The more you cheat, the more you will be cheated.

Qin Mo knows how to deal with the elderly.

You have to fool them and cheat them.

You have to tell lies!

Of course, this is based on giving them something.

In fact, no matter whether it is fooling, cheating, or lying.

It is not out of bad intentions.

It is just that you don't do it.

The elderly generally don't accept your kindness easily.

For example, you buy a piece of clothing for an elderly person.

You bought it for 350 yuan at the original price. If you tell them the original price, the elderly will probably not accept it no matter what.

If you tell them 30 or 50 yuan.

These elderly people can still accept it a little better.

Of course, you can fool them or tell lies.

But you can't be too outrageous.

You said that the clothes worth three or five hundred yuan were only three or five yuan, that's nonsense.

Now, with the cooperation of Qin Mo and the well digger.

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village had no choice but to accept the request of digging a well.


These old men and women stopped saying anything.

The work of digging wells was done much faster.

In less than a day, several families had already dug wells.

Seeing the turbulent well water flowing out.

Excluding the feeling of pity for Qin Mo's spending.

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village were still very happy and happy.

Whoever the well was dug, seeing the water coming out, the excitement on their faces could not be covered up.

Especially when thinking about installing a water tower and water pipes later...

"From now on, there will be water as soon as you turn on the faucet."

"This will save you a lot of trouble."

"No need to go to the well to pump water anymore."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that at my age, I can still use tap water!"

This is the well that has been dug.

This is not my turn yet.

I couldn't help asking.

"When will it be my turn?"

"I can't get more than a few wells a day. It will take me two days."

"I'll find a suitable place to dig a well later."

"Fortunately, we have water no matter where we dig! Otherwise, it would be troublesome."

I can't wait any longer.

Some have already figured out where to install the faucet.

Others have already figured out where to put the water tower.

Seeing the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village like this.

Qin Mo was still very happy.

From this point of view, the well was not dug in vain.

This time, it is completely convenient for the people of Qinjia Village.

Of course.

What Qin Mo is looking forward to is that after the water pipes are installed and the water towers are installed in every household.

What kind of system rewards can he get.

But this.

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village can't wait to dig a well, and Qin Mo can't wait either.

However, although he can't wait.

But the well digger still works very quickly.

The next day, while continuing to dig a well.

The water tower in Qin Mo's own home has also been installed.

After the water tower is installed, the motor, water pipes, and water tower!

A series of things are all in place.

After the water tower is filled with water.

Qin Mo turned on the faucet, and there was a sound of rushing.

The water flowed down.

Let's not talk about other things at this point. Anyway, Qin Mo himself has achieved the freedom of tap water.

"It will be much more convenient in the future."

Qin Mo sighed in his heart.

Speaking of which, he has been working outside for the past few years and usually spends very little time in his hometown.

After getting used to life in the city, I always feel that there are many inconveniences in the countryside.

This is the case with tap water alone.

Fortunately, this problem has been solved now.

After Qin Mo finished his work, it was Qin Fuguo's turn.

After the water tower was installed, Qin Fuguo sighed.

"It's too wasteful, too wasteful! In fact, it's enough for several families to use one water tower, which can save a lot of money for digging wells and water towers!"

Qin Fuguo didn't blame Qin Mo.

But he just felt sorry for the money.

Qin Mo smiled and said after hearing this.

"Uncle Fuguo, what are you talking about! If several families use one, the water pipe must be very long. In fact, it's the same! You can't save that much!"

Qin Fuguo sighed again.

"Xiao Mo, you..."

Qin Fuguo's sigh didn't last long.

Soon, when his water tower was installed, the water tower was filled with water, and the tap water came out.

The sigh and distress on Qin Fuguo's face turned into excitement.

"The water is coming out

, water is coming out!"

"Wow, this water flow is really big."

"Good, good, good!"

At the time, Qin Fuguo took his teacup and found the tea leaves.

He boiled a pot of hot tea.

The tea leaves have just been brewed for a short time.

It is probably still hot.

He couldn't help but sip a mouthful.

He sighed while drinking.

"Sweet! This water is very sweet! It is suitable for making tea!"

He also said.

"When I was young, I also worked everywhere and went to the city a lot, but the water there was not as sweet as ours! The tap water tasted like disinfectant, how could it be as delicious as this water! "

It's just ordinary groundwater.

At this moment, Qin Fuguo has already said it out loud.

But seeing Qin Fuguo happy.

Qin Mo smiled and said nothing.

Speaking of which, it was just when Qin Fuguo had just finished drinking the pot of tea.

At this time, a system prompt sound came from Qin Mo's mind.

"Ding, the host gives back to the folks and installs tap water for Qin Fuguo, and gets a system reward of 500,000 yuan in cash! "

The sudden system prompt sound made Qin Mo stunned.

He thought that the system reward would only appear after the whole village was installed.

After all, everyone installed it together.

Unexpectedly, the system prompt sound came just after one was completed.

But this is not important. The system prompt sound made Qin Mo very excited.

A cash reward of 500,000!

Qin Mo's first reaction was that he was really rich.

You know, Qin Fuguo was the first one.

There are more than a dozen families behind.

Of course, Qinjia Village is not just a few families! But there are only a few families to fight.

Some houses are uninhabited, and some are empty.

Let's not talk about these for now.

Just talking about the rewards, I dare not say that every reward is the same.

But after all these, How much reward?

Even if each one is calculated as 500,000 yuan.

It seems that it is tens of millions.

How much did Qin Mo spend to dig a well?

A pump is only 500 yuan.

A water pipe is only a few yuan per meter.

Digging a well, because Qinjia Village has abundant groundwater, it is not deep.

It is only about 2,000 yuan.

And a water tower plus an iron frame is only a few hundred yuan.

It is only more than 3,000 yuan to install tap water for a family.

And Qin Mo got 500,000 yuan!

It is a profit, this is simply a blood profit.

And I don’t know what the rewards will be.

What if it is a little more powerful...

At this moment, Qin Mo’s mouth is a little crooked with a smile.

This is too worth it.

Not only does it make things convenient for the elders and villagers, but he also makes a lot of money!

There is no more cost-effective business in the world than this.

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