Chapter 68 Double Sniper!!

Technology is Ye Yu’s biggest advantage.

The official didn’t want the goose factory to make things too desperate, and they didn’t want Ye Yu to keep his mouth too dead.

So the official hope that both sides can loosen their mouths and cooperate with each other.

The so-called bigger, stronger and then brilliant.

However, Ye Yu ignored Tenghua and didn’t even dump him.

In the previous life, Ye Yu saw too many of those subterfuge methods of the goose factory.

As long as it is a game that falls into their hands, no one can survive.

In addition to crossing the line of fire can bring them huge profits.

Other games don’t make much money, no matter how popular they are or how many players like them.

Goose factories are all said to kill and kill, stop serving and stop.

So it’s clear to see if the Call of Duty is given to them.

Within a month, the first gold-plated M4A1 was born.

What skin attributes such as increasing the rate of fire and doubling the power will also follow the line

Cool, good-looking, expensive.

Don’t care if it is reasonable or not, it will not ruin the game experience.

As long as it can make money, Peng Factory will release the law without hesitation.

Even Ye Yu felt that it would not be long before they would give players the right to open memberships.

For example, what star diamond, annual fee 648, after opening, you can choose to play a role, clothing and hairstyle this and that.

A long-legged girl in small shorts carrying Barrett to fight a nuclear explosion is completely different from the pure reality painting style, which is not impossible.

Now in the domestic game circle, no player who has a somatosensory machine in his hand dares to say that he is not interested in this game.

Originally, it was only a small area of the game circle, where players entertained themselves.

But by the time the press hits, the game is going viral at a rapid pace.

Therefore, Ye Yu wanted to take advantage of the heat to make a game trailer to participate in the game launch conference held in the Bird’s Nest a week later.

Play the game first, and then the trailer.

Who in the world dares to be arrogant about this 167? Plus, it’s still the old saying.

The engine and core code Ye Yu can’t release to any company, and even if they do, they can’t understand it.

As for your own company, you can use it to recruit a group of people in your spare time and make a new game from scratch.

Now he has the system to give the technology to structure the basic code of the game.

Then you just need to find a group of people who understand the basic technology, let them cast bricks like ants and assume that there is no secret code base number.

In this way, it should not be long before a new game can be made that can live and look like death.

Buying a house opposite their house is also for this purpose.

I’m mad at you, do you have the ability to capture me?

As for the game, Ye Yu still had some ideas about it.

“Band of Brothers” is a classic good TV series, World War II theme.

Battles for the Normandy landings, one company.

He plans to turn the TV series into a game and try to put it out to see the effect.

It is still similar to Call of Duty, a single-player story and multi-player cooperative mode.

Player confrontation, you can also let tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players play two sides and fight a meat grinder-style melee.

The flow won’t be long, but it’s full of excitement and completely real bloody tension, but it should still work well.

And Ye Yu himself set his sights on a movie, ready to buy the copyright and develop it into Youge.

Pacific Rim

What man wouldn’t like to fly a mech.

In this era, VR full viewing angle and somatosensory devices have been very developed, and in the near future, there will be brain-connected top-level devices.

In this case, there are so many things that players can experience in person.

It’s just that due to technical difficulties, those manufacturers are only in sight.

But Ye Yu was different.

He has the top architectural capabilities given by the system.

So he wanted to get rid of the limitations of gunplay games and let players really experience how many genus the somatosensory simulation system can be.

When the time comes, get the copyright, find any reason for the apocalyptic crisis, and let them drive mecha full of iron and mud.

It should be cool enough to take off, right?

The other side.

Brother Ye has not been online for two weeks, which makes these anchors miss the stupid little sister very much.

Others are okay, Ye Yu is not in them to play sigh, although the special dishes played, but fortunately there is a program effect, very cooking!

And the little sister is very annoying.

The level of walking in blood made her mentally collapse for more than ten days, and she was stunned and did not come out.

If you continue to develop, you will be depressed.

Since that day, Du Xiaomei has specialized in this level, trying to get the poisonous rat squad to snatch out the book.

She did, and the game can be played that way.

It’s just that the old saying is that it is difficult to reap the water.

Those accusatory words were as deep into Sister A’s brain as a needle, and they couldn’t be pulled out no matter what.

The NPC characters in the game are very intelligent, but not smart enough to fully understand the apologetic apologies in the mouth of the stupid little sister.

Therefore, the old woman was stunned and played the same level for two weeks before letting go of some knots, hesitating whether to continue to the next level.

These days, the other anchors, Eggplant Dasima, have already cleared the next level.

But when Du Xiaomei asked about the general plot of the next level.

They kept silent, and insisted on letting the little sister go to the body by herself with a mysterious look.

“It’s going to be amazing, epic.”

