Chapter 90 Play the game and play PTSD, do you dare to believe it!?!!

In the cabin, the ten people are divided into two rows on the side.

The Altai Mountains are covered in snow and ice all year round and are a very cold place.

Especially now, the temperature is even lower after the autumn harvest, but the scenery here is extremely beautiful.

The white snow-capped mountains and the green mountains are intertwined, and the beauty is like an oil painting, and several people look at each other curiously.

The faces of the ten people were all touched with black and green camouflage camouflage, and Yin Zi and Mozi were two

Yinko was holding a barrett in his hand, and he looked at it like a baby.

This is a special model of M82A2 bullpup sniper rifle, the boxy flame suppression brake at the front end is removed, and replaced with a silencer more than 20 centimeters long.

However, based on the large and frightening sub-ejection speed of this gun, the so-called silencer is just to reduce the sound to the speed of sound, so as not to produce an air explosion.

Others are mostly M4A1 modular rifles.

Standard 4x red dot sight, silencer, infrared laser and lower hanger grenade

Price played by Ye Yu is a little special, he is different from the others, and he carries an M1911 pistol on his leg.

This gun is very old, passed down from Price’s father’s generation, and it is a classic gun.

And above the plot.

The reason why Nikolai was asked to fly the transport plane this time was because he was a bear countryman, and this C130 was registered in bear country.

That’s why he won’t be beaten down by Brother Xiong, who is now very angry.

But at the same time they also have a problem:

There is no place near the Altai Mountains for such a large plane to land.

The only military airfield is the missile launch base occupied by Zakhaev.

So the ten-man squad could only parachute into the vicinity in batches.

Ye Yu’s 141 squad is a B1 group, flanking assault, to parachute down first.

There is a high-voltage tower nearby, which is used to power a missile base.

So they are going to blow up the electric tower, first cut off the circuit and cause some interference in the base.

The two-person sniper group that Yinko and Moko are part of is the B2 squad, which is responsible for rear sniper support.

The B3 squad is more troublesome, they all carry heavy fire weapons.

The Demon King brought two AT4 man-man anti-tank rockets.

PDD carried two javelins and two RPG7 rockets, while Tenghua carried two large boxes of various types of bullets along with his belt.

Rezenov, on the other hand, parachutes from a high altitude where low temperature oxygen is thin because of his age, and his body may not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, these four people can’t jump off with an umbrella bag, and they will fall directly to death because they are too heavy.

They had to ride in a jeep at the rear of the cabin with two parachutes that could withstand Abrams tanks.

There is also nothing to say tactically.

Ten people, three squads all attacked head-on.

In this base, once shots are fired, there is almost no need to hide.

The warhead launch compartment is heavily guarded, and it is not possible to sneak all the way in.

In addition, Kamarov is more than 400 kilometers away from here, and he can’t count on it.

He was originally from the Bear Country and now he is watching the world war.

Not standing on the opposite side of Price is already thinking of old love.

So it’s even less likely to count on him to help.

In short, this battle is said to be infiltration operations, but basically it is ten matchless.

Needless to say, Rezenov had earned too long.

According to the old man’s words, if a person lives seventy, he is bored, and he should shoot himself.

What’s more, people like him who fought all the way from World War II, others often say that life is precious, and the old man disdains: “Precious? A few precious handfuls~! ”

As for the others, there is not much to say.

141 itself is from SAS, the Royal Air Service Regiment of Yingguo, the world’s first real special forces.

And 141 is the elite of the elite, and everyone who comes out alone is a soldier-level existence.

In addition, there is actually Task Force 121 in SAS, and the responsibilities are the same as 141.

Well, the Nebuta and Frostbite are from the Delta.

It is also the veteran special forces of the magnesium countrymen, and the alloy squad is also the nature of A in A.

So the special operations team composed of these ten people, if none of them can solve the problem.

Then you can only send a large army to fight a group battle, and Brother Xiong will not be able to let people in.

Besides, they’re running out of time…….


Sheffield’s voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears.

Two successive strategic mistakes led to serious consequences, and the old dog was not demoted, and there seemed to be no punishment.

He is still a four-star general of the magnesium countryman and the commander-in-chief of the task force.

Sheffield coughed and said in a low voice: “I have good news and bad news here. ”

Price frowned and said, “There is a fart to put directly.” ”

“Hmm……… Calm down Price. ”

“The good news is that Zakhaev has just delivered a global televised speech.”

“He affirmed that he had two warheads with long-range strike capabilities.”

“And to hit the warhead to the east coast of the magnesium country itself.”

“He wants to avenge his son, and there are other threatening statements and the like.”

“However, we are sure that we can get the self-destruct command of the warhead, it will just take some time.”

“So you have to break into the launch center as soon as possible, and enter the code to self-destruct.”

“What the is this good news?”

Gates scolded.

Sheffield snorted: “Well, the trouble is relative.” ”

“So the bad news is: the negotiations failed, and Brother Xiong was angry.”

“They just declared war.”

