The old man was so proud of himself that he wanted to laugh.

But that's exactly what he meant.

There are also restrictions on building houses in rural areas.

If there were no restrictions.

Rich people would come to the countryside and build a manor or something like that.

What would happen then?

But Qinjia Village is different.

Even if Qin Mo built a big house, there would be a reason.

The simplest one.

If someone asked.

Just one sentence.

'We have several families' homesteads, and we built a house together. We all live in it. Do you have any objections? '

No matter who comes, that opinion won't work.

This is also the main reason why Qin Mo can build a house in Qinjia Village at will.

This is also the reason why Qin Fuguo vowed so confidently.

If you want to build it, you can build it there.

You can build it however you want.

No one can envy it.

After determining the location of the house, the rest of the things became simpler.

"Xiao Mo, when do you plan to build it? Do you know anyone who builds houses?"

"That's easy, I'll just contact them when the time comes!"

Hearing this, Qin Fuguo nodded and agreed.

In a flash, he and a group of old men and women in Qinjia Village began to study what Qin Mo's house would look like after it was built.

How beautiful it would be.

How many cement bricks would be used.

It would...

The third master over there even came over with a shovel.

In his words.

"I'll level the ground first! Then we can dig out the foundation!"

He even ran to Qin Mo to ask for the blueprints.

It looked like Qin Mo would give him the blueprints if he really had them.

He planned to dig out the foundation of the house before Qin Mo found a construction team.

Qin Mo was really in tears and laughter when he saw this scene.

This forced Qin Mo to find a construction team quickly.

He was afraid that if he delayed any longer, the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village would build a house for him.

It was not troublesome to find a construction team.

For those who were more formal, they could find a construction company.

For those who were not formal enough.

For example, if people in other villages built houses, they could even find an engineering team directly.

Because it was very close to Dongyang City.

Qin Mo took out his mobile phone and found a construction company in Dongyang City.

After making the contact, he drove straight to Dongyang City to communicate with others.

It didn't take long.

After Qin Mo arrived at the place and learned about the function of the house Qin Mo wanted to build.

The company gave a sketch as soon as possible.

"Mr. Qin, take a look at this sketch! If you want to build an activity center, the entertainment functions must be complete, including books, movies, chess and cards... and a series of facilities! Including the small supermarket you requested, it can all be accommodated!"

"Of course, this is just a sketch we made according to your requirements! It's more intuitive for you to see! The actual arrangement needs to be determined after the field investigation to determine the building area before a specific drawing can be issued!"

It must be said that this construction company is not big.

But it is professional.

This sketch alone is almost the same as Qin Mo expected.

And what they have considered is more comprehensive than Qin Mo's consideration.

So Qin Mo said.

"Then take a look at it on the spot and confirm it!"

"Okay, then we will go with you!"

Not long after, Qin Mo brought the people from the construction company back to the village again.

Finally, after some measurements.

After two days of communication between Qin Mo and the construction company, the plan was finally determined.

The cost is two million.

Including hardware decoration.

The construction period is three months.

Qin Mo was quite satisfied with the cost, plan, and construction period.

The contract was signed immediately.

Qin Mo also paid the first payment in a flash.

Of course, the reason why it was so fast was actually because Qin Mo's activity center was at most a small job for the construction company.

It was not difficult to do.

On the day the contract was signed, they started to work directly.

During this period, Qin Mo also asked the people of this construction company a question.

"Look, our village is full of old houses. If every household is demolished and then built into a new house! How much do you think the cost will be, and how long will it take?"

The people of this construction company have been fooled by Qin Mo.

Knowing that Qin Mo built the activity center in his own name,


Before the building is completed, the news cannot be leaked.

Qin Mo's identity is also roughly known.

In the eyes of the people in the construction company, Qin Mo is a big boss who has made a fortune outside.

Come to give back to the neighbors.

How envious of the villagers of Qinjia Village.

As soon as Qin Mo said this.

The people in the construction company were instantly excited.

A house in a village, this is a big job.

So after hearing Qin Mo's question, he hurriedly said.

"It depends on the requirements, Mr. Qin, it depends on your requirements! If you build a house in the general countryside, the cost of a house is only in the range of several decades for the main body. If you want to include decoration, simple decoration is generally one-third of the house cost, and one-half for a better one! A better decoration is basically the same as the house cost, or even more expensive!"

"In terms of time... you want it as fast as you want!"

You want it as fast as you want?

Qin Mo couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

He said subconsciously.

"What do you mean?"

The person in charge grinned.

"Our project progress depends on the project payment..."

To put it bluntly, the speed will be fast if the money is in place.

According to what the person in charge meant.

If the integral casting method is used, it will be the fastest.

"The main body will take a month!"

The main body can be built in one month?

This made Qin Mo happy and a little surprised at the same time.

In his impression, some houses in the countryside take several years to build.

But think about it... as long as the money is in place.

This speed seems understandable.

According to the person in charge, Qin Mo couldn't help but calculate.

"The main body is calculated at 500,000, and the decoration is also calculated at the same price... That is one million per house!"

There are dozens of households in Qinjia Village.

Excluding those who haven't returned to the village for many years.

Those who are not here.

No one.

There are more than 20 households left in Qinjia Village.

According to this calculation, all the houses of the elders and villagers in Qinjia Village will be rebuilt.

"More than 20 million!"

This does not include his own house.

His own house will definitely cost more money.

This made Qin Mo feel a little headache.

He did not have that much money.

There were only a few tens of thousands in the card.

This was still a little short of more than 20 million.

Minus the 2 million spent on the construction of the activity center...

Before, Qin Mo always thought that he was not short of money.

But now he felt that.

"No money! Really no money!"

So much so that, at this moment, Qin Mo seemed particularly impatient to make money.

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