Rappelling tutorial with training prologue.

There were no more mistakes in the surrender this time, and the squad successfully landed on the ground.

The surface was dusty, and the air stream from the propeller whistled in my ears.

When he landed, a small map of the range appeared in the upper left corner of Ye Yu’s eyes, and the current mission target point was identified.

This is a standard Zhongdong style architectural town, the town has just been washed by fighter jets, and it is full of ruined buildings.

Twenty meters away, the other landing teams were quickly instructed by their captains to go to other target points.

At the fork, the two team members quickly crossed the street and pulled a barbed wire barrier to block the intersection.

“The war pig squad listens to my instructions, follows me to the target point, and moves!”

With a burst of drink, Du Xiaomei and the others immediately nodded in response, and followed Ye Yu across a street.

Then, a three-story building appeared in front of everyone.

“This is the target location, watch out for ambushes.”

Running to the bottom of the building, Ye Yu stuck to the wall of a wooden door, let the others take place, and instructed

“Jackson! Hang a breaking mine on the door lock. ”


Du Xiaomei immediately took out a grenade with a two-meter-long wire connected to it from behind her.

Each player has different instructions.

Hearing the order, Du Xiaomei looked at the grenade that flashed in front of her eyes, and explained it, hung it on the door lock, pinched the wire detonator and shrunk behind Ye Yu: “In place!” ”



With a bang, the thunder released a shockwave inside, and the fragments stunned the enemies in the room with wood chips.

When the grenade broke through the door, Ye Yu waved his hand again:

“Mike! Listen to my password and follow me through the door! ”

Sister Zhou held the gun very seriously at this time, did not engage in any obstruction of the program effect, nodded in response: “Received.” ”

Immediately, Ye Yu took out a flash bomb from behind his waist, bit off the safety pin with his teeth and threw it in: “Detonate in three seconds!” ”


After a bang, Ye Yu took the lead in raising his gun and entering the door: “Enter!” ”


Entering the door, Ye Yu immediately shot in one direction, killing the enemy who was kneeling on the ground and was blinded by the flash.

Then Sister Zhou entered the door, turned around and shot three times to kill the other enemies: “Safe!” ”


When the two cleared the scene, the little sister eggplant behind him came in, and immediately posted it at the door of a corner staircase in the room.

Below the corner was a basement, and at this moment the enemy could be heard shouting.

Ye Yu squinted, quickly glanced at it, and shook his head at the eggplant:

“Go downstairs to raid, detonation bombs take over mines, prepare.”

Eggplant nodded, he played CS professionally, and reacted faster, this kind of scene is suitable for him to handle.

Walking down the stairs, the eggplant was pressed against the doorway, half-squinting to distinguish the footsteps of the enemy in the basement room.

“Seven o’clock, twelve, and four o’clock.”

“It’s not a big problem.”

Holding the gun in one hand, Eggplant took out a detonation bomb from his waist and squeezed it in his hand.

Behind him, Ye Yu held the eggplant shoulder with one hand and held the grenade in the other hand to stand by.

The two looked at each other and nodded, and Eggplant was the first to throw a detonation bomb.

Five seconds later, there was a crisp sound, and Ye Yu immediately threw out the grenade.


The grenade exploded, and Ye Yu pinched the eggplant’s shoulder: “Enter!” ”

Turning sharply, Eggplant quickly burst into the room, pulled the trigger and fired a shot to burst the enemy’s head in the direction of seven o’clock.

Ye Yu then entered and fired three shots at the enemy in the direction of two points from the bottom up.

The enemy in the direction of four o’clock had been crushed by the grenade, collapsed on the ground and convulsed.

Ye Yu glanced down at him and raised his gun to shoot him in the head.

“Eggplant guard the other side of the door, others come in!”

Ordered, the demon king PDD Du Xiaomei and others entered the room.

The basement is a small arsenal with RPG rockets placed messily in the middle of the table.

“Wow RPG, can I play this?”

Hearing this, Ye Yu turned his head to look at the Demon King and nodded:

“Make sure to empty within three meters behind you, and don’t shake your hands when you pull the trigger.”

“Gotta go.”

The Demon King roared and put the rifle behind his waist, and hehe carried the RPG with a hey.

At this time, there was another sound of the enemy at the door of the room on the other side of the basement.

Ye Yu waved his hand when he heard the movement, and the others immediately stuck to the wall and waited.

“Jackson, give them a flash bomb.”

“Demon King! Explode in three seconds and serve them with RPGs. ”


Obediently, the little girl learned Ye Yu to bite off the safety pin of the flash bomb with her teeth, and reached out with a hand to throw the flash bomb towards the room.

After the explosion, there was a whimpering cry from the enemy inside.

The demon king carried the rocket, and when the flash bomb exploded, he immediately jumped out and aimed at an enemy and pulled the trigger.


The rocket flew out, with a loud bang, and the unfortunate enemy was directly flown by the rocket top of the wall and exploded into slag.

“Oh roar~!”

Seeing this, the water friends who watched the live broadcast from the perspective of the demon king shouted wildly.

“A batch of cool grooves!”


“One more shot, one more shot!”

Unlike CrossFire, they now have different feedback when any weapon they have on hand.

The demon king simply flew up, rockets flew out of her shoulders, and the tail flame heat that hit her face was more comfortable than letting her drive.

Emptying the room again, Ye Yu gestured:

“Sorgpig, you take the three people to empty the upstairs and report to me in time.”

“Okay, the others come with me!”

Later, guarding the door of the building, Ye Yu heard a burst of gunshots coming from upstairs.

“The second and third floors are empty, damn I took a shot, and my eyes were directly red!”

“It shouldn’t hurt if you’re so thick, right? What do you feel no? ”

“Who said it didn’t hurt anymore! I got a shot in the navel! ”

Listening to their nonsense, Ye Yu pressed his headphones to report the news to the headquarters:

“Headquarters, this is the war pig, the target building is emptied, and Alassad is not found.”

“Received porcupine, intelligence information that Alassad is giving a live speech on a TV station half a kilometer away from you at the moment.”

“The Hound and Python squad are on their way, and the three of you will collectively attack the TV station.”

“Received, done.”

Hearing the new command, Ye Yu’s map refreshed again to show the new coordinates.

“Squad, we’re going to cross the northwest and attack the TV station building.”

“There will be a large number of enemy ambushes on the road, so be serious and prepare to meet the enemy.”

“Demon King! Bring a few more rockets and you’ll be able to use them later. ”


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