The old man was so tired, and the old man was so tired.

Qin Mo's mind suddenly came alive.

He hadn't cared before.

He was still thinking about finding something to give back to the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village.

He searched for a long time, but he didn't find a purpose for a while.

But seeing Qin Wenzhu washing clothes here.

It fully shows.

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village, whether it's food, clothing, housing, transportation or other aspects.

Aren't those areas in urgent need of improvement?

Doing these well, isn't it all giving back?

Take washing clothes for example.

What people say is absolutely right.

Old people are not as agile as young people in all aspects of life.

You young people can wash clothes, how can you be exhausted?

What's more, this old man?

Besides, this young man has a washing machine to wash clothes.

But what about the elders and villagers in Qinjia Village?

They all wash by hand.

It's okay in the summer, the clothes are thin.

This winter.

Not to mention the thick clothes, the washing water is still cold...

Qin Wenzhuan's hands were frozen in the water and turned red.

The old man in front of him finished speaking.

Qin Wenzhuan sneered and said.

"I'm just idle and have nothing to do! Washing clothes cleanly so that people don't dislike it is all exercise."

The old man is still a little shy at his age.

He is embarrassed to say that he cherishes the new clothes Qin Mo bought for him and can't bear to see them dirty.

After Qin Wenzhuan said this, the old man next to him was embarrassed to expose it.

He stretched out his hand and pointed with a smile.

Qin Wenzhuan's words made Qin Mo grin.

Washing clothes to exercise?

Is there such a way to exercise?

Using cold water to exercise?

People are shivering, what purpose can this exercise achieve?

But Qin Mo didn't say much to him.

He just said to Qin Wenzhuan.

"Then Fourth Master, take your time to wash, I have something else to do!"

"Okay, go ahead."

Qin Mo nodded and walked away.


However, just as he left, Qin Mo followed.

He started to think about it.

"Buy a washing machine! Buy one for each family!"

With a washing machine, do you still have to suffer this pain when washing clothes?

Not only that, with a washing machine, washing clothes is more convenient.

The elderly can also wear clean clothes.

It's even more than just a washing machine.

"It's OK in the summer, but my hands are freezing in the winter! There's not a single home in the whole village that has a water heater! They have to boil water in a big pot to use hot water..."

Even if other villages don't have a water heater, at least they have solar energy.

It's as convenient as it can be to use hot water.

Qinjia Village is good.

If you want to use some hot water, it's still the most primitive way.

You can only boil water and pour it into a kettle.

Who knows whose kettle is not good at keeping warm and will get cold in half a day.

"And, and! The weather is cold, so if we have hot water, should we also arrange air conditioning?"

Speaking of which, Qin Mo was still thinking about giving back to his fellow villagers in various ways.

He was still looking for it.

But at this time, Qin Mo found something he could do!

Things that can give back to his fellow villagers.

A lot of things.

This made Qin Mo laugh.

This is no longer a worry, right?

Of course, too many things are not a good thing.

This has to be done one by one.

First, Qin Mo went straight to the door of his house, intending to drive out his A8, and then go straight to the town to buy a washing machine.

In fact, Qin Mo did that.

In a flash, he drove out of the village.

He was asked several times before he got on the road.

"Xiao Mo, where are you going?"

"Something! I'm going out for a while."

"Drive slowly on the road, don't be in a hurry."


After leaving the village, a group of old men and women looked at the back of Qin Mo's car with a smile.

At the same time, they couldn't help but say.

"Xiao Mo's car is beautiful!"

"Hey, who can compare with a car worth more than one million? It's unacceptable if it doesn't look good!"

"That's right, who in the surrounding villages can afford it?"

"Only our Xiao Mo has this ability!"

As they chatted, several old men and women said something casually.

"This kid is good in every way, except that he is willing to spend money on us!"

"That's right, I don't know where he is now, I guess he is busy with his own business."


Don't make trouble for Xiao Mo!"

"Hey, do you need to tell me? How can I not know?"

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village have already formed a habit of not making trouble for Qin Mo.

They are afraid that Qin Mo will spend more money on them.

However, they don't know.

Qin Mo is going to buy them a washing machine.

One for each family.

If these old men and women knew about this, they would definitely be confused.

Of course.

The reason why Qin Mo didn't say anything was mainly because of this reason.

It's the same sentence.

If you want to do something for the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village, you tell them, which is equivalent to adding resistance.

This is also the main reason why Qin Mo didn't stop him even if he went to buy a washing machine.

Qin Wenzhuan was washing clothes there.

Having a car is different. It’s very fast to drive to the town.

Qin Mo would have to walk for half a day normally.

Now, in just over ten minutes, he had already arrived in the town.

He randomly found an electrical appliance store.

He went in and started asking questions.

As soon as he saw that there was business, he heard that the customer was here to buy a washing machine.

The electrical appliance seller was not lazy.

He greeted them warmly.

There are many kinds of washing machines these days.

Single-drum, double-drum, and drum, and they can also be heated.

It would be fine if he didn’t buy it.

Since he wanted to buy it, Qin Mo picked the best one at a glance.

The electrical appliance seller saw that Qin Mo picked an expensive one, and he didn’t forget to say to Qin Mo cheerfully.

“You have good taste! This washing machine is good. The drum washing machine saves water! It not only saves water but also heats up. It washes clothes and so on, and it washes them cleanly! It also has a drying function! You throw your clothes in, and when you take them out after washing, they are ready to wear. ”

This electrical appliance seller is just bragging.

A drum washing machine with a drying function.

Not only is it expensive.

And the drying effect is not as good as a separate dryer.

And if you put too many clothes in, they may not be dried.

You still have to take them out to dry.

But it’s the same in business, who doesn’t praise whoever’s things are good.

So, you still have to be able to distinguish when buying things.

Although Qin Mo knew all this, he was still very satisfied with this washing machine.

Immediately, Qin Mo asked casually.

"How much is this washing machine?"

"One thousand and seventeen... If you want it, I can give you a discount!"

Just as he was saying this, another person came into the electrical appliance store.

One old and one young.

The young man had similar tastes and also took a fancy to the washing machine that Qin Mo was looking at now.

"With a drying function? This is pretty good..."

The young man had just finished speaking.

The older man next to him waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, it's too troublesome! I can't understand it at my age, and I can't remember it!"

The functions of the washing machine are too complicated.

It is a bit difficult for the elderly to operate.

They may even be powerless.

So this old man said this.

When he heard this, Qin Mo, who was about to ask for it, paused.

He suddenly thought.

If they can't do it at their age, aren't the elderly folks in Qinjia Village the same?

Qin Mo felt that he had not considered it carefully enough!

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