Chapter 82 Only earn a few hundred yuan a month, what life are you playing!!

One second after the detonation bomb exploded, the eggplant immediately pulled the trigger.

The sound of a bird sniper is relatively small, similar to stuffing a firecracker into an eight-treasure porridge jar and then into cow dung.

With a pop, the enemy’s braincase on the watchtower had not yet had time to react was shot and fell to the ground with a pop.

Immediately afterwards, the eggplant turned the muzzle and hit the searchlight on the watchtower with another shot.

Instantly the vicinity of the gas station fell into darkness.

On the other side, the two of them heard the explosion in the business hall, and Sister Zhou immediately pushed the door open and pushed it aside.

The silly little girl raised her gun and entered the door, and several shots were fired in succession to clear out the incapacitated enemy who was kneeling on the ground and being shocked.


Instantly, the others each shot at the enemy in the abandoned bus.

After a soft sound, the gas station quieted down.

Sister Zhou followed into the business hall, kicked away the dead man on the ground with her foot, and saw a corner away from this small portable stove and leaned over to bake the fire.

Clearing the scene, the ghost glanced over to count the number of people and said to the headset: “Price, we’re done, let the jammer leave.” ”

“Received, Victor entered at about four hours of dawn to dispose of the enemy’s corpse as soon as possible.”

“Okay, it’s done.”

After Price instructed, the ghost ordered the others to strip off the enemy’s clothes and carry the body to the warehouse of the business hall for disposal.

It’s outrageous to say.

The enemies of the small countries around Zhongdong and Maoxiong like to wrap themselves in face-covered hats and turbans.

There are some elements of customs and habits, but precisely because of this, the enemy suffers a lot in this regard.

He wore a hat and a fancy green turban, with AK and RPG on his shoulders.

Only a pair of eyes leaks out, and ordinary people can’t quickly tell whether the person in front of them is friend or foe, which is naturally very suitable for being infiltrate.

“Why do bad guys have to dress like bad guys? I’m afraid that others won’t know that they are bandits. ”

“There is no tactical equipment on the body, wearing such a strange thing, – 740 eyes can see that he is not a good person.”

“So it’s extremists.”

“I’ll tell you, it’s all good, it’s just not shown in the game.”

“In reality, many of those bandits are controlled by various medicinal powders.”

“Otherwise, how much money do you make a month?” Who does this job with a normal brain. ”

The audience behind the screen watched the anchor carry the corpse and put clothes on the body, and then chatted.

And Sister Zhou, they were very uncomfortable at this time.

To disguise, you have to change into enemy clothes and wear a hood that smells strange from the rain.

The game itself is well detailed, with the damp hat giving off a strange smell of smoking and bad breath.

The VR headset simulates this smell almost perfectly.

So think about it, not to mention the psychology of cleanliness, it is generally difficult for normal people to accept this feeling of getting wet on their faces.

To be real, just like the seated toilet in public toilets such as scenic spots, you have to preset a psychological preparation if you want to sit on it.

However, if you sit on it and find that it is still warm, it will be even more awkward!

So you can imagine how uncomfortable Sister Zhou is at the moment.

And eggplant doesn’t matter, wring out the rain on the hat and buckling it on the face with a click.

Then his real-life body lifted a little bit of his helmet to leave a slit, and sneaked a cigarette to smell.

Seeing that the eggplant was so engaged, the little girl sprayed a little perfume into the helmet.

“The details are real, but you don’t have to make details like smells…”

After brewing for a long time, a few female anchors dressed and armed, and the ghosts who watched frowned for a while.

Later, several people took their respective positions according to the ghost’s instructions.

Du Xiaomei stood on the watchtower, with the corpse of the enemy lying at her feet, and Sister Zhou and the Demon King were lying on the roof of the business hall.

A few eggplants climbed on the roof of the oil depot on the other side.

The ghost changes randomly, and he will be responsible for making head-on contact with Victor.

The six formed a triangular crossfire, and after deployment, the picture gradually turned black.

The game can’t really keep players waiting for hours.

So a few seconds later, when the vision was clear, the sky was already bright, and the rainstorm stopped ticking on the roof.

“Everyone, pay attention, the library team is about to arrive.”

“Armored car at the head of the platoon, a personnel carrier behind the middle jeep.”


When the ghost heard Price’s instructions, he carried an AK in the middle of the road, while whispering to the others: “I find a reason to stop the convoy, watch out for firepower and don’t kill the target.” ”

Soon, the sound of armored vehicles moving was heard not far away, and a little later the convoy came into view.

The ghost trotted with a turban, the AK on his back hanging diagonally, his index finger slightly on the trigger and waving to stop the convoy.

“Wait for me to verify.”

Softly pursed his lips, and the ghost swaggered towards the middle jeep.

The few people nervously waited for instructions.

They have now fully understood the urine nature of this broken game, and each task will never be completed so easily.

In particular, the title of this chapter task is also inexplicable. So there must be some accident.


The ghost slipped near the jeep, glanced up at the back seat, and took a few steps back while his finger was on the trigger.

“Target confirmation, Viktor Zakhaev, blue tracksuit right back seat.”

“Follow my gunshots…”

“Smoke bomb ready.”

