The roof of Grandma Qi's house has been leaking for a year? This made Qin Mo very anxious. Isn't it waiting for him? It's not just Grandma Qi waiting for him. The system's reward is also waiting for him. Qin Mo can't waste time. As a result, Qin Mo came to Grandma Qi's house in the blink of an eye. Qin Mo knocked on the door in a flash. "Who is it?" The old lady's voice came over. Qin Mo replied. "I am Xiao Mo!" Seeing that it was Qin Mo, Grandma Qi was surprised. "Xiao Mo, why are you here?" After saying this, she looked at Qin Mo vigilantly. "What are you doing here? The money is donated to you, just keep it and spend it. Just remember how good we are, don't think about paying it back!"

Grandma Qi treated Qin Mo as if he was paying her back.

She looked at Qin Mo with burning eyes.

From the looks of it, if she heard a word from Qin Mo's mouth, she would start to chase him away.

This made Qin Mo laugh and cry.

He hadn't explained his purpose yet.

He was targeted directly.

If he really came to pay back the money without binding the system, it would be very difficult.

Qin Mo said helplessly after hearing this.

"Grandma Qi, I'm not here to pay back the money! I've accepted the money you donated to me."

Grandma Qi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Then why are you here? Come to thank me! You kid, don't do that, go and do your own thing."

After saying that, she wanted to chase people away again.

Qin Mo said hurriedly.

"No, no! I'm here to fix your roof!"

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Grandma Qi didn't refuse.

She said rather embarrassedly.

"Fix my roof... I really have to trouble you, Xiao Mo. My house has been leaking for a year. There's really nothing I can do."

Hearing this, Qin Mo smiled.

"So I heard about your leak and came here in a hurry!"

After saying that, he also blamed her.

"You should have told me when I just came back yesterday. It's a good thing that Third Master told me!"

"Hey, you just came back."

After a few pleasantries, Qin Mo didn't waste words.

In a flash, he found out the location of the leak.

He looked at the roof from the house.

It was obvious that there were several places where light leaked on the roof, and it was already transparent.

It would be strange if it didn't leak.

Speaking of which, there are not many houses leaking these days.

Take other villages for example.

Basically every household has a building.

If there is a leaking problem, it is basically seepage.

It rarely happens.

But Qinjia Village is poor.

There are no young people and young adults.

Most of them are old men and women.

Who builds houses?

For these old men and women, it is enough to live to death and live in.

No one builds houses, which makes the houses in Qinjia Village basically old-style tiled houses.

If a tile is broken.

Leaking is a common thing.

That is really difficult.

Of course, this can also be seen from the side that the elders and villagers of the whole village donated 200,000 to Qin Mo.

This is a very difficult thing.

It can also be seen that the old and young in Qinjia Village are thoughtful.

After all, if you have a thousand yuan, it's nothing if someone donates one yuan to you.

But if someone has a hundred yuan, they can give you fifty yuan.

Or even ninety yuan...

What kind of concept is this?

It's heartbreaking.

After observing in the house, Qin Mo found a ladder and climbed up to the roof.

After climbing up, he saw that several tiles were probably broken by branches or something.

That's why it leaked.

After figuring out the reason, Qin Mo didn't waste time.

There are many tile houses in Qinjia Village.

So there are not a few tiles.

He found more than a dozen tiles and climbed up to the roof to replace all of them.

Of course, it's not easy for Qin Mo to do this alone.

Fortunately, the third master came in time.

Said to Qin Mo.

"I'll help you pass the stuff!"


Qin Mo then took off the old tiles and replaced them with the tiles he brought with him.

Of course.

He also did not forget to paste mud with straw under the tiles.

It was considered the bottom of the roof tiles.

The bottom floor.

It took less than three hours to replace a few tiles.

After it was done, Qin Mo tested it again.

He poured water on it, and there was no water in the house.

Seeing this, Grandma Qi was very happy.

Even the Third Master said.

"Good, good, it's finally not leaking! Now we can rest assured when summer comes."

However, after listening to the Third Master's words, Grandma Qi said indifferently.

"Hey, it's not certain whether you will live to that time!"

Qin Mo laughed when he heard this.

"Grandma Qi, look at what you said, you are so strong! Why say unlucky words."

Grandma Qi said directly.

"I'm old, and it's time to die. It's a matter of time before I die. There's nothing auspicious or unlucky."

This made Qin Mo smile and shake his head.

I don't know what to say.

So it's at this time.

A prompt sounded again in Qin Mo's mind.

The prompt sound made Qin Mo suddenly feel refreshed.

"Ding, the host gave back to the villagers and repaired the roof for Song Chunmei, and received a system reward of 30,000 yuan in cash!"

Song Chunmei is naturally the name of Grandma Qi.

Grandma Qi, I'm used to calling her Grandma Qi.

If it weren't for the system prompt, Qin Mo wouldn't know what Grandma Qi's name is.

That's true.

Few young people know the names of the elderly.

First, no one cares.

Second, it's because of the honorific.

Needless to say, the second point.

The first point is somewhat sad and helpless.

There is no way, once a person gets older, many places are no longer needed, and few people care about you.

Especially when there are no young people at home.

Let's not talk about this.

Qin Mo directly received a cash reward of 2,000 yuan for repairing a light bulb.

What Qin Mo didn't expect was that repairing a roof cost 30,000 yuan!

This is simply unbelievable.

This means that in just half a day, Qin Mo got 32,000 yuan.

At this second, Qin Mo had to admit that the system was powerful.

And it was obvious that this monetary reward was definitely not the end.

Nor was it the peak.

This also meant that Qin Mo's unexpected rewards were still to come.

This made Qin Mo's enthusiasm for doing things for his fellow countrymen and giving back to them even stronger.

At this time, he was really eager to try.

It is worth mentioning that.

Qin Huaiyi and Grandma Qi obviously didn't know Qin Mo's excitement.

Seeing that Qin Mo didn't speak.

At this time, Grandma Qi couldn't help but said to Qin Mo.

"Xiao Mo, Grandma Qi asks you for a favor!"

"Grandma Qi, you say."

"I don't know how many years I have left. If I die, you have to help me carry the banner. I don't want to die without anyone to carry the banner."

Hearing this, Qin Mo was silent.

Then he smiled bitterly.

"Let's not say such unlucky words... Besides, this is what I should do, otherwise I won't be called Grandma Seven for nothing!"

Listening to Qin Mo's words, Grandma Seven said happily.

"Isn't it because you are afraid that young people nowadays will find it unlucky? Okay, okay, I will be relieved as long as you agree!"

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