone else.

However, Zheng Zha’s voice sounded in his ears.

“This can’t lie down!”

When Sister Zhou heard this voice, it was too late.

The third laser turned into a net and cut Sister Zhou into diced meat from beginning to end.

At the same time, the picture is black.

[You’re dead. 】

[Game over. 】

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