Chapter 99 Self-learning AI simulation algorithms, do big things and do big things!!

Broiler is a technical term for the web.

Some hackers put dangerous links on free websites or in bulk mailboxes.

People who don’t know how to do it sometimes click in, and on the surface there is nothing. But behind the scenes, hackers have planted some kind of virus program in the computer.

At this point, other people’s computers become the broiler of hackers.

As long as the computer is turned on and networked, hackers can remotely control the computer and do things that the computer owner does not know.

Some people even use this method specifically to mine virtual coins for a period of time.

To give an example of explanation, for example, the teacher assigns homework and asks students to copy Yueyang Louji fifty times.

But Tenghua didn’t want to write it himself, so he stuffed a piece of ink paper into someone else’s book.

In this way, when others write their own homework, they help Tenghua write a page without knowing it.

After that, Tenghua only needed to take out the paper, and he lay down and completed the task.

Ye Yu wanted to do the same thing.

AI, artificial intelligence is an area that the whole world is working on.

The value of this stuff in terms of military, medical, and labor cannot be calculated in terms of money.

It’s the same as controlled nuclear fusion in physics.

Once it can be developed, the whole world will change as a result.

Ye Yu didn’t have that much ambition, at least not now.

But he can at least make the NPC passerby characters in the GTA game world give feedback perfectly like humans.

Their behavior, movements, and reactions after encountering players are the same as real humans.

This is still a springboard, if 04 can first let the game’s AI evolve into perfect feedback.

Then it will be much easier to apply it in reality.

However, this means a very troublesome problem.

The amount of computation is too large, and Ye Yu’s database supports data traffic of this scale, and the reason why Alpha Dog can play Go and win the world championship.

It’s not because of how smart the computer is, it doesn’t have the ability to think for itself.

Just because the back-end staff gave it enough checkerboard drill process to give it a so-called deep learning.

Thousands of simulations and a lot of labor time costs piled up to allow this computer to store enough data.

In this way, when it encounters a real human move, it will quickly calculate the best plan in the background and then make a move.

This is already almost similar to human learning behavior.

A baby is born with nothing and no ability.

But he will learn to imitate, what his mother Laozi does and say, and the child will subconsciously follow the imitation.

This way, over time, learn enough times.

When the father pulls out the belt, the child’s mind will quickly simulate the picture of his father trying to pump him.

So that the response is to either run away or cry and prepare to be beaten.

And what Ye Yu has to do.

It is to let at least a million NPC characters go through all-round learning trial and error.

The more choices, the more feedback the same NPC will give after encountering different events, and the more realistic it is.

But this is too much computation.

Goose Factory has its own server fleet all over the country, covering thousands of acres, which is simply a small city.

But even the goose factory is not capable of such a huge amount of calculation.

At least ten times larger, so many machines add up not to mention how expensive it is.

Just the daily electricity bill, the salary of the maintenance staff is a very amount.

Of course, the value is too great.

If Ye Yu shakes this matter out, tell the world’s top ten super local tycoons, and even countries.

There would definitely be a group of people begging to send money to Ye Yu to help him build a server hangar.

However, Ye Yu has his own way to quietly complete this matter.

Call of Duty, by far the most popular game in the country, has exploded in popularity.

The trend abroad is also rising wildly.

It won’t be long before the popularity can even surpass CS.

And most importantly, Call of Duty’s volume selection is much larger than CS’s.

So Ye Yu has the perfect space to stuff a little ‘small data’ into the game’s files.

As long as the player is playing, how many people are currently in the network state, whether their devices are configured well, and so on.

Ye Yu can see it in real time in the background.

In this way, Ye Yu can let millions or even tens of millions of players around the world use their own computers to help Ye Yu process computing data.

Ten tons of gold is not something that one person can handle.

But if you break this lump of gold into a million copies and let a million people carry it for themselves, things will be much easier.

Of course, there are a bit of minor legal issues here.

It’s certainly a shameful thing.

Ye Yu couldn’t be stupid enough to post a statement to the player that ‘would you like to help me pay a little electricity bill’.

So all this can only be done quietly behind the scenes.

One million, Ye Yu only needs one million base NPCs.

As long as there is this million base, then it can be put into the GTA world.

Let them cross and learn from each other again to breed more intelligent NPCs

It’s a hell of a mess.

Ye Yu was not afraid of being known by Tenghua.

The small actions that were being carried out behind this cargo were more than ten times more exaggerated than Ye Yu.

Neither of them is a good thing, and a good thing cannot make money.

What’s more………

The work area was quiet, both with cigarettes in their hands, both squinting at each other.

“No, you this.”