The ghost speaks slowly, but it is also good enough to make people hear.

It’s just a slight pity that in order to disguise himself as an enemy, the ghost had to take off the skeleton mask and glasses on his face.

Little sister, they really want to see what the ghost under the mask looks like.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have this opportunity, and the ghost wrapped himself up again in a red and white turban.

Taking a few steps back to get out of the way, the ghost intentionally or unintentionally raised the muzzle slightly.

The armored car in front had just stopped and had to wait a few seconds when it started again.

At this time, when the tires of the armored car had just turned, the ghost suddenly raised his hand and killed the driver with several shots through the glass.

The bullet pierced the driver’s braincase and hit the co-pilot’s face, killing the two on the spot

When the gunshots rang out, the stupid little girl who stood on the watchtower early immediately threw two smoke bombs at the armored vehicle, and the white smoke that came out quickly shrouded the armored vehicle so that it was impossible to fire rashly.

At the same time, Sister Zhou and the Demon King, who were lying on the roof on the left, got up at the same time.

Sister Zhou looked at the front of the personnel carrier behind and shot the driver a few times.

The demon king set up a light machine gun to sweep indiscriminately, and crossed fire with the eggplant on the right and slammed the personnel carrier.

The enemies inside who had not yet had time to get out of the car were quickly sifted into a sieve.

And the ghost side.

He shot the two people in the front of the car and quickly pointed his muzzle at Victor: “Don’t move.” ”

But at this time, the driver, who was hit in the braincase and died quickly, subconsciously straightened his legs and stepped on the accelerator, and the jeep slammed uncontrollably towards the armored vehicle.

The ghost did not dare to open the snatch, and immediately dodged, and a few shots were fired downwards to burst the two tires on the left side.

The armored car side was already covered in smoke, and the jeep rushed over and was also covered in smoke.

At this time, Victor lowered his body slightly, pressed his left hand on his right hand and twisted a ring on his middle finger.


Suddenly, the personnel carrier behind exploded immediately, black smoke rose into the sky, and the entire personnel carrier was overturned and flew up.

Wait until more than a month later, they get through the whole game and watch other bloggers analyze the plot.

Victor perfectly inherited his father’s genes, and was born with an extremely evil and cruel nature.

The ring he was wearing on his right hand was actually a remote control.

All the enemies in the personnel carrier following behind wore bomb vests.

And it was also a high-intensity nitro bomb, which could be seen from the dark smoke.

Strap bomb vests on your own people and detonate them in order to get out without saying a word.

You can imagine how evil Victor really is.

Of course, these are all afterthoughts.

At this moment, sky-piercing fireworks and explosions disrupted everyone’s plans.

Sister Zhou and the Demon King leaned out half of their bodies on the roof, and they were instantly broken by the impact and rolled several times, and their eyes were blood-red directly.

Eggplant and foam were even more unlucky, and they were lying on the roof of the gas station on the right, less than ten meters away from the personnel carrier.

The impact broke and directly threw the two off the roof, and they fell seriously on the spot and lay on the ground and couldn’t get up.

The ghost was slightly better, and after being overturned by the impact, he rolled a few times with force, and only suffered a slight injury.

The most deadly thing is the stupid little sister.

She had been staying high above the watchtower, and the blaster had taken him down.

But Victor, who ran down from the jeep, took advantage of the smoke to run away while throwing a girl, and at the same time dropped a flaky bomb under the watchtower.

The bastard had two things on him, a bottle of whiskey and a bomb attached to his chest.


When he ran more than ten meters away, before Du Xiaomei saw anyone, the bomb under his feet suddenly exploded.

The watchtower was made of pure wood, and the explosion wave even lifted her with wood chips.

The only good thing was that the little girl fell back on a nearby scrapped bus item.

This thing counteracted most of the impact, and the little girl only felt that stars appeared in front of her eyes, but the injury was not fatal.

And that’s when it happened.

The silly little girl lying on the roof of the car groaned and wanted to get up, and turned her head just in time to see a blue ghost flash on the side of the street not far away.

Victor, this grandson did not forget to scold the street when he ran!

“Fuck… Is something wrong? Count! ”

Getting up from the ground, the ghost wrapped his neck with one hand and twisted a few times, and immediately asked the others loudly.

“……… I’m a little bit difficult and I think I might not be able to get up. ”

Mozi lay on the ground and covered his waist: “It’s out of breath.” ”

The Demon King is fine, the character he operates is Griggs, himself a strong body of a meat shield tank.

And the little girl, after hearing the shout, stretched out her finger and pointed to a corner of the wall: “He ran over.” ”

“Get up and chase!”

“He is the only chance we have, we must not let him run!”

“Gates! You take care of the wounded, pay attention to armored vehicles! ”

Shouting, the ghost trotted two steps and jumped on the bus, touched the soap and pulled the person up: “You can’t die if you don’t hurt on your body, run!” ”

Pushing the little girl out of the car, the ghost immediately looked into the headset and shouted: “Price! The cub detonated the bomb. ”

“We are a little injured but not dead, and we are trying to pursue on foot!”

“Received, I’ll send a helicopter over later, don’t let him run!”

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