The two of them were very close, but the two of them were very close.

"I went to Dongyang University to find Professor Tan. Has he come to our village?"

Qin Mo was also a little surprised.

When they met just now, Tan Boyuan seemed very steady. Why did he suddenly become so aggressive? He didn't even call him and went straight to Qinjia Village?

Qin Mo hadn't had time to explain the situation in Qinjia Village to Tan Boyuan.

Qin Mo was sweating profusely when he thought of this, and hurriedly asked on the other end of the phone: "The old men and old ladies don't know that I spent money, right?"

"It was almost exposed. Professor Tan wanted to say that he had received a deposit from you. Brother Mo, please come back quickly. We don't know how to get through it."

"Okay, Fengyu, you and Brother Tianrui should cooperate. You have to hold on until I come back."

Qin Mo hung up the phone and hurriedly drove to Qinjia Village.

Qin Fengyu was also laughing and crying. He walked to Qin Tianrui's side and whispered the situation.

Qin Tianrui had some experience these days. After listening to Qin Fengyu's report, he laughed directly.

"Haha, it's a misunderstanding. Qin Mo asked everyone to go to the lobby of the activity center and wait for him to come back to explain the situation."

Qin Tianrui said, asking Qin Fengyu and Zhang Tingting to invite the old men and old ladies over first, and he pulled Professor Tan next to him to the side and explained the most important situation first.

"Professor Tan, right? I roughly understand the situation. It's like this. Our Qinjia Village..."

Qin Tianrui briefly introduced the situation.

Tan Boyuan frowned as he listened, "We can't let the old men and old ladies know that it costs money to build this garden. How is that possible?"

"Just wait for my brother Qin Mo to come and make it happen. The important thing for you now is not to let it slip, otherwise this matter will most likely fail." As soon as Qin Tianrui said this, Tan Boyuan had to listen.

If this matter is ruined, then their landscape design major will have no chance to turn around.

He was counting on winning the prize in this competition, reviving the reputation of the landscape design major, and striving to become an independent college in the school again instead of being dependent on the School of Architecture and being looked down upon.

Soon, Qin Mo came back.

As soon as he arrived at the hall of the activity center, he felt murderous.

"Xiao Mo, you are finally back. What is the story behind building a garden?"

Just now, Tan Boyuan and others did not know anything, which had already caused great doubts in the hearts of the old men and women in Qinjia Village.

Qin Mo had already thought of a countermeasure on the way back, and whispered: "There is nothing complicated about this. Professor Tan is going to come to our Qinjia Village to build a luxurious garden."

"I object!" Second Grandma expressed her opinion immediately.

Other old men and old ladies also agreed. Qin Liangping also said, "Xiao Mo, you kid, I just said that this morning, and you really took it seriously? Qinjia Village is missing some scenery, but that doesn't matter at all. Haven't we lived for decades and are we not used to it?"

"That's right, Lao Wu said that you should build a manor. Next time someone said that Qinjia Village is missing a moon, will you pick it back from the sky?"

"Xiao Mo, we know you are capable, but you can't do it like this even if you have money."

The old men and old ladies talked one after another, and they became more and more excited. The scene was somewhat similar to the ancient civil servants who died to advise the cruel kings, as if Qin Mo had done something treasonous.

Qin Mo smiled and listened to the complaints of the old men and old ladies, and then he said, "Who said that this matter requires us to spend money?"

Qin Mo said this, not only the villagers of Qinjia Village widened their eyes, but also the young people Qin Tianrui, Qin Fengyu and Zhang Tingting widened their eyes.

What was even more surprising was Professor Tan Boyuan's team. They were all dumbfounded.

No, if Qin Mo didn't spend money on this matter, who would?

Qin Mo continued to say, facing the puzzled expressions of the crowd, "This matter was actually led by Professor Tan."

Qin Mo pulled the confused Tan Boyuan and stepped forward and said, "We, Qinjia Village, only provide land for Professor Tan's team. Professor Tan has to pay us one thousand yuan per mu of land per year in rent."

"What, we don't need to spend money, and we can still collect rent?"

"There is such a good thing, oh, Professor Tan, we just misunderstood you."

The broken land of Qinjia Village is thrown here, and it is not worth it. Let alone one thousand yuan per mu, it can't be rented out even for three hundred yuan per week.

The reason is that there are too few laborers in Qinjia Village.

These days, it is easy to make a few hundred yuan per mu of land, but that

We need to invest in labor!

For the old men and women in Qinjia Village, it is exhausting to manage several acres of land to be self-sufficient, so how can they have extra energy to open up wasteland?

Therefore, the land in Qinjia Village has been left there and left to grow wasteland. Now that someone is offering one thousand yuan per acre to rent, the old men and women change their faces 180 degrees.

The people who were just aggressive now look at Tan Boyuan and others with such kindness.

"Good people, they are all good people in the city, and they know how to help our rural areas."

"Oh, it's a misunderstanding. This is Professor Tan, right? How much land do you need to build a garden? We can't say anything else in Qinjia Village, but we have more land than we can use."

"Xiaomo, why didn't you tell us about this earlier? We didn't treat the guests well."

"Tianrui, bring my treasured old Pu'er tea here."

The old men and women suddenly looked kind and hospitable, which made Tan Boyuan and his party dumbfounded, especially the students who followed them.

They lived in the ivory tower of colleges and universities, and had never seen the ways of the world. For a moment, they thought they had entered a den of thieves.

Qin Tianrui, Qin Fengyu and Zhang Tingting, three young people, almost laughed out loud.

"So it's Brother Mo who understands these old men and women. This trick is really powerful."

"Now the old men and women don't even want to oppose the construction of the garden. I'm afraid Professor Tan and his team can't leave even if they want to."

The young people naturally knew that the rent Qin Mo mentioned was fake. In all likelihood, Qin Mo paid the money to Professor Tan's team, and Professor Tan pretended to pay the rent to the village.

There were also smart people among the old men and women who thought of this possibility. At this time, the third master Qin Huaiyi was a little suspicious.

"Wait a minute, Xiaomo, why did Professor Tan and his team choose to come to our Qinjia Village when there were so many other places to look?"

Qin Mo was also prepared for this question, "Isn't it just a coincidence?"

"I just heard from Master Wu this morning that our village lacks scenery. I asked around and found out that Professor Tan and his team were participating in a garden design competition. Their design draft just won a prize, and they are in a hurry to build a physical garden.

Don't we just happen to have the construction team of Boss Song Qingfeng here? And the land is already empty, so there is no need to demolish it. Otherwise, with Professor Tan's reputation, how could it be our Qinjia Village's turn?"

Qin Mo said, and shouted to Tan Boyuan: "Professor Tan, show us your award certificate?"

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