How can we not look forward to it?

Even the bathhouse will be there.

The streets will be visible.

What will Qinjia Village look like in the future?

They work here, who doesn't want to see such changes?

Just for this reason, Liu Jianming and others wish time would go faster.

At the same time, Liu Jianming and others are also very curious.

What exactly does Qin Mo want to build Qinjia Village into?

Others spend their money in the city, but Qin Mo spends all his money in the village.

However, what will Qinjia Village look like?

To be honest, Qin Mo himself is also very curious about this.

He himself is not very clear.

At present, all that can be thought of is to rebuild Qinjia Village and add streets to Qinjia Village.

Make Qinjia Village less deserted, at most turn it into a town.

As for the rest, Qin Mo himself has not thought of it yet.

Speaking of which, it is the first day of moving into the new house.

After the fireworks are over, even if it is time to fall asleep.

But at this moment, Qinjia Village is still filled with joy.

Everyone in Qinjia Village is very happy.

This actually includes Qin Mo.

Even Qin Mo is happier than most people.

Just when he just lay down on the bed.

Finally, the harvest after so long has arrived.

In an instant, a series of system prompts sounded in Qin Mo's mind.

Some are brought by the new house in Qinjia Village, and some are brought by the activity center.

There are so many things.

Qin Mo thought that the reconstruction of the entire Qinjia Village should be considered a reward.

What he didn't expect was.

The activity center is indeed one item.

But the house is multiple items.

So much so that.

"Ding, the host gives back to the elders and builds a new house for Qin Huaiyi..."

"Ding, the host gives back to the elders and builds a new house for Zhu Yue'e..."

"Ding, the host gives back to the elders and builds a new house for Song Chunmei..."

Let's not talk about how many prompt sounds there are.

Anyway, it's one house and one reward.

Just talking about this reward, at this moment, listening to the content of the reward, Qin Mo almost jumped out of the bed.

Ten billion in cash.

Physical reward body function lock!

Imperial seal...

Ask, who can not be excited after listening to these rewards.

Let's not talk about the money.

The system even rewarded Qin Mo with the Imperial seal.

What is this concept?

Imperial seal.

If this is taken out, won't it be a big deal?

But maybe the Imperial Seal is just an antique in the system...

Otherwise, it can't be taken out.

Let's not talk about the seal for now.

The body function lock is even more amazing.

According to the system.

Qin Mo's physical condition will be locked to the current state in the future.

It means that it can get better in the future, but the body function will not get worse.

He will still age.

But even before he dies of old age.

His body function will remain at its peak.

As we all know, people's physical fitness will deteriorate as they get older.

But for Qin Mo, it doesn't exist at all...

How can this not be exciting?

Of course, Qin Mo received more rewards than these.

These are just some of the rewards.

Let's put aside some general rewards.

What tens of millions of cash, what all kinds of luxury goods.

What messy antiques!

There is even a gold mine!

That's right, it's a gold mine.

The system actually directly awarded Qin Mo a gold mine.

A gold mine doesn't have a location, only reserves.

According to the system, whenever Qin Mo wants the system to have a gold mine there, there will be a gold mine there.

This means that the system reserves a gold mine for Qin Mo at any time and anywhere.

Good guy.

This reward almost made Qin Mo unable to react.

What does it mean?

Is he considered a person with a mine at home?

It is worth mentioning.

Although private individuals in Dongguo cannot own gold mines.

But this is legal abroad.

This means that if Qin Mo buys a piece of land abroad and then asks the system to put the rewarded gold mine here...

I dare not think about it.

I simply dare not think about it.

And it's a gold mine with a reserve of 50 tons...

For a moment, Qin

Mo even thought about buying land abroad.

Then find the gold mine.

Of course.

This idea was suppressed by Qin Mo in an instant.

Gold mine means money.

He is not short of money now!

Compared with the gold mine.

How can it be more important than the task of giving back to Qinjia Village.

This gold mine was temporarily put aside by Qin Mo.

Anyway, it can be collected at any time in the future.

Is the gold mine good enough?

In fact, this is not enough.

The system also rewarded Qin Mo with a set of cosmetics, plus cosmetic formulas.

It seems that cosmetics are useless for a man like him.

But when Qin Mo learned about the effect of this set of cosmetics, he didn't think so.

First of all, the effect of cosmetics is 100% real.


After using this set of cosmetics, you can eliminate all problems on your face.


It can also maintain your appearance and make you look younger.

According to the system's explanation.

If Qin Mo is now eighty years old.

Then after using up this set of cosmetics, his appearance.

Can reach the level of a 40-year-old.

And in the future, it will show a slow downward trend and continue to maintain this face.

What does it mean?

It means that after using up this set of cosmetics.

Even if Qin Mo is 90 years old.

He can still have a youthful face!

This is coupled with the fixed body functions rewarded by the system...

"Although he will still die of old age! But it is equivalent to staying young before dying!"


This is something that no amount of money can buy.

The system actually gave it directly as a reward.

The reward is fine.

It also comes with the formula of the cosmetics!

Although the cosmetics made by myself on the formula.

It is not as good as the one directly rewarded by the system.

The efficacy is greatly reduced.

But this is not a problem.

The problem is that it still beats all the cosmetics on the market in seconds.

It is still a good thing.

More importantly.

With this formula.

It is equivalent to having a money printing machine!

If I set up a company to produce these cosmetics, and then make adjustments.

Then sell them...

That would be endless money.

Speaking of which, the system gives a relatively powerful reward.

That's about it.

The others are not worth mentioning in comparison.


Even so.

For Qin Mo.

"No, no! I can't stand it..."

There are too many good things.

Qin Mo even doubted whether his little heart could bear it.

However, these rewards also made Qin Mo feel confident.

"Build Qinjia Village first! Then do these things! Qinjia Village will have streets in the future, and I can open a company in Qinjia Village in the future..."

It's nothing to just build Qinjia Village into a town.

If all the rewards from the system are taken out and put into Qinjia Village to take root!

What would that look like?

Who knows, in the future, a great city could rise from Qinjia Village.

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