Infantry charge, artillery bombardment.

The artillery bombarded the infantry charge.

Ever since there was such a thing as a cannon.

The way of fighting modern warfare is actually almost fixed.

In particular, the magnesium countryman has a large ammunition depot reserve that is fast moldy.

Entering the war zone, it is still more than two hundred kilometers away from the palace of the capital city where Alassad is located.

The battle immediately came to a fever pitch.

If there is a cannon, you can blow up hard without money, who the fuck will go down with you to fight the marksmanship?

As soon as Ye Yu gave the order, Du Xiaomei and Yin Zi immediately pulled the trigger.

MK17 howitzer, slow rate of fire, amazing lethality.

One grenade may not blow up an armored vehicle.

But you can’t stand a dozen helicopters, dozens of howitzers to fire in aggregate.

Suddenly, the ground burst into flames, and the buildings on the ground were bombarded into a pile of dusty ruins.

This battle is fought without worrying about saving ammunition and other.

Seeing a little wind and grass on the ground, don’t care if you see people or not, give Ya a shot first.

In an instant, it was less than ten seconds.

The ground under the helicopter formation had been ploughed by artillery fire.

The air flow generated by the flame shock wave even affected the helicopter stability in the air.

In the large rear, tank formations that were rampaging like bison were lined up to open fire.

Tank players who encountered all kinds of bad accidents in the previous level can be regarded as gaining momentum this time.

105 rifled guns, as many as 55 rounds in the ammunition depot behind the vehicle.

No one said to save a little fighting, then first shoot out and warm the rifling of the barrel.

“Cheetah, did you see the scrapped armored car ahead?”

“I’ll give him a shot, can you relay and play football?”

“Yes! Egg him! ”

The commander roared and laughed maniacally, shouting at the gunner:

“Due south direction 12 o’clock, the scrapped armored car blocking the road, give him a shot!”

“Muzzle calibration… Lock! ”



A shot hit the shot, and the armored vehicle, which was already a pile of scrap iron, flew up.

Immediately afterwards, the Cheetah crew quickly locked onto the target, and the relay hit another shot, slamming the armored car into the ruins like a football.

“Woohoo~ Cheetah header hit!”


“Call White Wolf, you are in front of a camouflaged enemy T72, hiding under the rubble of ruins.”

In the air, drones responsible for observing the situation on the ground quickly streak across the sky to provide early warning to ground troops.

Receiving the message, the White Wolf tank crew turned on the thermal imaging sight glasses.

At first glance, behind a pile of white ruins, there was indeed the silhouette of an orange-red hot tank.

“Damn, it’s quite hidden.”

“Gunner, give him a round of depleted uranium armor-piercing shells, I’ll see how he hides.”

The gunner oh ah tuned the muzzle.

“Calibration… Lock! ”



The body of the tank shook violently, and the propelling powder at the bottom of the depleted uranium shell burned violently and spewed out flames, flying straight into the ruins.

“Did you hit?”

The commander held the binoculars and squinted.

The gunner was puzzled: “Hit?” Why didn’t it move? ”

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the tank hiding in the ruins exploded.

Seeing this, the commander smiled and gave the gunner a hammer with a grin: “Good fellow, give the martyrdom!” ”

Not only hit, but also gave the T72 a head.

The ammunition depot was hit, dozens of shells were ignited within a second, the air and pyrotechnics were quickly squeezed, and finally sprayed from the roof of the car, and even the base was sprayed away.

Overhead, the helicopter raised its nose to avoid the shock wave, and the pilot grumbled in dissatisfaction :

“Hey! Look at the point! ”


Before entering the outer radius of the battle zone, the ground has been washed by manic players.

At the moment, don’t say how explosive the players themselves are.

Water friends watching the live broadcast can’t wait to get into the screen and go to the beautiful battle.

In particular, the Douworm platform is also very good at marketing.

They didn’t just have a Call of Duty Live zone.

A curated library is also hung in the most prominent position on the homepage.

As long as it is a player who will live broadcast in the fighting bug, those who have wonderful operations are included in the featured library.

More than a dozen pictures are cut together, and the audience can watch whichever they want, which makes them feel the arrogance that almost overflows the screen.

On the side of the three major factories, the hearts of the supervisors were beating wildly.

At the beginning, they also looked at it, let their own professional gamers operate, they tried to analyze the strengths and weaknesses.

But when you see the player driving a tank plane and plowing the ground with artillery fire.

The executives couldn’t resist and let the gamers get out, they were going to play this damn game themselves.

Then, within a minute of the first taste, the executives fell to their knees.

This game can’t be fucking copied!

It is impossible to copy it!

Not to mention the technical difficulty, the realism of the picture and other details.

But the perfect fusion technology with the somatosensory game console is not something they can master.

Let’s talk about tank operation.

When the player enters the character to fly a tank plane, the somatosensory stabilizer bar strapped to the waist behind the player allows the player to sit on the machine in a sitting position.

Rich players, like PDD, even have top-of-the-line equipment like couch seats.

In this way, the player can feel a very hard throttle on the soles of his feet when driving and controlling the tank.

The driving process of the tank is also extremely streamlined, and the cockpit graphics are very realistic, but the operation is extremely simple.

Aim to get players proficient in driving in five seconds, without having to learn how to drive.

Simply put, it is to strive for a cool word.

Smell the diesel fuel released in the VR headset and the hot air that flushes your nose.

Which player won’t fall because of this?

This is why the game appeared too quickly, and it was released without vigorous marketing in advance.

Otherwise, what is it to sell more than one million a day, and it is not surprising that it breaks ten million!

“Hell, my big darling…”

“Gunner! What the fuck are you doing, then there is no living person! Fire the gun! ”

Goose Factory, heard the vice president shouting excitedly.

The others looked at each other, their hearts were not good, he was already immersed in the fascination in less than a minute.

How could those players not cry out to buy games….

This blew up!

Don’t want to do whatever it takes to lick this production company?


【Ask for flowers!!】 】

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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