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, but they also sighed expectedly.

After all, more than a thousand civilians were killed for no reason, and it is unacceptable for anyone to put this matter on anyone.

Moreover, although it is not explicitly stated in the plot.

But think with your ass that the arrogant magnesium guy will never say anything soft at the negotiating table.

It is also normal for Brother Xiong to be provoked.

So the question that now falls on the heads of ten people is clear: “Either stop the warhead from falling to the ground, and maybe it will be just a conventional battle between the eagle and the bear.” ”

“Otherwise, neither side will have to send soldiers to the field, and directly wash the ground with nuclear bombs and die together.”

Sheffield said, Price’s brows were knotted, and he asked: “Didn’t Zakhaev ask for any cessation?” And Makarov? ”

“Well, he asked me to hand over your head, Price you are first.”

Presha snorted: “So you didn’t betray us?” ”

Sheffield: “Don’t mess with Price, I won’t betray anyone.” ”

Hearing this, there was no expression on the faces of the others.

Price narrowed his eyes slightly and interrupted the call….

Later, everyone’s eyes blurred for a while.

By the time it became clearer, dusk had already been seen setting outside the cabin.

Immediately, a red light lit up in the cabin and the hatch slowly opened.

In the cockpit, Nicolai said: “30 seconds! ”

“The wind speed is five to seven knots, you can jump high and low, but be aware of the turbulence between the mountains.”

“The B1B2 squad can get out of the cabin.”

“Team B3 has to wait for me to fly a little lower in another circle.”

Hearing this, Ye Yu walked to the hatch and raised his hand and clenched his fist: “B1B2 squad ready!” ”

“Check your attire!”

After 25 seconds, the red light above his head turned green, and Ye Yu nodded to the eggplant lined up in his head, and waved his hand: “Next!” ”

Eggplant then took the lead and jumped out of the cabin, and Mozi and Mogan looked at each other: “We are waiting for you below.” ”

“See you later.”

Then the six people jumped out in turn, Ye Yu walked at the end and waved at the other four, and then a fierce man jumped out of the cabin.

Seeing the people leaving, Tenghua, who played Frost, looked at the other three: “May I ask you a question?” ”

“What do you think is the best thing about this game?”

“If CrossFire wants to get closer to parody or even compete with it, what kind of plot do you hope to play?”

Hearing this, the PDD Demon King and the Great Sima looked at each other.

PDD: “Brother, who are you?” ”

“Ye Yu has always taken you, and you were also there during the nuclear explosion, but you didn’t reveal your identity or anything, shouldn’t it be the anchor?”

Teng Hua shook his head: “I’m just Ye Yu’s friend. ”

PDD glanced at him: “Okay. ”

“Speaking of which, I think this game has gone beyond the limits of the game so far.”

“A few of us who haven’t even touched a gun, and now we sleep at night and have nightmares, dare you believe it?”

“How do you say that professional term…”

“Post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The Demon King reminded.

“Yes! Stress or something, this kind of disease that can only be obtained when you have really been a soldier and go to the battlefield, a few of us actually suffered from it. ”

“I’m not afraid of your jokes, brother, I went to the hospital a few days ago and hung up a psychiatric department.”

“The doctor said that he suggested that I play less or stop playing this game.”

“Sometimes I close my eyes at night and my head is full of battlefields, and when I wake up, I have a sweat on my back.”


PDD looked at the other two and said with a straight face: “I can’t retreat now, I can’t give up.” ”

“At least I won’t give up until this war really ends.”

“Even to say that I have the courage to sacrifice myself for others.”

“Hey, it’s just a game, even if you die, just restart the game.”

“But this thought that first came up from the bottom of my heart is very real.”

“It’s a simple and beautiful idea, you know.”

“So, I think that’s the key thing I like about this game.”

“As for what you said about crossing the line of fire…”

PDD slapped his legs.

“CF is really good, and I have feelings after playing for so long.”

“But you’re going to say that the parody is comparable to Call of Duty… I hope that the goose factory is still good not to humiliate itself. ”

Saying that, PDD and the other two laughed at the same time, which also caused other viewers to brush up a laughing barrage.

It feels like Guo Jinming holding a toy gun and saying that he wants to kill Stallone.


When other people cheerfully tease how mentally retarded the goose factory is.

Ye Yu and the six of them had landed smoothly.

It was half dark at sunset, and the landing of six men did not attract the attention of any enemy.

Divided into two teams, Ye Yu and Eggplant each took two people and climbed the hillside along the winding path.

In front of him was a tower of high-voltage power lines tens of meters high, and three enemies sat near the pedestal, setting up a small table to eat snacks and smoke.

Ye Yu squinted his eyes for a while, then made a gesture and whispered: “There are three people under the tower, two on the left and one on the right, and the old rule divides people’s heads.” ”

“I’ll count to one, wait for my password…”

Shrinking the scope on the enemy’s head and watching him just take a puff of smoke, Ye Yu said: “Smoking is harmful to health, shoot!” ”

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