The more people came, the more festive and lively Qinjia Village became.

Qin Fuguo was happy that more people came, and Qinjia Village became more festive and lively.

What worried him was that with so many people coming, would the things prepared in advance be enough?

Others came.

It would be embarrassing if there were not so many banquets prepared.

Qin Fuguo no longer had time to follow the specifications of Qin Mo's banquet. With so many people coming, would it be a problem if others gave a gift of one or two hundred yuan?

People have come.

Can you still drive them away?

But you don't have the face to do that.

Fortunately, Qin Fuguo's worries were unnecessary.

When buying vegetables and preparing ingredients, Qin Mo bought a lot of extra things.

His original intention was to take advantage of this opportunity.

The things that could not be used up at the banquet.

Just give them to the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village.

So the more you buy, the better.

Now it is useful.

As time goes by.

Qinjia Village becomes more and more lively.

In a short time.

It is time for the banquet at noon!

As a string of firecrackers rang out at the door of Qin Mo's house.

The chef over there shouted.

"Let's have dinner!"

Qin Fuguo, who had just put away the account book over there.

He happily put on an apron and started to carry the plates over here.

Qin Mo did the same.

He was ready early.

In other villages.

Things like carrying plates are done by young people.

People of Qin Fuguo's age would not have a turn in other villages.

But isn't there no young people in Qinjia Village?

This only has eyes for Qin Fuguo, Qin Jianjun and others who can do this job.

Come and carry the plate.

If it were someone else, there might be complaints.

Everyone is eating, and it's their turn to carry the plate.

But that's someone else.

Qinjia Village finally has a happy event.

Qin Jianjun and others are so happy to be able to carry the plate.

They are already quite old.

But now they walk with vigor!

Their faces are flushed.

"Here we go! Two dishes on one table, don't make the wrong ones!"

Accompanied by the sound of shouting.

One dish after another was served on the table.

The first one served was a cold dish.

But it was different from the usual cold dishes such as mixed cucumbers.

They were all served with cold jellyfish and the like.

These seafood may be very cheap at the seaside.

But Qinjia Village is not by the sea.

These seafood are not cheap.

Many people at the table had never eaten seafood.

When they saw this dish.

"Wow, this is seafood, right?"

"No wonder it's a three thousand yuan banquet!"

"Who can afford such good things?"

"Qinjia Village has a promising young man!"

When the dishes were served, they listened to the praise, whether it was Qin Jianjun or Qin Fuguo.

They couldn't help but smile.

Happy, happy!

It's just that the money spent on the banquet hurts.

The banquet was lively.

Everyone was satisfied.

The rare liveliness of Qinjia Village was accompanied by praise from others.

The chef who cooked the meal saw that the food was clean, and he had a proud look on his face.

The suona band took Qin Mo's 10,000 yuan, extra.

They were also very happy.

During the meal, they couldn't help but drink too much wine.

The two families talked back and forth, and they were so happy.

In general, everyone was very happy after this banquet.

There were also old men and women from other villages who liked to take advantage.

When they left, they took some away.

Of course, they knew their limits.

They took leftovers.

They didn't touch the good things.

In general, everyone was very satisfied.

Even Qin Mo was happy.

This rare bustle made him understand why Qin Fuguo insisted on holding a banquet.

As for why the banquet was held?

It seemed that he was happy to get a new car...

It's not important.

It's just an excuse, no one cares.

It's worth mentioning.

Qin Mo spent a lot of money on this banquet.

Although he didn't care about this little money, according to his approach, it still benefited the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village, and even other people who came, and people from other villages also benefited from it.

But this banquet was well organized.

Qin Mo did not receive any rewards from the system.

There was not even a hint.

Maybe in the system, no matter how much money Qin Mo spent on this banquet.

It was also a banquet.

Everyone gave money.

It was not a reward to the elders and fellow villagers.

Even if it was based on the cost of the banquet, Qin Mo was bound to lose money.

Although it was a bit regrettable.

But Qin Mo didn't care.

Even if it happened again, he would still do it this way.

Just for the excitement.

Just for the festive atmosphere of Qinjia Village.

It was worth it.

It was also because of this festive atmosphere.

When he turned his head, many people in Qinjia Village were drunk.

Even knocked down a few old men.

Qin Huaiyi was drunk and was still yelling when Qin Mo sent him home to sleep.

"Another bite! Are you raising fish?! Can you drink?"

This made Qin Mo laugh and cry.

As the banquet ended, people dispersed.

But Qin Mo's work was not done yet.

Qin Mo sent all the leftovers from the banquet to the homes of the elders and villagers in Qinjia Village one by one.

At first, these people were reluctant to accept them.

But this time Qin Mo had a good reason.

"I bought too much! I can't use it all! Don't you keep it or it will go bad?"

"How can I finish all these things?"

"I put them in the house for you!"

Although Qin Mo's reason was very good.

But the old men and women in Qinjia Village still found something to be suspicious about.

"Xiao Mo sent me two barrels of oil! He said it was left over from the banquet..."

"He also sent me two bags of rice. I wonder who would buy so much rice for a banquet?"

"This kid also sent me something, and brought two barrels of detergent..."

"Don't mention it, Xiao Mo also brought me a few pounds of pork!"


Rice, flour, oil, and even detergent.

They were all sent in barrels.

Is this what you should buy for a banquet?

There are too many leftovers from your banquet.

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village didn't understand what Qin Mo meant.

"Oh, this kid bought so many things while buying food for the banquet!"

"He planned to give them to us right away."

"This kid is spending money recklessly again. This barrel of oil is not cheap..."

"Xiao Mo, this kid, he is trying to give us things in different ways!"

Banquets are originally a loss.

You are still playing like this.

When it comes to this.

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village sighed.

They felt sorry for Qin Mo.

But at the same time, they felt sorry.

These old men and women were relieved.

Whose young man can think of so many things?

"Oh, we don't even have to buy things for the New Year!"

"That's right!"

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