006 Violent Beautiful Girl, First Kill of Wolf Demon (Please give me flowers)

“Oh my god, the peach bit the monster”

“It’s simply the opposite of Tiangang!”

“The first time I heard Peach call”

“It’s started. It feels like it’s really different from the games I’ve played before.”

“Of course it’s different. Look at this picture. Even blockbuster movies don’t have this texture.”

“Is this really a game? It’s not a movie clip that the streamer got from somewhere.”

“It really does feel like a movie. How could a small monster in a normal game have lines?”


Xu Tiantian naturally saw the barrage in the live broadcast room.

These barrages can be directly displayed in the VR glasses.

Afterwards, I was somewhat amused.

But it’s no wonder that the audience in the live broadcast room had doubts.

Even Xu Tiantian herself, if this game was not made by Xu Chen, would not dare to believe it was true.

Others are just watching Xu Tiantian’s live broadcast, and can only have visual and auditory feelings. Xu Tiantian is in the holographic game at this time, not just visually.

You can also smell the breath of the surrounding grass and trees.

Feel the temperature and moisture of the mountains and fields.

Even touching the grass, trees, and rocks next to it, all convey a very real texture.

The stone is hard and rough, the moss is slippery, the flowers are soft, and the water droplets are cool.

This feeling is really amazing.

Xu Tiantian immediately realized a problem.

His face was stern.

If the feeling here is so real, wouldn’t it be painful if you were chopped by a monster?

Thinking of this, Xu Tiantian’s face changed.

Because the two wolf monsters in front of him have already killed him.

Xu Tiantian shouted in the live broadcast room

“Oh my god, this game feels so real”

“There is also a tactile and olfactory system”

“I’m a little scared”

“These two wolf demons look so fierce, I’m afraid I can’t beat them.”

Xu Tiantian was a little flustered at first, but fortunately she soon found that the monkey she was controlling was very flexible.

The iron rod in her hand was also very powerful.

There were light sticks and heavy sticks.

Xu Tiantian didn’t have any idea for a while, she just swung the iron rod and smashed it hard.

After a while, two screams rang out.

The two wolf demons were actually smashed to death by Xu Tiantian.

A barrage of comments suddenly floated across the live broadcast room.

“Violent pretty girl”

“Tiantian’s true identity is a monkey.”

“Suddenly I was scared. The anchor’s strength is unfathomable.”

“Did you see the impact just now? It was so powerful.”

“The movements are so smooth, it feels like the host has practiced”

“The newcomer in front is a game anchor, not a martial arts anchor.”

“Is that so? Doesn’t that mean that if I play this game, I can also achieve this effect? ​​I can’t wait.”

“There seems to be a sound”


At this time, a sound came from the game screen.

“No matter how many times I come, I can’t change my mischievous temper.……”

The voice sounded a little old, and it seemed to echo in the surrounding woods.

It sounded erratic.

Xu Tiantian immediately held the iron rod in front of her.

She looked nervous.

But nothing happened.

“Strange, who was talking just now?”

Xu Tiantian had just killed two wolf demons, and was still excited and nervous, so she didn’t pay much attention to the content of the previous sentence.

Soon Xu Tiantian continued to move forward.

There was a small path between the mountains and forests.

After walking a few steps, she immediately saw another wolf demon guarding the roadside.

With the experience of killing the wolf demon just now, Xu Tiantian was a little bolder.

She mustered up her courage and rushed forward.

Another round of beatings directly killed the wolf demon.

“Guys, I think I got the hang of it.”

“Killing another one, so satisfying.”

Xu Tiantian killed her way over.

Unconsciously, the forest became more and more dense, and the light became darker and darker.

Soon, a strange thing appeared in front of her.

It was hard for Xu Tiantian not to notice it.

It was something similar to a shrine.

To be precise, it was a small land temple.

It was less than one person tall.

There was a torch in front, with a ball of flame jumping, which was very conspicuous in the dim environment.

A circle of smoke similar to auspicious clouds surrounded the land temple.

There was a hip roof on the top. Although it was not big, it had all the beams, pillars, flying eaves and brackets. It was also surrounded by the roots of some old trees in the mountains.

In front was a small stone platform with an incense burner on it.

It looked very real.

“Is this a land temple?”

“It feels a bit interesting”

“So exquisitely made”

“When I traveled to Shanxi Province before, I seemed to have seen a similar temple, but it was larger.”

“Yes, yes, it’s especially like”

“What is this land temple for? It doesn’t look like a monster could come out of it.”


Xu Tiantian was also a little curious.

Although this small land temple looked a little strange, the warm flame in front of it still made Xu Tiantian feel good.

At this time, the old voice that sounded before came again.

“”Oh my, what are you doing? Hurry up and pluck out a hair and worship.”

Xu Tiantian was also startled when she heard this voice.

She immediately looked around, but nothing appeared.

“Is there a bug in this game?”

“Why can I only hear voices but not see people?”

“The host said it’s a new game, so I guess there are still many areas that are not perfect.”

“It doesn’t seem like it. Didn’t the voice just now make the host pluck out a hair and worship it? Host, listen to me, give it a try.”

“Are you kidding me? How can I try? Could the anchor really pull it out? Oh my god, she really pulled it out.”


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