The construction of the house in Qinjia Village has been completed, and even the decoration has been completed.

This speed can be said to be fast.

Of course.

Although the house is completed, some details are still not handled well.

For example, the greening in Qinjia Village.

The paving of the roads in the village.

Things like that.

But these things are not the point.

The point is that this house can really be lived in.

There is no doubt about this.

After Qin Fengyu called again to learn about this matter, he was extremely happy.

"Great, I can finally go back! Oh my God! I can finally go back to the village! I would rather let them beat me up than try to delay time. You don't know..."

Originally, Qin Fengyu didn't say much.

But at this moment, he was chattering non-stop.

He never stopped talking.

Seeing Qin Fengyu so excited.

Qin Mo actually didn't want to hit him.

But there was no way, what should be said still had to be said.

Qin Mo coughed dryly on the other end of the phone.

Said to Qin Fengyu.

"Well, although the house is done! But it's not done yet! There are still some details that haven't been dealt with. You can delay for another week or so..."

The excitement on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly.

The next moment.


The moment when the sound of the explosion was about to come.

Qin Mo hung up the phone in a hurry.

If it was a little later, his ears would probably be useless.

Seeing Qin Mo hang up the phone.

Qin Tianrui was busy giving him advice.

"Block him, block him!"

"Don't let him call again!"

In a flash, Qin Fengyu, who was in Dongyang City, heard the beeping sound from his mobile phone.

Two lines of tears slid down his eyes.

He had never been cheated like this in all these years.

Otherwise, they were brothers.

In fact, there was a reason why Qin Mo asked Qin Fengyu to delay for another week.

In this week, in addition to finishing the work in Qinjia Village.

The activity center over there can be completely completed.

During this period of time.

The speed of building houses in Qinjia Village has accelerated, and the activity center that has been under construction for a long time has also been completed.

It's the same as Qinjia Village.

It's just a little bit of finishing.

Wait for another week, when the old men and women come back.

This will not only have a new house to live in.

The activity center can also be put into use.

Including Liu Jianming and other security guards.

They can all live directly in the dormitory.

Of course.

This is not the point of delaying for another week.

In addition to these two items.

The point is that the streets outside the village have already started to be built.

After the engineering team finished the work in the village.

They did not leave at all.

They did not even take away the equipment.

They just started to work outside the village.

They had been working on the house before.

The street outside was only started to be excavated today.

Now these old men and women are asked to come back, how can this be?

Qin Mo could foresee it.

The house is already a done deal.

After these old men and women come back, they will either beat them or scold them.

In general, the facts cannot be changed.

But the streets are different.

This is just the beginning.

It seems that there is not even a ground level.

If they are asked to come back at this time, they will definitely be stopped.

In view of this.

Qin Mo then asked Qin Fengyu to delay for another week.

One week later.

The ground level of the street outside will be almost the same.

When they come back, the old men and women will not be able to stop them even if they want to.

This is the result of the discussion between Qin Mo and Qin Tianrui.

Of course, what they discussed is a good thing.

It is just hard for Qin Fengyu.

But they are all brothers.

What's the point of a brother suffering?

Qin Mo and Qin Tianrui both thought.

Qin Fengyu can definitely understand.

Fortunately, a week has passed in a flash.

After this week.

Qinjia Village is really completely perfect.

No matter it is a corner or a corner, there is no flaw left.

All the projects have been completed.

The project alone is not a big deal.

Even the house has been cleaned by a cleaner.

It is spotless


Not only that.

Even when the house was demolished before, the old things in the houses of Qinjia Village.

At this moment, they have all been moved into the house.

Moreover, nothing is missing, and they are all cleaned up neatly.

This saves the old men and women from having to clean up after they come back.

After all, they are so old.

The less trouble they can have, the less trouble they will have.

In addition.

All the facilities in the house.

Even the bed boards, Qin Mo replaced them with new ones.

And they are very suitable for the elderly.

All this, just wait for the old men and women in Qinjia Village to come back, and they can live in peace.

The streets outside are also changing every day.

At this moment, the outline of the street can be seen.

Even if the house has not been built yet!

At this time.

It is completely time to bring the old men and women back.

Before going to pick up the old men and women.

Liu Jianming drove and waited at the entrance of the village, and rushed to Dongyang City with Qin Mo.

He stood at the entrance of the village and watched the changes in Qinjia Village.

He kept sighing.

"It's only been a short time!"

"Oh my God, it's really changed."

"If you don't know, you would think this is the villa area in the city!"

"The boss is amazing. Although I knew that the boss wanted to build a house before the New Year, I still couldn't imagine it being built like this!"

It is worth mentioning.

In addition to the houses in Qinjia Village.

The wall is the same.

At this time, Qinjia Village is directly surrounded by a circle of walls.

Similar to the construction of a real community.

After hearing Liu Jianming's words, the security guard who was chatting with Liu Jianming patted his security uniform and laughed.

"Who said it wasn't? It doesn't look like what it was before the New Year!"

"It's become like this in two months. Who would believe me if I told you that?"

Liu Jianming laughed when he heard this.

"But it's easier for you. There are only two gates! You don't have to patrol. You can see everyone coming in and out just by staying in the guard room!"

The security guard laughed.

"It's not just the gate! We have surveillance cameras in our security booth! We can see every corner of the village clearly! If I don't nod, no one can come in!"

Liu Jianming laughed when he heard this.

Qinjia Village is changing with each passing day.

At this time, Qin Mo and Qin Tianrui also drove out of Qinjia Village.

The license plate was sensed.

The barrier automatically lifted!

This saved the security guard a lot of trouble.

No need to open the door.

Qin Mo saw Liu Jianming waiting there.

He rolled down the window and spoke.

"Let's go! Go pick him up!"


Liu Jianming quickly agreed.

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