Chapter 59 Big, black and thick gunboat! 【Subscription requested! 】!!

The enemy behind him drove an armed pickup truck and chased fiercely, and the machine gun bullets were all the way down Ye Yu’s back.

Overhead, the excellent former Air Force pilot Nicolai squeezed the performance of this bird helicopter into the mechanism.

He flew the helicopter almost at a height of less than five meters above the ground at a large elevation angle.

This is a fucking helicopter! To open it like this is to die.

However, he benefited from receiving the most perfect shooting angle.

Bang bang!

More than a dozen shots in succession, the annoying pickup machine gunner was finally killed, and Ye Yu was able to breathe.

When the dropped machine gunner is solved, the pickup driver will no longer be a threat.

“Nikolai! Fly him ahead and go. ”

Commanding, Price stuffed a grenade into the lower grenade launcher of the rifle and stuffed the gun to the stupid girl.


Du Xiaomei took the gun and loaded it with a click: “Ready!” ”


Nicolai pushed the stick forward, pulled the helicopter up and flew around a corner ahead, then quickly turned around and sideways the helicopter in the road.

On one side, the silly little sister raised the muzzle slightly and squinted, and the finger on the trigger was slightly forced.

When the ghost saw it, he understood what Price meant, and suddenly kicked the brakes and threw the handlebars to the side.

“Hold on!!”

With a loud roar, Ye Yu immediately grabbed the ghost’s shoulder.

The motorcycle drifted, almost clinging to the edge of the helicopter mount.

At the same time, Price looked at Sister A and said softly: “Fire.” ”


A grenade flew straight out of the canister and smashed the end on the front of the car more than 20 meters away.

Rumble! A bang.

The speeding pickup truck was overturned by the explosion, as if a huge palm was pressed against the front of the car.

The butt of the car was immediately overturned by the reaction force.

The flames mixed with the splash of rubble, the car rolled forward head-to-head, and the fuel tank exploded in the air.


The car burst open, the flames hit her face, and the nose of the little girl smelled a hot smell.


Roar, the little girl can calculate the limelight, very angry roar, throw the gun to Price.

Seeing this, the audience behind the screen was boiling.

From Sister A’s point of view, the two ghosts drifted past like stunts.

This was followed by another grenade that blew the pickup truck into the air.

This is comparable to Hollywood’s explosive films, and the senses are completely rubbed and abused.

“Tears, Sister A has really grown into Sister D…”

“Sister A, ah no, Sister D!! Give it a chance!! ”

“What game can be played like this, I lean!!”

“One thing to say, this grenade is so beautiful, I can smell the burnt nose hair.”

“Cool! I’m not watching, I’m going to play a game, damn it. ”


The threat is lifted, and the ghost stops the motorcycle with a drift on the brakes.

The two looked at the wreckage of the pickup truck burning in front of them with billowing black smoke, and it was good that they had a ghost, but Ye Yu jumped down from the motorcycle, and immediately his legs went soft, and he lay on the ground panting.

He has been squatting on the butt of the car very awkwardly just now, and his legs are numb!

Now suddenly relaxed, all kinds of body sensations that have been suppressed immediately rushed into the mind, and the whole person was numb!


Wait for Nicolai to find a position to stop the helicopter.

The little girl immediately ran over and threw herself into Ye Yu’s arms.


She couldn’t help it, and a fierce son plunged into Ye Yu’s arms and hugged.

Ye Yu was embarrassed.

From his point of view, although he also likes soap, he is held like this by a rough man………

Kind of weird, right?

Immediately, the ice friends were also in a burst of boobia.


Of course, not everyone is booing.

For example, Mozi and Sister Zhou, the two of them were jealous reactions, and angrily scolded the system for why they were also matched with Ye Yu.


Even with such excitement to play a wave of car chases.

The task of this chapter is far from over.

The ultimate goal is to rescue Nicolai, who is still in a war zone.

Soon, when the stupid little sister wondered, they had all flown for more than ten minutes, why the mission was not over.

Suddenly, when Nicolai flew over a farm in a helicopter.

A red light suddenly lit up in the cabin, and a sharp siren sounded.

“What’s wrong?”

Du Xiaomei suddenly tensed up and grabbed the handle.

“Stinger missile locked, hold!!!”

Nikolai let out a roar, grabbing the stick with both hands and trying to lift the nose.

The helicopter deflected to the right, and at this time, Du Xiaomei saw that at the foot of the ground, a missile dragged the tail flame towards this side.


Two seconds later, the tail of the bird helicopter was hit, and the entire rear rotor was reduced to debris.