Teng Hua hissed, saw that the door behind him was closed, and lowered his voice: “First of all, this is indeed very awesome, I am convinced.” ”

“But are you really only going to use this as a game??”

“This is far beyond the limits of the game, and you can make a statement now that you have the technology.”

“Not to mention our goose factory, foreign Internet giants IBM and Microsoft will kill and rob you.”

“You don’t have enough patterns! If you are in a hurry, they would rather kidnap you than snatch you over. ”

“I want to stun you with a big stick right now and tie you up.”

Hearing this, Ye Yu sighed: “So I am still very low-key, spend a little to buy a building to set up a small company, and engage in a few small games.” ”

“Call of Duty is too hot to say, but few people still know my identity.”

“Besides, when the technology is mature, I will naturally take it out and hand it over to the state.”

“In the game, all day long, Ulla inherits the faith, you think I am talking about playing.”

“Money has nothing to do, technology has nothing to do, it’s just faith.”

“Lao Tzu Ju is noble, don’t insult me with money.”

Disdainful, Ye Yu glanced at him with a palm from Tenghua’s hand: “I can’t look at you businessmen who only care about making money.” ”

“You have so much money now that you can’t burn it even if you splash gasoline on it, what do you want so much money for?” Is careerism so heavy? ”

“And you say I don’t have a pattern?”

“If this technology is mature, plus the last era VR brain computer, or even three generations of time difference brain computer will come out.”

“My GTA will be another real world by then, and it is not a dream for humans to live in it.”

“You know a hammer game, look at you.”

Saying that, Ye Yu took Tenghua’s lighter again: “In short, you have already discovered what I want to do.” ”

“I don’t need to say it, you know that this matter must be kept secret.”

“But I can’t trust you, I did something that offended the country before, and you did it behind your back, right?”

“I pried away a billion from the stick, and the stick is now scolding me into something, I still have nothing.”

“Because I have a friend, his name is Cang Lingyun.”

“I told Cang Lingyun what I had done, and then expressed concern, but he reassured me, he said, how many divisions does the Stick Country have?”

“So, got it?”

“The road must be taken step by step, otherwise it will be easy to go too fast! Rip the egg! ”

After speaking, Ye Yu got up and waved his hand: “Leave, go home and sleep.” ”

“Update the game files tonight, and then go on a publicity offensive or something.”

“Let your work overtime tonight and come up with at least ten promotional videos in different styles.”

Hearing this, Tenghua, who was originally thinking in a daze, suddenly lit up his eyes and said in surprise: “You mean!?” ”

“To give you a chance, I don’t have enough people, and a group of graduates in my hands will not do anything.”

“I need your operations and advertising to help me create momentum, pop-ups, publicity, viral marketing.”

“Punch out the name of Call of Duty and make it lively abroad.”

“In a week, I’m going to have a real match against 913 million players.”

“The plot of the game has been pushed to the present, the world war, and it is not interesting to simply fight.”

“Anyway, the final outcome remains the same, and the mission of 141 does not change.”

“But the process of the Eagle and Bear vs. the two sides can be played differently, a little more lively, and the stronghold competition or something.”

“Build up the hype and let players form their own team alliances.”

“Set up another champion prize pool, and the team of players who have won the most points will take the money.”

“One hundred million, an unprecedented high bonus, is an individual will be excited.”

“You give this money, do you have an opinion?”

Listening to Ye Yu say that the money was only one hundred million, Tenghua immediately shook his head: “Of course, it’s okay.” ”

“I’ll deal with it now!”

“Race, race!!”

In an instant, the blood that had never been felt before rushed into Tenghua’s mind, making him instantly energetic.

If nothing else, at least the goose factory can CBKEK+ product E in terms of advertising operation and publicity

Their ability is indeed very powerful, how to say that they are also domestic entertainment giants.

Moreover, their own competition platforms are ready-made, and they can be used when they are taken.

Other venues for the final showdown, preparations by thousands of staff, televised live on the web.

And so on all these procedures, they can save one in minutes.

Not to mention renting a venue, specifically spending money to buy land to build a theme park is not a problem.

The most important thing is that this is the first time that Ye Yu has let go of his mouth and appreciated the goose factory a little benefit.

And in the foreseeable future, Ye Yu’s business territory will expand to a frightening point.

This little profit is only a drop in the bucket.

But this is the olive branch he threw over on his own initiative, and this thigh must be held deadly

After licking for so long, no matter how hard a bone is, you can lick down a little minced meat, right?!

Extremely excited, Tenghua once again waved the whip at three o’clock in the morning tonight to beckon the employees to work.

“Attention all!!”

“We’re running an international tournament for Call of Duty players around the world!”

“Get me moving!! Move it! ”


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