The two of them were very close, but they didn't know each other well.

They knew the number of times they had booked rooms, wouldn't they be angry?

If they were brothers, they had to keep it a secret.

Just keep it to yourself.

Let's not talk about this for now.

Because we arrived in Dongyang City in the morning.

After having lunch at the hotel.

In the afternoon, Qin Mo took the old men and women of Qinjia Village to his villa.

After seeing the villa, the old men and women of Qinjia Village really recognized it.

At the same time, there was a burst of praise and sighs.

"This is bigger than the house in Qinjia Village!"

"This decoration! Very good."

"I've only seen such a house on TV!"

"Good, good, Xiaomo has made a difference. We feel more relieved seeing your house."

The house is really good.

The old men and women even thought.

"We shouldn't ask Xiaomo to build a house in the village!"

"We should just live in the villa."

"It's a waste to leave such a big house empty."

"It's okay, it's okay. When Xiaomo gets married and goes to school in the city, he can live here!"

Thinking of this, the old men and women in front of him were much more satisfied.

Seeing them say this, Qin Mo joked.

"The house is big, you can live here for a while! It's just right to add some popularity to this house, otherwise it won't be a waste."

After saying this, the old men and women in Qinjia Village waved their hands one after another.

"No, no!"

"We can just look at this house, we can't live in it."

"At our age, it's too unlucky to live in your villa!"

"That's right, we are so old, what if something happens..."

Qin Mo was a little unhappy when he said this.

"Don't say that!"

Seeing him say that, the old men and women in Qinjia Village laughed immediately.

said hurriedly.

"Okay, okay, don't say that!"

"Oh, it's nothing, everyone will die."

"After all, we are old... we can see it!"

"Don't say it, Xiao Mo is not happy."

The old men and women shut up immediately.

They didn't stay in the villa for long.

They went back to the hotel in a short while.

They really came to get acquainted.

They left after getting acquainted.

Back to the hotel, it was not evening yet, and these old men and women were a little impatient.

"When are you going home?"

"Let's go home while it's still early?"

"We've seen this door, isn't it time to go back?"

"Xiao Mo, when are we leaving?"

We're going back right after we got here?

How can that be possible?

Qin Mo said hurriedly.

"I've finally come here once, how can I go back! No matter what, I have to look around Dongyang City!"

Qin Tianrui and the others also echoed.

"That's right, I haven't taken you to see Xiao Mo's office building yet! You can't leave!"

"You probably won't come out in the future, how can you leave right after you get here?"

"This hotel has reserved rooms for you, and you're leaving without staying? That would be a waste!"

Fortunately, it was the first day after all.

In just a few words, the old men and women were fooled.

Let's not talk about this matter.

"Well, now that we are here, let's take another look!"

"Isn't it? I guess it will be the only time before I die."

"Haha, isn't it? I really haven't seen much of Dongyang City!"

"Then let's go for a walk..."

Seeing that these old men and women have been appeased.

Qin Mo seemed a little anxious.

It's only the first day and they have to be appeased?

It can be seen that these old men and women are not easy to fool.

We have to hurry up.

If we don't hurry up and delay any further, it will be troublesome if we don't have enough time.

Seeing this, Qin Mo signaled to Qin Tianrui.

He hurried to make a phone call.

He first discussed with Mr. Song of the construction company!

Demolish first!

Demolish Qinjia Village first.

It's like a done deal.

Even if it can't be concealed later, it won't be a big problem.

It's just two days in advance, and Mr. Song agreed directly.

He said he would drive the machine over overnight.

He would start unpacking it tomorrow.

Qin Mo was very satisfied with the speed.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Mo quickly found Qin Tianrui and Qin Fengyu.

"I will go back overnight, and everyone will start packing up and unpacking tomorrow morning! Who of you will stay here to watch over the Third Master and the others?


The two looked at each other.

In an instant, one by one said in a hurry.

"I'm going back, I'm going back!"

"I'm going back!"

Qin Tianrui said seriously.

"Fengyu, this is a troublesome thing. Once the house is demolished, there is no place to live! You should stay in Dongyang. Take Sanye and the others to eat and drink well..."

Qin Fengyu said.

"Second brother, it's better for me to go back. I've become accustomed to various environments over the years. It's okay to be a little tough."

Qin Tianrui.

"Hey! Now that I'm home, as a brother, how can I let you suffer like this? In this way, I will leave my car to you!"

Qin Fengyu.

"There's no need for second brother! I came back to my hometown to endure hardships, just to build a good hometown. Now that I have such an opportunity, although I can't contribute money, I must contribute..."

Qin Tianrui...

Qin Mo saw that the two brothers were humble to each other.

I couldn't help laughing immediately.

On the surface, they appear to be giving in to each other.

But actually...

Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Okay, stop pretending. Aren't you just afraid that if you stay here, you won't be able to stop the old men and old ladies, and you're afraid that the incident will be revealed and you'll get beaten?"

This was broken by Qin Mo.

Suddenly the two of them laughed awkwardly.

After all, Qin Fengyu suffered from his young age.

After being suppressed by Qin Tianrui's second brother's momentum, he finally decided to keep Qin Fengyu.

Qin Tianrui did not forget to tell Qin Fengyu.

"Remember, try your best to keep Third Master and the others in Dongyang City! The longer the better, it's best to come back after the house is built!"

Qin Mo handed Qin Fengyu a card.

"There is a lot of money in the card, you can spend it as you like! Kejin's training is over! In addition, Zhou Ying and the office manager Zhao Yulong will help you! Just follow their arrangements!"

Qin Fengyu took the bank card with tears in her eyes.

Qin Mo asked with tears in his eyes.

"Brother Mo, do you own a hospital? Or a clinic. Can you get me a membership card? I think I will be able to use it then..."

Qin Mo patted Qin Fengyu's arm.

"It's a pity for you. This really doesn't happen! In this way, while you still have time, you can practice wearing the Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt in the next two days. I think it's okay..."

Qin Fengyu nodded with tears in his eyes.

Qin Tianrui urged.

"Let's go!"

Qin Mo agreed.

"It's coming!"

The two of them set off now and rushed back to Qinjia Village.

Seeing that the two figures were about to disappear.

Qin Fengyu shouted with sadness.

"Brother Mo, second brother, you two must think of me!"

The two of them waved their hands without looking back.

"Also, if I can't go back, remember to tell Tingting..."

"Don't worry."

"Also, is the money in the card enough for my hospital expenses?"


"That's good, that's good!"

Qin Fengyu wiped the corners of his eyes.

There was an expression of despair on his face.

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