The cost of gardening will be rebated tenfold?" Qin Mo was so happy when he heard the system reward. He took out his mobile phone and saw that a huge sum of 140 million yuan had been received. This was a tenfold return on the investment in the garden in the past two months. "Hiss, it's so cool." Qin Mo had sold a batch of gold to treat the fifth master before. Although he had the cash flow of the hotel and supermarket, he was still very panicked without cash. Now it's good, with a tenfold return, Qin Mo has to stock up his small treasury again. "Increase the budget, we have to increase the budget." Qin Mo went to find Professor Tan and expressed his thoughts. "Why do you suddenly want to increase the budget?" Tan Boyuan was confused. He had never fought such a rich battle.

For a serious sponsor, who doesn't have some restrictions here and there?

Qin Mo, the sponsor, spent money everywhere. It was not enough to spend 14 million in two months. Now he wants to increase the budget? The funds are so abundant that they have disrupted Tan Boyuan's arrangements.

"Ah, mainly because I suddenly want to collect some strange mountains and stones. I heard that those strange mountains and stones have great collection value? Isn't it just right to put them in the garden, which can be seen and used for financial management."

Qin Mo was deliberately pretending to be cute.

Although his garden knowledge is only at the undergraduate level, he still has an idea of ​​the price of rocks.

There are several famous strange stones in the royal garden Summer Palace, such as the famous Qingzhixiu, which is a national treasure level thing, and no matter how many billions, it cannot be bought.

If there is such a rock to support the formation, even a toilet can become a scenic spot.

Of course, Qin Mo can't buy such a national treasure even if he has money. Qin Mo just wanted to find some folk stones, the more expensive the better, as for whether they have collection value or not, it doesn't matter, anyway, the system will give him a tenfold cashback first, so there is no way he can lose money.

"Of course, the stones have collection value, but because of this, there are very few of them for sale." Tan Boyuan explained.

Those who can afford to build private gardens are basically wealthy people who are not short of money. Without a villa of the level of a large manor, you are embarrassed to build a garden.

However, as the director of the garden design major, Tan Boyuan must know some channels.

Some rich people have gone abroad and are not at home. The stones are too big to be transported, so they are simply sold.

Some families are bankrupt or have difficulty in capital turnover, and they also need to sell these stones to cash out.

"If Mr. Qin really needs it, I do have some channels, but the price of these rocks fluctuates too much, and I dare not guarantee that I will not lose money."

A stone is sold for millions. Those who know the business think it is worth it, and those who don't know the business just think it is a broken stone, and the liquidity of this thing is not high. The millions of dollars in the hands of the buyer were suppressed. It was uncertain whether the next buyer could be found in a certain period of time. Tan Boyuan really did not dare to tell Qin Mo.

"It's okay. I will decide the sale by myself. You just need to help lead the way."

A few days later, several large trucks came to Qinjia Village with a creaking sound.

Along with the trucks, there were also professional cranes and workers. Strange stone sculptures and rockery were unloaded from the trucks and placed in the designated location of the Qinjia Village Garden by the crane.

The people in Tan Boyuan's team did not dare to be careless and came to the scene to direct the workers and cranes. If these things were slightly damaged, it might be a loss of hundreds of thousands.

The old men and women in Qinjia Village heard the noise and gathered around one by one. Soon they saw those strange boulders being placed in the forest garden one by one.

"Hey, this stone, why do I seem to have seen it on TV?"

"These boulders are very strange. This stone is actually a natural whole? It actually looks like a monkey."

"This one is also amazing. I have seen similar stone sculptures in the county before. I heard that it is of cultural relic level."

With the network and channels introduced by Tan Boyuan, Qin Mo used his wealth and ability to sweep almost all over the county and city these days.

Among them, a three-meter-high boulder that was amazed by the old men and women was a treasure that was indeed on TV.

"This boulder is called Monkey Mountain, which is a natural carving of nature."

Qin Mo pulled the old men and women to introduce it.

This Monkey Mountain was originally a collection of a famous collector, and was even interviewed by a TV station. However, the collector recently went bankrupt, and his family property was taken out by the court for forced auction.

Qin Mo naturally would not miss this opportunity when he heard the news.

Then he bid for it at a whopping price of seven million, twice the reserve price. Anyway, the system will reimburse ten times, so the more expensive, the more cost-effective it is.

Professor Tan, who was following him at the time, was stunned. Many of his plans were exquisite designs with low costs. Now that Qin Mo was doing such a rich operation, he had to modify the design draft of the garden to highlight the existence of these strange stones.

Tan Boyuan's design was already at the national first prize level. Now with these strange stones that cannot be matched by man-made, the whole garden has been raised to the top level.

After the garden was closed for two weeks and reopened, the old men and women in Qinjia Village saw the complete Qinjia Village Garden and their eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, is this really the garden scenery that can be seen in our Qinjia Village?"

Everyone's first reaction was shock.

Pavilions, towers, green bamboos and pines, clear water around stones, winding paths, is this the scenery in the countryside?

The old men and women in Qinjia Village thought they were in the courtyard of an ancient emperor and walked more cautiously.

"I wouldn't trade for a villa in the city if you gave me this life."

"I'm afraid only the 5A scenic spots in the city can be compared. Do you think we should open the Qinjia Village Forest Park and sell tickets?"

"Haha, Grandma Qi, if you want to open the door and make money, you have to get Professor Tan's consent."

Nominally, the land in Qinjia Village is rented to Tan Boyuan, and Tan Boyuan has the real right to use it.

However, as the party involved, Tan Boyuan knew very well that Qin Mo, who was following behind, was the real owner, so when he heard the words of the Qinjia Village folks, he just smiled and didn't say anything.

Soon, the deadline for the real-scene arrangement of the garden was up. The professional judges of the competition came to Qinjia Village by bus, and they looked disgusted as soon as they arrived.

"What's wrong with Tan Boyuan? He actually chose such a remote rural area to build a garden?"

The people on the jury are all bigwigs in the industry. They have some family business, and their living standards are naturally higher. They don't like rural places very much.

A middle-aged man who came with the judging panel laughed, "Don't you know that Tan Boyuan's college was cancelled by the school and merged into the School of Architecture? Where is the funding?"

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