Chapter 92 is indeed very handsome, but there is no need, don’t play next time!!

Black alerts are the highest level of all types of alarms and the scariest.

In a weather warning, a black alert means that an emergency evacuation must be carried out immediately.

And in wartime, black means first-level combat readiness, or even nuclear war.

Can make special forces like 141 shout black alerts.

Think about it and know how dangerous the situation is.

Moreover, Zakhaev, the madman, threw out two in one go.

Everyone was shocked, not to mention the last Judgment Day they personally experienced, and they subconsciously feared this thing.

At this time, the perspective of the ten people changed at the same time.

The cutscene of this mission only starts playing at this point.

Satellite maps appeared, and two ICBMs of the Topol model have flown into the atmosphere.

The model diagram shows the data of the warhead:

Each warhead contains six missile warheads with a total yield of 5.5 million tons.

A total of 12 warheads with a total yield of 11 million tons.

The two missiles will cross the Atlantic Ocean to the mainland of the magnesium country, and eight major cities on the east coast will be the first to hit.

Expect the number of deaths within 24 hours……… Forty-one million.

Price: “The situation is clear, either now enter the central control room and enter the command to let the warhead self-destruct and fall into the sea.” ”

“Or tomorrow a global nuclear war.”

“The magnesium guys are a local trick, and they will not endure not activating the Dead Hand System because of this.”

Gates: “It’s great to solve the problem now, or die together tomorrow.” ”

Headquarters: “You need to break into the central control room as soon as possible, we are still trying to get self-destruct instructions.” ”

“In 20 minutes, the first missile will release sub-warheads above the Atlantic.”

“We will try to intercept, but there is no guarantee that we will stop them all.”

“It was a catastrophe, and Zakhaev broke the rules of the game.”

With that, the satellite map teleported to the Altai Mountains and landed.

The perspective returned, the eyes of the ten people were blurred for a while, and the control of the character returned to their hands again.

Nikolai is still in the sky, Zakhaev fires missiles, and the plane on his side shows that the anti-aircraft radar of the entire area has been turned on.

The active defensive air defense position also unlocked the rocket launch bay, and unless Ye Yu turned them off, he was even less likely to land.

And the four members of the B3 squad really didn’t want to wait any longer.

PDD yelled for Nicolai to open the hatch, and seeing that he was unresponsive, he jumped out of the car and manually pressed the emergency button.

The hatch gradually opened, and Nicolai cursed Sukar in the cockpit.

“…… Don’t rush to jump, I try to watch fly ten points low. ”

“Maybe I can let you go down between the mountains and fasten your car seat belts!”

PDD scolded: “Damn, fly fast!” ”

On the ground, Yin Zi Mozi and the two deployed sniper points again, and the sniper point was already in place, waiting for Ye Yu’s order.

A countdown appeared in front of all ten people, 20 minutes.

The countdown time passed like a rush, and the audience was nervous.

“Damn, in position, ready to attack!”

The four of them couldn’t care so much, and they ran wildly for a while.

When he was about to rush to the gate, Ye Yu raised his muzzle and fired a grenade out of the middle gate.

With a bang, the gate broke through the liver.

Immediately afterwards, Eggplant and Sister Zhou threw two smoke bombs into the gate at the same time.

Smoke bombs hissed white smoke, covering the gate in an instant.

“Enter, enter!”

Ye Yu waved his hand, and the little girl was the first to rush into the gate.

“Run to the right! Two floors on the right! ”

In the rear, Yin Zi and Mozi listened nervously to the noise in the earphones, making each lie on the side, and Yinzi couldn’t wait for Ye Yu’s command to shoot himself.

An armor-piercing bullet went out, and despite the silencer, the sound of the full-power bullet was loud and frightening.

On the second floor of the interior, several enemies were shooting blindly at the gate, and the enemy standing in the front was instantly hit by armor-piercing bullets, and the entire upper body was torn open with a huge opening

The death was so brutal that the other enemies immediately lay down on the spot and avoided.

At this time, downstairs, four people ran through the smoke from one side into the back of the small building.

“Spread out, I’ll go to the second floor and take a look.”

Letting the three wait in place, Ye Yu put the rifle back in his waist, pulled out the pistol from his leg and stepped up to the second floor in three or two steps.

Around the corner, one person on the ground was dead, and the other two climbed to the edge of the guardrail to hide

Ye Yu ran up without hesitation, immediately killed the enemy with two shots, and then lay on the edge of the guardrail and looked into the base.

At this time, the base was in chaos, tanks and armored vehicles rumbled and changed formations from time to time.

Several pilots tried to run to the tarmac to fly the helicopter.

“Uh, Yinzi, you were on the ground at 11 o’clock in front of you, and four pilots ran over.”

“Collapse him! Helicopters must not be allowed to take off, otherwise it will be a big trouble. ”

As soon as the words fell, Yin Zimozi and the two of them shot each other.

The pilot, who had just climbed into the helicopter cabin, was knocked out of the ladder by a huge impact.

But then, a tank seemed to spot snipers around, stopped in place and turned the gun mount, and the muzzle slowly aimed towards the mountainside.

“Damn, run, run! The tank is aiming at you! ”

Seeing this, Ye Yu roared, and the two who got the news immediately picked up their guns and ran to the foot of the mountain.

Two seconds later, a shell from the tank fired, and the stones on the mountainside for the two to dodge were instantly turned into a powder bed.

“Damn, we’re okay! Wait until I find another sniper position. ”

Yinko coughed in reply.

This thing is a problem, and the sniper team will not be stable without solving it.