“It’s as exciting as the nuclear explosion, and even I personally think it’s more than that.”

“It’s amazing, you’ll know if you play it yourself, single-player mode.”

“It’s really hard, but it’s also really special.”

“Adjust your mentality, and then go play and try, you are not crazy I have your last name!!”

Eggplant made a poisonous oath, and that confident look aroused Sister A’s interest.

“Then try?”

“Rush! WDTMD, you can’t believe what you’re going through. ”

“Yes, Sister A, next you will have to fight ten thunder dream battles alone that will make you sleepless.”

“Dumbly! A few of us won’t play tonight, just watch you one. ”

Water friends who have seen the plot are also extremely excited: “My wife bravely rushes forward!” Flip him! ”

“Blood splattered Nobyl! Fight Piat! ”

“Team Qian’s battle for fame!!”

“Remember to play with the Ferris wheel!”

“Unstoppable!! Ulla!! ”

Seeing the full screen barrage, the little girl blinked, and curiosity hooked up.

“Look, you said that it is so exaggerated, it is more wonderful than the nuclear explosion?”

PDD slapped the table: “Bud! You’ll know it if you’ve played it. ”

“Remember to be sure to fill the pain attribute this time.”

“It’s going to be hard, but it’s definitely worth the ticket, not to hurt you, trust me.”

Mozi also rubbed his body with a painful face: “Yes! I was beaten bigger, but it’s so cool!! ”

Seeing this, Bao Xiaomei raised her eyebrows: “And this son?” ”

“Then I’ll have to try, wait for me to get on the number!”

“It’s a pity that Brother Ye is not there, otherwise I can still be at ease…”

Put on your body-conscious suit and enter the game.

Other people boasted about the new level, which made the little girl subconsciously nervous.

Then gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, she still chose to listen to the advice of the prostitute teacher to fill up all the sensory attributes.

“Let’s start, I hope you don’t die too badly.”

Later, the screen appears.

Received the last evacuation from Smokemantuo Mountain.

On the plane, Pu Caisi rarely had a snow fat on his chest.


The lighter emits a crisp flame and ignites the cigar.

At this point, the picture gradually shrinks, focusing on the cigar butt in Pleus’s mouth.

The tobacco was crumpled by flames as if alive, and soot gradually covered the entire screen.

Then, in a supple scene, large pieces of burnt soot fell on a map and were immediately erased by a gloved hand, leaving a trace on the map.

“I was a little lieutenant.”

Plais’s voice rang out.

“In his thirties, young and frivolous.”

Saying that, a low-sounding, slow-playing guitar sounded in Du Xiaomei’s ears

The picture appears with the extremely desolate road in front of you.

The road was lined with dead yellow weeds that were one man tall, and the walls of the buildings in the distance were peeling off and dilapidated.

At this time, a jeep covered with weeds camouflage nets on the roof of the car quickly drove by, and in the blink of an eye, the silly girl found herself playing the role of sitting in the co-pilot, with one hand on the window, and a cigarette between her gloved fingers.

Then Price’s narration sounded.

“Cebel Noli, the most dangerous and coldest city in the world.”

“Since the catastrophe that shocked the world, it has become a dead city.”

“For ordinary people, it is a hell that must not be set foot in the near future.”

“But for the bad guys, it’s like a paradise with liquid gold.”

“He wants to buy some nuclear raw material here that can be used to make nuclear warheads.”

“We certainly can’t turn a blind eye to it, that thing is a threat to the whole world.”

“But considering that it was still the Cold War, it seemed unlikely that Mao would agree to let the armed forces of other countries enter their territory.”

“So this is a black operation that is not authorized, will not be documented, and has no backup support.”

“It was Captain McMillan who led me at the time.”

After speaking, the perspective of the stupid little girl detached from the co-driver of the driving car and slowly moved to a rusty road sign.

It reads: “The city of Pripya is one and a half kilometers. Then the picture gradually blurs and turns black. ”

Wisps of smoke rise from the screen and gradually condense into a line of mission titles [Return to Hell]

When the silly girl saw the title, the smoke gradually cleared. The picture is dark, but the sound of gas cars stopping can be heard.

The door opened, and two people jumped out of the car and closed the door.

There was a crisp sound of pulling the bolt, and a slightly hoarse voice said: “Plais, put on your auspicious suit, remember to eat a tablet of iodine every six hours.” ”

“Otherwise, even if we manage to escape, we will be poisoned by excessive radiation.”

Hearing this, the little sister instantly tightened her expression.

Only then did she react, this mission she actually had to play the young Plais!

This old man is so cruel, the task he does must not be simple.

Thinking of eggplant and others grimacing and making her fill the pain attribute. A sense of foreboding suddenly arose in the heart of the little sister.

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