“Isn’t it, there is still this usage for creating living beings?”

“It’s good that I haven’t started playing yet, I have to write down this knowledge point, but don’t make a mistake at that time.”

“It has to be my family Chu Xuan, I analyzed this kind of thing as soon as I came, if I didn’t know that I really got a 3D maid out, it would be wasted.”

“If I hit Alien 1 with two strong bodyguards, the difficulty will definitely be lower than when Sister Zhou was there, so the chance of clearing the level will be higher.”

“A bodyguard twice as powerful as an ordinary person, that’s my eldest brother, you have to protect my copy.”

Sister Zhou was a little lucky in her heart, fortunately she didn’t use the free quota to create characters casually.

However, now that she has strengthened it once, and this time there are more than 10,000 bonus points, it is not very necessary to create bodyguards to protect herself.

After she strengthens all the reward points, she is designated to be stronger than the bodyguard.

At this time, Zhang Jie seemed very uncomfortable with Chu Xuan’s words.

“What about the wisdom of mortals?”

“Lao Tzu loves to create women!”

Zheng Zhao blocked in front of Zhang Jie and said, “Maybe what you said is right, but this is just your guess.” ”

“What if the bodyguard can’t follow you into a horror movie?”

“And when we enter a horror movie, we have to stand in an oblique aperture of more than one meter in diameter, and there are not many people standing.”

Chu Xuan nodded in satisfaction with Zheng Zha’s words this time.

“Your reasoning ability is getting stronger, and you have obviously reached the same level as Zhan Lan.”

Sister Zhou was curious for a moment and asked, “What about me?” ”

Chu Xuan glanced at Sister Zhou lightly.

“Do you want me to hit you?”

Sister Zhou blushed with anger on the spot.

Chu Xuan continued: “Have you ever wondered why horror movies give twenty people? ”

“Because in a team, different types of talent are needed.”

“If a team has a single ability, when it encounters certain situations, it will be a direct annihilation.”

As he spoke, Chu Xuan took out a package of some parts and tools that he had exchanged from the Lord God.

“What do you think when you see this? If you have the relevant professional knowledge and ability, you will think of a lot of things, and you can even bypass the limits of the plot of the line, and you can create extremely valuable items at a very cheap price. ”

“And people with these knowledge and abilities are generally not physically strong, or even weaker than ordinary people.”

“If this kind of person comes to the main god space, then he needs to rely on these bodyguards to survive in the early stage.”

“And the size of the aperture you just mentioned, just take only one bodyguard into the horror movie, this is the hint given to us by the Lord God!”

After listening to Chu Xuan’s reasoning, everyone was shocked.

Although it has not been confirmed, it feels very likely to say this to him.

Chu Xuan put away the package of parts and said, “That’s the first thing I want to say. ”

“If I die in the next horror movie, you can tell him this when a new person joins in the future.”

“So what’s the second thing?”

Sister Zhou also listened and became interested, to see what else this Chu Xuan had to say.

Chu Xuan smiled lightly and took out the five-point printed manuscripts, and handed them to the people present.

“This is what I summarized from the Lord God that can probably be exchanged, and this is the second thing I want to say, so that we can know what we can exchange, so that we can deal with everything we may have to face next.”

“I have a conjecture, maybe we don’t need to appear in reincarnation in horror movies, and the main god should mean that we should experience dangerous situations and constantly break through and evolve.”

“In this way, maybe some super dangerous sci-fi movies should appear, although the Lord God will not necessarily throw us into a desperate situation, but in order to prevent such a situation, I suggest that we should be equipped with three weapons, namely melee weapons, fast weapons, and heavy weapons.”

“Melee weaponsI recommend choosing spirit weapons and legendary weapons, although I don’t like to watch myths and ghosts and other things that have no scientific logic, but we are likely to face such horror movies.”

“Choosing spirit weapons and weapons can deal with both ordinary life forms and ghost-like things.”

“This point Zheng Zha and Zhou Yi’s precepts are very good, almost including two aspects: logistics and spirit attacks.”

“Also, Zhou Yi’s Hao Fireball Technique, according to scientific methods, belongs to a kind of energy, so if the ghost category has no entity, it also belongs to a certain energy, your Hao Fireball should also be able to hurt, those ordinary weapons can not hurt the ghosts without entity.”

“There is nothing to say about fast weapons, that is, to deal with a large-scale enemy, as for heavy weapons, I recommend picking a Gaussian ion sniper rifle at zero point.”

“Finally, these weapons can also deal with monsters such as ghosts, only spirit bullets, but the price will be more expensive.”

Sister Zhou listened to Chu Xuan’s analysis, and suddenly had the feeling of listening to the teacher’s class, and couldn’t help but yawn.

Zheng Zha looked at the document in his hand and said: “But these unlimited bullet firearms are very expensive, especially the unlimited bullet Gauss ion sniper rifle, which requires a D-level side plot and 5,000 bonus points, and no one can really buy it except Zhou Yi.” ”

“I didn’t say I was going to change my weapon with unlimited bullets, remember the first thing I said?”

Chu Xuan looked at Zheng Zha lightly and said: “The materials that can be exchanged there by the Lord God and their cheapness, I can exchange them for parts to make a bullet workshop, although I can’t slack off unlimited ammunition, but as long as it is not facing an extremely bad situation, the number of bullets we carry should be enough.” ”

“And then there’s the third thing.”

“I found an option where I could go back to reality.”

After Sister Zhou and the barrage in the live broadcast room saw this, they began to understand.

It turns out that Zheng Zha, these reincarnators can return to reality.

I feel that this plot is a little interesting, but I don’t know if people who are players can participate.

Different from the plainness on Sister Zhou’s face, the faces of those present all had the fanaticism of returning to the real world.

Chu Xuan said: “The third thing, simply put, is to choose a person to return to the real world, even if it is only for just one day, you can verify whether the spirit enters this world, or the spirit and body enter this world together.” ”

“I always feel that you have something in this, is there some conspiracy or conspiracy?”

“So what you mean is to let me go back to the real world?”

Zheng Zhao seemed to see Chu Xuan’s thoughts.

Zhang Jie had some opinions and didn’t want Zheng Zhao to go.

But Zheng Zhao stopped him and said, “Okay, I agreed.” ”

After that, at Zhang Jie’s suggestion, everyone changed Zheng Zha’s standard equipment.

In particular, the high-vibration particle cutting dagger is the most expensive, worth 600 bonus points.

It was still Chu Xuan who changed it to Zheng Zha, which really surprised the people present.

After everything is ready.

Everyone stood on the square silently watching Zheng Zha take Lori’s hand, and instantly disappeared from people’s field of vision.

At this time, Sister Zhou also felt a little tired.

And there are also many questions to ask Su Yu, such as asking him to introduce what abilities and genes should be exchanged for a better battle.

For example, what kind of copy is the grudge?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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