Watching the tank spin in circles, Ye Yu suddenly became vicious, and was about to stick it to pry the can.

But when he turned his head, he found that the second floor seemed to be a small ammunition depot.

Inside, four RPG warheads were erected in the corners of the room, one of which had launchers on his back.

“Damn, there’s a show!”

Overjoyed, Ye Yu sneaked into the house and held the warhead in his arms, then went out to take the launcher from the corpse and hurried downstairs.

“I’ll pick up a big treasure for you and keep it for armored vehicles.”

Ye Yu stuffed three warheads and launchers into the stupid little girl.

He himself held one in his hand and said to the headphones: “Yinzi! Are you sure you can hit a moving target? ”

As soon as the two of them climbed back to the mountainside, they replied, “What is the goal?” ”

Ye Yu looked at the rocket in his hand: “Probably… Coke bottle this big? ”

“It’s hard to say, but maybe you can try, who do you want to hit?”

Hearing this, Ye Yu snorted: “You’ll know when you wait for you.” ”

After speaking, Ye Yu simply took off the rifle on his body and stuffed it to Sister Zhou, holding the warhead in one hand and the smoke grenade in the other.

“Don’t move, I’m going to die.”

After that, without waiting for the three to react, Ye Yu trotted out.

He ran to another small building, crouched in the corner and looked at it.

The muzzle of the tank will be on the other side, as if it were looking for a target on the mountainside.

Seeing this, Ye Yu trotted two steps to charge and threw the smoke grenade out hard, and the end fell on the edge of the tank track.

A few seconds later, the dense smoke quickly wrapped the tank, and at the same time, Ye Yu lowered his head and rushed all the way into the smoke.

The surrounding enemies did not notice, and they did not seem to believe that someone would stick to their faces alone.

In short, Ye Yu took advantage of the fact that the smoke had not yet cleared, and when the tank turned its tracks and did not come out of the smoke layer, he flicked the rocket in his hand into the tank gun and then slipped away.

After Ye Yu ran back to the small building bunker, the tank also drove out of the smoke.

Yinzi, who had been looking at the tank with a sniper scope, instantly discovered the rocket in the muzzle.

“Yinko, see that…”


Before Ye Yu finished speaking, Yin Zi shot out with the trigger.

To say that the barrel of the tank is really a stable batch, the body is moving, but the barrel is stable enough to put a glass of water to ensure that it is not scattered.

So, Yinzi hit the warhead with one shot.

Coincidentally, at this time, the enemy also found someone on the mountainside, and they also chose to fire at this moment.

Within a second, the armor-piercing shell hit the rocket that was strangled on the muzzle.

With a violent explosion, the bursting warhead instantly gave the barrel a gap.

The opening was only the size of a fist, and a large amount of debris iron was piled up in the barrel.

In an instant, the shell fired from the tank was blocked by the shock wave and fragments in the barrel, and then it was directly detonated.


With a bang, the shell exploded directly in the barrel, and the entire gun mount was blown into a tin flower.


Ye Yu poked his head out to feel the wave of hot qi that hit his face, and looked back at the other three.

0 “Handsome or not? ”

“Handsome hammer! You’re crazy! ”

“Can’t you just hit the cannon barrel with a rocket, and run over to pretend?!”

Du Xiaomei and Sister Zhou each glared at Ye Yu, ran to the next building with a gun, walked behind the eggplant, and patted Ye Yu: “It’s really handsome, but it’s not necessary, don’t play next time.” ”

Hearing this, Ye Yu, who was deeply shocked, sighed.

This group of people has not seen it for a few days, and indeed grown a lot!

To put it in the past, Sister A Zhou is definitely going to shout handsome! Now you want to curse?

In the rear, Mozi watched Ye Yu being hit from the scope, and comforted: “Ye Yu, if nothing else, your behavior of stuffing a warhead into the barrel is still commendable.” ”

“Yes, thanks to Lao Tie for the rocket, boss atmosphere!”

Yinko echoed…….

Meanwhile, in the air.

Nicolai drove the plane around at a large elevation angle.

The warning sirens in his cockpit sounded endlessly, and the warning red lights that could be lit were all flashing.

The base below identified the model of the aircraft, gave two warnings, and then did not fly away with real anti-aircraft missiles.

In a hurry, Nicolai grabbed the joystick and pulled the nose as low as possible, shouting into the headset after flying over a mountain: “Ready to land!!” ”

Hearing the sound, the four B3 people in the jeep tightened their seat belts and waited

Two seconds later, Nicolai slammed the button, and a huge black parachute immediately popped out of the rear of the jeep.

Air flow into the umbrella bag and instantly pull the jeep out of the cabin.

Flying out of the cabin, only more than 400 meters above the ground, the rope tied around the roof of the car immediately tightened and released the second parachute.

The jeep fell leisurely towards the hill, PDD gripped the steering wheel with both hands, put one foot on the accelerator, and waited for the broken car to land.

The Demon King and Tenghua each hold the quick release clasp of the umbrella bag, and once they land, they press the umbrella bag and it will pop off by themselves.

And in the air.

The air defense position of the base fired a fire-guided missile directly and flew straight towards the jeep after a bend in the air.

It seems that Zakhaev is indeed a donkey frightened, and a fart car is also worth dealing with with missiles!

The four people saw the missiles flying towards here in the distance, and instantly felt their hearts cold, and at this time, the sound of aircraft engines rumbled overhead in the air.

Nicolai drove the transport plane around the corner and flew back.

He wanted to try to use his own plane to block a missile knife for the jeep!

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