“My two martial arts are to strengthen the body?”

Teacher Ma just felt as if something was not quite right, and when he saw the barrage, he immediately understood.

These two martial arts are quite comfortable to practice, and the spirit is high, I don’t know if it is an illusion, and the strength seems to have become a little bigger.

But let’s do it… This is completely unrelated to the magical and cool martial arts that Teacher Ma imagined.

If it is this kind of martial art, it seems that he can completely learn it in reality!

This is not similar to the kind of kung fu practiced in the martial arts hall and the grandparents in the park!

“Hahahahaha, Teacher Ma is numb!”

“I finally entered Wudang, and I thought that I could finally run in time, but this is it?”

“Teacher Ma’s luck is really outrageous as ever!”

“Teacher Ma: It’s good to easily hang and beat the teacher of prostitution!”

“Teacher Ma: I’ll go in and out of the scripture pavilion, alas, just play!”

“What now, Teacher Ma?”

“XSWL, the gossip sword is not expected, Teacher Ma should honestly learn to learn the small group to endorse it first!”

“That’s it, I can see that most of the martial arts are to be memorized, and they will end early!”

Teacher Ma did not take the audience’s advice.

Endorsement is going to lose popularity!

Just look at the small group, as the first anchor to start live broadcasting, it should be the most popular.

But when she endorsed it yesterday, her popularity plummeted.

“Little brothers, don’t worry, just go back and memorize this endorsement, I’ll take you to see this Wudang first.”

“I’ve seen it before, this is also on a mountain, it seems to be called Wudang Mountain, you guys say that these sects like to stay on the mountain…”

Teacher Ma complained and had already walked out of the room.

Similar to the situation of the prostitute teacher, out of the house, there is a small courtyard, and there are Wudang disciples practicing martial arts in the courtyard.

The difference is that on the edge of this small courtyard, there is a cliff.

As soon as he went out, the sea of clouds was churning, and he was in front of him.

It can be vaguely seen that the Han River below is like a dragon swimming north, and the surrounding peaks are like Cuiping to the south.

Looking into the distance, I see lush greens, dense forests, and majestic mountains.

“Me, the scenery of this Wudang Mountain is no worse than that from Emei!”

“The plan is careful! This won’t be so beautiful for every sect’s mountain gate! ”

“I really paid attention, and I look forward to seeing more views of other sects!”

“That’s really the gospel of the tourism party!”

“If nothing else, these wonders of beauty must be praised!”

Different from Emei’s showiness, Wudang Mountain is more majestic and tall.

This unique and beautiful scenery also excited countless audiences.

Especially some leisure parties.

This game is a beautiful thing even if you don’t practice martial arts, taste some delicacies, and go to famous mountains and rivers.

Wudang Mountain can not be completed in a while, Teacher Ma changed into Wudang disciple clothes and slowly wandered on Wudang Mountain.

Nine palaces and eight views, thirty-nine bridges, twelve pavilions… The various buildings are very characteristic and can be said to be pleasing to the eye.

“Wudang, this is also too big!”

“Nonsense, this is directly occupying a mountain!”

“Actually, Emei is also very big, but the building is not as much as Wudang!”

“It is worthy of being a first-class gate faction, this card is full of faces!”

“This posture, Shaolin can’t compare at all!”

“It’s still Wudang, just rush this environment, we also have to choose Wudang!”

“The key is not to be afraid of marriage and meat, Shaolin is a monk temple at a glance, there must be restrictions!”

“But Wudang’s initial martial arts are not very good!”

“No, it’s still good for Emei, the disciples that Teacher Ma met along the way are all men, and this sect should not accept female disciples!”

“I’m still sober upstairs, this sect has no beautiful women and no future!”

The water friends discussed which sect was better to worship.

At this time, Teacher Ma began to live again.


A finger was put up and gently placed to his mouth, and Teacher Ma’s voice was lowered a lot, and his body was also lowered, as if he was a thief.

“Little brothers, there’s a pigeon here!”

“The small group eats fragrant and spicy in the inn every day, we haven’t tasted anything good when we enter the game, so let’s open the meat today.”

The pigeon seemed to be tired of flying, and was squatting on the ground to rest, completely unsuspecting.

The martial arts guidance mode is on.

Teacher Ma’s movements are also much more sensitive and correct.


Like the Tiger Mountain, Teacher Ma jumped forward sharply, and actually framed this pigeon in his arms.


“Teacher Ma is strong, can’t you quickly rectify the roasted suckling pigeon?”

“Why is this pigeon so stupid? It was so easy to be caught by Teacher Ma! ”

Seeing that Teacher Ma caught the pigeon so easily, the water friends were also a little puzzled.

Although there are martial arts, but Teacher Ma’s level, shouldn’t it?

“Hehe, little brothers, see no, this catching pigeons is no different from catching sparrows, it’s simple!”

“When I was a child, I caught sparrows every day, and the sword was not old!”

Teacher Ma proudly boasted about his skills, and also raised the pigeon he had just caught with both hands.

But strangely, this pigeon was grabbed by Teacher Ma, and there was no resistance.

“There’s nothing wrong with this pigeon, right?”

Teacher Ma muttered to himself.

“Teacher Ma, look quickly, this pigeon has something tied to its feet!”

“It’s really alas, Teacher Ma, let’s see what it is!”

Sharp-eyed water friends noticed something strange.

“Tied to something?”

Teacher Ma looked down and immediately found a small note tied to one of the pigeon’s feet.

“Yo, is this the legendary flying pigeon book?”

“It’s kind of interesting!”

“Little brothers, let’s take a look at what is written here.”

Teacher Ma removed the note that the pigeon was tied to the pigeon.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and patted his head again.

“Hey, if this pigeon is a messenger, then can’t it be eaten!”

“But it’s not bad to see a big secret.”

Saying that, Teacher Ma looked at the note in his hand, but saw that there were only a few large traditional characters on it.

Wudang Zhang Zhenren personally enlightened.

– Emei, extinct.

“It’s still a letter from the piggy’s house… No, what is written here, why is there no content? ”

Teacher Ma was suddenly a little dumbfounded.

I thought I could see some big secrets!

How is this nothing!

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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