The old man was so angry that he had to live for a thousand years to repay Qin Mo.

Qin Liangping stopped shouting immediately, fearing that he would tear his wound and not live long enough.

Seeing this, Grandma Qi and others laughed: "I didn't expect that you would be cured by our Xiao Mo one day."

"You guys have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on Xiao Mo. If you don't live a long life for us, you will be sorry for our Xiao Mo."

"You too!" Qin Mo glared at the old men and old ladies. He was really scared by the Fifth Master this time. His system had just been established and the life in the village had just improved. How could he let people die after a few days of good life?

"All of you should go for the physical examination. I have already arranged the program for you. It will be carried out in Dongyang City Hospital."

Qin Mo said, taking out several physical examination forms and asking his second brother Qin Tianrui to send them to the old ladies.

When the old men and women saw the physical examination forms, their smiles fell.

For these old people, if they don't have a physical examination, then nothing will happen. After the physical examination, they will definitely have a lot of problems and their lives will be unhappy. Who can live to be healthy in their seventies and eighties?

"Oh, Xiaomo, why are you wasting this money?"

"That's right, don't we know the condition of our own bodies? There is no need to pay money to the hospital for physical examination."

"Seventh sister is right this time. We have had physical examinations at the clinic and activity center in Qinjia Village."

The old men and women were looking for excuses one by one, but they were not willing to go for the physical examination.

Qin Tianrui seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, and his expression when looking at Qin Mo was very helpless.

Qin Mo was also angry and laughed. When the old man and the old lady were naughty, they were almost as naughty as three-year-old children. They didn't listen to reason at all.

However, Qin Mo was quick-witted and immediately thought of an excuse. He said seriously: "You don't have to have a physical examination, but I'm leaving it to you. The Fifth Master's case this time is not a special case. If any of you get into trouble in the future, I, Qin Mo, will save you even if I spend all my money."

"This time, the Fifth Master's illness cost three or four hundred million. I was injured but I can still hold on. Next time I can't hold on, I will sell my house and building. I will never allow any of you to die of illness and lack of treatment!"

When Qin Mo said this, Qin Huaiyi and others were stunned for a moment, and then they began to attack him in groups.

"Xiao Mo, what are you talking about? We are all in our seventies and eighties. We have one foot in the coffin. How many years we can live is up to fate."

"I don't care about fate. To put it bluntly, if you fall ill, I will have to ask the King of Hell for your life even if my fortune is exhausted."


Qin Huaiyi heard that he was anxious and said to Zhu Yue'e beside him, "Second sister-in-law, please persuade this child."

Qin Mo waved his hand and said coldly, "No one can persuade me. I've put my words here for you."

After that, Qin Mo pretended to be angry and left the ward directly.

Qin Tianrui, Qin Fengyu and other young people were not stupid. They knew what Qin Mo meant at a glance.

When they saw Qin Mo leave, they quickly played their roles.

Qin Tianrui spoke first and added: "Uncle Fuguo, Third Grandpa, Seventh Grandma, don't you understand what Qin Mo means? If you don't go for a physical examination, you don't know what your health is like. If something happens, Qin Mo will have to spend all his money to save you."

Qin Fengyu also said, "Yes, don't disbelieve it. With Brother Mo's attitude today, if the foreign institution offers 1 billion, he will give the money even if he sells his property."

Zhang Tingting also nodded and said, "Grandpas and grandmas, if you really want to save money for Brother Qin Mo, then go for a physical examination. This preventive cost is definitely not as expensive as an acute illness."

Several young people talked to each other and soon explained to the old men and women what Qin Mo wanted to express.

Although the old men and women were a little afraid of seeing doctors, they still understood the reason when they heard it.

If they really fell ill one day, Qin Mo would really spend all his money to save them, which was not a scene they wanted to see.

Even Qin Liangping, who was lying on the hospital bed, helped to persuade: "Brothers and sisters, listen to the advice of the young people this time and go for a physical examination. If I had known that I had this problem, would I have spent hundreds of millions to save Xiaomo's life?"

Qin Liangping's mood was extremely complicated now.

Qin Mo was willing to spend hundreds of millions to save him, and the feeling of being valued naturally comforted him. But as an old man with half a foot in the coffin, he also hated to trouble young people, especially a good kid like Qin Mo.

If he really had a choice, he would rather

I would rather die than spend hundreds of millions of dollars to save Qin Mo's life. Of course, he actually has a better choice, that is, to get a physical examination early to find out the physical condition, and pay more attention to it on weekdays, so that everyone will be happy.

He can't choose this option, but others can.

"Hey, what else can we do? Go for a physical examination."

As the village party secretary, Qin Guofu still has to take the lead.

Outside the door, Zhou Ying, as the person in charge of the clinic in Qinjia Village, watched a group of old men and women come out with physical examination forms, and he also laughed secretly. Only Qin Mo could come up with this method to make these old men and women cooperate obediently.

It takes a day to get the results of the physical examination. During this time, Qin Mo has asked Zhou Ying to recruit a group of medical staff in Dongyang City.

Before, Qin Mo only thought of doctors and nurses. In fact, nutrition and exercise in life need to be supervised by special people. Otherwise, with the laziness of the old men and women, they will soon have some problems with eating, drinking and lying down.

A few days later, when Qin Liangping was discharged from the hospital and returned to the village for recuperation, Qin Mo had completed all these tasks.

A complete team of elderly nutrition and health care followed Qin Mo and his group to Qinjia Village.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo saw the girl in charge of sports and health taking the old men and women to learn square dancing.

The dancing girl danced very beautifully, and the old men and women in the village also took Qin Liangping's example and were very active in exercising.

"Things are finally going in a good direction." Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. This time, the incident of Fifth Master Qin Liangping also sounded a wake-up call for Qin Mo.

"It's a good thing that the old men and women pay attention to their health, but I feel bad when I see the money spent."

Qin Tianrui was next to Qin Mo at this time. He didn't feel anything when he was saving lives before, but he felt a toothache for Qin Mo when he looked back.

The German agency clearly opened its mouth like a lion, biting off nearly 400 million from Qin Mo in one bite. No matter how rich he was, he wouldn't be cheated like this.

Qin Mo smiled but said nothing.

Just when Qin Liangping Wuye was discharged from the hospital today, he had already received the system's reward.

"Ding! The host gave back to the folks and rescued the villager Qin Liangping from the gates of hell, and was rewarded with 30% equity of Alpha Medical Group!"

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