It takes a long time to build a house.

Although the houses in Qinjia Village look shabby, I don’t know how much effort was spent on their construction.

It is very simple to demolish a house.

In just one move, these things that have been there for decades collapsed.

At first, only one house was demolished.

But then.

All the houses in Qinjia Village were razed to the ground.

Don’t say it, although this is a good thing.

But seeing such a scene.

Qin Mo still sighed a lot.

Even a little sad.

After all, it is a familiar scene.

A familiar situation from childhood to adulthood.

Now it's just been demolished!

I can't say I don't have any feelings.

This person.

He is still a little nostalgic.

It's not just Qin Mo, Qin Tianrui is the same.

Fortunately, this kind of sentimentality comes and goes quickly.

Thinking about the new house that is about to come is still very exciting.

Of course.

Although the house has been demolished, it doesn't mean that Qin Mo and Qin Tianrui have no thoughts.

Earlier, the two of them.

They took pictures in front of the old houses in Qinjia Village.

It can even be said that they took pictures of every plant and tree in the previous Qinjia Village.

This is considered a memory.

Even took a drone to fly around.

Qin Mo also said to Qin Tianrui.

"When you have time, find someone who makes figurines! There are people who specialize in making these kind of model figurines! I'll ask you to restore the Qinjia Village before it was demolished in proportion! Then put it in the activity center and cover it with a neck cover! If the old men and women are nostalgic, they can often see what the Qinjia Village looked like in the past!"

Making a figurine is not worth money.

It's not cheap for others, but it's not a big deal for Qin Mo.

Qin Tianrui was happy after hearing what Qin Mo said.

"Oh? It's still possible? That's great! It'd be best if it could be restored further!"

Qin Tianrui's restoration further meant the Qinjia Village in earlier years.

Qin Mo waved his hand after hearing this.

"Okay, but if we ask someone to make it according to what we filmed, it will be basically the same! For those before, you have to describe it orally, and it may not be accurate."

Speaking of which, there are people who make this kind of house figurines now.

That thing is really magical.

Qin Mo had seen it on the Internet a lot.

The things that others have restored.

Not just for show.

Even the texture.

Even the things on the wall can be reproduced for you.

For example, some houses have slogans painted on them.

They can do the same.

You can make every blade of grass and every tree!

Let alone this thing, Qin Mo is a little looking forward to making one.

It's done and placed in front of me.

Isn't it like opening a God's perspective in the old Qinjia Village?

It really feels different.

Speaking of this, Qin Mo couldn't help it.

Simply contacted online.

Not to mention, it's not cheap.

According to the size and details that Qin Mo wanted.

It costs hundreds of thousands to make one!

But Qin Mo didn't hesitate for this amount of money.

He agreed directly.

There is only one requirement, that is, it must be realistic!

It must be realistic in every detail.

Even the wheat fields and canals in front and behind the village.

They have to be restored.

Of course.

Such a request will definitely cost extra money.

Making a model is just an episode.

With the first house being demolished.

The demolition work in Qinjia Village began with a bang.

In the blink of an eye.

Second grandmother's house was demolished.

In another blink of an eye.

Third uncle's house was gone!

In another blink of an eye, Seventh grandmother, Fifth uncle, Qin Wenyi...

All these houses were razed to the ground.

It looked flat.

A day later.

Qin Fuguo's house was also demolished.

Qin Mo's house was not gone either.

It was also demolished on the same day.

This house was demolished.

The two brothers had no place to live.

As a last resort, they could only live in a hotel in the town!

Three consecutive days of demolition work ended.

Qinjia Village has nothing but the activity center under construction.

Everything else is gone.

But at the same time, on this empty land.

The machinery roars.

The workers keep working.

In addition to the rapid demolition, the construction of Qinjia Village is also fast.

There is even

The demolition hasn't started yet.

Construction has already started over there according to the plan.

Because the design drawings of Qijia Village are built one by one.

So the project can be built separately.

When the demolition is finished here.

The foundations of two houses have already been laid over there.

It's hard to imagine building a house in the countryside at this speed.

Qin Mo still remembers that it took a long time to dig the foundation when building a house before.

It's so fast now...

I think so.

In the past, there were few tools used to build houses.

Some foundations were dug by people with shovels.

It's different now.

Now the excavator goes down.

To put it bluntly, it only takes a while.

The foundation is out.

If the machine is used to tamp the soil, it will only take one morning.

It's all mechanized. If it's not fast, it's unreasonable.

The only thing that's a little slow is the ground cage.

It's the steel bar.

But although this one is a bit slow, it can't handle the large number of people.

For a project as big as Qinjia Village, there are hundreds of construction workers working here.

Song Qingfeng even rushes from Dongyang City to Qinjia Village every morning and goes back at night.

Always watching here.

It's outrageous.

Speaking of which, it's no wonder that Song Qingfeng attaches so much importance to it.

Qin Mo is a real big customer.

This project includes not only Qinjia Village, but also streets.

Secondly, Qin Mo has money.

Maybe he will add projects at any time.

In addition to these, there is also a contractual requirement that the faster the better.

More importantly.

Song Qingfeng is also trying to maintain relationships!

He would rather make less money on this project, but he must complete it in the shortest time.

And he must ensure quality and quantity.

What's more, for such a large project, it won't be much less even if you make less money.

In short, Qinjia Village is progressing rapidly.

It's just different every day.

I came today, and maybe they just laid the foundation there.

I came tomorrow, and a few more foundations were laid.

I came the day after tomorrow, and the main structure was already there.

What a speed!

Qin Mo was happy to see such a speed and scene.

Of course, Qin Mo and Qin Tianrui were very happy.

Qin Fengyu had a hard time.

Qin Fengyu started to complain from the second day.

The old men and women started to ask about the whereabouts of Qin Mo and Qin Tianrui the next day.

On the third day, they started to want to go back.

Qin Tianrui tried his best to visit Dongyang City attractions and Qin Mo's office building.

This barely dragged on for another two days.

Now it's been a week.

Qin Fengyu can't hold on any longer.

Not only that, he has already been suspected and scolded!

Qin Fengyu on the phone at this time.

"Brother, I beg you two! I have to go back to carry bricks. Can one of you two switch with me? I really can't bear it anymore!" Qin Fengyu wailed.

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