Without the stabilized rear rotor, the helicopter swayed and rotated violently in the air.

“Everyone, hurry up!!”

Price then yelled, and the others grabbed their seat belts and let the helicopter fall uncontrollably.

At such a height, it is impossible for a person to jump out before falling to the ground.

Conversely, it is better to stay in the cabin and be thrown into the air, and then slapped on the ground.

Du Xiaomei only felt that the sky was spinning at this moment, and everything in front of her became very blurry.

In a trance, she instantly recalled the scene before the nuclear explosion.


In the end, I only listened to the stupid little sister look at Ye Yu, who was also nervous, with a crying voice.


The audience only heard an explosion, and then the screen turned black and fell silent.

“……… Dead again? This is dead again? ”

“Don’t? This is also too sudden. ”

“Lying trough, where there is a sudden in war, it is normal for anything to happen.”

“Wife, wife, you talk!”

“Brother Ye!!”

I don’t know how long it took.

When Ye Yu woke up from the mist, he smelled a pungent smell of fireworks.

There was silence all around, with the occasional crackling sound of electric sparks.

When the body regained consciousness and activity, Ye Yu sat up from the ground.

Not far away, the bird helicopter fell into countless pieces, and only a rough outline could be recognized.

The propeller was broken into several segments, and a piece of iron was inserted into his leg.

Two centimeters more, this thing will waste its own thighs.

Wiping the sweat, Ye Yu moved back a little and struggled to stand up and walk towards the helicopter.

The other side of the helicopter.

The others also woke up not long ago, the driver died on the spot, and was directly cut by the rapidly rotating spiral, which was miserable…

When the little sister woke up and saw this tragic situation, the whole person was not good, and ran to the side to commit nausea.

Price and Ghost suffered only minor injuries, and the problem was not big.

Nicolai is more sad.

He had been beaten by the enemy before, and he couldn’t run or walk fast.

With this fall, his arm was broken again, and he couldn’t even fire the gun again.

The ghost was now holding a roll of tactical tape as a bandage and found a piece of iron to tie his arms.

In short, this crash put everyone in trouble again.

This neighborhood is also a war zone, the planes are shot down, they will definitely come to check the situation.

So there is not much time for everyone, and it is necessary to immediately evacuate the crash site.

Understanding the situation, Ye Yu let out a long sigh and walked aside to comfort the little sister.

She was terrified, both in the game and in reality, and her body was extremely tired at the moment.

Suffering such blows twice in a row is something that no individual can easily accept.

What’s more, she is just a girl, a player, not a real fighter.

If she wasn’t on the same team as Ye Yu, she couldn’t wait to quit the game now…………….

A few minutes later.

The Ghost gave Nicoleza a dose of adrenaline and wrote the word DA3 on his forehead in black ash.

Nicolai cried out in pain, and the ghost, annoyed by it, gave him only a third of the dose.

This is a science.

Things like epinephrine and morphine are not indiscriminate and are generally only used after a serious injury.

Otherwise, if it is only a minor injury such as a fracture, too many doses will produce a great burden on the heart, and if you don’t play well, you will die suddenly.

“What to do? Where are we going? ”

There was no mark on the map in the upper left corner in front of Ye Yu and Du Xiaomei.

Ye Yu asked Price what his next plan was.

Price made a cold face: “I called for support.” ”

“Dare to shoot down the 141 plane, which is equivalent to declaring war with us.”

“Wait, support will come immediately, we will go to the evacuation site under the cover of artillery fire.”

After he finished speaking, the map of Ye Yu’s sister and sister was refreshed.

The evacuation site is less than two kilometers away and needs to cross most of the town.

Looking at the complex map of the town structure, the mentality of the little girl collapsed again.

So far away, and still have to fight through the town, isn’t it another vicious battle waiting to see them?

Before she could complain, though.

Suddenly, her perspective changed at the same time.

First switch from first person to third person, and in less than two seconds, the perspective quickly lifts up above the clouds.

Wait for the gaze to turn back to the first person again.

Du Xiaomei found herself sitting in a plane with a lot of space at this time, and the roar of the engine was heard outside.

Looking down again, there was an old-looking computer in front of me.

A gray-black screen that is not very large, and next to it is a joystick like a game console on the left hand.

In the right hand are three buttons of different colors.

“This is…”

Seeing this, Du Xiaomei was very puzzled, and she didn’t know what role she was playing.

The AC130 attack aircraft, commonly known as the aerial gunboat, is an extremely simple and brutal big killer.

In the absence of air-to-air counterattack forces such as air defense radar positions and fighters.

This thing is a proper death beggar…

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